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Its Joe-ver by Biden out by the Convention 07/18/2024, 10:28am PDT NEW
    You guys gave up trying to paint Thomas as a FUCKEN LIBTARD? by lololololololololol 07/18/2024, 11:16am PDT NEW
        "Trump was never shot" is peak BlueAnon NT by MuellerSheWrote 07/18/2024, 2:11pm PDT NEW
            5 years ago, you were convinced that COVID-19 was a hoax. by Mysterio 07/18/2024, 2:59pm PDT NEW
            LOVE THIS by Hahaha 07/18/2024, 3:12pm PDT NEW
                You can't talk to people like this. NT by Modberg 07/18/2024, 3:20pm PDT NEW
                    BAN ME COWARD NT by Hahaha 07/18/2024, 6:23pm PDT NEW
                        They will. I think the "STOP POSTING" screechers got ip banned NT by Mysterio 07/18/2024, 8:56pm PDT NEW
                            Holy fuck will you ever quit whining? by Mysterio 07/18/2024, 10:45pm PDT NEW
                                Get fucked by laudablepuss 07/18/2024, 10:56pm PDT NEW
                                    How am I supposed to know that was you? I love you. by Mysterio3 07/19/2024, 7:55am PDT NEW
                                        It wasn't by laudablepuss 07/19/2024, 5:05pm PDT NEW
                                    Re: Get fucked by Mr. EO 07/19/2024, 11:21am PDT NEW
                                        Re: Get fucked by hehehehe 07/19/2024, 5:12pm PDT NEW
                                            Are you sure Trump’s not a space alien? Maybe QAnon should “look into” it NT by Blackwater 07/20/2024, 8:35am PDT NEW
                                                Hahah! Yep! Good one! LOL! by Mysterio 07/20/2024, 2:40pm PDT NEW
                                                    I’m sure Geryk and the other whiny twats who spent years panicking about QAnon by Blackwater 07/20/2024, 8:41pm PDT NEW
                                                        You have to give blackwater credit, unlike the others. by Mysterio 07/21/2024, 6:45am PDT NEW
                                                            Humble request by Modberg 07/21/2024, 8:44am PDT NEW
                                        Re: Get fucked by laudablepuss 07/21/2024, 1:48am PDT NEW
                                        Re: Get fucked by FBI Director Yesterday, 3:25pm PDT NEW
            Trump is the result of a union between an orangutan and one of those lizards by that squirt blood out their eyes. 07/18/2024, 4:23pm PDT NEW
    Re: Its Joe-ver by Mischief Maker 07/18/2024, 12:25pm PDT NEW
        All that bootlicking WASTED NT by Re-evaluate your life 07/21/2024, 11:03am PDT NEW
            When _I_ read that letter, my first thought was not about YOU. NT by MM 07/21/2024, 11:13am PDT NEW
                You have 3 days to get used to eating a former tough on crime pols ass NT by Get busy 07/21/2024, 11:23am PDT NEW
                    I am your sun and your moon. by MM 07/21/2024, 11:39am PDT NEW
                        a losing Yellow Dog Dem says what? NT by Mysterio 07/21/2024, 11:45am PDT NEW
                        HAHAHAH shitlicker humiliated again by lololololololol 07/21/2024, 3:53pm PDT NEW
    Re: Its Joe-ver by Kamala Yoncé 07/21/2024, 11:10am PDT NEW

Are we going to talk about the couch-fucking? NT by Mischief Maker Yesterday, 8:31am PDT NEW
    Wait. Why isn't Pence the VP on the ticket again? What happened? by Just asking. Yesterday, 10:01am PDT NEW
        We don't talk about that. by Reasonable Republican Yesterday, 10:09am PDT NEW

Yo culties- you guys good on Crooks being one of your own? Or need a spanking? by You dumb choads Yesterday, 9:56am PDT NEW
    It's really disappointing. NT by Reasonable Republican Yesterday, 10:07am PDT NEW

B) NT by Bi den 07/21/2024, 2:16pm PDT NEW
    Happy National Ice Cream Day NT by Guy who got licked 07/21/2024, 4:50pm PDT NEW
        Nikki Haley Voters PAC Announces Support for Kamala Harris NT by But enjoy your pedophile! 07/21/2024, 5:56pm PDT NEW
            We expect nothing less NT by B) 07/21/2024, 7:18pm PDT NEW
    >B) NT by Navin Grewsome 07/21/2024, 7:18pm PDT NEW
    So I wonder, would you say this is better or worse than the GOP situation NT by laudablepuss 07/22/2024, 1:28am PDT NEW
        The elderly rapist with dementia donated to Harris by But bleachers gonna inject bleach 07/22/2024, 6:29am PDT NEW
            But have you considered that Kamala SMILES and is capable of LAUGHTER??? NT by MAGA Masterstroke 07/22/2024, 6:54am PDT NEW
                fucking seriously by Feris 07/22/2024, 8:41am PDT NEW
                    Yes, the manic cackle that no-1 outside CA knew about is the reason she got 1% by and dropped out the 2020 primaries 07/22/2024, 6:58pm PDT NEW
                        She was a senator and is vice president by Feris 07/22/2024, 7:38pm PDT NEW
                        She was competing against Bernie Sanders in 2020. by Mischief Maker 07/22/2024, 7:47pm PDT NEW
                            "She did poorly in that one primary" is the dumbest thing I've ever read by Just amazed at this point 07/22/2024, 7:52pm PDT NEW
        Can someone delete this for my friend ldbl NT by B) 07/22/2024, 9:50am PDT NEW
    I'm da brat! NT by K-ho 07/22/2024, 9:46am PDT NEW
        It's all about meem by Klamala 07/22/2024, 10:38am PDT NEW
            haha yep by K-ho 07/22/2024, 11:46am PDT NEW
                OBOY, nobody click that NT by Klamala 07/22/2024, 12:13pm PDT NEW
                    Why can't I play? by K-ho 07/22/2024, 1:06pm PDT NEW
    MALA by Make America Laugh Again 07/22/2024, 6:11pm PDT NEW
        Yes, yes, we all know the big talking point is to call her an n-word slut. by Mischief Maker 07/22/2024, 7:05pm PDT NEW
    Let's see the latest Republican sanity report: by Mischief Maker 07/22/2024, 8:33pm PDT NEW
        Shit, I should have started a new thread for these. *ICJ HELP!* by Mischief Maker 07/23/2024, 9:54am PDT NEW
            Wait, is this a parody account? Shit. NT by Mischief Maker 07/23/2024, 9:55am PDT NEW
                That's the spirit NT by MALA 07/23/2024, 11:23am PDT NEW
                    To be fair, you guys have been balls-deep in Poe's Law for years. NT by Mischief Maker 07/23/2024, 12:23pm PDT NEW
                    MM realizes it in less than 60 seconds. Meanwhile by Feris 07/23/2024, 12:43pm PDT NEW
    Hoe Cap (like No Cap but by B) 07/23/2024, 11:26am PDT NEW
        this guy suuure loves fascism! NT by infosquito 07/23/2024, 12:05pm PDT NEW
    hahahahah by lololololololololol 07/23/2024, 1:53pm PDT NEW
    Oh shit! Even Elon's jumping ship! by Mischief Maker 07/23/2024, 4:53pm PDT NEW
        When the legend becomes fact... uh, don't correct the press NT by B) 07/23/2024, 5:49pm PDT NEW
            Blame The Wall Street Journal for starting it. You can't trust Murdoch press. NT by Mischief Maker 07/23/2024, 6:56pm PDT NEW

