Forum Overview :: Rants
The stupidest fucking sci-fi allegory of all time is "robots are the underclass" by fuck an Animatrix 04/15/2024, 11:15pm PDT
Robots as stand in for slavery or racism = immediate "fuck you" to whatever sheltered futurist wrote it.

Blade Runner gets a pass because they were essentially birthing humans.
All "sci fi" with magic mind powers is F tier by laudablepuss 04/14/2024, 7:55am PDT NEW
    Sorry this was supposed to be under the hot takes thread. Ffff NT by laudablepuss 04/14/2024, 7:56am PDT NEW
    Re: All "sci fi" with magic mind powers is F tier by MM 04/14/2024, 7:58am PDT NEW
        that guy makes my position sound a little less awesome by laudablepuss 04/14/2024, 8:13am PDT NEW
            Isn't this just a statement of preference for "hard sci fi?" NT by Fullofkittens 04/14/2024, 8:15am PDT NEW
                No NT by laudablepuss 04/14/2024, 8:23am PDT NEW
                    It's like Harry Potter wands instead of tricorders. It's NOT SCI-FI AT ALL NT by laudablepuss 04/14/2024, 8:27am PDT NEW
            Blame L.Ron Hubbard. NT by Mischief Maker 04/14/2024, 12:41pm PDT NEW
                Ok *stops blaming the jews* NT by laudablepuss 04/14/2024, 1:40pm PDT NEW
                    JEWS: NOBLAME NT by Mysterio 04/15/2024, 10:57am PDT NEW
            Most notable in Looper (2012) by Remember Looper 04/14/2024, 5:53pm PDT NEW
                Love me some LOOPER. NT by lololololololololol 04/14/2024, 7:26pm PDT NEW
    What about mind powers that make time freeze so you can have sex with people? by You seem pretty fond of those. 04/14/2024, 8:50am PDT NEW
    The stupidest fucking sci-fi allegory of all time is "robots are the underclass" by fuck an Animatrix 04/15/2024, 11:15pm PDT NEW
        That's literally the origin of the word. by Mischief Maker 04/16/2024, 2:12am PDT NEW
            So it was last relevant over 100 years ago NT by cool 04/16/2024, 8:47am PDT NEW
                riiiiight NT by laudablepuss 04/16/2024, 9:01am PDT NEW
                    I am! Thanks for asking! by cool 04/16/2024, 10:40pm PDT NEW
                        Re: I am! Thanks for asking! by MM 04/16/2024, 10:54pm PDT NEW
                        Re: I am! Thanks for asking! by Jack Bauer 04/17/2024, 6:43am PDT NEW
                It was last ORIGINAL 100 years ago. by blackwater 04/17/2024, 12:39am PDT NEW
                    Still skimming after all these years, MischiefMaker? NT by You're BAD at READING. STOP. 04/17/2024, 8:02am PDT NEW
                        I am EVERYONE! NT by Mischief All-Maker 04/17/2024, 8:23am PDT NEW
            Ideology fight: Robots as Marxist critique of capital vs robots as BLACK SLAVES NT by A brawl is surely brewing! 04/16/2024, 12:10pm PDT NEW
                "By gaining possession of the factory we have become masters of everything." NT by Robots seizing the means of product 04/16/2024, 1:46pm PDT NEW
            Smart fella NT by Wow 04/16/2024, 12:12pm PDT NEW
        "Are they sentient" NT by "That's not the point!" 04/16/2024, 1:43pm PDT NEW
        I agree with you. NT by Feris 04/16/2024, 3:39pm PDT NEW
    There was a lot of new-agey stuff in the 1970s that always had telepaths by blackwater 04/17/2024, 12:37am PDT NEW
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