Forum Overview :: Guess Who Fucked Up X-Com Now
Ha! by Ice Cream Jonsey 07/01/2016, 6:11pm PDT
Fullofkittens wrote:

I don't bother with character customization because the game is so goddamn hard I can't keep anyone alive.

That's good to know - two seconds after the last mission, which is very quick (to their credit) I was in the game making people and I was going to make Caltrops people like E.L. Koba did with The Sims but if they're just going to all die anyway, I'll go with Mysterioes.

XCOM2 by Ice Cream Jonsey 07/01/2016, 4:04pm PDT NEW
    Seems a lot like "XCOM" by Ice Cream Jonsey 07/01/2016, 4:55pm PDT NEW
    I think the characters are customizable right off the bat, just rolled at random by Fullofkittens 07/01/2016, 5:56pm PDT NEW
        Ha! by Ice Cream Jonsey 07/01/2016, 6:11pm PDT NEW
            Mysterious lives matter NT by Mysterio 07/02/2016, 12:18pm PDT NEW
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