So nobidy wants to talk about their candidate being a vegetable? NT by Huhuhuh Uhuhuhuhuh 07/10/2024, 10:00am PDT NEW
    You mean Trump disappearing for weeks while Biden does 18 events? NT by Mischief Maker 07/10/2024, 10:15am PDT NEW
        With a cold! NT by Mischief Maker 07/10/2024, 3:36pm PDT NEW
    Yeah, can we talk about his post-birth abortion delusions? by Mischief Maker 07/10/2024, 10:49am PDT NEW
    Thank you for brining the discussion here. Much appreciated. NT by Modberg 07/10/2024, 11:38am PDT NEW
        I'LL SAY! by SALT VAMPIRE 07/10/2024, 11:39am PDT NEW
            If... SHE... was a WOMAN... could she TAKE... a beating like THIS?!! NT by Spock with the double-fisted smack 07/10/2024, 11:50am PDT NEW
    hahahahahaha by lololololololololol 07/10/2024, 2:51pm PDT NEW
        I do not think you understand. Joe Biden had a COLD. NT by Huhuhuh Uhuhuhuhuh 07/10/2024, 3:24pm PDT NEW
            The entire Democratic Caucus is begging him to resign but posters here drink NT by Copium Koolaid like COCK 07/10/2024, 3:27pm PDT NEW
                Four Democrats you'd never heard of said something stupid. No wonder you're into by it. It was stupid. Kind of fits. ;) 07/10/2024, 4:31pm PDT NEW
                What a dumb post. You seem like you eat paste. NT by leave the site 07/10/2024, 5:08pm PDT NEW
    This site used to provide a small pleasure each evening. by Respiv 07/10/2024, 5:25pm PDT NEW
    2025: Biden sundowning while his aides try to explain China is attacking Taiwan by WE DID IT GUYS WE OWNED THE CONS 07/11/2024, 10:24am PDT NEW
        China is WAY more likely to attack Taiwan if/when Trump sells out Ukraine. by Mischief Maker 07/11/2024, 12:13pm PDT NEW
            "When Trump sells out Ukraine" more like ends that WW1 meat grinder w/ceasefire NT by Ukraine Copium Huffing PAC 07/11/2024, 2:48pm PDT NEW
                Well it certainly became a meatgrinder thanx to MTG's 6-month shell shortage. NT by Mischief Maker 07/11/2024, 3:26pm PDT NEW
                    It became a meatgrinder when both sides ran out of room to maneuver and dug in NT by "durrrrr muh artillery shells" 07/11/2024, 3:40pm PDT NEW
                        That's right, son, artillery shells don't matter. You studied the blade. by Mischief Maker 07/11/2024, 3:47pm PDT NEW
                            Who would have guessed that the war between Russia and Ukraine is another thing NT by this anonotard is ignorant of? 07/11/2024, 4:36pm PDT NEW
                Re: "When Trump sells out Ukraine" more like ends that WW1 meat grinder w/ceasef by Mysterioso 07/11/2024, 6:20pm PDT NEW
                    If your goal in Ukraine is unconditional victory and prewar borders you are a NT by delusional child. Let adults talk 07/12/2024, 10:37am PDT NEW
                        And that's how adults start negotiations: preemptively surrendering for nothing. by Mischief Maker 07/12/2024, 11:08am PDT NEW
                            Nobodys talking right now. Prez Vegetable admitted it last night NT by Let adults talk 07/12/2024, 11:20am PDT NEW
                                Yeah, he showed a superior knowledge of foreign policy to Trump. Not bad 4 a veg NT by Mischief Maker 07/12/2024, 11:28am PDT NEW
                            And that's how adults start negotiations: preemptively surrendering for nothing. by Myaterio 07/12/2024, 12:13pm PDT NEW
                        Re:If ur goal in Ukraine is unconditional victory and prewar borders you are a by Nano Nano 07/12/2024, 12:49pm PDT NEW
    Dr. Fauci says he has 'no doubt' Biden is capable of continuing as president by blackwater 07/11/2024, 4:25pm PDT NEW
        You know writing stupid posts isn't a competition, right? by Feris 07/11/2024, 5:07pm PDT NEW
            Sir, I’m just giving you Dr. Fauci’s expert medical opinion. by Blackwater 07/11/2024, 6:50pm PDT NEW
                Topped the last one. Great work. Incredible. by Feris 07/11/2024, 9:46pm PDT NEW
        Dr. Fauci! SQUAAAAAK! NT by Jim Breuer 07/11/2024, 5:57pm PDT NEW
        Boebert thinks the covid shot is why Joe misspeaks by Myaterio 07/12/2024, 12:11pm PDT NEW
            Jack-jack-jackin' through your pants as we watch the Ghost with the Most! NT by Boebert's tits 'n guns restaurant 07/12/2024, 12:17pm PDT NEW
    Good news! With all the excitement, no one will notice now if he goes back to NT by pooping his pants in public 07/13/2024, 9:26pm PDT NEW
    Bunch of embarrassing posts here by the Vegetable caucus NT by YOU PEOPLE ARE IDIOTS NEVER VOTE 07/21/2024, 8:58pm PDT NEW
        thanks gruman by gruman 07/21/2024, 9:36pm PDT NEW

We have serious concerns about the age and mental competence of the Republican by nominee for President 07/21/2024, 12:16pm PDT NEW

Just a reminder that when Ventura tried to unionize WWF, Hulk Hogan snitched. by Mischief Maker 07/18/2024, 7:45pm PDT NEW
    Fact-checked by real American patriots NT by I am a Real American 07/18/2024, 8:23pm PDT NEW

Everybody in this forum is now on a watchlist NT by good job guys 07/13/2024, 3:30pm PDT NEW
    Thoughts 'n Prayers. NT by Mischief Maker 07/13/2024, 5:25pm PDT NEW
    Maybe the real watchlist is the friends we made along the way NT by President Putin 07/13/2024, 9:25pm PDT NEW
    Allegedly a registered Republican wearing a guntuber T-Shirt. Phew! NT by Mischief Maker 07/14/2024, 6:42am PDT NEW
        Re: Allegedly a registered Republican wearing a guntuber T-Shirt. Phew! by James Lindsay 07/14/2024, 9:32am PDT NEW
            Even in closed primaries, after Haley dropped out, Trump never cleared low 80% by Mischief Maker 07/14/2024, 10:07am PDT NEW
        Upset that Donny was giving all Crooks a bad name by Th-th-th-th-th 07/14/2024, 1:00pm PDT NEW
        Now it just looks like he wanted to assassinate anybody, and Trump was closest. NT by Mischief Maker 07/18/2024, 6:58am PDT NEW
            He's the most accessible candidate. by Also, God loves him. 07/18/2024, 7:23am PDT NEW
    ActBlue contributor NT by Chudjak 07/14/2024, 12:11pm PDT NEW
        Before registering Republican, if that even IS the same guy. by Mischief Maker 07/14/2024, 1:27pm PDT NEW
        Please don't post misinformation. by Mysterio 07/14/2024, 1:42pm PDT NEW
            Don't accuse me of that. Your guy is speculating; ZIP doesn't match. by Chudjak 07/14/2024, 1:59pm PDT NEW
                I will accuse you of that. Quit posting lies. NT by Mysterio 07/14/2024, 2:28pm PDT NEW
                    Or maybe he doesn't fit neatly into a box. by Let's not let this rip us apart. 07/14/2024, 2:41pm PDT NEW
                    I don't know why, I've only told the truth. Hang in there with the rest of us. NT by Chudjak 07/14/2024, 2:43pm PDT NEW
        Not ActBlue, an email scam group called "Progressive Turnout Project PAC" by Mischief Maker 07/14/2024, 10:24pm PDT NEW
    Well at least watching a fan get blown away in front of him didn't mess with his NT by golf schedule. Putt! Putt! 07/14/2024, 8:00pm PDT NEW
    They're all in it by Lukas 07/15/2024, 5:14pm PDT NEW

What a shit week NT by kate galleth 07/17/2024, 9:28pm PDT NEW

Biden Press Conference in 30 minutes. NT by Huhuhuh Uhuhuhuhuh 07/11/2024, 3:04pm PDT NEW
    "Vice President Trump" NT by (blank stare) 07/11/2024, 5:05pm PDT NEW
    He did pretty good huh by Sandra Bae O. Cortex 07/12/2024, 11:51am PDT NEW

INPEACH by Sandra Bae O. Cortex 07/10/2024, 3:49pm PDT NEW
    This should've happened in 2001 over Bush v. Gore. But SCOTUS was saved by 9/11. NT by Mischief Maker 07/11/2024, 12:25pm PDT NEW

