Forum Overview :: No Stairway to Heaven
Fussbett is 34 and unmarried. Let’s wish him luck. by Quétinbec 09/25/2008, 5:15am PDT
Funkmaster Flex curb-stomps R. Kelly, R. Kelly's ephebopedo penis, BET, other DJ by Zsenitan 09/23/2008, 2:17pm PDT NEW
    Zseni preys on gamma males NT by Ray of Light 09/23/2008, 9:31pm PDT NEW
        Gamma males OF AGE, pedo. NT by Zsenitan Liberation Front 09/23/2008, 10:08pm PDT NEW
            they are defenseless at any age. They can be manipulated into anything. by Ray of Light 09/23/2008, 11:36pm PDT NEW
                The point is that he's SAYING 19, but we know what that implies... NT by Between the Lines 09/23/2008, 11:47pm PDT NEW
                I got 19-year-old ... uh ... friends NT by R. Kelly and Ray of Light 09/23/2008, 11:47pm PDT NEW
                wow that is so oddly graceful the way you are so smart and make eye contact NT by Sassy Q. Mewltitties 09/24/2008, 12:08am PDT NEW
                Re: they are defenseless at any age. They can be manipulated into anything. by Weyoun Voidbringer 09/24/2008, 1:05am PDT NEW
                Re: they are defenseless at any age. They can be manipulated into anything. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 09/24/2008, 4:10am PDT NEW
                Re: they are defenseless at any age. They can be manipulated into anything. by Quétinbec 09/24/2008, 4:50am PDT NEW
                    Re: they are defenseless at any age. They can be manipulated into anything. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 09/24/2008, 5:07am PDT NEW
                        Sissy Sassy. Where did she go and how long did she last? NT by Quétinbec 09/25/2008, 5:11am PDT NEW
                    Re: they are defenseless at any age. They can be manipulated into anything. by Ray of Light 09/24/2008, 7:50am PDT NEW
                        No, definitely I'm just fat. NT by Zseni's guy (she told me to post th 09/24/2008, 10:17am PDT NEW
                        Sweet neg brah NT by Your Fast Seduction Buddies 09/24/2008, 11:59am PDT NEW
                    I found the post by Fussbett 09/24/2008, 12:10pm PDT NEW
                        If it makes you feel any better, QB, I turned 24 last month :( NT by Jerry Whorebach 09/24/2008, 1:13pm PDT NEW
                            Jesus, I thought the entire population of the OMM/POE/Caltrops axis was my age. NT by Fullofkittens (30) 09/24/2008, 9:49pm PDT NEW
                                Cheer up, I turn 32 on monday. NT by motherfuckerfoodeater 09/24/2008, 11:15pm PDT NEW
                                    By the time I turn 32 I'll either be famous or dead, I haven't decided yet. by Jerry Whorebach 09/25/2008, 12:00am PDT NEW
                                        Caltrops poster dead pools are the new forum deletions. NT by Fussbett 09/25/2008, 12:24am PDT NEW
                                        Light a candle for me on the anniversary of the release of Boon-ga Boon-ga, frie NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 09/25/2008, 2:10am PDT NEW
                                I'm older. by Fussbett 09/25/2008, 3:35am PDT NEW
                                    Fussbett is 34 and unmarried. Let’s wish him luck. NT by Quétinbec 09/25/2008, 5:15am PDT NEW
                                        33 NT by Fussbett 09/25/2008, 1:01pm PDT NEW
                                            That can be a tough age for guys who look like Jesus. NT by Jerry Whorebach 09/25/2008, 2:17pm PDT NEW
                                                Jesus/Kid Rock. NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 09/25/2008, 2:19pm PDT NEW
                                    I personally think Kaosillators are kind of cool. by Fullofkittens 09/25/2008, 11:16am PDT NEW
                                        Re: I personally think Kaosillators are kind of cool. by KORG 07/09/2014, 5:11pm PDT NEW
                                I'm older. by Fussbett 09/25/2008, 3:36am PDT NEW
                                    Jerry! Jerry, are you there? I'm trying to send you emails about grandma, by but I don't know how! 09/25/2008, 4:44am PDT NEW
                                    On that note... by mark 09/25/2008, 11:38am PDT NEW
                                        Are you kidding? That guy clearly knows how to shave. NT by motherfuckerfoodeater 09/25/2008, 12:10pm PDT NEW
                                            On the Subject of Me by Jerry Whorebach 09/26/2008, 2:20am PDT NEW
                                27 is close enough to 30 for me and Jso. :( NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 09/25/2008, 4:48am PDT NEW
                            Fuck you Jerry Whorebach! Don’t you fucking pity me for a fucking second! NT by Quétinbec 09/25/2008, 5:14am PDT NEW
                        You didn't find shit. by Quétinbec 09/25/2008, 5:14am PDT NEW
                            Re: You didn't find shit. by motherfuckerfoodeater 09/25/2008, 9:27am PDT NEW
                                Here it is by Last 09/25/2008, 9:41am PDT NEW
                                    I had intended for my future subpoena to be a recurring character, once NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 09/25/2008, 10:23am PDT NEW
                                    Fuck yeah! by motherfuckerfoodeater 09/25/2008, 12:11pm PDT NEW
                                Re: You didn't find shit. by Fussbett 09/25/2008, 1:04pm PDT NEW
                                    At the time, that was said anonymously. by Quétinbec 09/26/2008, 3:08am PDT NEW
                                        YOU DIDN'T HAVE SEX UNTIL 22? HA HA WATTA LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSER NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 09/26/2008, 6:30am PDT NEW
                                        Re: At the time, that was said anonymously. by Ice Cream Jonsey 09/26/2008, 9:49am PDT NEW
                    Re: they are defenseless at any age. They can be manipulated into anything. by motherfuckerfoodeater 09/24/2008, 2:27pm PDT NEW
                    BREAKING CANADIAN NEWS by Fussbett 09/24/2008, 4:04pm PDT NEW
                        I thought this was going to be about lowering the age of consent :( by Jerry Whorebach 09/24/2008, 4:46pm PDT NEW
                            Re: I thought this was going to be about lowering the age of consent :( by Fussbett 09/25/2008, 1:29pm PDT NEW
                                What's the point in sending them to big boy jail if they won't EVEN get raped? by Jerry Whorebach 09/26/2008, 2:24am PDT NEW
    Big Worm strikes back by Horrible Gelatinous Blob 09/24/2008, 11:25am PDT NEW
        you uh *rolls eyes in thought* bitch made-ass nigguh by Zsenitan 09/24/2008, 1:28pm PDT NEW
            I like that he hung a painting specifically for a youtube backdrop. by Worm 09/24/2008, 2:24pm PDT NEW
        A fat black bald off! NT by Fussbett 09/24/2008, 3:20pm PDT NEW
            "Big Worm", who's real name is Faizon Love. <-- I laughed so hard right there. NT by Fussbett 09/24/2008, 3:21pm PDT NEW
                Faizon Love has a Twitter by Horrible Gelatinous Blob 06/27/2009, 1:56pm PDT NEW
                    I've only ever seen this guy in "FURIOUS WITH NIGGAS" mode by Fussbett 06/27/2009, 2:45pm PDT NEW
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