Forum Overview
by Injustice 09/04/2024, 6:07pm PDT |
Can you imagine if one of them started shooting back instead of simply dropping the bag with a big dollar sign on it and retiring to their safe armored truck? Why, they might hit some kid who's just trying to buy a slurpee! Or pretend he's not buying condoms! Or read a comic off the spinner rack without paying for-- you know what guys, blast away.
I assume Dick MarPINKO here has more qualifications than a duck dynasty beard. "No one must never know you are armed or you lose the tactical advantage of surprise" says the man whose every hat and baseball cap have some variation of Don't Tread on Me printed on them. "You're going to need a filing cabinet armored to better standards than our hummvees because you never know which school shooter will be the first to bring a three oh eight." He reminds me of the guys who say it's more dangerous to have a knife in a fight than it is to not have one, well gee I hope the guy who attacks me is dumb enough to bring one then. Here's me in prison, whittling a toothbrush into a shiv so I can give it to the guy I'm planning to jump because I live in Rand Mcnally.
Here are some actual useful tips for teachers who want to make it out of school alive, maybe a little malnourished but alive: put a duckbill choke on your Shockwave and AIM LOW. |
Let's talk about armed teachers... by Mischief Maker 09/04/2024, 3:46pm PDT 
TIL the brinks guys who refill the ATMs expend more ammo in training than a HRT. by Injustice 09/04/2024, 6:07pm PDT 
That's not "Don't tread on me" that's Curious George on Beau's hat. by Mischief Maker 09/04/2024, 6:52pm PDT 
Oh, he's a qualified expert with the M-1 open palm, United States Peace Corps. NT by Injustice 09/04/2024, 8:31pm PDT 
Who's your fav guntuber? I like Hop. by Injustice 09/04/2024, 8:38pm PDT 
Lets settle once and for all who the best person to take firearms advice from is by Injustice 09/04/2024, 9:10pm PDT 
You don't know the OP was about how ridiculous the idea of arming teachers was? by Mischief Maker 09/04/2024, 9:29pm PDT 
I never should've saved you from those S.E.A.L.s NT by Injustice 09/04/2024, 9:50pm PDT 
Let me break down my position for you. by Injustice 09/04/2024, 10:20pm PDT 
I'm human. NT by Dr. Foughtrough 09/04/2024, 10:31pm PDT 
You seem fake. NT by Mysterio 09/05/2024, 2:42pm PDT 
Click on every image with MICRO PENIS NT by It's everyone with a gun 09/06/2024, 12:53pm PDT 
What about people who carry guns for defense against bears... by Injustice 09/06/2024, 1:50pm PDT 