Guilty on all 34 counts. NT by Mischief Maker 05/30/2024, 2:45pm PDT NEW
    He IS a giant piece of shit NT by laudablepuss 05/30/2024, 3:04pm PDT NEW
        He can't vote in Florida now. NT by Mischief Maker 05/30/2024, 3:04pm PDT NEW
            I guess he actually can NT by laudablepuss 06/03/2024, 10:27am PDT NEW
        I've been holding that in NT by laudablepuss 05/30/2024, 4:00pm PDT NEW
    Who had to wake him up and tell him? NT by Geryk 05/30/2024, 3:13pm PDT NEW
    I did everything right and they convicted me by trumpsterio 05/30/2024, 6:08pm PDT NEW
    It's not clear to me that this changes anything. by pinback 05/31/2024, 3:27am PDT NEW
        The reason he won in 2016 was that he cheated and we're watching for it now. NT by Fullofkittens 05/31/2024, 7:12am PDT NEW
            Cheated how by Mr. EO 05/31/2024, 7:25am PDT NEW
                Oh, they just had a trial about it. NT by Check it out! 05/31/2024, 7:26am PDT NEW
                    He won because he paid off a porn star secretly NT by What a psycho 05/31/2024, 7:49am PDT NEW
                        Wow, one in the wild by DURRRRRRRR 05/31/2024, 8:43am PDT NEW
                            I love seeing the silence until they get their marching orders from Fox NT by so goddamn funny 05/31/2024, 8:50am PDT NEW
                                "I would never vote for a felon, BUT this trial was rigged so I can vote Trump!" by Mischief Maker 05/31/2024, 1:09pm PDT NEW
                Holy shit. "Cheated how" might be the dumbest post in site history. by Unfucking real 05/31/2024, 8:22am PDT NEW
                HURRRRRR by DURRRRRRRR 05/31/2024, 8:42am PDT NEW
            Re: The reason he won in 2016 was that he cheated and we're watching for it now. by Mr. EO 05/31/2024, 6:39pm PDT NEW
                What a stupid post. Goddamn, you're stupid. by Mysterio 05/31/2024, 7:06pm PDT NEW
                Everybody's out to get him. Consequently, he'd be an incredibly weak president. NT by Mischief Maker 05/31/2024, 7:19pm PDT NEW
                "I think this is true, though I can't prove it" -ivermectin? hydroxychloroquine? by Mysterio 05/31/2024, 7:34pm PDT NEW
                    You're a crime against humanity BEEEEEEYATCH NT by nooo 05/31/2024, 9:43pm PDT NEW
        oh you have it all figured out I guess the trial was a waste of time NT by laudablepuss 05/31/2024, 7:58am PDT NEW
            We'll see. You'll forgive a bit of pessimism on my part. NT by pinback 05/31/2024, 9:09am PDT NEW
            Nag nag nag NT by Make me a sandwich 05/31/2024, 10:55pm PDT NEW
                I hope you like turkey NT by pinback 05/31/2024, 11:44pm PDT NEW
                    This wasn't me. Please do not bully me, I will report you in the other thread. NT by pinback 06/01/2024, 6:53am PDT NEW
                        HAHAH DISREGARD THAT I ATE A BUCKET OF HORSE COCKS TODAY by Pinback 06/01/2024, 8:25am PDT NEW
                        Okay that was me. NT by pinback 06/01/2024, 10:37am PDT NEW
                            That's it, reporting this right now. You can't treat people like this. NT by pinback 06/02/2024, 6:44am PDT NEW
                                I wish you would stop doing that. NT by pinback 06/02/2024, 10:47am PDT NEW
                                    This is uncalled for. We're going to have a problem here. NT by pinback 06/02/2024, 3:43pm PDT NEW
        Who cares? Enjoy the good moments in life before there's no more time to worry! NT by Mischief Maker 05/31/2024, 9:38am PDT NEW
            In no sense is this a good thing. by pinback 06/01/2024, 12:25pm PDT NEW
                Hi, you're wrong, it's definitely a good thing. by laudablepuss 06/01/2024, 12:38pm PDT NEW
                    You let me know when you see some consequences. NT by pinback 06/01/2024, 5:13pm PDT NEW
                    Oh wait, one consequence was that his fundraising site broke with everyone givin NT by g him money too fast 06/01/2024, 5:18pm PDT NEW
                        You guys crack me up by laudablepuss 06/01/2024, 5:30pm PDT NEW
                            Alright, you just let "us" (?) know. NT by pinback 06/02/2024, 3:38am PDT NEW
                        Great. That can go toward the rape judgement NT by LOL 06/01/2024, 7:24pm PDT NEW
                        Hey, that's money they won't be spending on bleach! Good times for all! NT by MM 06/01/2024, 9:11pm PDT NEW
                    holy fuck, this milquetoast little bitch. no wonder he defends obama to the hilt by the justice system working as inten 06/01/2024, 10:12pm PDT NEW
                        Try it again in English by fucking moron 06/02/2024, 10:48am PDT NEW
                            shut the fuck up, illiterate bitch NT by english speakers 06/02/2024, 8:46pm PDT NEW
                                Couldn't understand a word. Try again, you NT by fucking moron 06/03/2024, 9:03am PDT NEW
                                    nah, you need remedial classes first if you're having this much trouble NT by disappointed teachers, parents 06/03/2024, 9:10pm PDT NEW
                        Obama doesn't need defending. What a stupid post. by Geryk 06/03/2024, 9:34am PDT NEW
                            you're right, obama needs the opposite NT by 1000 lost dem seats 06/03/2024, 3:12pm PDT NEW
                                What? Nobody knows what you are talking about, retard. NT by STOP. FUCKING. POSTING. 06/03/2024, 4:16pm PDT NEW
                                    keep throwing your tantrum, soon it'll be time for your nap. must've had one for NT by the whole length of obama's term 06/03/2024, 9:12pm PDT NEW
                        Type it out again in English, fucking retard. by NOW. 06/03/2024, 1:55pm PDT NEW
                            still depending on that pavlovian response to allcaps to work on people, huh? NT by internet toughguy syndrome's rough 06/03/2024, 3:14pm PDT NEW
                                STOP. POSTING. RETARD. NT by STOP. FUCKING. POSTING. 06/03/2024, 4:17pm PDT NEW
                                    fine. I submit to the will of the stronger man NT by fine 06/03/2024, 6:13pm PDT NEW
                                        Pathetic, you ator fuck NT by you are a bottom in life 06/03/2024, 9:04pm PDT NEW
                                            he's vers. powerbottoming's less work for the same reward anyway by other laughing ator fuck 06/03/2024, 9:14pm PDT NEW
                                                "He's vers. powerbottoming" - when we say speak English, this is what we meet by you fucking shitwad 06/04/2024, 8:55am PDT NEW
                                                    this savant needs the punchline explained to him every time by you brought the bottoming line 06/04/2024, 9:42am PDT NEW
                                                        I also could not understand a word. by Geryk 06/04/2024, 10:14am PDT NEW
                                                            fag NT NT by fag 06/04/2024, 2:13pm PDT NEW
                                                            also fag NT by fag NT 06/04/2024, 2:14pm PDT NEW
                                                            interesting you call others autistic while having a meltdown NT by do you need your weighted blanket? 06/04/2024, 2:16pm PDT NEW
                                    he's totally not screaming mad that his approach doesn't work NT by sad little cuck 06/03/2024, 9:04pm PDT NEW
                                        Your guy a convicted felon, so what do you do? Scream about Obama. Makes sense. by Geryk 06/04/2024, 9:32am PDT NEW
                                            I like how my saying trump should be executed by a firing squad makes him my guy by great reading comprehension 06/04/2024, 9:38am PDT NEW
                                                though you are right about the level of political discussion here by credit where it's due 06/04/2024, 9:48am PDT NEW
                                                You are however a moron by laudablepuss 06/04/2024, 9:51am PDT NEW
                                                    You are correct. The illiterate shitwad is wrong about everything. by Geryk 06/04/2024, 10:12am PDT NEW
                                                    thos is why I called you a milquetoast bitch by what a sadsack 06/04/2024, 2:07pm PDT NEW
                                                        Yep. Screeching about "Obama." Your guy gets convicted. Screeching OBAMA NT by Wow, just wow. 06/04/2024, 3:29pm PDT NEW
                                                            Every president all the way back to Washington sucked, the last two included. by You lust after easy wins. 06/05/2024, 3:29pm PDT NEW
                                                        cool by laudablepuss 06/04/2024, 5:09pm PDT NEW
                                                            Glad to see you demonstrate what it takes to get you to fuck off. NT by That's all I wanted, have a nice da 06/05/2024, 3:27pm PDT NEW
                                                Capital letters and punctuation. You can do it! (You can't do it.) by Geryk 06/04/2024, 10:11am PDT NEW
                                                    I never said lock her up. NT by Trump 06/04/2024, 1:02pm PDT NEW
                                                    you don't deserve the effort, and caltrops settled the argument about internet by prose styling long ago 06/04/2024, 2:12pm PDT NEW
                                                        you don't deserve the effort, and caltrops settled the argument about internet by Karmaboi 06/04/2024, 2:38pm PDT NEW
                                                            You're wrong by And stupid 06/04/2024, 6:20pm PDT NEW
                                                                ZZZZzzzzz zzzzzzzzz ZZZZzZzzzzzz NT by sure it was a great post man 06/04/2024, 7:20pm PDT NEW
                                                            No idea why you keep presenting these nonsense arguments like they matter. by Guess your phone's cucked? 06/05/2024, 3:26pm PDT NEW
                                                    do rADnoM caPs maKE yOu maD too? by You're neurodivergent, buddy. 06/05/2024, 3:31pm PDT NEW
    This is a good one from a couple of years ago by Lots of actual retards getting snot 05/31/2024, 8:31am PDT NEW
        You LIBS didn't give him a chance!!!! (he committed 34 felonies before taking by office) 05/31/2024, 11:59am PDT NEW
        Don't forget Roop lived in fear of Breonna Taylor's family coming to burn NT by his town down, the fucking retard 06/01/2024, 2:23pm PDT NEW
            Do not let one mistake color your opinion of that great man. NT by Jack Bauer 06/04/2024, 9:33am PDT NEW
                Is it slander NT by Yeah probably 06/05/2024, 12:51am PDT NEW

LOL Steve Bannon by laudablepuss 05/13/2024, 2:18pm PDT NEW
    Mugshot of Christina Bobb, the newly appointed RNC senior counsel for by Ulrachi 05/21/2024, 12:54pm PDT NEW
        HAH HEH YEAH GOOD ONE HEH NT by You're a Christina Bobb 05/21/2024, 1:13pm PDT NEW
            Hey Jonesy, maybe you could sell this place to DailyKos. They have a similar by message board format (and userbase) 05/21/2024, 2:05pm PDT NEW
        Oh yes, I remember her by laudablepuss 05/21/2024, 3:11pm PDT NEW
            this is now a laudablepuss coming out as trans thread NT by congrats! 05/21/2024, 3:57pm PDT NEW
                *cautiously* Thanks? NT by laudablepuss 05/21/2024, 4:00pm PDT NEW
                    Eh, you know, sure, whatever. I don't have the energy anymore to be mean NT by Mysterio 05/21/2024, 5:09pm PDT NEW
                I only said that to be funny. I was trying to make people laff NT by You're a Christina Bobb 05/21/2024, 4:06pm PDT NEW
        A talking mugshot? by Old school gay magazines 05/21/2024, 5:10pm PDT NEW
            hahah by rolling with it! 05/21/2024, 5:20pm PDT NEW
                It's not funny and it's not a big deal and NT by mhore for me 05/21/2024, 5:36pm PDT NEW

