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I guess it's a way of adding some jeopardy to a game with "unlimited continues" by blackwater 12/06/2023, 3:10pm PST
If you die, you have to go back for your "ghost" (or whatever it's called), which makes exploration feel a little dangerous.

It's a good mechanic on the whole. Although now that I'm near the endgame, money doesn't seem to be a big issue any more. So not leaving behind my ghost is more of a point of pride than an actual necessity.

I got a gem that greatly increases the amount of estus I get (or whatever this game calls it) which makes things a lot easier. Combined with the gem that allows you to heal faster, it means that the only really dangerous enemies are the bosses that don't leave you alone.

This game has a really dark and brooding atmosphere, but on the other hand, everyone is a cute cartoon insect. So I guess you could say that it's Cuphead: Dark Souls Edition. Which is pretty fun.
Playing Hollow Knight by blackwater 12/03/2023, 1:11am PST NEW
    Definitely. At this point lighting campfires and corpse-hunting is universal. by MM 12/03/2023, 6:35am PST NEW
        I guess it's a way of adding some jeopardy to a game with "unlimited continues" by blackwater 12/06/2023, 3:10pm PST NEW
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