Forum Overview :: Balance of Power
Re: A juror bailed because they were freaked out about their PII being disclosed by Mysterio 04/18/2024, 5:14pm PDT
laudablepuss wrote:

This is going to be a difficult trial. I'm loving how Trump is trying to destroy the system by any means he can think of. Juror and witness intimidation, attacking the judge's family, insane court filings, casting doubt on the integrity of our court system by always claiming "it's rigged" -- always whatever it is is "rigged". He's the ultimate victim and everyone should feel sorry for him all the time.

At some point, someone who cares about the justice system will put his fat, bitch ass in jail for a night. Then two days. Then three. Or they won't and their entire industry will look continue to look like the frightened babies they are now. What a field of COWARDS.
I feel like at some point Trump will lose some support by laudablepuss 08/03/2023, 2:36pm PDT NEW
    His supporters will just blame it all on the Jews and support him more for it. NT by Mischief Maker 08/03/2023, 4:48pm PDT NEW
        Re: His supporters will just blame it all on the Jews and support him more by laudablepuss 08/04/2023, 7:12am PDT NEW
            The problem is, anyone looks cool compared to Meatball Ron: Mr. Banality of Evil NT by Mischief Maker 08/04/2023, 8:10am PDT NEW
                Desantis subthread: he's incredibly terrible by laudablepuss 08/14/2023, 8:31pm PDT NEW
        Nope. Not from this guy. by Gasoline 08/17/2023, 7:04pm PDT NEW
    Four indictments by laudablepuss 08/14/2023, 8:16pm PDT NEW
        Somebody who isn't a reprehensible piece of shit will run for the GOP I think. by For example. 08/15/2023, 11:23am PDT NEW
            Christie is already ahead in New Hampshire polling. It will be fine. NT by Kirahu Nagasawa 08/15/2023, 12:11pm PDT NEW
                Trump will call him fat and the campaign will instantly go down in flames. NT by MM 08/15/2023, 12:19pm PDT NEW
            Re: Somebody who isn't a reprehensible piece of shit will run for the GOP by laudablepuss 08/15/2023, 12:58pm PDT NEW
                lol @ you & Village Voice having the inside track on what's happening BTS @ NT by Repub HQ 08/17/2023, 11:32am PDT NEW
                    Yay the stupids showed up by laudablepuss 08/17/2023, 12:22pm PDT NEW
                        Re: Yay the stupids showed up by Kirahu Nagasawa 08/17/2023, 3:49pm PDT NEW
                        Re: Yay the stupids showed up by The Eperts Are Here 08/17/2023, 4:35pm PDT NEW
                            Re: Yay the stupids showed up by laudablepuss 08/17/2023, 5:05pm PDT NEW
                                Re: Yay the stupids showed up by STUPID 08/17/2023, 6:29pm PDT NEW
                Whoops! Nope, a piece of shit will get the nom by Mysterio3 08/24/2023, 3:17pm PDT NEW
        Re: Four indictments by laudablepuss 08/16/2023, 12:38pm PDT NEW
            Re: Four indictments by Lars 08/17/2023, 5:31am PDT NEW
                These people were blameless, the indictment was secured NT by before they voted for it 08/17/2023, 9:50am PDT NEW
                You're working SO HARD to distract from what's going on w/current admin by aren't you 08/17/2023, 11:41am PDT NEW
                    Is this a real person? NT by Uhhuhuhuh 08/17/2023, 11:44am PDT NEW
                    Cool, start a thread about whatever it is you think is going on by laudablepuss 08/17/2023, 12:23pm PDT NEW
                        Why you never do is what actuality interests me by We all take you very seriously tho 08/17/2023, 12:38pm PDT NEW
                            I follow the news, actually by laudablepuss 08/17/2023, 1:17pm PDT NEW
                                Re: I follow the news, actually by hO 08/17/2023, 2:02pm PDT NEW
                                    Look PAL by helpful NPC 08/17/2023, 2:15pm PDT NEW
                                        You guys are great by laudablepuss 08/17/2023, 2:27pm PDT NEW
                                            Re: You guys are great by hO 08/17/2023, 2:54pm PDT NEW
