Forum Overview :: Rants
Hahah, well, Wittgenstein's got you there. by Souffle of Pain 10/23/2014, 6:21pm PDT
Honest question. Does anyone actually enjoy this place? by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/18/2014, 12:21pm PDT NEW
    Yes I like it :) by Mysterio 10/18/2014, 12:29pm PDT NEW
    If we didn't like it why would anybody post here. We can't all enjoy sodomy. NT by WITTGENSTEIN 10/18/2014, 12:56pm PDT NEW
    I like the posts about games. and entertainment by Rafiki 10/18/2014, 3:23pm PDT NEW
        Yes, but a site is what you make of it, right? by I don't have a twit account 10/18/2014, 5:11pm PDT NEW
            Which part of that were you j/k-ing about? I hope it was all of it :( by Jerry Whorebach 10/18/2014, 6:08pm PDT NEW
        Re: I like the posts about games. and entertainment by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/21/2014, 7:04pm PDT NEW
    I enjoy the game reviews, movies reviews, and some other stuff by blackwater 10/18/2014, 7:03pm PDT NEW
        Re: I enjoy the game reviews, movies reviews, and some other stuff by WITTGENSTEIN 10/18/2014, 7:12pm PDT NEW
        It sounds like you want to isolate the Cables in the Ebola ward by Entropy Stew 10/19/2014, 10:57am PDT NEW
            Worse than that. Let's put them in.... the TDARCOS chamber. NT by blackwater 10/20/2014, 11:18pm PDT NEW
                I think their mother already did that by Entropy Stew 10/21/2014, 3:09am PDT NEW
    My only issue is that I don't have enough time nor do you have enough interest by Worm 10/18/2014, 10:28pm PDT NEW
    Please let's not have the place die because Zseni had (another) meltdown by fabio 10/18/2014, 11:28pm PDT NEW
        Yes. by Mischief Maker 10/19/2014, 4:30am PDT NEW
        Oh no don't subject yourself to that one! by Worm 10/19/2014, 4:51am PDT NEW
        Re: Please let's not have the place die because Zseni had (another) meltdown by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/21/2014, 7:07pm PDT NEW
    I think caltrops has been very enjoyable the last few months by Entropy Stew 10/19/2014, 11:40am PDT NEW
        Re: I think caltrops has been very enjoyable the last few months by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/21/2014, 7:09pm PDT NEW
            Re: I think caltrops has been very enjoyable the last few months by Entropy Stew 10/22/2014, 7:32am PDT NEW
    Re: Honest question. Does anyone actually enjoy this place? by TAFKAM 10/19/2014, 12:36pm PDT NEW
        Re: Honest question. Does anyone actually enjoy this place? by TAFKAM 10/19/2014, 12:38pm PDT NEW
            We operate surprisingly well despite the high levels of dysfunction. All credit NT by to ICJ. Entropy Stew 10/19/2014, 12:45pm PDT NEW
    Someone exploded over something on Twitter. *HOME ALONE FACE SLAP* CALL CNN by Eurotrash 10/19/2014, 12:49pm PDT NEW
        If Zseni got mad at me about that shit and Jonesy did shut down the site though by WITTGENSTEIN 10/20/2014, 10:58am PDT NEW
    I get a lot of value out of it. by Fullofkittens 10/19/2014, 2:57pm PDT NEW
        Re: I get a lot of value out of it. by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/21/2014, 9:20am PDT NEW
    Re: Honest question. Does anyone actually enjoy this place? by CattleHumper 10/20/2014, 9:29am PDT NEW
        This is my favorite site on the Internet by The Happiness Engine 10/20/2014, 3:38pm PDT NEW
            Thanks, guys. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/21/2014, 7:10pm PDT NEW
        A Legion of 2 by Mysterio 10/20/2014, 5:28pm PDT NEW
    Yeah, I kind of dropped off by I need clarification 10/20/2014, 10:29am PDT NEW
        I only buy pro-women, anti-GG handjobs from empowered twitter sex workers NT by INC the punter 10/20/2014, 4:04pm PDT NEW
            I'm determined to remain the same developmental age until I learn how to regress NT by Why would anyone leave this site? 10/20/2014, 8:40pm PDT NEW
                INC actually is a monger though, so it's 'ironic' when he big ups feminism NT by can i pay to bang you 10/20/2014, 9:36pm PDT NEW
