Forum Overview :: Games We're Looking Forward To
Breachway by B( 02/11/2024, 11:39am PST
Slay the Spire meets FTL.

On one hand, it looks slick. On the other, I'm as sick as everyone else of "deckbuilder roguelike".

Downloading the demo
Breachway by B( 02/11/2024, 11:39am PST NEW
    Oh wow! I thought the project was abandoned. March 22nd it is! NT by Mischief Maker 02/11/2024, 2:43pm PST NEW
    demo by 8( 02/14/2024, 8:59pm PST NEW
        Also March 22nd is just the Early Access release date :( by Mischief Maker 02/14/2024, 10:09pm PST NEW
            Against the Storm is the only game of theirs released that hasn't been dogshit by or an eternal beta 02/15/2024, 8:04am PST NEW
                Old World? NT by MM 02/15/2024, 9:02am PST NEW
                    Impenetrable by B( 02/15/2024, 1:12pm PST NEW
        The "Deckbuilding Roguelike Indie Title" curse strikes again NT by Mysterio 02/15/2024, 6:46am PST NEW
    EA launch pushed back to July. NT by Mischief Maker 03/14/2024, 7:13pm PDT NEW
    EA pushed back to August 30th. by Mischief Maker 07/13/2024, 5:46pm PDT NEW
        I hate that style of graphics. NT by Superfly 07/13/2024, 10:17pm PDT NEW
    EA pushed back AGAIN to September 26th! NT by Mischief Maker 08/24/2024, 3:16pm PDT NEW
    Bleh! Tediously generic, despite the novel setting. by MM 09/27/2024, 10:57pm PDT NEW
        maybe you should dismiss roguelike deckbuilders out of hand NT by the lesson you SHOULD learn 09/28/2024, 8:19am PDT NEW
            I'm sorry I don't have a copy of The Chicago Manual of Style open when I post. NT by Mischief Grammar Antifascist 09/28/2024, 9:49am PDT NEW
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