Forum Overview :: Fallout 76
Fallout TV by Gaige Grosskreutz 04/14/2024, 9:16pm PDT
Any chance they ditch this shitty fucking "x-ray" garbage where I can't even hover over the browser window without this shit coming up?

Why did they make the broad's eyes bigger in cgi as the show went on?
Fallout TV by Gaige Grosskreutz 04/14/2024, 9:16pm PDT NEW
    Thanks for the reminder. It's great. by Ice Cream Jonsey 04/16/2024, 9:58am PDT NEW
        Re: Thanks for the reminder. It's great. by Cain on Games on Fallout 04/16/2024, 9:04pm PDT NEW
            more interested in Josh Sawyer's take on it, since he's actually been involved NT by in the past 20 years 04/17/2024, 8:06am PDT NEW
                Nah. Creator's take is much more important. Always is. NT by Mysterio 04/23/2024, 1:49pm PDT NEW
                    Choke on my balls NT by Chris "Fallout Bible Guy" Avellone 04/23/2024, 1:58pm PDT NEW
                        ropekid said on his blog that he's never gotten drunk in his life. by Dream Cast 04/24/2024, 7:32am PDT NEW
                        You made a stupid post. it happens to the best of us. by Mysterio 04/25/2024, 4:24am PDT NEW
                            Sorry, what I meant to post was "Chris Avellone contributed more to Fallout, and NT by choke on MY balls" 04/25/2024, 8:53am PDT NEW
                                Sorry, what I meant to post was "Chris Avellone contributed more to Fallout, and by Mysterio 04/25/2024, 9:59am PDT NEW
                                Let's not get carried away here. by Dream Cast 04/25/2024, 10:00am PDT NEW
                                    stalking them doesn't mean your read on their contributions is better by other mysterio 05/03/2024, 1:11pm PDT NEW
                                        kills of gravitas, and the personnel hungry BOS won't teach you how your dick wo NT by rks 05/03/2024, 1:13pm PDT NEW
                                            more badassery than gravatas I guess, the noble struggle for survival, whatever by other mysterio 05/03/2024, 1:18pm PDT NEW
                                            Thus discussion is insufferable navel gazing but by Geryk 05/07/2024, 5:44am PDT NEW
                                                THUS NT by Mysterio 05/07/2024, 6:32am PDT NEW
                                        Todd Howard's take on Fallout is shit because he's less interested in what comes by after the bombs fell than before 05/04/2024, 3:32pm PDT NEW
                                            The ur-reason is turning FO3 into a hollowed-out Elder Scrolls game with VATS by other mysterio 05/07/2024, 1:52am PDT NEW
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