                    Is, was, whatever. The important thing is dodging the question NT by Am I right broseph?! 10/20/2014, 11:19pm PDT NEW
                        What question? Do you want nude reverse or just topless? NT by That'll be $20 more 10/21/2014, 11:51am PDT NEW
        Re: Yeah, I kind of dropped off by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/21/2014, 9:16am PDT NEW
            *FACEPALM* by Mischief Maker 10/21/2014, 10:31am PDT NEW
                God, there's still zseni dick pics in that thread by Entropy Stew 10/21/2014, 1:06pm PDT NEW
                Re: *FACEPALM* by mysteriobama 10/21/2014, 8:46pm PDT NEW
            Re: Yeah, I kind of dropped off by WITTGENSTEIN 10/21/2014, 12:43pm PDT NEW
                We had to destroy Zseni's opinions to save them by fabio 10/21/2014, 1:27pm PDT NEW
    It's been better but still worth visiting. by Last 10/20/2014, 11:14am PDT NEW
    Re: Honest question. Does anyone actually enjoy this place? by Lizard_King 10/21/2014, 5:08am PDT NEW
        Re: Honest question. Does anyone actually enjoy this place? by Lizard_King 10/21/2014, 5:11am PDT NEW
            Re: Honest question. Does anyone actually enjoy this place? by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/21/2014, 9:01am PDT NEW
                Re: Honest question. Does anyone actually enjoy this place? by Lizard_King 10/21/2014, 10:38am PDT NEW
                    You don't get to decide what gamergate is about. by blackwater 10/23/2014, 11:58pm PDT NEW
                        Good point. by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/24/2014, 6:43am PDT NEW
                            Re: Good point. by Roop 10/24/2014, 9:25pm PDT NEW
                                Right. I tweet once every other day from one of four accounts. GARBAGE DAY! NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/24/2014, 9:40pm PDT NEW
        What the fuck is a "gamerghazi"? NT by Kenji Carter 10/21/2014, 7:12am PDT NEW
            A gamergate play on words referring to the Benghazi scandal/fuckup by Entropy Stew 10/21/2014, 8:47am PDT NEW
                Right. by Lizard_King 10/21/2014, 11:10am PDT NEW
                    Bioshock Infinite _IS_ a smart game for smart gamers! NT by Reformed Misogynist 10/21/2014, 11:12am PDT NEW
                    Gamergate is cynical, selfish and DANGEROUS by totally not moral panic 10/21/2014, 11:50am PDT NEW
                        Re: Gamergate is cynical, selfish and DANGEROUS by Mr. Yuks 10/21/2014, 11:59am PDT NEW
                        Gamers? I heard they were dead by Entropy Stew 10/21/2014, 1:56pm PDT NEW
                            You know what the anti #gamergate backlash reminds me of? by Mischief Maker 10/21/2014, 2:15pm PDT NEW
                                People who oppose racism are the real racists NT by Rush "Gamergate" Limbaugh 10/21/2014, 3:05pm PDT NEW
                                    How quickly we forget... NT by Howard the Duck 10/21/2014, 3:10pm PDT NEW
                                    You're right, George Lucas is a black filmmaker whose movies never fail! NT by Not a Racist 10/21/2014, 6:10pm PDT NEW
                                You even managed to convince the knee-jerk agreement guy by Lizard_King 10/24/2014, 8:10am PDT NEW
                                    Maybe THIS analogy would be more fitting? by Mischief Maker 10/24/2014, 9:55am PDT NEW
                            GamerGate was co-opted from day 1 by MRA fuckwits by Arbit 10/22/2014, 11:21pm PDT NEW
        Chicken & Egg puzzler: Did leaving 'trops turn INC and LK into fags, or reverse? NT by Mischief Maker 10/21/2014, 8:33am PDT NEW
            I realize time was short but do better than calling pro-female posters gay NT by bad comeback fairy 10/21/2014, 10:56am PDT NEW
                Haha yeah man, it ain't cool to use fag as an insult. by fairy who sucks cock in truckstops 10/21/2014, 11:14am PDT NEW
                    It's like I don't even recognize this place anymore. All the sides have changed by WITTGENSTEIN 10/21/2014, 12:00pm PDT NEW
            Motherhood has mellowed INC. LK has Stockholm syndrome. NT by They still have a point though :( 10/21/2014, 4:12pm PDT NEW
