Folding Ideas by The BEST of YouTube 05/28/2024, 8:36pm PDT 
Go to Nebula already with these blowhard videos NT by ABAF (All Breadtubers Are Faggots) 05/29/2024, 10:11am PDT 
Re: Go to Nebula already with these blowhard videos by what a fucking loser 05/29/2024, 9:22pm PDT 
Shut up you fucking cunt by Mysterio 05/29/2024, 10:15pm PDT 
hehe do you like the way I smell boys NT by gasoline 05/30/2024, 6:55am PDT 
You haven’t described your boy-smelling technique, so how can we say? NT by ~THE LOCUST~ 05/30/2024, 8:03pm PDT 
Lol NT by laudablepuss 05/30/2024, 9:00pm PDT 
Nobody knows what nebula or "bread tube" is you insufferable waste of space NT by fucking die 05/30/2024, 7:37am PDT 
skinsuit needs to go outside. it's cool I promise. outside has by Mysterio 05/30/2024, 11:44am PDT 
knowing what breadtube is doesn't add any value to his posts by media-aware mysterio 05/30/2024, 2:00pm PDT 
What is "kropotkin " ? NT by A FRIEND 05/30/2024, 9:55pm PDT 
First hit on google: Peter Kropotkin, anarchist author of the Conquest of Bread! NT by Boomer-Hating Fairy 06/13/2024, 12:57pm PDT 
MischiefMaker has a parasocial relationship with Contrapoints NT by He'd drink them/theys bathwater 06/13/2024, 9:07am PDT 
Took you two whole weeks to come up with that one, huh? by Mischief Maker 06/13/2024, 10:11am PDT 
Life does not start and stop at your convenience you miserable piece of shit NT by Walter Sobchak 06/13/2024, 10:34am PDT 
Dumb post. God, you're fucking terrible at this. by Geryk 06/13/2024, 11:26am PDT 
Hold fire! They're making a reference: by Mischief Maker 06/13/2024, 12:14pm PDT 
He NT by It's a boy 06/13/2024, 12:46pm PDT 
Caltrops is certainly attracting a certain caliber of new poster who doesn't NT by know the classics. smh 06/13/2024, 1:37pm PDT 
And people that want to wear MM's skin as a suit. Any thoughts by on that? 06/13/2024, 4:18pm PDT 
probably not the worst thing people have wanted to do with MM given his professi NT by 'kill all lawyers' is in shakespear 06/15/2024, 8:11am PDT 
When forced to come up with a retort in less than two weeks: Generic Lawyer Joke NT by Mischief Maker 06/15/2024, 8:52am PDT 
Jesus Christ. I honestly pity you. NT by Mysterio 06/15/2024, 9:49am PDT 
What's worse, a bunch of anons making low key wiseass comments or the Comic Book NT by Guys screaming WORST. POST. EVER. 06/15/2024, 11:04am PDT 
What's worse, a bunch of anons making low key wiseass comments or the Comic Book by Mysterio 06/15/2024, 2:09pm PDT 
Thank you Comic Book Guy NT by WORST. POST. EVER. 06/15/2024, 3:44pm PDT 
SKINSUIT such a yappy little cunt NT by Mysterio 06/15/2024, 5:01pm PDT 
Not anymore NT by It's a boy 06/13/2024, 12:49pm PDT 
Sadly accurate. by Mischief Maker 06/13/2024, 6:35pm PDT 
Skin Suit, what are you hoping to by gain here? 05/30/2024, 12:38pm PDT 
Someone mentioned Nostalgia critic, now ancient Channel Awesome vendettas NT by rise from the grave? 05/30/2024, 2:02pm PDT 
ABAF, please go outside and do something off the internet. You are terminally on NT by A FRIEND 05/30/2024, 6:33pm PDT 
ABAF has the personality of that dril tweet about having your house picketed NT by Coward! I will never log off 05/30/2024, 8:36pm PDT 
Re: ABAF has the personality of that dril tweet about having your house picketed by A FRIEND 05/30/2024, 9:54pm PDT 
Re: Folding Ideas by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/22/2024, 9:28pm PDT 
I could only listen to the audio of this by Geryk hates FCIPH 06/22/2024, 9:42pm PDT 
anonobitch with the most basic bitch take lol NT by Mysterio 06/23/2024, 9:31am PDT 
What is basic about the take, Mr Geryk? by Geryk hates FCIPH 06/23/2024, 12:26pm PDT 
The AVGN movie broke him by Carbot 06/23/2024, 4:18am PDT 
I appreciated the fact that he tried to be fair to James by blackwater 06/23/2024, 8:43am PDT 
His take on the show itself was shockingly wrong by Geryk hates FCIPH 06/23/2024, 12:41pm PDT 
Re: His take on the show itself was shockingly wrong by Mysterio 06/23/2024, 5:20pm PDT 
Thanks Geryk NT by The Sub-IQ Anon Collective 06/23/2024, 6:05pm PDT 
I can appreciate the autobiographical parts but disagree about new AVGN by blackwater 06/23/2024, 6:10pm PDT 
The second-dumbest guy on the forum disagrees? Great. Even better. NT by Mysterio 06/23/2024, 8:19pm PDT 
Don't know why you think your posts are better than the q-anon cunt by they're not 06/23/2024, 7:03pm PDT 
Re: Don't know why you think your posts are better than the q-anon cunt by Modberg 06/23/2024, 9:54pm PDT 
Let's call a truce. NT by Yahtzeek 06/24/2024, 11:28am PDT 
Re: Don't know why you think your posts are better than the q-anon cunt by Geryk hates FCIPH 06/24/2024, 7:33pm PDT 
Re: Don't know why you think your posts are better than the q-anon cunt by Modberg 06/24/2024, 8:47pm PDT 
lolololololhahahah by look at this BITCH 06/24/2024, 10:06pm PDT 
Re: Don't know why you think your posts are better than the q-anon cunt by Judge Barry 06/25/2024, 6:52am PDT 
This tactic is working GREAT! Just LOOK! by I've stopped posting! 06/25/2024, 3:05pm PDT 
QAnon cunt broke him so badly he thinks EVERYONE is him now by Geryk hates FCIPH 06/25/2024, 3:21pm PDT 
Hi. You're clearly new to this whole Internet thing. by It can be kinda tricky! 06/25/2024, 3:36pm PDT 
Laffo, wait a sec... you think Geryk/Stop-Posting-Forever-Guy is a Pro-Trump Con by Funniest thing on Caltrops 2 date 06/25/2024, 3:51pm PDT 
I can't tell who's who anymore, all I know is that Geryk and Faris are the worst NT by posters here in 10 years 06/25/2024, 5:42pm PDT 
Niggas been getting mocked for a week straight and this is the one he replies to NT by Black People Twitter 06/24/2024, 12:57pm PDT 
You've replied to Mysterio 3 times now. Can you stop? by Yahtzeek 06/24/2024, 1:34pm PDT 
I wish I could take credit for all the posts, but I've only replied twice here by Mysterio 06/24/2024, 1:45pm PDT 
You just did it again. Can you please stop? by Yahtzeek 06/24/2024, 1:58pm PDT 
Re: You just did it again. Can you please stop? by Mysterio 06/24/2024, 9:48pm PDT 
Google/youtube pushing right wing noise machine shit by jesus 06/27/2024, 4:12am PDT 
2 for 1 special by ^THIS 06/30/2024, 4:23am PDT 
GamersNexus confronts Asus by The BEST of YouTube 07/30/2024, 3:28pm PDT 