Forum Overview :: Balance of Power
Gaslighting Catholics into insisting that the things you're forcing them to do by arent what they are to own the cons 06/04/2019, 9:54pm PDT
Go Team Mischief! by Sam 06/01/2019, 9:35pm PDT NEW
    Nice! NT by Brian Stelter 06/01/2019, 9:43pm PDT NEW
        Stalking black men who make 12k annually as a day laborer NT by to own the cons 06/02/2019, 9:07am PDT NEW
            Someone at Facebook dropped a dime on him NT by this story keeps getting better 06/02/2019, 11:19am PDT NEW
    I'm sorry, were you under the impression that I was a fan of Nancy Pelosi? NT by Mischief Maker 06/02/2019, 11:10am PDT NEW
        Not so heavy on the mincing please NT by Thanks 06/02/2019, 3:03pm PDT NEW
        You LARP a good DSA'er but we all know who you voted for in 2016 you coward NT by You're a company man 06/02/2019, 3:40pm PDT NEW
            Also, who was it you did volunteer work for again NT by Which party 06/02/2019, 3:50pm PDT NEW
                I didn't volunteer shit! When I worked for the Dems, I got PAID. NT by Mi$chief Maker 06/02/2019, 4:29pm PDT NEW
                    Paid team member NT by Wesleyan Analytica 06/02/2019, 4:59pm PDT NEW
                        Ugh. NT by Mi$chief Maker 06/02/2019, 5:45pm PDT NEW
            I voted for Clinton because Trump was worse for the DSA's policy agenda. NT by MM 06/02/2019, 4:28pm PDT NEW
                You're worse than libertarians. AT least they actually voted libertarian NT by Clinton has MM's balls in a jar 06/02/2019, 7:24pm PDT NEW
                    You're like the Mumen Rider of ethical takedowns. by Mi$chief Maker 06/02/2019, 8:12pm PDT NEW
            Re: You LARP a good DSA'er but we all know who you voted for in 2016 you coward by Mysteriobama 06/03/2019, 10:11pm PDT NEW
                Coward; chicken, craven, cur, dastard, funk, poltroon, recreant, sissy NT by Caltrops Thesaurus 06/03/2019, 10:24pm PDT NEW
                    Poltroon, now there's a good one! by Don't mind the thorns 4 the flower 06/03/2019, 11:56pm PDT NEW
                        Re: Poltroon, now there's a good one! by Mysteriobama 06/04/2019, 8:28am PDT NEW
            So I'm curious, what SHOULD I have done, in your opinion, not to be a sellout? NT by MM 06/04/2019, 6:12am PDT NEW
                I don't know, why shouldn't -I- have voted for Trump? NT by poor whites that MM secretly loathe 06/04/2019, 10:26am PDT NEW
                    1. No republican supreme court that allows corporations to fuck you in the ass. NT by Mischief Maker 06/04/2019, 2:07pm PDT NEW
                        You'd prefer people to get fucked in the ass by the courts directly NT by Vested Id 06/04/2019, 2:46pm PDT NEW
                            Insightful. NT by MM 06/04/2019, 3:01pm PDT NEW
                                It's the truth IMO but we don't have to keep arguing about it by Vested Id 06/04/2019, 3:24pm PDT NEW
                                    Have fun in arbitration! NT by MM 06/04/2019, 7:29pm PDT NEW
                                        Didn't you try to become an arbitrator after you failed as a lawyer? NT by Saul Goodman 06/04/2019, 8:14pm PDT NEW
                                            No listicles to copy/paste about the diff. between mediation and arbitration? NT by I'm smart too! Not like everybody s 06/04/2019, 8:57pm PDT NEW
                        Forcing Catholic hospitals to perform abortions and SRS NT by to own the cons 06/04/2019, 4:23pm PDT NEW
                            That's totally a real thing, absolutely. NT by MM 06/04/2019, 7:27pm PDT NEW
                                Where'd you go to law school again? by Saul Goodman 06/04/2019, 8:12pm PDT NEW
                                    Yes, hysterectomies and tubals are SRSs. Every woman who's had one is now a man. NT by Check out captain copy/paste here! 06/04/2019, 8:55pm PDT NEW
                                        Gaslighting Catholics into insisting that the things you're forcing them to do NT by arent what they are to own the cons 06/04/2019, 9:54pm PDT NEW
                                            Contraception is the same thing as abortion. This is a reasonable stance. by Mischief Maker 06/04/2019, 9:59pm PDT NEW
                                                We've gone from "You're lying" to "lol fuck catholics and their magic sky bully" by really fast here 06/04/2019, 10:47pm PDT NEW
                                                    Because I actually READ your listicle, unlike you. by MM 06/05/2019, 4:47pm PDT NEW
                                                        If i throw a bone will you go away NT by you petulant yappy Clinton lapdog? 06/06/2019, 4:18pm PDT NEW
                                                            No, Saul. You're going to carry this thread to term! NT by MM 06/06/2019, 4:42pm PDT NEW
                                                                haha NT by Mysterio Lollerson 06/06/2019, 8:14pm PDT NEW
                                                        Giving a hysterectomy to a woman transitioning to a man is not SRS. Oh, okay. NT by This is Clownworld 06/06/2019, 6:37pm PDT NEW
                    2. Keeping John Bolton as far from the military as possible. NT by MM 06/04/2019, 7:26pm PDT NEW
                    3. Tony Schwartz, author of "The Art of the Deal," said TV Trump was fictional. NT by and real Trump was a nutjob. 06/06/2019, 6:37am PDT NEW
                    Is he making you whiter? Because he sure isn't making you richer... by Mysterio 06/06/2019, 8:39am PDT NEW
                        Neolib chimes in by Vested Id 06/06/2019, 5:19pm PDT NEW
                            This is a shit argument tactic btw by laudablepuss 06/07/2019, 10:08am PDT NEW
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