Forum Overview :: The Zionist Media Conspiracy
Well Star Trek 13 looks like moose turds! by Mischief Shai-hulud 05/25/2016, 4:54pm PDT

Jesus Christ, hasn't Kirk learned to be a captain yet?

Jesus Christ, did they crash the Enterprise again?

Jesus Christ, is this whole movie going to be the rock monster scene from Galaxy Quest without the humor?

No wonder they sued the Axanar guys, they made an action-packed Trek movie that DOESN'T make your brain try to tear its way out of your skull lest it die of starvation.
Well Star Trek 13 looks like moose turds! by Mischief Shai-hulud 05/25/2016, 4:54pm PDT NEW
    I... I still believe in Simon Pegg. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/25/2016, 5:18pm PDT NEW
        The franchise is deceased by laudablepuss 05/26/2016, 7:04am PDT NEW
        How can he dance around interstellar transporter beams and the cure for death? NT by Mischief Midichlorian 05/26/2016, 3:34pm PDT NEW
    That is more or less the villain from Galaxy Quest NT by Vested Id 05/25/2016, 6:12pm PDT NEW
    *INCEPTION HOOOONK* *HOOOOOONNNNNNK* NT by Rafiki 05/25/2016, 6:17pm PDT NEW
    How many times can you destroy by Oom Shnibble 06/08/2016, 3:19am PDT NEW
    At this point, TNG is now as old as TOS was when TNG came out NT by we're so old 06/08/2016, 3:53am PDT NEW
        Jane Fonda reference in recently active forums NT by so old 06/08/2016, 6:21am PDT NEW
        Man, we crossed that event horizon years ago. Voyager is now as old as TOS was. by 7 of 9 could be all of our mum. 06/08/2016, 6:40am PDT NEW
            *sax riff* NT by laudablepuss 06/08/2016, 7:21am PDT NEW
    But Sulu's gay now! NO, Sulu the CHARACTER. NT by mike williams usgamer 07/08/2016, 1:18pm PDT NEW
        Even George Takei doesn't like it by Worm 07/08/2016, 10:24pm PDT NEW
            It's also indirectly insulting, implying a gay man can't act as a straight one. NT by skip 07/09/2016, 7:41am PDT NEW
                Re: It's also indirectly insulting, implying a gay man can't act as a by John Gulp 07/09/2016, 8:55am PDT NEW
                    No problem thanks for chimin NT by Kyle Kunning 07/09/2016, 9:09am PDT NEW
                    Don't give them any ideas, I've been waiting by the phone in my old wig all week by Walter Koenig 07/09/2016, 9:41am PDT NEW
    Downloaded the cam version because admitted i won't ever pay $17 to see it NT by got bored 33% of way through 07/26/2016, 4:44pm PDT NEW
    Saw it tonight and loved it. by Ice Cream Jonsey 07/30/2016, 11:00pm PDT NEW
        *ahem* NT by the one with the whales 07/31/2016, 10:10am PDT NEW
            He said "Star Wars" in his post and you're worried about which movies he picked? NT by Rey Mysterio Jr. 07/31/2016, 2:02pm PDT NEW
                And I don't know why so many stars of the show are dying. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/01/2016, 4:33pm PDT NEW
                    Wait, who else died NT by except the guy hit by his jeep? 08/01/2016, 10:28pm PDT NEW
                        Spock, Scottie, Dr. McCoy, Ricardo Montalban NT by Gone but not forgotten :( 08/02/2016, 12:08pm PDT NEW
                            Re: Spock, Scottie, Dr. McCoy, Ricardo Montalban by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/02/2016, 12:10pm PDT NEW
                                And don't forget Garibaldi just died too. Star Wars will never be the same NT by Roop 08/02/2016, 12:59pm PDT NEW
    Guys, I am JUST sayin' by Anne Theriault 08/02/2016, 8:05pm PDT NEW
        This isn't the first time Star Trek has faced allegations of humanism. by Wagon Train to Diversity Seminars 08/02/2016, 10:32pm PDT NEW
        Hello, Anne! NT by Kirk's latina boss in this movie 08/06/2016, 9:52pm PDT NEW
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