I feel like at some point Trump will lose some support by laudablepuss 08/03/2023, 2:36pm PDT NEW
    His supporters will just blame it all on the Jews and support him more for it. NT by Mischief Maker 08/03/2023, 4:48pm PDT NEW
        Re: His supporters will just blame it all on the Jews and support him more by laudablepuss 08/04/2023, 7:12am PDT NEW
            The problem is, anyone looks cool compared to Meatball Ron: Mr. Banality of Evil NT by Mischief Maker 08/04/2023, 8:10am PDT NEW
                Desantis subthread: he's incredibly terrible by laudablepuss 08/14/2023, 8:31pm PDT NEW
        Nope. Not from this guy. by Gasoline 08/17/2023, 7:04pm PDT NEW
    Four indictments by laudablepuss 08/14/2023, 8:16pm PDT NEW
        Somebody who isn't a reprehensible piece of shit will run for the GOP I think. by For example. 08/15/2023, 11:23am PDT NEW
            Christie is already ahead in New Hampshire polling. It will be fine. NT by Kirahu Nagasawa 08/15/2023, 12:11pm PDT NEW
                Trump will call him fat and the campaign will instantly go down in flames. NT by MM 08/15/2023, 12:19pm PDT NEW
            Re: Somebody who isn't a reprehensible piece of shit will run for the GOP by laudablepuss 08/15/2023, 12:58pm PDT NEW
                lol @ you & Village Voice having the inside track on what's happening BTS @ NT by Repub HQ 08/17/2023, 11:32am PDT NEW
                    Yay the stupids showed up by laudablepuss 08/17/2023, 12:22pm PDT NEW
                        Re: Yay the stupids showed up by Kirahu Nagasawa 08/17/2023, 3:49pm PDT NEW
                        Re: Yay the stupids showed up by The Eperts Are Here 08/17/2023, 4:35pm PDT NEW
                            Re: Yay the stupids showed up by laudablepuss 08/17/2023, 5:05pm PDT NEW
                                Re: Yay the stupids showed up by STUPID 08/17/2023, 6:29pm PDT NEW
                Whoops! Nope, a piece of shit will get the nom by Mysterio3 08/24/2023, 3:17pm PDT NEW
        Re: Four indictments by laudablepuss 08/16/2023, 12:38pm PDT NEW
            Re: Four indictments by Lars 08/17/2023, 5:31am PDT NEW
                These people were blameless, the indictment was secured NT by before they voted for it 08/17/2023, 9:50am PDT NEW
                You're working SO HARD to distract from what's going on w/current admin by aren't you 08/17/2023, 11:41am PDT NEW
                    Is this a real person? NT by Uhhuhuhuh 08/17/2023, 11:44am PDT NEW
                    Cool, start a thread about whatever it is you think is going on by laudablepuss 08/17/2023, 12:23pm PDT NEW
                        Why you never do is what actuality interests me by We all take you very seriously tho 08/17/2023, 12:38pm PDT NEW
                            I follow the news, actually by laudablepuss 08/17/2023, 1:17pm PDT NEW
                                Re: I follow the news, actually by hO 08/17/2023, 2:02pm PDT NEW
                                    Look PAL by helpful NPC 08/17/2023, 2:15pm PDT NEW
                                        You guys are great by laudablepuss 08/17/2023, 2:27pm PDT NEW
                                            Re: You guys are great by hO 08/17/2023, 2:54pm PDT NEW
                    You mean the pix of Hunter Biden's hog? by MM 08/17/2023, 1:02pm PDT NEW
                        He collected bribes around the world for his dad NT by hO 08/17/2023, 1:54pm PDT NEW
                            Re: He collected bribes around the world for his dad by laudablepuss 08/17/2023, 2:29pm PDT NEW
                            Did he get $2 billion for it like Kushner did? No? NT by Then STFU 08/17/2023, 3:39pm PDT NEW
                                Front page of right now by Kirahu Nagasawa 08/17/2023, 3:47pm PDT NEW
                                    Your whataboutism is triggering to laudablepuss, please leave by The Eperts Are Here 08/17/2023, 4:38pm PDT NEW
                                "be nice to the Bidens cuz somebody else did a thing I don't like" by [active disinterest] 08/17/2023, 4:48pm PDT NEW
                    Re: You're working SO HARD to distract from what's going on w/current admin by Lars 08/17/2023, 3:33pm PDT NEW
                        Man brags about rescue from agreement to pay back money he voluntarily borrowed by Govmt working as intended 08/17/2023, 8:09pm PDT NEW
                            Re: Man brags about rescue from agreement to pay back money he voluntarily borro by Lars 08/17/2023, 8:25pm PDT NEW
                                "I vote for whoever promises me free stuff! I've hacked the system!" by Hope no1 else figures it out! 08/17/2023, 8:35pm PDT NEW
                                    hahahahahhaaha by lololololololololol 08/17/2023, 8:45pm PDT NEW
                                    Re: "I vote for whoever promises me free stuff! I've hacked the system!" by Mysterio 08/17/2023, 8:49pm PDT NEW
                                        lol teach me, professor, about the unattributable quote by Hope no1 else figures it out! 08/17/2023, 9:03pm PDT NEW
                                            Re: lol teach me, professor, about the unattributable quote NT by Mysterio 10/09/2023, 7:35am PDT NEW
                                    This is the true face of your God: by Radical Mischief Radical Maker Rad! 08/17/2023, 9:55pm PDT NEW
                                Re: Man brags about rescue from agreement to pay back money he voluntarily borro by Hope no1 else figures it out! 08/17/2023, 8:49pm PDT NEW
                                    Guys, the government shut down every single business in the US for over a year NT by over a year guys 08/18/2023, 6:38am PDT NEW
                                        Thanks. I couldn't believe what I was reading. by Mysterioso 08/18/2023, 8:08am PDT NEW
                                            The pandemic shutdown only lasted 6 weeks guys! by This level of stupid is unfixable 08/18/2023, 12:48pm PDT NEW
                                                Faith so stong he's basically still clinging to '2 weeks to flatten the curve' by in 2023 08/18/2023, 1:21pm PDT NEW
                                                Please name some corporations completely shut down for "a year+" by Kenji Carter 08/18/2023, 2:00pm PDT NEW
                                                    There were plenty of businesses unable to function for more than a year by blackwater 08/25/2023, 3:33pm PDT NEW
                                                        You could've been our generation's Anne Frank. by Injustice 08/25/2023, 3:48pm PDT NEW
                                                            With leadership like yours, NT by that's exactly correct 08/25/2023, 4:20pm PDT NEW
                                                        Re: There were plenty of businesses unable to function for more than a year by laudablepuss 08/25/2023, 5:24pm PDT NEW
                                                            Re: There were plenty of businesses unable to function for more than a year by Mysterio227 08/25/2023, 5:46pm PDT NEW
                                                                Re: There were plenty of businesses unable to function for more than a year by laudablepuss 08/25/2023, 6:09pm PDT NEW
                                                                    Re: There were plenty of businesses unable to function for more than a year by Mysterio227 08/25/2023, 8:41pm PDT NEW
                                                                        Re: There were plenty of businesses unable to function for more than a year by laudablepuss 08/25/2023, 11:03pm PDT NEW
                                                                            Re: There were plenty of businesses unable to function for more than a year by Mysterio227 08/26/2023, 12:49am PDT NEW
                                                                                Re: There were plenty of businesses unable to function for more than a year by Beep beep 08/26/2023, 1:06am PDT NEW
                                                                                Re: There were plenty of businesses unable to function for more than a year by Mysterio 08/26/2023, 6:15am PDT NEW
                                                                                Re: There were plenty of businesses unable to function for more than a year by laudablepuss 08/26/2023, 1:02pm PDT NEW
                                                                                    Re: There were plenty of businesses unable to function for more than a year by Mysterio227 08/26/2023, 2:37pm PDT NEW
                                                                                        Re: There were plenty of businesses unable to function for more than a year by Ron Vivichek 08/26/2023, 9:38pm PDT NEW
                                                                                Re: There were plenty of businesses unable to function for more than a year by Ron Vivichek 08/26/2023, 9:32pm PDT NEW
                                                        No there wasn't. Just stop. NT by god 08/26/2023, 9:24pm PDT NEW
                            bitch bootlicks banks NT by Mysterio 08/17/2023, 9:02pm PDT NEW
        A good explanation of the latest indictment by laudablepuss 08/18/2023, 1:58pm PDT NEW
            Re: A good explanation of the latest indictment by Go lay down 08/18/2023, 3:31pm PDT NEW
            Warning: Gay face NT by China Joe 08/25/2023, 7:52pm PDT NEW
    Trump supporters generally think the charges are politically motivated. by blackwater 08/17/2023, 2:21pm PDT NEW
        Re: Trump supporters generally think the charges are politically motivated. by laudablepuss 08/17/2023, 2:31pm PDT NEW
        The guy who picked a fight with Goofy and got pantsed is "good at governing." by Lars 08/17/2023, 3:35pm PDT NEW
        Like I said, they'll blame it on the Jews. NT by MM 08/17/2023, 3:36pm PDT NEW
            Nobody has blamed it on Jewish people yet. by Mysterio 08/17/2023, 9:28pm PDT NEW
    Look, he'll exonerate himself on Monday and then the healing can begin. NT by Just give him a chance 08/17/2023, 3:13pm PDT NEW
        Oops, never mind. NT by Mysterioops 08/18/2023, 3:43am PDT NEW
    I'M WITH STUPID ---------------------------------------------------------------> NT by STUPID 08/17/2023, 4:15pm PDT NEW
    Re: I feel like at some point Trump will lose some support by laudablepuss 08/18/2023, 4:31pm PDT NEW
        Under no circumstances should he debate Kennedy. Also avoid book depositories by Roop 08/18/2023, 5:59pm PDT NEW
            Roop saves the thread NT by He is undefeated 08/18/2023, 8:22pm PDT NEW
                Unlike Trump! NT by Winky face emoji 08/19/2023, 3:23pm PDT NEW
    Bye bye support by Calmposter 08/25/2023, 9:19am PDT NEW
        Handsome guy NT by China Joe 08/25/2023, 1:30pm PDT NEW
    This is a **GOOD THING** for Trump!! by 08/25/2023, 9:41am PDT NEW
        This is a BAD thing for Trump by Tired of the memes 08/25/2023, 9:54am PDT NEW
    Re: I feel like at some point Trump will lose some support by laudablepuss 08/30/2023, 1:53pm PDT NEW
        The GOP can't "ditch Trump at the convention" if he gets enough votes by blackwater 08/31/2023, 5:03pm PDT NEW
            Re: The GOP can't "ditch Trump at the convention" if he gets enough votes by laudablepuss 08/31/2023, 6:33pm PDT NEW
                We must destroy Democracy to stop Trump from destroying Democracy by Roop 10/09/2023, 10:26am PDT NEW
                    Everybody's out to get him! NT by Mysterioso 10/09/2023, 10:30am PDT NEW
                    please explain what you think you're talking about by laudablepuss 10/09/2023, 12:52pm PDT NEW
                        Stop worrying about Trump, he goes to jail or gets disqualified by Roop 10/09/2023, 1:27pm PDT NEW
                            Too bad they didn't hang Mike Pence, amiright? by Mischief Moral High Ground 10/09/2023, 2:05pm PDT NEW
                                A 2'' bowline from the wide angle, try a little harder NT by Vested Id 10/09/2023, 3:37pm PDT NEW
                                    Once again, you fell for misinformation you stupid retard by you fucking retard 10/09/2023, 3:52pm PDT NEW
                                        Honestly, at this point, if Vested Id thinks one thing, the truth is the by opposite 10/09/2023, 3:56pm PDT NEW
                                            no man it was totally a two inch noose NT by lololololololololol 10/09/2023, 4:07pm PDT NEW
                                                Yeah, but we love him anyway. by John Gulp 10/09/2023, 5:07pm PDT NEW
                                        I... ok. -_- NT by Vested Id 10/09/2023, 6:19pm PDT NEW
                                            well shit now I feel bad by guy who was you fucking retard 10/09/2023, 7:49pm PDT NEW
                                        lol "I'm a civil engineer!" Doesn't notice the noose is 4' off the platform & by there's no trap door mechanism 10/09/2023, 7:00pm PDT NEW
                                            Agreed! Just a bunch tomfoolery. Those rapscallions! That is why I am running fo NT by Mike Pence 10/09/2023, 7:50pm PDT NEW
                            Re: Stop worrying about Trump, he goes to jail or gets disqualified by laudablepuss 10/09/2023, 3:02pm PDT NEW
                    You really shouldn't talk politics. NT by Mysterio 10/09/2023, 2:12pm PDT NEW
                    Re: We must destroy Democracy to stop Trump from destroying Democracy by you fucking retard 10/09/2023, 2:31pm PDT NEW
                    Stupid post by a known retard, but I gotta say by Yahtzeek 10/30/2023, 10:54am PDT NEW
                        "This guy should be banned" -- people unaware this website basically can't ban by you 10/30/2023, 12:47pm PDT NEW
