Video Review: Diablo 3 and Torchlight by the Cable Bruddas

Sometimes it’s nice to destroy every living creature in a dungeon without having to remember that the Polish octal characters on your screen translates to pink dragon.

Two such games are Diablo 3 and Torchlight.

Here’s what I like about these video reviews: the Cable Bruddas (twin gamers bred specifically to game and game well) show you the gameplay while they talk about what they’re playing. So even if you disagree with a certain point, they are showing you the experience you’d be in for if you purchased the thing. I can’t figure out how to record anything on my desktop as an AVI file, so this is magic to me. Much more interesting magic than the rainbow skittle magic going on in D3, even.

Enjoy the video review, everybody. Focus on adventure!!

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