                    You mean the pix of Hunter Biden's hog? by MM 08/17/2023, 1:02pm PDT NEW
                        He collected bribes around the world for his dad NT by hO 08/17/2023, 1:54pm PDT NEW
                            Re: He collected bribes around the world for his dad by laudablepuss 08/17/2023, 2:29pm PDT NEW
                            Did he get $2 billion for it like Kushner did? No? NT by Then STFU 08/17/2023, 3:39pm PDT NEW
                                Front page of right now by Kirahu Nagasawa 08/17/2023, 3:47pm PDT NEW
                                    Your whataboutism is triggering to laudablepuss, please leave by The Eperts Are Here 08/17/2023, 4:38pm PDT NEW
                                "be nice to the Bidens cuz somebody else did a thing I don't like" by [active disinterest] 08/17/2023, 4:48pm PDT NEW
                    Re: You're working SO HARD to distract from what's going on w/current admin by Lars 08/17/2023, 3:33pm PDT NEW
                        Man brags about rescue from agreement to pay back money he voluntarily borrowed by Govmt working as intended 08/17/2023, 8:09pm PDT NEW
                            Re: Man brags about rescue from agreement to pay back money he voluntarily borro by Lars 08/17/2023, 8:25pm PDT NEW
                                "I vote for whoever promises me free stuff! I've hacked the system!" by Hope no1 else figures it out! 08/17/2023, 8:35pm PDT NEW
                                    hahahahahhaaha by lololololololololol 08/17/2023, 8:45pm PDT NEW
                                    Re: "I vote for whoever promises me free stuff! I've hacked the system!" by Mysterio 08/17/2023, 8:49pm PDT NEW
                                        lol teach me, professor, about the unattributable quote by Hope no1 else figures it out! 08/17/2023, 9:03pm PDT NEW
                                            Re: lol teach me, professor, about the unattributable quote NT by Mysterio 10/09/2023, 7:35am PDT NEW
                                    This is the true face of your God: by Radical Mischief Radical Maker Rad! 08/17/2023, 9:55pm PDT NEW
                                Re: Man brags about rescue from agreement to pay back money he voluntarily borro by Hope no1 else figures it out! 08/17/2023, 8:49pm PDT NEW
                                    Guys, the government shut down every single business in the US for over a year NT by over a year guys 08/18/2023, 6:38am PDT NEW
                                        Thanks. I couldn't believe what I was reading. by Mysterioso 08/18/2023, 8:08am PDT NEW
                                            The pandemic shutdown only lasted 6 weeks guys! by This level of stupid is unfixable 08/18/2023, 12:48pm PDT NEW
                                                Faith so stong he's basically still clinging to '2 weeks to flatten the curve' by in 2023 08/18/2023, 1:21pm PDT NEW
                                                Please name some corporations completely shut down for "a year+" by Kenji Carter 08/18/2023, 2:00pm PDT NEW
                                                    There were plenty of businesses unable to function for more than a year by blackwater 08/25/2023, 3:33pm PDT NEW
                                                        You could've been our generation's Anne Frank. by Injustice 08/25/2023, 3:48pm PDT NEW
                                                            With leadership like yours, NT by that's exactly correct 08/25/2023, 4:20pm PDT NEW
                                                        Re: There were plenty of businesses unable to function for more than a year by laudablepuss 08/25/2023, 5:24pm PDT NEW
                                                            Re: There were plenty of businesses unable to function for more than a year by Mysterio227 08/25/2023, 5:46pm PDT NEW
                                                                Re: There were plenty of businesses unable to function for more than a year by laudablepuss 08/25/2023, 6:09pm PDT NEW
