Forum Overview :: Balance of Power
The autists at Hacker Noose discussing some of Google’s recent layoffs. by Blackwater 09/07/2024, 5:54pm PDT
The autists at Hacker Noose discussing some of Google’s recent layoffs.

throwaway5959 4 months ago | prev | next [–]
People have to stop building on Google software/apis. You’re just doing it to yourself at this point if you have any other alternative (obviously Android isn’t included in this).

zrn900 4 months ago | parent | next [–]
Their leadership is literally sh*tting on anyone by shutting down service after service in the faces of whoever made the mistake of building something on those services. They already lost their credibility it goes beyond that now - at this rate, they will attract the attention of the regulators: A gigantic monopoly controlling vast swaths of the internet and playing with people's money, time, businesses, and livelihoods like they are their pet projects...

bigstrat2003 4 months ago | root | parent | next [–]
Unless you mean that these leaders are taking their pants off and depositing feces on people, they are not "literally shitting on" anyone. They are figuratively shitting on people.

withinboredom 4 months ago | root | parent | prev | next [–]
I lost my job, so now I'm voting for Trump NT by laudablepuss 09/06/2024, 9:58am PDT NEW
    Understandable! NT by Mysterio 09/06/2024, 12:25pm PDT NEW
    Hey man I'm genuinely sorry to hear that by Find yoself a sugardaddy? 09/06/2024, 7:49pm PDT NEW
        Wait, what? I thought he was referring to poor people crying about the $100mil+ NT by capital gains tax! 09/06/2024, 8:21pm PDT NEW
        Oh he's been gone for at least a couple months lol by laudablepuss 09/06/2024, 8:21pm PDT NEW
    How NT by What happened 09/06/2024, 9:08pm PDT NEW
        Excellent question by laudablepuss 09/07/2024, 11:03am PDT NEW
            A bunch of companies are doing a cost-cutting thing now. by Blackwater 09/07/2024, 5:36pm PDT NEW
                The autists at Hacker Noose discussing some of Google’s recent layoffs. by Blackwater 09/07/2024, 5:54pm PDT NEW
                    Good god, those guys NT by laudablepuss 09/08/2024, 5:47pm PDT NEW
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