by Fussbett 01/11/2005, 3:04am PST |
It's awesome. I'm glad I gave the Resident Evil genre a severe tongue lashing, and subsequently it's wake up call. Prophetic that I said "I want to hear creepy noises and shoot monsters all day long, but the admission price of playing a Sierra level adventure game has worn too thin", because in Resident Evil 4, Capcom made the puzzles more about shooting things and stepping in beartraps. In the first level (LEVEL?!?!), there are basically no puzzle elements, and lots of me shitting my pants.
Pros: Looks awesome, behind-the-shoulder view feels pretty fresh, sounds scary, is scary, Spanish!, dirty possessed Latino farmers, explosions!
Cons: Start-to-invisible-wall: zero, still "tanky" movement feeling, terrible dialog (not MGS SE terrible), ridiculous gameplay elements like eating raw eggs to gain health or "You took the Spinel". I took the what? Is that good? |
First impressions by Fussbett 01/11/2005, 3:04am PST 
Spinel. by Inspect 01/11/2005, 4:00am PST 
It goes into the Spinel shaped keycard slot/door handle NT by The Joosh 01/11/2005, 6:04pm PST 
keycard slot/door handle/stone pillar/mysterious device/notch in floor/hole in w NT by Creexul :( 01/12/2005, 3:12am PST 
Second impressions: game gets better and better. by Fussbett 01/14/2005, 2:17am PST 
What's so good about this game? by Creexul :( 01/14/2005, 6:24pm PST 
Re: What's so good about this game? by Fussbett 01/14/2005, 9:35pm PST 
Re: What's so good about this game? by Rafiki 01/16/2005, 11:31am PST 
Re: What's so good about this game? by Fussbett 01/16/2005, 2:51pm PST 
Re: What's so good about this game? by Creexul :( 01/16/2005, 4:03pm PST 
Her preppy attire and big ears don't do much for my cock, sadly. NT by Fussbett 01/16/2005, 7:40pm PST 
TAP "A" BUTTON REPEATEDLY TO PENETRATE PRESIDENT'S DAUGHTER!!!! NT by context sensitive button 01/17/2005, 1:42am PST 
Penny Arcade disagrees by FABIO 01/16/2005, 9:32am PST 
Re: Penny Arcade disagrees by Fussbett 01/16/2005, 2:49pm PST 
Re: Penny Arcade disagrees by FABIO 01/16/2005, 8:36pm PST 
Final Impressions by Fussbett 01/20/2005, 6:33am PST 
Re: Final Impressions by Rafiki 01/22/2005, 9:32pm PST 
Spoilers here too. by Fussbett 01/23/2005, 9:17am PST 
Re: Spoilers here too. by Rafiki 01/23/2005, 12:16pm PST 
OH YEAH by Rafiki 01/23/2005, 12:18pm PST 
Re: Spoilers here too. by Mysterio 01/23/2005, 1:21pm PST 
Re: Spoilers here too. by FABIO 01/23/2005, 3:13pm PST 
Re: Spoilers here too. by Mysterio 01/23/2005, 8:58pm PST 
Goddammit. I am hooking up my Gamecube tonight to finish this. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/22/2014, 8:30am PST 
¡Cógedlo! ¡Cógedlo! ¡Cógedlo! ¡Cógedlo! ¡Cógedlo! ¡Cógedlo! ¡Cógedlo! ¡Cógedlo! NT by RE4 zealot, angry you never finishe 01/22/2014, 9:16am PST 
haha by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/22/2014, 9:38am PST 
Still haven't finished it, but hooked the Gamecube up last week to ensure it wor NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/13/2019, 3:46pm PDT 
Just play through from the beginning you owe it to yourself and to everyone it's by Mysterio 08/13/2019, 10:23pm PDT 
So this thing always seemed too gay NT by It's a new day: I need advice 08/13/2019, 11:48pm PDT 
Preferred the Wii version, but christ was this game perfectly balanced on all by RetroRomper 01/22/2014, 12:11pm PST 
Drops were based on the contents of your inventory and how often you died. by Lots of stuff was! 01/22/2014, 12:54pm PST 