                            Other websites can deploy those laser grids that chop you up into cubes. by But not Caltrops. 10/30/2023, 2:31pm PDT NEW
                                I will take my medicine. NT by Yahtzeek 10/30/2023, 4:34pm PDT NEW
    Two defendants flip, gag order violated. by laudablepuss 10/20/2023, 1:58pm PDT NEW
        Remember, this is a DISTRACTION by like that other tard said 10/20/2023, 3:22pm PDT NEW
        Republican politicians are just youtube influencers now by sad 10/21/2023, 6:10pm PDT NEW
            No, worse. They're Tik Tok influencers now! by Mischief Maker 10/21/2023, 6:55pm PDT NEW
    But he won every state. by Mysterio 11/05/2023, 10:30am PST NEW
    “you are here to hear what he has to say.” by laudablepuss 11/06/2023, 10:29am PST NEW
    What would it take for Biden to lose some support NT by No more ethics of any kind 11/06/2023, 10:38am PST NEW
        what will it take for you guys to not support an actual mature NT by adult DURRRRRRRRRRRRRRR 11/06/2023, 10:50am PST NEW
        Is Biden involved here in some way? What ethical complaint do you have? NT by laudablepuss 11/06/2023, 10:55am PST NEW
            What ethical complaint do I have with Joe Biden? NT by Oh nothing 11/06/2023, 11:17am PST NEW
                Good! Because otherwise you'd come off like a real dumb asshole. NT by Mysterio 11/06/2023, 11:41am PST NEW
                    They are VERY CONCERNED about ETHICS and HUNTER BIDEN by and and and 11/06/2023, 11:44am PST NEW
        10 held by H NT by for the big guy 11/06/2023, 11:53am PST NEW
            (I couldn't come up with anything for Joe Biden) by for the big guy 11/06/2023, 12:30pm PST NEW
                91 felonies, also by Mysterio 11/06/2023, 12:53pm PST NEW
                    You're being so distracted. NT by Tsk tsk 11/06/2023, 1:10pm PST NEW
                    If only u hadn't started impeachment of Trump before he was inaugurated people by might pay attn to ur precious felo 11/07/2023, 5:50pm PST NEW
                        Yeah but they called it correctly, so. NT by Mysterio 11/07/2023, 5:55pm PST NEW
                            Re: Yeah but they called it correctly, so. by Mysterio 11/07/2023, 6:31pm PST NEW
                    fatty fatty fatty fatty by xtra cheese! 11/08/2023, 2:45am PST NEW
                        hahaha NT by Mysterio 11/08/2023, 5:55am PST NEW
        The answer was "do the same kind of evil foreign policy shit we've always done." NT by Fullofkittens 01/27/2024, 9:02am PST NEW
    He's such a composed, likeable defendant by laudablepuss 01/26/2024, 8:35pm PST NEW
    Comprehensive defeat for his moronic immunity claim by laudablepuss 02/06/2024, 12:51pm PST NEW
    Trump sinks Ukraine aid/border deal so he has a campaign issue to run on. NT by Mischief Three Kings 02/06/2024, 1:31pm PST NEW
        Court cases thread though, lol NT by laudablepuss 02/06/2024, 2:01pm PST NEW
            *swats own wrist* NT by MM 02/06/2024, 5:51pm PST NEW
            Technically speaking, any campaign moves are Trump trying to stay out of prison. NT by MM 02/06/2024, 5:52pm PST NEW
        Slays omnipus from exile NT by Israel + Ukraine + open border 02/06/2024, 6:17pm PST NEW
            It was a total Dem giveaway to Rs on the border. "Open Border" means no heads on NT by spikes for you freaks. 02/06/2024, 6:41pm PST NEW
                (slips in clause that says you have to sue in DC court for enforcement issues) NT by WE GAVE YOU EVERYTHING!111 02/07/2024, 6:32am PST NEW
                    *GASP* NT by Dun dun duuuuun! 02/07/2024, 9:17am PST NEW
                    What's wrong with that? by Ron Vivichek 02/07/2024, 9:48am PST NEW
                        It's even worse! That dumb shit thinks some "clause" is why it got derailed by Mysterio 02/07/2024, 9:53am PST NEW
                            shitlibs cope and seethe i guess. you're just mad that we wont fall for it NT by Charlie Brown 02/07/2024, 6:37pm PST NEW
                                So between leaving Ukraine in the lurch and ripping up the Iran nuclear deal, no NT by country'll ever denuclearlize again 02/07/2024, 8:21pm PST NEW
                                    The weapons Ukraine had in 1992 were glorified paperweights but sure maybe they NT by could irradiate the Reds to death 02/08/2024, 8:22am PST NEW
                            "Who cares about the DETAILS of congressional bills, just VOTE FOR THEM!" by --Anti-Trumper 02/07/2024, 9:22pm PST NEW
                                Sucking Putins cock today by Die Cocksucker 02/08/2024, 5:38am PST NEW
                                    Remember in the 90's when people used to mock this Reagan-esque Cold War shit? by Bart Simpson propaganda knockoffs 02/08/2024, 8:34am PST NEW
                                You are the single stupidest guy alive. by FYI 02/08/2024, 6:58am PST NEW
                    Tell us what the consequence of DC jurisdiction would be, whys it more important NT by than backing our allies in war? 02/08/2024, 6:35am PST NEW
                        We're 'allies' with Ukraine? Or are we suppliers of weaponry? by Mysterio 02/08/2024, 8:21am PST NEW
                            just one more weapons package bro one more i swear thats all we need just one mo NT by then well push the Reds out 02/08/2024, 8:23am PST NEW
                                It's the largest land war in Europe since WWII. Yeah, they fire a lot of shells. NT by Go figure! 02/08/2024, 9:28am PST NEW
                                    Ukraine: (fails to move a single inch forward in 2 years) Bro please just one m NT by Mysterio 02/08/2024, 10:05am PST NEW
                                        And neither did Russia. That's the point. NT by Defeatopublicans. 02/08/2024, 10:21am PST NEW
                                            The other guy thinks Ukraine should take territory. All you need to know. by Ron Vivichek 02/08/2024, 10:45am PST NEW
                                        Please pick a nick. NT by Geryk 02/08/2024, 10:49am PST NEW
                                I can explain it. by Ron Vivichek 02/08/2024, 10:43am PST NEW
                                    Im not morally obligated to care about slavs killing each other across the glob by Anti-Uighur Genocide Funding? 0$ 02/08/2024, 11:36am PST NEW
                                        If you want to see actual human beings on the front and not just battling wojaks by Mischief Maker 02/08/2024, 12:24pm PST NEW
                                        Re: Im not morally obligated to care about slavs killing each other across by Ron Vivichek 02/08/2024, 2:18pm PST NEW
                                        The absolute nihilism of the modern GOP NT by laudablepuss 02/09/2024, 2:18am PST NEW
                                            One day later! by Ron Vivichek 02/09/2024, 7:41am PST NEW
                                    We're fighting them over there, so we don't have to fight them over here. NT by *dodges shoe* 02/09/2024, 12:17pm PST NEW
                                        Or at least so we don't have to fight them in Poland, Lithuania, and Moldova. by Mischief Maker 02/09/2024, 3:49pm PST NEW
                                            Remind me who removed missile defense from Poland/Czech in 2008/9? by And it's effect on nuke proliferati 02/09/2024, 5:18pm PST NEW
                                                That is the faggiest take on foreign policy I've ever read. by Mischief Maker 02/09/2024, 6:00pm PST NEW
                                                    Way to dodge the "I told you so" that righties all warned you about in 2008 by "u can't hold me responsible for my 02/09/2024, 6:50pm PST NEW
                                                        What dodge? I've been saying the whole thread we should honor defensive pacts to by encourage nuclear nonproliferation. 02/09/2024, 8:35pm PST NEW
                                    lol @ bitching about NOT doing enough to protect Ukraine's border AND for trying by to protect our own in same post 02/09/2024, 5:12pm PST NEW
                                        Migrant workers aren't rolling across the southern border in tanks, drama queen. by Mischief Maker 02/09/2024, 5:46pm PST NEW
                                            Re: Migrant workers aren't rolling across, they're walking freely along with any by Dropped SOTB 02/09/2024, 7:35pm PST NEW
                                                If you're trying to point out a logical inconsistency here, you failed. by laudablepuss 02/09/2024, 7:46pm PST NEW
                                                    Re: If you're trying to point out a logical inconsistency here, you failed. by "u can't hold me responsible for my 02/10/2024, 5:37am PST NEW
                                                        So is it a good or bad thing Trump/Republicans refuse action on the border? NT by MM 02/10/2024, 5:48am PST NEW
                                                        Re: If you're trying to point out a logical inconsistency here, you failed. by Die Cocksucker 02/10/2024, 7:22am PST NEW
                                                            Remember when DeSantis shipped migrants to the north but everyone was nice? by MM 02/10/2024, 7:57am PST NEW
                                                                I mean, they said "send them here" & DeSantis sent them there...this is an examp by of everyone winning right? 02/10/2024, 12:58pm PST NEW
                                                                    Re: I mean, they said "send them here" & DeSantis sent them there... by Mysterio 02/10/2024, 5:22pm PST NEW
                                                                Nobody involved was "nice" and the migrants were told to leave Martha's Vinyard NT by blackwater 02/10/2024, 7:16pm PST NEW
                                                            thanks for at least confirming that ur ignorance & its consequences by are both willful on ur part 02/10/2024, 1:13pm PST NEW
                                                                Weird you didn't reply to MM's question NT by laudablepuss 02/10/2024, 1:46pm PST NEW
                                                                Re: thanks for at least confirming that ur ignorance & its consequences by Mysterio 02/10/2024, 5:23pm PST NEW
                                        What a stupid post. NT by Guys, Russia is our FRIEND 02/09/2024, 10:54pm PST NEW
                                    Re: I can explain it. by Mysterio 02/12/2024, 6:31pm PST NEW
                                        You were stewing for 4 days until you saw that story and said, "I can use that!" NT by MM 02/12/2024, 6:40pm PST NEW
                                            Is been going on for years but you have the memory of a goldfish NT by You'll memoryhole this too 02/12/2024, 10:59pm PST NEW
                                                Re: Is been going on for years but you have the memory of a goldfish by MM 02/13/2024, 5:29am PST NEW
                                        Re: I can explain it. by Mysterio 02/12/2024, 9:15pm PST NEW
                                            just quoting it, because we cannot stop laughing at it by lololololololololol 02/12/2024, 9:35pm PST NEW
                                            Re: I can explain it. by Ron Vivichek 02/12/2024, 9:56pm PST NEW
                                            Re: I can explain it. by You'll memoryhole this too 02/12/2024, 11:06pm PST NEW
                                                GOOD LORD!!!!!!! by Mysterio 02/13/2024, 6:39am PST NEW
                            The Afghani people didn't ask for us to be there, it was an invasion. Also why NT by are you avoiding the DC question? 02/08/2024, 9:25am PST NEW
                                (funds Afghanistan's army for 20 years) Heh nice try pal but we were OCCUPIERS NT by Try that on some dumb shitlib 02/08/2024, 10:06am PST NEW
                                    You're really scared of the DC jurisdiction question, aren't you? Maybe because NT by you don't know why, Trump just SAID 02/08/2024, 10:18am PST NEW
                                        I think it's a great idea! We should just do EVERYTHING through DC by all courts all levels 02/08/2024, 4:54pm PST NEW
                                            Uh huh. So like I said, they had no reason to spike it, Trump wants his campaign NT by crisis unsolved. -MM 02/08/2024, 6:19pm PST NEW
                                                "What we really need to do to fix the mess we've made is by more of the same" 02/09/2024, 8:13am PST NEW
                                            lol, fucking owned. by Guys, Russia is our FRIEND 02/09/2024, 10:55pm PST NEW
                            STOP READING AHEAD. It's not time to cut and run yet. NT by Bagdad Bob 02/08/2024, 3:28pm PST NEW
    Lol Trump melting down about the trial starting Monday NT by laudablepuss 04/12/2024, 10:34am PDT NEW
        So sick of this crybaby piece of shit NT by Maga idiots are so fucking dumb 04/13/2024, 9:31am PDT NEW
        A juror bailed because they were freaked out about their PII being disclosed by laudablepuss 04/18/2024, 11:37am PDT NEW
            Re: A juror bailed because they were freaked out about their PII being disclosed by Mysterio 04/18/2024, 5:14pm PDT NEW
        Stormy Daniels absolutely owns Donald Trump by laudablepuss 05/09/2024, 3:05pm PDT NEW
            Yeah, the piece of shit stayed awake for that one NT by Lars 05/09/2024, 4:05pm PDT NEW
    Don SNOREleone NT by lolololol 04/16/2024, 8:46am PDT NEW
        He's an astounding dipshit NT by laudablepuss 04/16/2024, 9:12am PDT NEW
        SEARiously by The Onion 05/09/2024, 7:22pm PDT NEW

