Forum Overview :: Rants
Senor B is, alas, mostly right. by Lizard_King 06/24/2003, 7:25pm PDT
Just stick your toes under the couch at first. Make sure you are on a reasonably soft surface, the initial backlash against situps comes from generations of people banging the shit out of themselves on gym floors.

Generally speaking, 9/10 of the problem most people have with fat stems from poor diet choices. Even with a great exercise program, a poor diet can have a seriously detrimental effect on your physical condition, aesthetically as well as otherwise. This doesn't mean starvation, just moderation and a redistribution of priorities.

Back to the topic at hand. Situps and crunches are both excellent excercises, for different reasons. As noted above, situps tend to do a lot more for your back as well, which is actually a point in their favour so long as you are maintaining proper form, not bouncing off the ground, and keeping your stomach contracted as much as possible throughout (ie clench up and suck in your gut, then do whatever is crucial to proper development of the muscle, else you run the risk of developing a protruding sort of stomach muscle that is undisciplined and makes a little fat look a lot worse). Crunches can be a more intensive stomach exercise since you can hold them for longer, and it is holding the motion in both cases that is crucial to intensity.

But better than either are (or, what should serve as centerpieces to which the others are useful but ancillary.) are full range of motion exercises, that require slightly better conditioning, as well as ab exercises while hanging from a pullup bar or whatever. For example,lying on the ground in the classic situp position, knees at just less than 45 degrees, and slowly sitting up with hands extended before you, one vertebrae at a time almost. Once in a seated position, keep your hands extended and then slowly extend each leg (while keeping knees in roughly the same spot they were before, not dropping as you extend), then both legs, then put them flat, and slowly roll back onto the floor. Remember the whole time to keep your stomach compressed and sucked in as much as possible. A number of those, so long as they are done slowly, will do wonders for your abdominal conditioning. But like I said, the other 9/10 is diet.
Ugh by Senor Barborito 06/24/2003, 1:47am PDT NEW
    Area LAN party attendee thinks he's well above all other LAN party attendees by Fussbett 06/24/2003, 2:06am PDT NEW
        There is no question here by Senor Barborito 06/24/2003, 3:02am PDT NEW
            friendship party by Fussbett 06/24/2003, 4:23pm PDT NEW
    Re: Ugh by The Happiness Engine 06/24/2003, 2:17am PDT NEW
    Isn't this what broadband was invented for? by I need clarification 06/24/2003, 4:59am PDT NEW
        Re: Isn't this what broadband was invented for? by The Happiness Engine 06/24/2003, 5:34am PDT NEW
            HAHAHA Thanks!! That must be it. You're a genius. NT by I need clarification 06/24/2003, 5:48pm PDT NEW
        Re: Isn't this what broadband was invented for? by FoK 06/24/2003, 10:22am PDT NEW
        BANDWIDTH THEFT!! IS SOMEONE HOT/HARD-LINKING YOU?!?!? NT by Moab 06/24/2003, 10:46am PDT NEW
    Re: Ugh by Guido Jones 06/24/2003, 6:54am PDT NEW
        Yep - dunno if it was 8th, but it's 707 112th by Senor Barborito 06/24/2003, 2:47pm PDT NEW
            Re: Yep - dunno if it was 8th, but it's 707 112th by Guido Jones 07/01/2003, 6:03am PDT NEW
    This should be a full fledged Caltrops article by Roop Dirump 06/24/2003, 2:03pm PDT NEW
        Agreed. by Bill Dungsroman 06/24/2003, 4:19pm PDT NEW
        or at the very least by whydirt 06/24/2003, 4:41pm PDT NEW
            Great idea. NT by Fussbett 06/24/2003, 4:42pm PDT NEW
