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Balance of Power
by laudablepuss 09/07/2024, 11:03am PDT |
Do I even know what happened? I'm not sure. They said my position was eliminated and it wasn't performance related. But it sure seems like a lot of work for my colleague to take over. It's just him and a really excellent contractor that we've had for a number of years. (He prefers to stay a contractor and not be hired, so that's fine.) Anyway who fucking knows. Maybe I'll hear something as time goes by, but I've already moved on, even though my colleague is gonna text me about stuff for a couple weeks I'm sure.
Everyone in "Engineering", as they're calling the IT people now, were very surprised and disappointed, and they all feel like they have a target on their backs. So that's a great work environment, right?
Me: I guess I better work on my resume this weekend.
My friend: Include a dick pic
Me: Yes of course
Me: Is ascii art okay?
My friend: depends on the font
Me: I'll make it a little puzzle where they have to adjust the font size in order for the amazing dick to appear. Much to their delight!
Me: "Yaaay" -- HR
I lost my job, so now I'm voting for Trump NT by laudablepuss 09/06/2024, 9:58am PDT
Understandable! NT by Mysterio 09/06/2024, 12:25pm PDT
Hey man I'm genuinely sorry to hear that by Find yoself a sugardaddy? 09/06/2024, 7:49pm PDT
Wait, what? I thought he was referring to poor people crying about the $100mil+ NT by capital gains tax! 09/06/2024, 8:21pm PDT
Oh he's been gone for at least a couple months lol by laudablepuss 09/06/2024, 8:21pm PDT
How NT by What happened 09/06/2024, 9:08pm PDT
Excellent question by laudablepuss 09/07/2024, 11:03am PDT
A bunch of companies are doing a cost-cutting thing now. by Blackwater 09/07/2024, 5:36pm PDT
The autists at Hacker Noose discussing some of Google’s recent layoffs. by Blackwater 09/07/2024, 5:54pm PDT
Good god, those guys NT by laudablepuss 09/08/2024, 5:47pm PDT