Just shooting dogs and meeting Kim Jong Un NT by Kristi Noem 05/08/2024, 7:12pm PDT NEW
    I willingly told everyone about a worm that ate part of my brain NT by JFK Jr. 05/08/2024, 7:26pm PDT NEW
        This was my favorite NT by laudablepuss 05/08/2024, 10:38pm PDT NEW
        Think you mean RFK, Jr? Though I guess worms have eaten JFK Jr's NT by brain by now 05/09/2024, 4:52am PDT NEW

Is so important that EVERYONE gets out and votes by Election Year Esmerelda 04/25/2024, 3:18pm PDT NEW
    I say they're plants. The one girl wearing a mask outdoors is a dead giveaway. NT by Mischief Maker 04/25/2024, 3:30pm PDT NEW
        "Seriously you guys, no one on my side is dumb!" by What a defensive masterplay 04/25/2024, 4:08pm PDT NEW
            I've always supported nuclear power and denounced bernie-or-busters. Strawman. NT by Mischief Maker 04/25/2024, 4:58pm PDT NEW
                I'm still not sold on nuclear. by Injustice 04/25/2024, 5:33pm PDT NEW
                    Ok, sell me on the wonders of coal plants and the saintly paragons who own them. NT by Mischief Maker 04/25/2024, 5:36pm PDT NEW
                        There are other alternatives than coal. by Injustice 04/25/2024, 5:47pm PDT NEW
                            Still dumps CO2 into the atmosphere. NT by Mischief Shai-hulud 04/25/2024, 5:49pm PDT NEW
                                I'm sorry I can't hear you, Taylor Swift's engines are too loud. by Injustice 04/25/2024, 5:52pm PDT NEW
                                    Cybertruck accelerator recall & you still trust Elon to keep you alive on Mars? NT by Mischief Shai-hulud 04/25/2024, 5:56pm PDT NEW
                                        There are Cybretrucks in Kenya. They are rugged and hardened. by Injustice 04/25/2024, 6:01pm PDT NEW
                                            That can't be a genuine cybertruck! Where's the rust spots??! NT by Mischief Manufacturer 04/25/2024, 6:06pm PDT NEW
            Also someone worried enough to mask outdoors would at least have a KN95 or bette NT by Mischief Maker 04/25/2024, 5:01pm PDT NEW
            Goddamn, wait till you see Jay Leno walking around the streets of CA by Mysterio 04/25/2024, 7:08pm PDT NEW
            Re: "Seriously you guys, no one on my side is dumb!" by Posting Coach 04/26/2024, 6:40am PDT NEW
        lol Jussie Smollett, Joy Reid, Rachel Maddow, Chuck Schumer NT by ALL GOP PLANTS 04/25/2024, 4:43pm PDT NEW
            It's a Rudy Giuliani tweet, and he just got pinched in a fake electors plot. NT by Mischief Maker 04/25/2024, 5:17pm PDT NEW
            Obviously a plant, people with cognitive issues are all righties by Zero Tolerance 04/25/2024, 5:19pm PDT NEW
                Wow, you gave up and switched topics fast! NT by Mischief Maker 04/25/2024, 5:34pm PDT NEW
                    You're the one defending an anti-semitic protest full of retards by saying by they're GOP plants 04/25/2024, 5:38pm PDT NEW
                        Who the fuck says, "I wish I were better educated" about a rally? NT by Mischief College Graduate 04/25/2024, 5:43pm PDT NEW
                            Re: Who the fuck says, "I wish I were better educated" about a rally? by Mysterio 04/25/2024, 7:12pm PDT NEW
                                *still losing ur shit yrs later over someone eating aquarium cleaner* by --You 04/26/2024, 2:21am PDT NEW
                                    You're such a gullible fucking retard. by Mysterio 04/26/2024, 5:58am PDT NEW
                                        Your guy told you men are women, free speech is white supremacy, by Freedom is slavery, etc. 04/27/2024, 7:08am PDT NEW
                                            Nobody called them sluts. You just assumed that because they work for Rudy. NT by "Your tits belong to me!" 04/27/2024, 9:09am PDT NEW
                                                THE JOOS' SKIRTS ARE TOO SHORT by Keep talking. Please. 04/27/2024, 9:39am PDT NEW
                                                    The state of Israel is not all Jews. That's your own antisemitism leaking out. NT by "Your tits belong to me!" 04/27/2024, 10:27am PDT NEW
                                                    This is Josh tier sadsack by Josh Cable, greying virgin 04/27/2024, 8:14pm PDT NEW
                                            Re: Your guy told you men are women, free speech is white supremacy, by Shut up, bigot 04/27/2024, 1:58pm PDT NEW
                        Also saying all Jews plege allegience to Israel is an actual antisemitic trope. NT by Mischief College Graduate 04/25/2024, 5:43pm PDT NEW
                            Typo: "pledge" NT by Mischief College Graduate 04/25/2024, 5:44pm PDT NEW
    lololol you posted a fucking RUDY TWEET aHHAHahahahhaah by lololololololololol 04/26/2024, 6:50am PDT NEW
        Yeah. Take the L, OP NT by Geryk 04/26/2024, 11:47am PDT NEW
            I do genuinely enjoy lefties begging rescue from the holes they've dug themselve by Ask a couple more times, 04/27/2024, 9:23am PDT NEW
                Re: I do genuinely enjoy lefties begging rescue from the holes they've dug thems by "Your tits belong to me!" 04/27/2024, 10:29am PDT NEW
                    Skinsuit thinks he really won this one. NT by Geryk 04/27/2024, 10:35am PDT NEW
                    christ figure by happy the dog 04/27/2024, 11:56am PDT NEW
                        That's not in the bible. NT by Mischief Shai-hulud 04/27/2024, 11:57am PDT NEW
                            it's near the back somewhere NT by happy the dog 04/27/2024, 12:27pm PDT NEW
                        Rough puppy killing week for bleachers by hay guys I murdered a dog 04/27/2024, 3:59pm PDT NEW
                            how many of those steps did the puppy do by happy the dog 04/27/2024, 5:22pm PDT NEW
                            Not a dog, 14 months is a puppy. And a leash could've prevented all of this. by Mischief Shai-hulud 04/27/2024, 5:25pm PDT NEW
                            If only it had been an unborn human baby, we know it's okay to kill those by Babies and JOOS 04/28/2024, 12:49pm PDT NEW
                                You guys are trying to remove child labor laws and school lunches. Yah you by really care about kids 04/28/2024, 1:07pm PDT NEW
                                    Oof. Maybe let the smart people on your side do the talking by There have to be a couple somewhere 04/28/2024, 1:54pm PDT NEW
                                        No govt body is taking away her right to kill chattel animals. Criticism =/= Law NT by MM 04/28/2024, 3:22pm PDT NEW
                                        Also I'll never pass on an opportunity to link this article: by MM 04/28/2024, 4:47pm PDT NEW
                                        Re: Oof. Maybe let the smart people on your side do the talking by Wario 04/28/2024, 7:11pm PDT NEW
                                            No man, Skinsuit REALLY cares about children. Trust me. NT by Ms. Sandy Hook 04/28/2024, 7:17pm PDT NEW
                                        Re: Oof. Maybe let the smart people on your side do the talking by what a stupid post 04/28/2024, 9:24pm PDT NEW
    Can't stop fucking laughing by Wario 04/28/2024, 9:03am PDT NEW
    This thread is now closed. NT by not_a_mod though 04/28/2024, 7:42pm PDT NEW

