Forum Overview :: The Zionist Media Conspiracy
He was the Goldilocks of weird for it by Jodorowsky TOO weird 01/17/2025, 4:43pm PST
Dune Part 2 trailer by Mischief Maker 05/03/2023, 6:11pm PDT NEW
    Whoops, here's the actual trailer: by Mischief Maker 05/03/2023, 6:13pm PDT NEW
        I wish I'd seen the first one in theaters, they should rerelease it ahead of thi NT by Fullofkittens 05/04/2023, 11:02am PDT NEW
    The Lynch version is fine by you baby 05/04/2023, 2:30am PDT NEW
        No it isn't, and you've proved my point. by Mischief Maker 05/04/2023, 6:24am PDT NEW
            Those are all good points but by blackwater 05/04/2023, 4:17pm PDT NEW
            Peak graduate brain is arguing that one half of a story is superior to a story NT by fully told. 12/13/2023, 7:22pm PST NEW
                Not quite, but good effort! Here's a purple scratch 'n sniff sticker that says, NT by "Grape Job!" 12/13/2023, 7:56pm PST NEW
            See this is exactly what everyone means when they tell you to by stop skimming 12/14/2023, 10:55pm PST NEW
                My point's that if you make Harkonens 1D monster men, part 2's just Paul/boring. NT by Mischief's 7-month delayed reaction 12/14/2023, 11:05pm PST NEW
                    Pauls enemy is the Emperor. You're whining that the goons are underdeveloped NT by Stop skimming (Dune) 12/15/2023, 8:43pm PST NEW
                        Why do I bother explaining when you're fixated above all else on defeating me? NT by MM 12/15/2023, 9:02pm PST NEW
                            If you'd stop pretending you're smarter than everyone else by soyfacing over by every new thing maybe we'd listen 12/15/2023, 9:34pm PST NEW
                                You are repeating the complaint I made in my OP right back at me. STOP SKIMMING! NT by Mischief Final Boss 12/15/2023, 10:14pm PST NEW
                                It just needed more low level fight scenes! NT by Feris 12/16/2023, 7:34am PST NEW
                Re: See this is exactly what everyone means when they tell you to by Feris 12/15/2023, 10:04am PST NEW
                    I hope MM sees this, Bro NT by you're sure to get laid now! 12/15/2023, 5:21pm PST NEW
                        Re: I hope MM sees this, Bro by Feris 12/15/2023, 6:40pm PST NEW
                        Everybody wants the Mischief D. NT by MM 12/15/2023, 7:01pm PST NEW
                    If he is retarded it's because he's been trolled into retardation NT by So the Cables won? O____O 12/15/2023, 9:18pm PST NEW
                        no NT by cable = virgin 12/16/2023, 1:06pm PST NEW
        I told you to drop it NT by David "Lynch" 05/04/2023, 12:23pm PDT NEW
            I gave you an order. Obey it. NT by Gasoline 05/04/2023, 4:13pm PDT NEW
        Lynch was the only director weird enough for Dune NT by Villenueve too conventional 01/17/2025, 3:55pm PST NEW
            He was the Goldilocks of weird for it NT by Jodorowsky TOO weird 01/17/2025, 4:43pm PST NEW
                Allegedly his script had a scene with 100 extras defecating simultaneously NT by complete lunatic 01/18/2025, 7:30pm PST NEW
    I liked part 1. NT by Yahtzeek 12/13/2023, 1:02pm PST NEW
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