                                                                    Re: There were plenty of businesses unable to function for more than a year by Mysterio227 08/25/2023, 8:41pm PDT NEW
                                                                        Re: There were plenty of businesses unable to function for more than a year by laudablepuss 08/25/2023, 11:03pm PDT NEW
                                                                            Re: There were plenty of businesses unable to function for more than a year by Mysterio227 08/26/2023, 12:49am PDT NEW
                                                                                Re: There were plenty of businesses unable to function for more than a year by Beep beep 08/26/2023, 1:06am PDT NEW
                                                                                Re: There were plenty of businesses unable to function for more than a year by Mysterio 08/26/2023, 6:15am PDT NEW
                                                                                Re: There were plenty of businesses unable to function for more than a year by laudablepuss 08/26/2023, 1:02pm PDT NEW
                                                                                    Re: There were plenty of businesses unable to function for more than a year by Mysterio227 08/26/2023, 2:37pm PDT NEW
                                                                                        Re: There were plenty of businesses unable to function for more than a year by Ron Vivichek 08/26/2023, 9:38pm PDT NEW
                                                                                Re: There were plenty of businesses unable to function for more than a year by Ron Vivichek 08/26/2023, 9:32pm PDT NEW
                                                        No there wasn't. Just stop. NT by god 08/26/2023, 9:24pm PDT NEW
                            bitch bootlicks banks NT by Mysterio 08/17/2023, 9:02pm PDT NEW
        A good explanation of the latest indictment by laudablepuss 08/18/2023, 1:58pm PDT NEW
            Re: A good explanation of the latest indictment by Go lay down 08/18/2023, 3:31pm PDT NEW
            Warning: Gay face NT by China Joe 08/25/2023, 7:52pm PDT NEW
    Trump supporters generally think the charges are politically motivated. by blackwater 08/17/2023, 2:21pm PDT NEW
        Re: Trump supporters generally think the charges are politically motivated. by laudablepuss 08/17/2023, 2:31pm PDT NEW
        The guy who picked a fight with Goofy and got pantsed is "good at governing." by Lars 08/17/2023, 3:35pm PDT NEW
        Like I said, they'll blame it on the Jews. NT by MM 08/17/2023, 3:36pm PDT NEW
            Nobody has blamed it on Jewish people yet. by Mysterio 08/17/2023, 9:28pm PDT NEW
    Look, he'll exonerate himself on Monday and then the healing can begin. NT by Just give him a chance 08/17/2023, 3:13pm PDT NEW
        Oops, never mind. NT by Mysterioops 08/18/2023, 3:43am PDT NEW
    I'M WITH STUPID ---------------------------------------------------------------> NT by STUPID 08/17/2023, 4:15pm PDT NEW
    Re: I feel like at some point Trump will lose some support by laudablepuss 08/18/2023, 4:31pm PDT NEW
        Under no circumstances should he debate Kennedy. Also avoid book depositories by Roop 08/18/2023, 5:59pm PDT NEW
            Roop saves the thread NT by He is undefeated 08/18/2023, 8:22pm PDT NEW
                Unlike Trump! NT by Winky face emoji 08/19/2023, 3:23pm PDT NEW
    Bye bye support by Calmposter 08/25/2023, 9:19am PDT NEW
        Handsome guy NT by China Joe 08/25/2023, 1:30pm PDT NEW
    This is a **GOOD THING** for Trump!! by 08/25/2023, 9:41am PDT NEW
        This is a BAD thing for Trump by Tired of the memes 08/25/2023, 9:54am PDT NEW
    Re: I feel like at some point Trump will lose some support by laudablepuss 08/30/2023, 1:53pm PDT NEW
        The GOP can't "ditch Trump at the convention" if he gets enough votes by blackwater 08/31/2023, 5:03pm PDT NEW
            Re: The GOP can't "ditch Trump at the convention" if he gets enough votes by laudablepuss 08/31/2023, 6:33pm PDT NEW