Non-competes illegal. Net neutrality back. Biden's administration KICKS ASS NT by N/A 04/25/2024, 1:34pm PDT NEW
    I was just about to post about Net Neutrality being restored. :) NT by laudablepuss 04/25/2024, 1:37pm PDT NEW
        So much being done to help normal people this week. So good to see. NT by Eury 04/25/2024, 1:46pm PDT NEW

Trump sent me checks and made weed legal. by pinback 03/11/2024, 4:22pm PDT NEW
    No he didn't, Trump took active steps against weed! NT by MM 03/13/2024, 4:08pm PDT NEW
        Well, he ACCIDENTALLY made it legal by signing that bill. by pinback 03/19/2024, 12:28pm PDT NEW
            I'm sorry, do you think marijuana is legal federally? by laudablepuss 03/19/2024, 12:49pm PDT NEW

cable = virgin NT by Mysterio 11/07/2023, 7:49pm PST NEW
    BOOM! NT by Got 'em! 11/08/2023, 7:04am PST NEW
    Re: cable = virgin NT by cable = virgin 12/01/2023, 3:09pm PST NEW
        he sees dis NT by cable = virgin 03/14/2024, 5:43pm PDT NEW

Maybe a little late but still a goodie: by Mischief Maker 03/13/2024, 6:37pm PDT NEW

Trump floats 'cutting' retirement spending, drawing quick pushback by huh 03/11/2024, 12:05pm PDT NEW
    Please don't post to this thread. I will start five game threads., by Regular who is anonymous 03/11/2024, 1:13pm PDT NEW
        Trump is anti-gaming by Mischief Maker 03/11/2024, 1:38pm PDT NEW
        Sure you will, Eury NT by Huh 03/11/2024, 1:39pm PDT NEW
            Never posted. Try again. NT by Eury 03/11/2024, 3:02pm PDT NEW

