by Entropy Stew 11/26/2018, 4:20pm PST |
I'm so happy MS ported this from their no-go XBONE. There hasn't been a game that's made world traversal fun since Crackdown. Yeah yeah, Just Cause, I know. It was fun, but the interaction was sort of generic. Crackdown had you constantly grappling to get places. Sunset has you constantly grinding, wall running, bouncing, pole swinging, air dashing, and expects you to keep doing it in the middle of combat. "But I want to melee!" you whinge. Answer: you groundpound a fucker and superjump cancel the recovery back into the sky. Fuckers thought of everything. No boring "do everything" parkour button here.
It's Tony Hawk's Saints Row. What Doom(2016) did for shooters, this does for the sandbox. Why haven't you bought it already?
Minor cons:
Mouse support is mostly fucked, if you are of that persuasion. They're supposedly working on it? It's a console port, though, so you should be playing on a pad anyhow.
The tower defense shit is more irritating than fun
-/ES/- |