by blackwater 04/17/2024, 12:37am PDT |
Writers like Philip K. Dick would always sprinkle in telepaths, precognition, and so on. I think he honestly believed in that stuff, the same way people believe in AI today.
Speaking of Asimov, the Foundation series is kind of funny because he starts off as a strict scientific materialist talking about a Karl Marx-like figure who can predict all of history. But then he introduces telepaths. And then eventually he goes full Gaia worship in the last few books. (He even uses the word Gaia)
I was so disappointed as a kid. It was a true shark-jumping experience.
With PKD I never felt the same way since I always knew going in that I was in for some new-age bullSHIT (but hopefully in a good way) |
All "sci fi" with magic mind powers is F tier by laudablepuss 04/14/2024, 7:55am PDT 
Sorry this was supposed to be under the hot takes thread. Ffff NT by laudablepuss 04/14/2024, 7:56am PDT 
Re: All "sci fi" with magic mind powers is F tier by MM 04/14/2024, 7:58am PDT 
that guy makes my position sound a little less awesome by laudablepuss 04/14/2024, 8:13am PDT 
Isn't this just a statement of preference for "hard sci fi?" NT by Fullofkittens 04/14/2024, 8:15am PDT 
No NT by laudablepuss 04/14/2024, 8:23am PDT 
It's like Harry Potter wands instead of tricorders. It's NOT SCI-FI AT ALL NT by laudablepuss 04/14/2024, 8:27am PDT 
Blame L.Ron Hubbard. NT by Mischief Maker 04/14/2024, 12:41pm PDT 
Ok *stops blaming the jews* NT by laudablepuss 04/14/2024, 1:40pm PDT 
JEWS: NOBLAME NT by Mysterio 04/15/2024, 10:57am PDT 
Most notable in Looper (2012) by Remember Looper 04/14/2024, 5:53pm PDT 
Love me some LOOPER. NT by lololololololololol 04/14/2024, 7:26pm PDT 
What about mind powers that make time freeze so you can have sex with people? by You seem pretty fond of those. 04/14/2024, 8:50am PDT 
The stupidest fucking sci-fi allegory of all time is "robots are the underclass" by fuck an Animatrix 04/15/2024, 11:15pm PDT 
That's literally the origin of the word. by Mischief Maker 04/16/2024, 2:12am PDT 
So it was last relevant over 100 years ago NT by cool 04/16/2024, 8:47am PDT 
riiiiight NT by laudablepuss 04/16/2024, 9:01am PDT 
I am! Thanks for asking! by cool 04/16/2024, 10:40pm PDT 
Re: I am! Thanks for asking! by MM 04/16/2024, 10:54pm PDT 
Re: I am! Thanks for asking! by Jack Bauer 04/17/2024, 6:43am PDT 
It was last ORIGINAL 100 years ago. by blackwater 04/17/2024, 12:39am PDT 
Still skimming after all these years, MischiefMaker? NT by You're BAD at READING. STOP. 04/17/2024, 8:02am PDT 
I am EVERYONE! NT by Mischief All-Maker 04/17/2024, 8:23am PDT 
Ideology fight: Robots as Marxist critique of capital vs robots as BLACK SLAVES NT by A brawl is surely brewing! 04/16/2024, 12:10pm PDT 
"By gaining possession of the factory we have become masters of everything." NT by Robots seizing the means of product 04/16/2024, 1:46pm PDT 
Smart fella NT by Wow 04/16/2024, 12:12pm PDT 
"Are they sentient" NT by "That's not the point!" 04/16/2024, 1:43pm PDT 
I agree with you. NT by Feris 04/16/2024, 3:39pm PDT 
There was a lot of new-agey stuff in the 1970s that always had telepaths by blackwater 04/17/2024, 12:37am PDT 