                We must destroy Democracy to stop Trump from destroying Democracy by Roop 10/09/2023, 10:26am PDT NEW
                    Everybody's out to get him! NT by Mysterioso 10/09/2023, 10:30am PDT NEW
                    please explain what you think you're talking about by laudablepuss 10/09/2023, 12:52pm PDT NEW
                        Stop worrying about Trump, he goes to jail or gets disqualified by Roop 10/09/2023, 1:27pm PDT NEW
                            Too bad they didn't hang Mike Pence, amiright? by Mischief Moral High Ground 10/09/2023, 2:05pm PDT NEW
                                A 2'' bowline from the wide angle, try a little harder NT by Vested Id 10/09/2023, 3:37pm PDT NEW
                                    Once again, you fell for misinformation you stupid retard by you fucking retard 10/09/2023, 3:52pm PDT NEW
                                        Honestly, at this point, if Vested Id thinks one thing, the truth is the by opposite 10/09/2023, 3:56pm PDT NEW
                                            no man it was totally a two inch noose NT by lololololololololol 10/09/2023, 4:07pm PDT NEW
                                                Yeah, but we love him anyway. by John Gulp 10/09/2023, 5:07pm PDT NEW
                                        I... ok. -_- NT by Vested Id 10/09/2023, 6:19pm PDT NEW
                                            well shit now I feel bad by guy who was you fucking retard 10/09/2023, 7:49pm PDT NEW
                                        lol "I'm a civil engineer!" Doesn't notice the noose is 4' off the platform & by there's no trap door mechanism 10/09/2023, 7:00pm PDT NEW
                                            Agreed! Just a bunch tomfoolery. Those rapscallions! That is why I am running fo NT by Mike Pence 10/09/2023, 7:50pm PDT NEW
                            Re: Stop worrying about Trump, he goes to jail or gets disqualified by laudablepuss 10/09/2023, 3:02pm PDT NEW
                    You really shouldn't talk politics. NT by Mysterio 10/09/2023, 2:12pm PDT NEW
                    Re: We must destroy Democracy to stop Trump from destroying Democracy by you fucking retard 10/09/2023, 2:31pm PDT NEW
                    Stupid post by a known retard, but I gotta say by Yahtzeek 10/30/2023, 10:54am PDT NEW
                        "This guy should be banned" -- people unaware this website basically can't ban by you 10/30/2023, 12:47pm PDT NEW
                            Other websites can deploy those laser grids that chop you up into cubes. by But not Caltrops. 10/30/2023, 2:31pm PDT NEW
                                I will take my medicine. NT by Yahtzeek 10/30/2023, 4:34pm PDT NEW
    Two defendants flip, gag order violated. by laudablepuss 10/20/2023, 1:58pm PDT NEW
        Remember, this is a DISTRACTION by like that other tard said 10/20/2023, 3:22pm PDT NEW
        Republican politicians are just youtube influencers now by sad 10/21/2023, 6:10pm PDT NEW
            No, worse. They're Tik Tok influencers now! by Mischief Maker 10/21/2023, 6:55pm PDT NEW
    But he won every state. by Mysterio 11/05/2023, 10:30am PST NEW
    “you are here to hear what he has to say.” by laudablepuss 11/06/2023, 10:29am PST NEW
    What would it take for Biden to lose some support NT by No more ethics of any kind 11/06/2023, 10:38am PST NEW
        what will it take for you guys to not support an actual mature NT by adult DURRRRRRRRRRRRRRR 11/06/2023, 10:50am PST NEW
        Is Biden involved here in some way? What ethical complaint do you have? NT by laudablepuss 11/06/2023, 10:55am PST NEW
            What ethical complaint do I have with Joe Biden? NT by Oh nothing 11/06/2023, 11:17am PST NEW
                Good! Because otherwise you'd come off like a real dumb asshole. NT by Mysterio 11/06/2023, 11:41am PST NEW
                    They are VERY CONCERNED about ETHICS and HUNTER BIDEN by and and and 11/06/2023, 11:44am PST NEW
        10 held by H NT by for the big guy 11/06/2023, 11:53am PST NEW