        Caltrops reifies privilege NT by The Cables, worm, all so privileged 10/21/2014, 11:52am PDT NEW
        Your post reflects the state of this thing in a nutshell by fabio 10/21/2014, 4:08pm PDT NEW
            Maybe #gamergate is a Rorschach blot? by Mischief Maker 10/21/2014, 5:23pm PDT NEW
                Pretty much my feelings on the matter. See also: My review of The Uncle who etc NT by WITTGENSTEIN 10/21/2014, 6:24pm PDT NEW
                Beautifully stated. NT by Leaped Frog 10/21/2014, 7:02pm PDT NEW
                Zoe was more the knife that cut the Gordian knot by fabio 10/21/2014, 8:21pm PDT NEW
            People who reject sexism are the real sexists NT by Rush "Gamergate" Limbaugh 10/21/2014, 5:30pm PDT NEW
                You're right, women need to be shielded from upsetting ideas. Like children! NT by Not a Misogynist 10/21/2014, 6:02pm PDT NEW
                    NOT sending death threats is the real misogyny! NT by you'll never win with that argume 10/21/2014, 6:10pm PDT NEW
                        The Westboro Baptists Church gets dozens of death threats a day. Therefore only NT by scum disagrees with them. 10/21/2014, 6:26pm PDT NEW
                        You're right, criticizing a game's design is exactly like a death threat! NT by Not a Drama Queen 10/21/2014, 6:41pm PDT NEW
                Why won't gamers apologize for death threats? NT by 9/11 mosque 10/21/2014, 6:28pm PDT NEW
            I need a few days to think of a reply to this one. by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/21/2014, 7:14pm PDT NEW
                Re: I need a few days to think of a reply to this one. by Lizard_King 10/22/2014, 4:59am PDT NEW
                    Re: moderation by Lizard_King 10/22/2014, 5:32am PDT NEW
                        LK apparently thinks Caltrops IS the Phantom Zone by WITTGENSTEIN 10/22/2014, 6:37am PDT NEW
                            You pretty much said it yourself, above. by Lizard_King 10/22/2014, 7:25am PDT NEW
                                It's been almost a week and my Twitter account STILL hasn't been suspended by WITTGENSTEIN 10/22/2014, 9:01am PDT NEW
                                    C. Twitter avoids doing anything about harassment where possible by Lizard_King 10/22/2014, 1:43pm PDT NEW
                                        Allow me to reply to your well-written 500 word essay: FUUUUUUCK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUU by WITTGENSTEIN 10/22/2014, 1:53pm PDT NEW
                                        Everyone agrees that threatening people online is bad & illegal, though. NT by Gutsby 10/22/2014, 3:19pm PDT NEW
                                            Re: Everyone agrees that threatening people online is bad & illegal, though. by Lizard_King 10/22/2014, 7:23pm PDT NEW
                                                The context that enables it is the pseudo-anonymity of the internet by Entropy Stew 10/23/2014, 8:22am PDT NEW
                                                    I was going to make the point that anonymity enables it too by Rafiki 10/23/2014, 9:09am PDT NEW
                                                        I didn't hear about the Zelda Williams thing. Disgusting. NT by Entropy Stew 10/23/2014, 9:23am PDT NEW
                                                        That's a pretty shit summary by the CSM by Arbit 10/23/2014, 11:45am PDT NEW
                                                            Of those, the only actual outliers are stalking and sexual harassment by WITTGENSTEIN 10/23/2014, 12:05pm PDT NEW
                                                        Anonymity helps, but I think it's mainly the force multiplier effect by Lizard_King 10/24/2014, 8:20am PDT NEW
                                            Arrest Kthor! NT by Mischief Maker 10/23/2014, 4:44am PDT NEW
                                    Re: It's been almost a week and my Twitter account STILL hasn't been suspended by TAFKAM 10/24/2014, 4:24am PDT NEW
