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Fast food: still doesn't taste better than boots by grrrrrr! Damn you, minimum wage! 02/29/2024, 10:19pm PST
blackwater wrote:

I didn't really think about it until now but COVID kind of broke fast food.

A lot of local restaurants died off because of the COVID-era restrictions forbidding dining in. Fast food places were the big winners because they already had drive through windows set up and ready to go when the restrictions hit.

In parallel with that, welfare terms were lengthened again and again, we had several rounds of stimulus, and minimum wages got increased a lot. All of that meant that hiring burger flippers for low wages got much harder.

Once people increase their prices and people get used to the new prices, they don't tend to go back down. So an $8 fast food burger is the new normal.

While I'd love to say that they're doomed and they'll get their comeuppance and etc. etc. I think probably people will just continue to pay for their clown burgers.

It's sort of interesting to think about how accelerationist COVID was. It moved forward things like self-checkout, self-serve touchscreens and so forth by at least a few years. I suppose fast food robots will arrive a little sooner in this timeline than one in which the minimum wage for fast food workers in California wasn't $20 an hour.

Do you honestly believe that Burger King prices in Wyoming are one-third that of California's? How do places with better quality food and more workers manage to stay in business while matching (or beating!) fast food prices within the same state? It couldn't POSSIBLY be greedy corporate office. Must be those parasite welfare flippers.

Fussbett was mocking dumb anti-minimum wage thinking like yours over a decade and a half ago.
Wendy's Is Introducing Uber-Style 'Surge Pricing' by Blackwater 02/27/2024, 12:38am PST NEW
    What is the point of even eating fast food any more? by Wendy's meat curtains 02/27/2024, 8:50am PST NEW
        Re: What is the point of even eating fast food any more? by Ice Cream Jonsey 02/27/2024, 9:55am PST NEW
            It's great that they're adopting surge pricing on something that isn't scarce by Rafiki 02/27/2024, 8:14pm PST NEW
                They're going to drive away over the curb like Tim Robinson in the pay it forwar by Ice Cream Jonsey 02/28/2024, 7:50am PST NEW
                    COVID broke fast food by blackwater 02/29/2024, 7:19pm PST NEW
                        Fast food: still doesn't taste better than boots by grrrrrr! Damn you, minimum wage! 02/29/2024, 10:19pm PST NEW
                            (thank god that post wasn't lost in Veronica's meat curtains) NT by Wendy's meat curtains 02/29/2024, 10:23pm PST NEW
                            I'm not angry nor did I claim minimum wage was behind all price increases by blackwater 03/01/2024, 1:41pm PST NEW
        This shit by Wendy's meat curtains 02/28/2024, 8:33pm PST NEW
            Hmm, yes, we're raising prices in accordance with what the market will bear by Rafiki 02/28/2024, 10:55pm PST NEW
                Indeed. Who thought the market would bear it though? by Wendy's meat curtains 02/28/2024, 11:35pm PST NEW
                    Re: Indeed. Who thought the market would bear it though? by Gaige Grosskreutz 02/29/2024, 9:15am PST NEW
            "American food sucks, it's all cheap-ass empty calorie crap" by Mysterio 02/29/2024, 8:10am PST NEW
                That is a stupid takeaway and I refuse to believe it was genuine. NT by Wendy's meat curtains 02/29/2024, 10:29pm PST NEW
                    Just trying to save you from an overpriced heart attack at 50 NT by Mysterio 03/01/2024, 7:23am PST NEW
    Re: Wendy's Is Introducing Uber-Style 'Surge Pricing' by Liamiscool 03/05/2024, 9:34am PST NEW
        Thanks, liam. NT by Eury 06/16/2024, 7:30am PDT NEW
    Remember when news was posted here? NT by I do. 07/09/2024, 9:32pm PDT NEW
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