                no problem hoss NT by whydirt, caltrops braintrust 06/24/2003, 4:43pm PDT NEW
                    Re: no problem hoss by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/24/2003, 5:01pm PDT NEW
                        Article is better, but lose the last paragraph NT by Masked Man 06/24/2003, 5:11pm PDT NEW
                            Not all that concerned with how you edit, but include 'incest convention' please by Senor Barborito 06/24/2003, 6:20pm PDT NEW
    Re: Ugh by Shadow 06/24/2003, 5:27pm PDT NEW
        Re: Ugh by Mysterio 06/24/2003, 5:42pm PDT NEW
            Re: Ugh by Lard lad 06/24/2003, 5:49pm PDT NEW
                Re: Ugh by FoK 06/24/2003, 6:33pm PDT NEW
                    Also by Bill Dungsroman 06/25/2003, 11:53am PDT NEW
                        Re: Also by I need clarification 06/25/2003, 7:14pm PDT NEW
                Senor B is, alas, mostly right. by Lizard_King 06/24/2003, 7:25pm PDT NEW
                    Huh by Senor Barborito 06/24/2003, 7:38pm PDT NEW
                        Re: Huh by Lizard_King 06/25/2003, 9:38am PDT NEW
                            Re: Huh by Bill Dungsroman 06/25/2003, 11:59am PDT NEW
                                Weird. by FoK 06/25/2003, 12:02pm PDT NEW
                                    When's the next Caltrops Botox party? NT by Masked Man 06/25/2003, 4:04pm PDT NEW
                        Re: Huh by I need clarification 06/25/2003, 7:19pm PDT NEW
                            Clarified by Fussbett 06/25/2003, 7:31pm PDT NEW
                Re: Ugh by Chairman Mao 06/24/2003, 7:55pm PDT NEW
        Hints by Senor Barborito 06/24/2003, 6:17pm PDT NEW
            Re: Hints by Shadow 06/24/2003, 8:36pm PDT NEW
                Ultimate Solution by Masked Man 06/24/2003, 9:16pm PDT NEW
                    Re: Ultimate Solution by Shadow 06/24/2003, 10:26pm PDT NEW
                        Karate yes/no by Fussbett 06/24/2003, 11:38pm PDT NEW
                            Re: Karate yes/no by Shadow 06/25/2003, 2:57am PDT NEW
                                Re: Karate yes/no by Entropy Stew 06/25/2003, 3:04am PDT NEW
                                    Re: Karate yes/no by whydirt, caltrops braintrust 06/25/2003, 3:17am PDT NEW
                                        Ahh, my mistake -nt- by Entropy Stew 06/25/2003, 4:02am PDT NEW
                                            Re: Ahh, my mistake -nt- by Shadow 06/25/2003, 12:34pm PDT NEW
                                    Fat people are funny by Thin Person 06/25/2003, 9:54am PDT NEW
    But those are Gabe's people! by Forensic 06/24/2003, 7:03pm PDT NEW
        Re: But those are Gabe's people! by Jhoh Creexul 06/24/2003, 7:10pm PDT NEW
        Re: But those are Gabe's people! by Masked Man 06/24/2003, 8:27pm PDT NEW
        I hate that stereo motherfucker. by Fussbett 06/25/2003, 12:22am PDT NEW
            Re: I hate that stereo motherfucker. by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/25/2003, 3:32pm PDT NEW
                No no no, the "Storm Shadow" guy. by Fussbett 06/26/2003, 3:42pm PDT NEW
                    Re: No no no, the "Storm Shadow" guy. by Chairman Mao 06/26/2003, 4:16pm PDT NEW
    Jesus by Entropy Stew 06/24/2003, 7:57pm PDT NEW
    Re: Ugh by Bunyip 06/25/2003, 3:29pm PDT NEW
        what's SC2? NT by FABIO 06/25/2003, 4:16pm PDT NEW
            Soul Calibur. Two. NT by Bunyip 06/25/2003, 4:22pm PDT NEW
        Look at all the hot chicks. NT by I need clarification 06/25/2003, 7:21pm PDT NEW
        Wow. by Fullofkittens 06/25/2003, 7:24pm PDT NEW
            Re: Wow. by Choson 06/25/2003, 7:28pm PDT NEW
        Most of the shots at the correct angle are taken after I left by Senor Barborito 06/25/2003, 9:18pm PDT NEW
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