Forum Overview :: The Zionist Media Conspiracy
Demo Reel was even cringier by josh cable: greying virgin 04/18/2024, 9:28pm PDT
What do you get when a review vlogger succumbs so far into skit disease that he ditches the whole "review" thing for nothing but skits?

He quit that spinoff, and then brought it back!

The cute chick got fat :(

Folding Ideas wrote:

Doug wants to be a filmmaker, he wants to make art, but he can't, because he's a fundamentally incurious person who isn't much interested in what other people think or feel and all his ideas boil down to "What if Batman met Mario?"

fucking savage
Bye Roger NT by You were the best. 04/04/2013, 2:36pm PDT NEW
    I interviewed his webmaster, who was unmoved by his passing by Ice Cream Jonsey 04/04/2013, 3:19pm PDT NEW
        You don't have to also be a great boss to be an influential critic by Fullofkittens 04/04/2013, 3:46pm PDT NEW
            Agreed! I was just making a dumb joke. by Ice Cream Jonsey 04/04/2013, 6:12pm PDT NEW
    The wait has ended! I will feast upon his soul!!! NT by Siskel 04/04/2013, 4:08pm PDT NEW
        Fuckin' Protestants. by One of the best videos on YouTube 04/04/2013, 5:09pm PDT NEW
            AMAZING NT by Fullofkittens 04/04/2013, 7:08pm PDT NEW
            This is wonderful. Thank you. NT by Last 04/05/2013, 8:09am PDT NEW
    Long live Filthy! NT by (only if you have $50) 04/04/2013, 7:04pm PDT NEW
    The balcony is closed, two thumbs way down NT by I hated hated hated hated this anno 04/05/2013, 3:49am PDT NEW
    A Leave of Prescence by Vested Id 04/05/2013, 10:29pm PDT NEW
    Nostalgia Critic says goodbye by Entropy Stew 04/11/2013, 11:16am PDT NEW
        I was hoping this meant he quit. NT by Souffle of Pain 04/11/2013, 12:51pm PDT NEW
            He already did that by Unbitter 04/14/2013, 4:15pm PDT NEW
                He should have quit. Look at this shit with The Wall. by I Hate Epic 04/18/2024, 7:12pm PDT NEW
                    Demo Reel was even cringier by josh cable: greying virgin 04/18/2024, 9:28pm PDT NEW
                        Imagine being the guy who makes hours of content about how Nostalgia Critic sux by blackwater 04/19/2024, 10:30am PDT NEW
                            Can't you hear that's a lady NT by so dumb 04/19/2024, 11:04am PDT NEW
                            Imagine being the guy who spends hours blowing Trump & Musk on a dead game site NT by grey pubed virgin 05/29/2024, 3:22am PDT NEW
                                Thie site is not dead. It is full of NT by people 05/29/2024, 10:57am PDT NEW
                                Only one of us constantly posts about Trump and Musk, pal. And it's not me. NT by blackwater 05/29/2024, 12:40pm PDT NEW
                    Dan Olson being salty about NostalgiaCritic a decade later is embarrassing NT by Constantly living in CA's shadow 04/20/2024, 11:05am PDT NEW
                        Your posts are shit. Leave the site. by Just go away 04/20/2024, 1:04pm PDT NEW
                            Doug Walkers in Smiling Friends, Lindsay Ellis driven off YT, Breadtube lost NT by 8) 05/28/2024, 7:52pm PDT NEW
                                What is this gibbering Cable retard on about? by grey pubed virgin 05/29/2024, 3:20am PDT NEW
                                    The Cables aren't back. They are never coming here again. WTF is wrong with you NT by people 05/29/2024, 6:25am PDT NEW
                                        Except they do visit sometimes? There's no law requiring them to not browse cal NT by laudablepuss 05/29/2024, 8:05am PDT NEW
                                            MischiefMaker slapped them with a TRO. That was seven years ago NT by His law degree useful for somethin 05/29/2024, 8:51am PDT NEW
                                                What the fuck? Leave me out of this. NT by Mischief Maker 05/29/2024, 9:14am PDT NEW
                                                    Go dilate your neovagina you weepy willow shitsack by ABAF (All Breadtubers Are Faggots) 05/29/2024, 10:17am PDT NEW
                                                        Point out posts that you think are by them. by people 05/29/2024, 10:56am PDT NEW
                                                        You got made fun of once 10 years ago and are still crying about it. by Geryk 05/29/2024, 11:01am PDT NEW
                                                            that guy is the biggest cuntbitch in site history, of all its NT by people 05/29/2024, 11:46am PDT NEW
                                                        ABAF, huh? Unlike those 100% hetero righttubers like Crowder and Fuentes... by Mischief Maker 05/29/2024, 2:31pm PDT NEW
                                    its 20 seconds more than Lindsay Ellis, Obscurus Lupa, or Linkara ever got NT by 'Stoner comedy at midnight' Copium 05/29/2024, 9:09am PDT NEW
                                        How many "casting couch" auditions you think he had to do for those 20 seconds? NT by HALGHAGULAHGLUAHULAG 05/29/2024, 3:01pm PDT NEW
                                        Why is your entire self esteem tied up to thinking Lindsay Ellis is a failure? by what a fucking loser 05/29/2024, 9:13pm PDT NEW
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