            (I couldn't come up with anything for Joe Biden) by for the big guy 11/06/2023, 12:30pm PST NEW
                91 felonies, also by Mysterio 11/06/2023, 12:53pm PST NEW
                    You're being so distracted. NT by Tsk tsk 11/06/2023, 1:10pm PST NEW
                    If only u hadn't started impeachment of Trump before he was inaugurated people by might pay attn to ur precious felo 11/07/2023, 5:50pm PST NEW
                        Yeah but they called it correctly, so. NT by Mysterio 11/07/2023, 5:55pm PST NEW
                            Re: Yeah but they called it correctly, so. by Mysterio 11/07/2023, 6:31pm PST NEW
                    fatty fatty fatty fatty by xtra cheese! 11/08/2023, 2:45am PST NEW
                        hahaha NT by Mysterio 11/08/2023, 5:55am PST NEW
        The answer was "do the same kind of evil foreign policy shit we've always done." NT by Fullofkittens 01/27/2024, 9:02am PST NEW
    He's such a composed, likeable defendant by laudablepuss 01/26/2024, 8:35pm PST NEW
    Comprehensive defeat for his moronic immunity claim by laudablepuss 02/06/2024, 12:51pm PST NEW
    Trump sinks Ukraine aid/border deal so he has a campaign issue to run on. NT by Mischief Three Kings 02/06/2024, 1:31pm PST NEW
        Court cases thread though, lol NT by laudablepuss 02/06/2024, 2:01pm PST NEW
            *swats own wrist* NT by MM 02/06/2024, 5:51pm PST NEW
            Technically speaking, any campaign moves are Trump trying to stay out of prison. NT by MM 02/06/2024, 5:52pm PST NEW
        Slays omnipus from exile NT by Israel + Ukraine + open border 02/06/2024, 6:17pm PST NEW
            It was a total Dem giveaway to Rs on the border. "Open Border" means no heads on NT by spikes for you freaks. 02/06/2024, 6:41pm PST NEW
                (slips in clause that says you have to sue in DC court for enforcement issues) NT by WE GAVE YOU EVERYTHING!111 02/07/2024, 6:32am PST NEW
                    *GASP* NT by Dun dun duuuuun! 02/07/2024, 9:17am PST NEW
                    What's wrong with that? by Ron Vivichek 02/07/2024, 9:48am PST NEW
                        It's even worse! That dumb shit thinks some "clause" is why it got derailed by Mysterio 02/07/2024, 9:53am PST NEW
                            shitlibs cope and seethe i guess. you're just mad that we wont fall for it NT by Charlie Brown 02/07/2024, 6:37pm PST NEW
                                So between leaving Ukraine in the lurch and ripping up the Iran nuclear deal, no NT by country'll ever denuclearlize again 02/07/2024, 8:21pm PST NEW
                                    The weapons Ukraine had in 1992 were glorified paperweights but sure maybe they NT by could irradiate the Reds to death 02/08/2024, 8:22am PST NEW
                            "Who cares about the DETAILS of congressional bills, just VOTE FOR THEM!" by --Anti-Trumper 02/07/2024, 9:22pm PST NEW
                                Sucking Putins cock today by Die Cocksucker 02/08/2024, 5:38am PST NEW
                                    Remember in the 90's when people used to mock this Reagan-esque Cold War shit? by Bart Simpson propaganda knockoffs 02/08/2024, 8:34am PST NEW
                                You are the single stupidest guy alive. by FYI 02/08/2024, 6:58am PST NEW
                    Tell us what the consequence of DC jurisdiction would be, whys it more important NT by than backing our allies in war? 02/08/2024, 6:35am PST NEW
                        We're 'allies' with Ukraine? Or are we suppliers of weaponry? by Mysterio 02/08/2024, 8:21am PST NEW
                            just one more weapons package bro one more i swear thats all we need just one mo NT by then well push the Reds out 02/08/2024, 8:23am PST NEW
                                It's the largest land war in Europe since WWII. Yeah, they fire a lot of shells. NT by Go figure! 02/08/2024, 9:28am PST NEW
                                    Ukraine: (fails to move a single inch forward in 2 years) Bro please just one m NT by Mysterio 02/08/2024, 10:05am PST NEW