                        So your opportunity for brilliant discourse was outweighed by needless vitriol by serial malcontent 10/22/2014, 8:37am PDT NEW
                        Re: moderation by Jerry Whorebach 10/23/2014, 1:53am PDT NEW
                    If you make a poll where people can say "fuck you", a lot of people will. NT by Gutsby 10/22/2014, 6:02am PDT NEW
                    Haha so hold on so the Adobe thing was a plot from the beginning? by Worm 10/22/2014, 6:32am PDT NEW
                        Who is crying foul? by Lizard_King 10/22/2014, 7:14am PDT NEW
                            ITT LK recites Leigh Alexander's Gamerasutra "Gamers is Dead" piece until we NT by stop arguing with him 10/22/2014, 7:24am PDT NEW
                            Why on earth do people want to enable misogynist harassment? NT by Gutsby 10/22/2014, 8:35am PDT NEW
                                Knocking down others makes them feel better about themselves, among others by Last 10/23/2014, 5:57am PDT NEW
                            I seems like the ultimate panacea for all issues is agreeing with you. by Worm 10/22/2014, 10:17am PDT NEW
                                That would be a start, sure. by Lizard_King 10/22/2014, 2:22pm PDT NEW
                                    They can sure fuck shit up by not moral panic 10/22/2014, 2:42pm PDT NEW
                                        Watch your tone. by Lizard_King 10/22/2014, 2:52pm PDT NEW
                                            Gaped! by Cubey 10/28/2014, 8:43am PDT NEW
                                        These SJWs sure are dangerous! Good thing me and my GG pals are here to save the NT by definitely not moral panic 10/22/2014, 11:38pm PDT NEW
                                            ^what Stalin would refer to as a "useful idiot" NT by kate leth 10/22/2014, 11:51pm PDT NEW
                                                ^what Mussolini would refer to as a "shit eating moron" by definitely not moral panic 10/23/2014, 11:09am PDT NEW
                                    Oh well I'm sure you guys will win just like you won against the Tea Party. NT by Worm 10/22/2014, 3:26pm PDT NEW
                    Re: I need a few days to think of a reply to this one. by A FRIEND 10/22/2014, 6:33am PDT NEW
                        Worse than anyone could imagine? by Really? 10/22/2014, 9:05am PDT NEW
                            Yeah, I think this is it. by Gutsby 10/22/2014, 9:35am PDT NEW
                            No one things Depression Quest succeeded or failed because of the sex scandal by serial malcontent 10/22/2014, 10:22am PDT NEW
                                To claim noninvolvement is to support the status quo. NT by Mischief Maker 10/22/2014, 12:37pm PDT NEW
                                    Individual advocacy has done nothing to change it, that's for institutions. by serial malcontent 10/22/2014, 1:05pm PDT NEW
                                        So are we debating Gamersgate here, WITTGENSTEIN shitposting on Twitter or NT by whether Caltrops is a toxic site? 10/22/2014, 1:38pm PDT NEW
                                            I'm making a case for people here to consider dropping a topic, site's fine. by serial malcontent 10/22/2014, 4:44pm PDT NEW
                                                You're the one most actively keeping this thread going, at the moment. NT by Mischief Maker 10/22/2014, 4:53pm PDT NEW
                                                    I'm sure ICJ will thank me for the activity. NT by serial malcontent 10/22/2014, 10:40pm PDT NEW
                                                        It's true, I will. by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/24/2014, 2:41pm PDT NEW
                                                            you have admin access and know how long I've been reading/posting, no need to NT by thank me 10/24/2014, 11:27pm PDT NEW
                                                                The database by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/25/2014, 11:18am PDT NEW
                                        Cynicism is the anal lube of the masses. NT by Mischief Maker 10/22/2014, 1:45pm PDT NEW
