Forum Overview :: Gamerasutra
RockPaperShotgun: Games are too hard because toxic gamers or something. by Sfia 10/04/2017, 6:25pm PDT
Games are too hard and gaming must appeal to people who don't like to play games, or else it's too privileged, or something
RockPaperShotgun: Games are too hard because toxic gamers or something. by Sfia 10/04/2017, 6:25pm PDT NEW
    Didn't Assassin's Creed have a "skip gameplay" button from the very start? NT by Mischief Maker 10/04/2017, 6:38pm PDT NEW
        Yeah when you throw the disc in the fucking garbage. by Worm 10/05/2017, 8:59am PDT NEW
    Honestly, the only angle I can see is this by Mysterio Lollerson 10/04/2017, 6:51pm PDT NEW
    LOL @ complaining about not being able to skip BOTW bosses when they're all opti by Rafiki 10/04/2017, 8:16pm PDT NEW
    Kuchera already doubling down by Worm 10/05/2017, 8:58am PDT NEW
        Is this the one who wrote the Zoepost by Vested Id 10/05/2017, 9:01am PDT NEW
        just watch a let's play of it NT by Porygon 10/05/2017, 9:21am PDT NEW
        Re: Kuchera already doubling down by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/05/2017, 9:24am PDT NEW
            Yeah, who cares about tourist mode, but god the way they TALK about it. by Worm 10/05/2017, 10:59am PDT NEW
        "Gaming, since EVER, has offered a feature called difficulty levels." NT by Robotron 2084 Easy Mode 10/05/2017, 9:42am PDT NEW
            You don't even need quarters to experience Robotron's engaging story! by Mischief Maker 10/05/2017, 9:53am PDT NEW
            You were probably looking for dip switches, Robotron used a software menu for NT by difficulty selection (F2 in MAME). 10/05/2017, 10:51am PDT NEW
        hahahhahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahaha by Rafiki 10/05/2017, 11:06am PDT NEW
            I think they're admitting they don't always play the games NT by Vested Id 10/05/2017, 12:25pm PDT NEW
                They can't be playing the games. by Judge Barry 10/05/2017, 4:40pm PDT NEW
            Walker even mentions "Hegelian dialectic" in his article! EXCLUSION! by Worm 10/05/2017, 12:41pm PDT NEW
    RPS clickbait. by Oom Shnibble 10/06/2017, 3:52am PDT NEW
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