Forum Overview :: Fallout III
I forgot to mention I was replaying this. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 02/19/2009, 3:56pm PST
Starting from scratchnatch (YEAH I JUST MADE UP THAT NEW WORD HEH), no Rivet City problems. There are still many frequent crashes to desktop, but nothing where I lose progress or become unable to progress.

Also, what is EVEN MORE AWESOME is I installed a mod that adds a Chinese pistol (the Mauser broomhandle, aka the sweet ass Red 9 from President Evil 4) in .32 caliber, which means that I can ignore the hunting rifles all those supermutants drop, and hammer off all the hunting rifle ammo in a pistol that does huge damage (it's pretty much completely equal to the hunting rifle, but with the pistol's original firing rate), and I can burn up all that ammo instead of hording tons of it but not having a decent excuse to use it because the hunting rifle fired so damn slow.

That's pretty much the only mod I have installed (aside from improved sky and expanded dialog box) and I'm tearing ass through the game again.
I forgot to mention I was replaying this. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 02/19/2009, 3:56pm PST NEW
    My game is going very slowly because it overheats my video card now (!!!) NT by Fussbett 02/19/2009, 4:16pm PST NEW
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