Forum Overview :: The Zionist Media Conspiracy
So The Onion is getting back to their roots I guess by fabio 12/22/2012, 1:16am PST
After years of their material consisting of a clever headlines followed by unnecessary articles driving the single joke into the ground, they managed to break free with their mostly excellent ONN series of videos, featuring such radical concepts as multiple jokes, all tied to a certain theme.

Hot off this success, they decided to go with some new series based off singular dead horse jokes.

That's not even getting into their reality shows like Porkin' Across America and Sex House, for an audience who prefers a cover of parody to mask their guilty desire for actual reality shows.

RIP off the nose satire good night god bless america good luck.
So The Onion is getting back to their roots I guess by fabio 12/22/2012, 1:16am PST NEW
    In the Know, the pundit show, is my favorite by Entropy Stew 12/22/2012, 8:00am PST NEW
    You can't parody TED talks in the Onion style anyway by Vested Id 12/22/2012, 12:45pm PST NEW
        Pause. Yeah. NT by Pause. Yeah. 12/22/2012, 2:13pm PST NEW
    new American Idol reality show by fabio 01/16/2013, 5:21pm PST NEW
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