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Re: Asimov's Caves of Steel Always Appealed To Me by ydrt 03/15/2003, 11:24am PST
Senor Barborito wrote:

Not so much his books but the idea of the whole of humanity living underground in gigantic subterranean cities. Interesting little 'what-if' article here [from Blue's News]. This is something that, like the brainbox, I'd very much like to see happen. For some reason V isn't hot on the idea of living in a bunker when we make the move from apartments to a house, however.

Ideally I'd live in a bunker on top of a skyscraper that was so reinforced you could blast it off the skyscraper with explosives and it would survive the thousand foot fall relatively intact.

It's all fun and games until your bunker lands upside down with your escape door held shut by nearby wreckage. Just try and shit into your cast-iron toilet while doing a handstand.
Asimov's Caves of Steel Always Appealed To Me by Senor Barborito 03/15/2003, 3:32am PST NEW
    I've always wanted to buy one of those decommissioned missle bases -nt- by E. L. Koba 03/15/2003, 5:08am PST NEW
        Same -nt- by Senor Barborito 03/15/2003, 5:28am PST NEW
    Have you considered a battleship? by conflictNo 03/15/2003, 5:39am PST NEW
    Re: Asimov's Caves of Steel Always Appealed To Me by ydrt 03/15/2003, 11:24am PST NEW
        Re: Asimov's Caves of Steel Always Appealed To Me by FoK 03/16/2003, 1:29pm PST NEW
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