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Re: Bragging rights by laudablepuss 05/23/2005, 1:19am PDT
Fussbett wrote:

Lost Canon S400 digital camera at South Hall in the LA Convention Center during E3 today. If you find it and return it to me, I will be eternally grateful. Not just for the camera, but especially for the contents inside. I have several pictures of me with voluptous booth babes from all over the convention floor, and these are prime bragging rights material. I am wearing a green collared shirt in all of those pictures. Please contact me if you have found it. Thanks in advance.

In a somewhat related vein:

I was walking out of Revenge of the Sith, kinda meandering while waiting for my friends to catch up to me. Along comes a girl who puts her arm in mine and proceeds to point at a nearby poster while telling me she wants to see that movie. I say, uh, excuse me? And she notices I'm not her boyfriend. Boyfriend: not amused. They walk away.

Now, I couldn't help but notice a few things. First, her boyfriend is about 6 inches taller than me. I was wearing a baseball cap, his spikey blond hair was capless. Dude had chains and piercings, I had neither. He had a black shirt, I had a, uh, kinda . . . okay the shirt was lavender. I'm not a fag. Honest. Anyway . . . what the fuck? How could I, even out of the corner of her eye, resemble dicko over there? Maybe she was hoping her boyfriend would get mad and try to kill me. Who knows. Note: I was not wearing Axe body spray.

The next night some girls in the car next to me flashed me their tits. That was awfully nice of them. Girls should do that more often.
Bragging rights by Fussbett 05/23/2005, 12:55am PDT NEW
    Re: Bragging rights by laudablepuss 05/23/2005, 1:19am PDT NEW
        Re: Bragging rights by Entropy Stew 05/23/2005, 2:13am PDT NEW
            It was a hypersexy shade of blue. by laudablepuss 05/23/2005, 11:01am PDT NEW
        You've got the KAVORKA! NT by Old Greek Orthodox Priest 05/23/2005, 4:13am PDT NEW
    Re: Bragging rights by Mysterio 05/29/2005, 10:46am PDT NEW
        This post is haunting my nightmares. NT by Druids 05/29/2005, 12:10pm PDT NEW
            and i'm having trouble finding a pic with mysterio saying CREEPY FUCKING SHIT NT by bombMexico 05/29/2005, 6:49pm PDT NEW
                Could you find a pic of Mysterio just saying "good" then? NT by Creexul :( 05/29/2005, 8:37pm PDT NEW
                    Re: Could you find a pic of Mysterio just saying "good" then? by bombMexico 05/31/2005, 9:34pm PDT NEW
                        brilliant NT by mark 06/01/2005, 1:32am PDT NEW
                        There are some bragging rights. 8) by Creexul :( 06/01/2005, 4:17am PDT NEW
                            You just condemned Huey Lewis in Short Cuts. NT by Fussbett 06/01/2005, 12:08pm PDT NEW
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