                                            Maybe, but blind optimism is your condom-pinholing boyfriend. NT by serial michel de certeau 10/22/2014, 4:46pm PDT NEW
                                    Haha, that's the "with us or against us" of radical leftism. NT by Gutsby 10/22/2014, 1:14pm PDT NEW
                                        No, that's "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem." NT by Mischief Maker 10/22/2014, 1:40pm PDT NEW
                                            With so many people with purple hair on the case, victory is around the bend! by Worm 10/22/2014, 3:24pm PDT NEW
                                        Hey now it's Jsoh 2.0 by TELL ME #GG ISNT ABOUT SEXISM!!! 10/22/2014, 2:27pm PDT NEW
                                            I think this is what happens when you're really really tired. by Gutsby 10/22/2014, 3:43pm PDT NEW
                            Re: Worse than anyone could imagine? by fabio 10/22/2014, 12:20pm PDT NEW
                                Re: Worse than anyone could imagine? by Really? 10/22/2014, 12:36pm PDT NEW
                                    Haha, great, another battleground for Americans to have binary political debates by Go Home Malala 10/22/2014, 2:08pm PDT NEW
                                        you're already isolated in the ebola camp with the rest of us NT by serial malcontent 10/22/2014, 4:35pm PDT NEW
                            Re: Worse than anyone could imagine? by A FRIEND 10/22/2014, 1:26pm PDT NEW
                                Sorry to burst your bubble, but that's every industry. by Fullofkittens 10/22/2014, 5:40pm PDT NEW
                                    This is the root of all totalitarian traction. NT by Gutsby 10/22/2014, 5:53pm PDT NEW
                                    Re: Sorry to burst your bubble, but that's every industry. by A FRIEND 10/22/2014, 6:13pm PDT NEW
                                    This #gamersgate discussion is fascinating by Mischief Maker 10/22/2014, 6:38pm PDT NEW
                                        Statement of principles: by Fullofkittens 10/22/2014, 6:59pm PDT NEW
                                            You realize your argument is NVR4GT NT by 9/11 mosque 10/22/2014, 7:02pm PDT NEW
                                                I don't understand this by Fullofkittens 10/22/2014, 7:07pm PDT NEW
                                            I have never threatened anyone's life, but I'm vicariously invalidated to you? NT by Mischief Maker 10/22/2014, 7:28pm PDT NEW
                                                Islam: Deserves the benefit of the doubt that it's not a monolithic entity by Gamers: KKK SHITLORDS 10/22/2014, 9:53pm PDT NEW
                                                    Gamers: Need more reflection and lambasting than the NFL. NT by Worm 10/22/2014, 10:47pm PDT NEW
                                                    Did I just win by Godwin's law? Or does it need to be actual Nazis? NT by Mischief Maker 10/23/2014, 3:31am PDT NEW
                                                If not giving a shit about games journalism "invalidates you"...? by Fullofkittens 10/23/2014, 3:46am PDT NEW
                                                    I mean you, L_K and everyone else are hinging on an Association Fallacy. by Mischief Maker 10/23/2014, 4:48am PDT NEW
                                                        I don't give a shit about any part of GG other than the threats/silencing campai by Fullofkittens 10/23/2014, 5:14am PDT NEW
                                                            Were you worried when 4chan threatened Oprah with over 9000 penises NT by 9/11 mosque 10/23/2014, 6:08am PDT NEW
                                                        Re: I mean you, L_K and everyone else are hinging on an Association Fallacy. by Lizard_King 10/23/2014, 6:11am PDT NEW
                                                            tl;dr death threats tho NT by 9/11 mosque 10/23/2014, 6:41am PDT NEW
                                                            Also, "true believers" by 9/11 mosque 10/23/2014, 6:53am PDT NEW