                                        And neither did Russia. That's the point. NT by Defeatopublicans. 02/08/2024, 10:21am PST NEW
                                            The other guy thinks Ukraine should take territory. All you need to know. by Ron Vivichek 02/08/2024, 10:45am PST NEW
                                        Please pick a nick. NT by Geryk 02/08/2024, 10:49am PST NEW
                                I can explain it. by Ron Vivichek 02/08/2024, 10:43am PST NEW
                                    Im not morally obligated to care about slavs killing each other across the glob by Anti-Uighur Genocide Funding? 0$ 02/08/2024, 11:36am PST NEW
                                        If you want to see actual human beings on the front and not just battling wojaks by Mischief Maker 02/08/2024, 12:24pm PST NEW
                                        Re: Im not morally obligated to care about slavs killing each other across by Ron Vivichek 02/08/2024, 2:18pm PST NEW
                                        The absolute nihilism of the modern GOP NT by laudablepuss 02/09/2024, 2:18am PST NEW
                                            One day later! by Ron Vivichek 02/09/2024, 7:41am PST NEW
                                    We're fighting them over there, so we don't have to fight them over here. NT by *dodges shoe* 02/09/2024, 12:17pm PST NEW
                                        Or at least so we don't have to fight them in Poland, Lithuania, and Moldova. by Mischief Maker 02/09/2024, 3:49pm PST NEW
                                            Remind me who removed missile defense from Poland/Czech in 2008/9? by And it's effect on nuke proliferati 02/09/2024, 5:18pm PST NEW
                                                That is the faggiest take on foreign policy I've ever read. by Mischief Maker 02/09/2024, 6:00pm PST NEW
                                                    Way to dodge the "I told you so" that righties all warned you about in 2008 by "u can't hold me responsible for my 02/09/2024, 6:50pm PST NEW
                                                        What dodge? I've been saying the whole thread we should honor defensive pacts to by encourage nuclear nonproliferation. 02/09/2024, 8:35pm PST NEW
                                    lol @ bitching about NOT doing enough to protect Ukraine's border AND for trying by to protect our own in same post 02/09/2024, 5:12pm PST NEW
                                        Migrant workers aren't rolling across the southern border in tanks, drama queen. by Mischief Maker 02/09/2024, 5:46pm PST NEW
                                            Re: Migrant workers aren't rolling across, they're walking freely along with any by Dropped SOTB 02/09/2024, 7:35pm PST NEW
                                                If you're trying to point out a logical inconsistency here, you failed. by laudablepuss 02/09/2024, 7:46pm PST NEW
                                                    Re: If you're trying to point out a logical inconsistency here, you failed. by "u can't hold me responsible for my 02/10/2024, 5:37am PST NEW
                                                        So is it a good or bad thing Trump/Republicans refuse action on the border? NT by MM 02/10/2024, 5:48am PST NEW
                                                        Re: If you're trying to point out a logical inconsistency here, you failed. by Die Cocksucker 02/10/2024, 7:22am PST NEW
                                                            Remember when DeSantis shipped migrants to the north but everyone was nice? by MM 02/10/2024, 7:57am PST NEW
                                                                I mean, they said "send them here" & DeSantis sent them there...this is an examp by of everyone winning right? 02/10/2024, 12:58pm PST NEW
                                                                    Re: I mean, they said "send them here" & DeSantis sent them there... by Mysterio 02/10/2024, 5:22pm PST NEW
                                                                Nobody involved was "nice" and the migrants were told to leave Martha's Vinyard NT by blackwater 02/10/2024, 7:16pm PST NEW
