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why I dislike mischeif maker by James p Mason 04/29/2024, 9:59am PDT
I have deliberated with many of my closest relatives and caltrops amigos (in the Mexican tongue). we have all concluded that mischief maker lacks the touch of a true women and in reality doesn't get up to any (p is for portor) mischief as though he wishes to be portrayed. he spends time on a forum jorkin it crazy style and probably gets off to his own messages, and farts,. I conclude my statements with some fatherly knowledge bestowed upon myself at the age of six or potentially twelve years past from now. :remember; a man in which he creates his own future is determined by his past actions: (p is for portor_
why I dislike mischeif maker by James p Mason 04/29/2024, 9:59am PDT NEW
    i before e, except after c. NT by MM 04/29/2024, 12:12pm PDT NEW
    these posts are fantastic NT by laudablepuss 04/30/2024, 9:12am PDT NEW
    Talking like a retard is the only way to sound AUTHENTIC in the age of ChatGPT NT by Old Man Withers 05/03/2024, 7:07pm PDT NEW
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