                                                            Way to passive-aggressively prove my point! by Mischief Maker 10/23/2014, 10:00am PDT NEW
                                                                passive-agression, arguing from emotion, losing their mind when they hear "rape" by re: 10/24/2014, 1:09pm PDT NEW
                                                    Why are you being such a fucking pedant. by WITTGENSTEIN 10/23/2014, 6:35am PDT NEW
                                            Re: Statement of principles: by A FRIEND 10/22/2014, 9:54pm PDT NEW
                                                Re: Statement of principles: by Souffle of Pain 10/22/2014, 10:14pm PDT NEW
                                                What do you expect to gain, exactly? by serial malcontent 10/22/2014, 11:23pm PDT NEW
                                                    Re: What do you expect to gain, exactly? by A FRIEND 10/23/2014, 10:48am PDT NEW
                                                        I might jump on your bandwagon, except I don't believe an apology will ever be by serial malcontent 10/23/2014, 2:07pm PDT NEW
                                                            I don't think you even have 2nd hand knowledge of how customer service works by fabio 10/24/2014, 7:15am PDT NEW
                                                                Yep: Apology followed by free shit to placate them and make them go away NT by Fullofkittens 10/24/2014, 7:41am PDT NEW
                                                                    Not apologizing was an explicit part of my training, you placated without it. by serial malcontent 10/25/2014, 8:11am PDT NEW
                                                                        Aaaaayou're fired. NT by Arthur Fonzarelli 10/25/2014, 11:59am PDT NEW
                                                Re: Statement of principles: by Fullofkittens 10/23/2014, 3:49am PDT NEW
                                                    Then shitty games journalists are obligated to quit triggering them! NT by Mischief Maker 10/23/2014, 4:23am PDT NEW
                                                    I guess this is sort of the funniest thing. by Worm 10/23/2014, 9:48am PDT NEW
                                                        "Black people can't be racist because racism implies a system of benefit" NT by Dear White People 10/23/2014, 9:54am PDT NEW
                                                        I was responding specifically to the notion that by Fullofkittens 10/23/2014, 10:52am PDT NEW
                                                            Thanks for the context, let's go further and compare it to drawing Allah? by Worm 10/23/2014, 11:40am PDT NEW
                                                                Re: Thanks for the context, let's go further and compare it to drawing Allah? by Johnathan Blow 10/23/2014, 12:31pm PDT NEW
                                                                    I don't think Worm gives two peanuty shits if Anita Sarkeesian makes youtube by videos. He just ridicules them. 10/23/2014, 1:25pm PDT NEW
                                                                        Re: I don't think Worm gives two peanuty shits if Anita Sarkeesian makes youtube by Johnathan Blow 10/23/2014, 1:48pm PDT NEW
                                                                            Hey Worm hear that? You've been upgraded from rape apologist to nigger hater NT by WITTGENSTEIN 10/23/2014, 2:42pm PDT NEW
                                                                    If you're not the real blow you're just as fucking worthless as him. by Worm 10/23/2014, 2:24pm PDT NEW
                                                                        Re: If you're not the real blow you're just as fucking worthless as him. by Johnathan Blow 10/23/2014, 2:44pm PDT NEW
                                                                            Worm: I'm so right I'm morally justified for serial rape now by Johnathan Blow 10/23/2014, 3:00pm PDT NEW