                                                            thanks for at least confirming that ur ignorance & its consequences by are both willful on ur part 02/10/2024, 1:13pm PST NEW
                                                                Weird you didn't reply to MM's question NT by laudablepuss 02/10/2024, 1:46pm PST NEW
                                                                Re: thanks for at least confirming that ur ignorance & its consequences by Mysterio 02/10/2024, 5:23pm PST NEW
                                        What a stupid post. NT by Guys, Russia is our FRIEND 02/09/2024, 10:54pm PST NEW
                                    Re: I can explain it. by Mysterio 02/12/2024, 6:31pm PST NEW
                                        You were stewing for 4 days until you saw that story and said, "I can use that!" NT by MM 02/12/2024, 6:40pm PST NEW
                                            Is been going on for years but you have the memory of a goldfish NT by You'll memoryhole this too 02/12/2024, 10:59pm PST NEW
                                                Re: Is been going on for years but you have the memory of a goldfish by MM 02/13/2024, 5:29am PST NEW
                                        Re: I can explain it. by Mysterio 02/12/2024, 9:15pm PST NEW
                                            just quoting it, because we cannot stop laughing at it by lololololololololol 02/12/2024, 9:35pm PST NEW
                                            Re: I can explain it. by Ron Vivichek 02/12/2024, 9:56pm PST NEW
                                            Re: I can explain it. by You'll memoryhole this too 02/12/2024, 11:06pm PST NEW
                                                GOOD LORD!!!!!!! by Mysterio 02/13/2024, 6:39am PST NEW
                            The Afghani people didn't ask for us to be there, it was an invasion. Also why NT by are you avoiding the DC question? 02/08/2024, 9:25am PST NEW
                                (funds Afghanistan's army for 20 years) Heh nice try pal but we were OCCUPIERS NT by Try that on some dumb shitlib 02/08/2024, 10:06am PST NEW
                                    You're really scared of the DC jurisdiction question, aren't you? Maybe because NT by you don't know why, Trump just SAID 02/08/2024, 10:18am PST NEW
                                        I think it's a great idea! We should just do EVERYTHING through DC by all courts all levels 02/08/2024, 4:54pm PST NEW
                                            Uh huh. So like I said, they had no reason to spike it, Trump wants his campaign NT by crisis unsolved. -MM 02/08/2024, 6:19pm PST NEW
                                                "What we really need to do to fix the mess we've made is by more of the same" 02/09/2024, 8:13am PST NEW
                                            lol, fucking owned. by Guys, Russia is our FRIEND 02/09/2024, 10:55pm PST NEW
                            STOP READING AHEAD. It's not time to cut and run yet. NT by Bagdad Bob 02/08/2024, 3:28pm PST NEW
    Lol Trump melting down about the trial starting Monday NT by laudablepuss 04/12/2024, 10:34am PDT NEW
        So sick of this crybaby piece of shit NT by Maga idiots are so fucking dumb 04/13/2024, 9:31am PDT NEW
        A juror bailed because they were freaked out about their PII being disclosed by laudablepuss 04/18/2024, 11:37am PDT NEW
            Re: A juror bailed because they were freaked out about their PII being disclosed by Mysterio 04/18/2024, 5:14pm PDT NEW
        Stormy Daniels absolutely owns Donald Trump by laudablepuss 05/09/2024, 3:05pm PDT NEW
            Yeah, the piece of shit stayed awake for that one NT by Lars 05/09/2024, 4:05pm PDT NEW
    Don SNOREleone NT by lolololol 04/16/2024, 8:46am PDT NEW
        He's an astounding dipshit NT by laudablepuss 04/16/2024, 9:12am PDT NEW
        SEARiously by The Onion 05/09/2024, 7:22pm PDT NEW
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