                                                                                Worm's killing you, by the way, faggot. Go lay down. NT by Souffle of Pain 10/23/2014, 5:05pm PDT NEW
                                                                                    You're sort of a stupid person. NT by Myron Faulke 10/23/2014, 7:33pm PDT NEW
                                                                                        You're in that game that stupid people enjoyed. NT by Souffle of Pain 10/23/2014, 9:32pm PDT NEW
                                                                            If you're not laughing at the idea of taking every racist thing you've heard and by Worm 10/23/2014, 3:01pm PDT NEW
                                                                                Re: If you're not laughing at the idea of taking every racist thing you've heard by Johnathan Blow 10/23/2014, 3:07pm PDT NEW
                                                                    Re: Thanks for the context, let's go further and compare it to drawing Allah? by A FRIEND 10/23/2014, 5:03pm PDT NEW
                                                    Re: Statement of principles: by A FRIEND 10/23/2014, 10:46am PDT NEW
                                        It's a scary reactionary deveopment for progressive leaning demographs by TELL ME #GG ISNT ABOUT SEXISM!!! 10/22/2014, 10:32pm PDT NEW
                Re: I need a few days to think of a reply to this one. by a whole actual human ass 10/23/2014, 7:50am PDT NEW
                    Yes, let's quit discussing how many cocks Leigh Alexander sucks by M4 CARBINES IN GAMES IS A SCANDAL 10/23/2014, 8:37am PDT NEW
                        I'll just respond to everything will "lol moral panic/lol association fallacy" NT by HURF BLURF TAKE ME SERIOUSLY 10/23/2014, 2:31pm PDT NEW
                            Wow this guy sounds mad, like a violent internet gamer type. by All caps watchlist 10/23/2014, 2:41pm PDT NEW
                            If you think that firearm product placement in video games is an ethical dilemma by WITTGENSTEIN 10/23/2014, 5:41pm PDT NEW
                                Hahah, well, Wittgenstein's got you there. NT by Souffle of Pain 10/23/2014, 6:21pm PDT NEW
                            It's been a while since my last debate class by fabio 10/24/2014, 7:34am PDT NEW
                                Re: It's been a while since my last debate class by Arbit 10/24/2014, 12:29pm PDT NEW
                                    Leigh Alexander's retort to Gamergate is that the real scandal is VG's & gun cos by WITTGENSTEIN 10/24/2014, 12:48pm PDT NEW
                                        Re: Leigh Alexander's retort to Gamergate is by Lizard_King 10/24/2014, 7:32pm PDT NEW
                                            Re: Leigh Alexander's retort to Gamergate is by WITTGENSTEIN 10/24/2014, 8:25pm PDT NEW
                                            Need to address toxic masculinity quick before white males shoot up school again by Worm 10/24/2014, 8:41pm PDT NEW
                                            YEAH WORM, CHECK YOUR PRIVILEGE YOU JOBLESS SHUTIN... NT by can i pay to bang you 10/24/2014, 8:45pm PDT NEW
                                            If Alexander is by im not giving my name to a computer 10/24/2014, 9:50pm PDT NEW
    I think it's improved markedly since I've become a regular contributor. NT by pinback 10/22/2014, 12:33pm PDT NEW
        Having you post here is better than having LK and INC try and shame us all. NT by WITTGENSTEIN 10/22/2014, 4:02pm PDT NEW
            Hey bud you're the proto-rapist. We're just the proto-rape proto-apologists. NT by Worm 10/22/2014, 4:03pm PDT NEW
        I agree... by Mischief Maker 10/23/2014, 4:44am PDT NEW
    Yes. Caltrops is an extraordinary site. NT by Gutsby 10/22/2014, 4:28pm PDT NEW
    I call HORSESHIT by Roop 10/24/2014, 10:21pm PDT NEW
    Well, ICJ, if you wanted to generate forum activity, you succeeded! NT by Mischief Maker 10/25/2014, 10:05am PDT NEW
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