"We have 8 months to save our republic" -- Liz Cheney NT by laudablepuss 03/06/2024, 4:26pm PST NEW
    "Save our republic" from what? by Who'll do the saving? 03/06/2024, 5:07pm PST NEW
        Trump, voters NT by laudablepuss 03/06/2024, 5:16pm PST NEW
    Can you explain this post by Whoever you are 03/06/2024, 7:01pm PST NEW
        It has quotation marks and an attribution by What exactly do you need explained? 03/06/2024, 9:48pm PST NEW
            From "It's not my job to educate you" to "Ignorance is Treason" NT by this country is beyond saving 03/07/2024, 7:45am PST NEW
                Re: From "It's not my job to educate you" to "Ignorance is Treason" by Mysterio 03/07/2024, 7:49am PST NEW
                If ignorance disqualified someone from participating in the political process... by Injustice 03/07/2024, 6:49pm PST NEW
                    We'll never get our socialist utopia off the ground with you impugning by man's nature like that 03/07/2024, 7:19pm PST NEW
                        So edgy. So above it all. NT by Everyone Clapped 03/07/2024, 7:34pm PST NEW
                            You're just SO UPSET that I'm not OUTRAGED by "Just a kwik fix man I'm good 4 it" 03/08/2024, 5:12pm PST NEW
                                ur a pathetic weakling NT by get help 03/08/2024, 9:24pm PST NEW
                                    lol guy filled with impotent rage calling others pathetic, weak by of course you're a Biden voter 03/09/2024, 11:02am PST NEW
                                        good one, really got us. wow by get help 03/09/2024, 3:25pm PST NEW
    Did you hear what Liz Cheney has been saying NT by laudablepuss 03/08/2024, 6:07pm PST NEW

I don't vote for traitors. Or parties that support them. It's simple. by You're Simple 03/07/2024, 7:35pm PST NEW

Steve Garvey STARTING his political career at age 75 NT by way to go 03/07/2024, 6:23pm PST NEW

Trump begging Musk for money. C'mon guys, don't make me side with Elon! NT by Mischief Maker 03/07/2024, 8:32am PST NEW

Here is a nice new thread to yell at different people here. NT by Mysterio 02/10/2024, 7:49pm PST NEW
    RAAAAAAAAAAGH! NT by Mischief Maker 02/10/2024, 8:20pm PST NEW
    I'm glad we can talk to people with different perspectives with by Geryk 02/10/2024, 8:42pm PST NEW

Vivek Ramaswamy GTFO by Kirahu Nagasawa 01/16/2024, 6:26am PST NEW

Heh good thing no one can vote against their own self interest anymore. by kate leth 11/12/2014, 7:56pm PST NEW
    Are you gloating about your victory, John? NT by Kenji Carter 11/12/2014, 8:42pm PST NEW
        I thought these were coming from Jsoh. NT by MM 11/16/2014, 5:32am PST NEW
            Jhoh probably took his cue from the rest of the funny people NT by and stopped coming here 11/16/2014, 8:11am PST NEW
                Is "funny people" the latest politically correct term for faggots? NT by Eurotrash 11/16/2014, 12:49pm PST NEW
                Yes Jhoh was hilarious and we're ALL FUCKING POORER FOR HIS LOSS NT by FAT FUCKS ANONYMOUS 11/16/2014, 1:38pm PST NEW
                    At first I thought it was Spanky's ghost NT by then I smelled cheeseburgers 11/16/2014, 3:08pm PST NEW
                        spanky was Bill Dungsroman / Homosayswhat? by Sorry to break it to you 11/16/2014, 4:22pm PST NEW
                            Shut up, idiot. NT by Mewling #GG Manchild 11/18/2014, 9:20am PST NEW
                            WAs this confirmed NT by Manny 12/16/2023, 6:32pm PST NEW
        John never directly replies to anyone. He's not interested in building an NT by Encyclopedia. 11/19/2014, 3:40pm PST NEW

George Santos GTFO NT by laudablepuss 12/01/2023, 9:40am PST NEW
    Why NT by What's wrong 12/01/2023, 10:05am PST NEW
        He's the incredible fraudster Representative from NY by laudablepuss 12/01/2023, 10:48am PST NEW
            Yes, but why expelled by Or it's good because 12/01/2023, 10:52am PST NEW
                Re: Yes, but why expelled by laudablepuss 12/01/2023, 11:01am PST NEW
                    He's trying to troll you by being intentionally obtuse and breezily vague. NT by MM 12/01/2023, 11:22am PST NEW
                        Nope, I'm just happy you guys are having fun by Or it's good because 12/01/2023, 12:02pm PST NEW
                            And yet you support all the corrupt garbage in government. Curious. NT by Hmmm. Interesting. So thoughtful. 12/01/2023, 2:49pm PST NEW
                            Did I just hear a… whistling noise? NT by A. Dog 12/01/2023, 5:47pm PST NEW
                What a stupid question. Wow. NT by Just wow. 12/01/2023, 11:57am PST NEW
    Farewell my liege by Paul Gilmartin 12/01/2023, 6:43pm PST NEW
        Goodnight sweet prince NT by Donate to the George Santos fund 12/02/2023, 3:13pm PST NEW

Seems like now that the Hunter stuff flopped, the new talking point is by "replace Biden" -MM 11/08/2023, 8:15pm PST NEW
    "Vermin" is kind of a talking point now, thanks to NT by The Big Fat Indicted Asshole 11/13/2023, 8:16am PST NEW
        Vivek Ramaswamy Says He'll Fire Government Employees Based on Their Social NT by Security Number 11/13/2023, 11:24am PST NEW
    Cenk has always spewed right wing agitprop by Chapo eventually followed 11/14/2023, 6:55pm PST NEW
        "Chapo Trap House" is the dumbest name for anything that I've ever heard NT by in my life 11/14/2023, 8:06pm PST NEW
            Cum Town is bringing back podcast dignity NT by TAFS 11/14/2023, 9:05pm PST NEW
                It is really a shame that you can't link them in polite company because their by bits are hilarious. Link to my fav 11/15/2023, 11:19am PST NEW

US = "us", oh man great point huh by Retard 10/27/2023, 7:58pm PDT NEW
    He's so fucking stupid. NT by He's so fucking stupid. 11/06/2023, 1:28pm PST NEW
        He's so fucking senile. by He's so fucking stupid. 11/07/2023, 10:10am PST NEW

I want you all to be nicer to me. by Ron Vivichek 08/26/2023, 7:44am PDT NEW
    Wrong Forum, mod plz ban. NT by Mysterioso 08/26/2023, 8:05am PDT NEW
        I have a drinking problem by Ron Vivichek 08/27/2023, 12:50pm PDT NEW
            This is the politics subforum. Are you saying we need to bring back prohibition? NT by Mysterioso 08/27/2023, 1:17pm PDT NEW
    I'm back. NT by Ron Vivichek 10/30/2023, 12:00pm PDT NEW

No speaker of the house by laudablepuss 10/23/2023, 9:25pm PDT NEW
    Literally the only remaining guy with a chance just withdrew NT by laudablepuss 10/24/2023, 2:07pm PDT NEW
        The last time this happened (1998) they settled on a guy who was a high school by coach pederast 10/24/2023, 4:34pm PDT NEW
            Denny Hastert wasn't great by laudablepuss 10/24/2023, 9:03pm PDT NEW
                I buttfucked 4 kids on vacation but I'm not as bad as these clowns? Thanks! NT by Denny Hastert 10/25/2023, 6:21am PDT NEW
                    You're very stupid NT by laudablepuss 10/25/2023, 7:36am PDT NEW
                        laudable can forgive a lot in his elected officials. Both he and Ted Kennedy NT by let their girlfriends die 10/25/2023, 9:11am PDT NEW
                            Your laudable and MM screeds are the most tiresome thing on this site NT by Leave, kill yourself 10/25/2023, 9:25am PDT NEW
    Do they think they control the government? by laudablepuss 10/24/2023, 9:00pm PDT NEW
        JUST IN: Rep. Mike Johnson voted new House speaker NT by Send in the clowns 10/25/2023, 11:01am PDT NEW
            Well that answers one question! by laudablepuss 10/25/2023, 11:09am PDT NEW

Should we mention how impossibly dumb Peter Navarro is? by laudablepuss 09/07/2023, 7:29pm PDT NEW

Holy fuck by laudablepuss 06/13/2023, 8:02am PDT NEW
    Who hangs a chandelier in the shitter? NT by Mischief Maker 06/13/2023, 8:59am PDT NEW
    "Soypalm" NT by Print it 06/13/2023, 9:47am PDT NEW

Let this thread be a temporary right-left brotherhood, devoted to dunking on by Meatball Ron 05/25/2023, 8:25am PDT NEW
    Him and Musk combining forces yesterday was hilarious. by Mysterio 4: The Reckoning 05/25/2023, 9:42am PDT NEW
        I don't understand why John Kasich isn't the nominee by Too Scared To Use My Nick 05/25/2023, 12:21pm PDT NEW
            You don't get it? I get it. by j 05/25/2023, 12:47pm PDT NEW
            He got no attention, man! by Mischief Maker 05/25/2023, 1:57pm PDT NEW
                LOL the shit eating grin on that one idiot by YA GOT ADD!!!!! 05/25/2023, 4:28pm PDT NEW
            Because the goal is fuck the libs by Mysterio 05/25/2023, 4:20pm PDT NEW
                U've been shitting on every1 who doesn't belong to ur church for 15 yrs so weird by that they don't like you 05/25/2023, 5:22pm PDT NEW
                    Re: U've been shitting on every1 who doesn't belong to ur church for 15 yrs by Dereriooiop 05/25/2023, 5:45pm PDT NEW
                        Absolutely <3 that in a subthread abt how much you hate EVIL oppo, u still dnt by undrstnd y they feel same abt u 05/26/2023, 6:15pm PDT NEW
                            Absolutely <3 that in a subthread abt how much you hate EVIL oppo, u still dnt by Dereriooiop 05/26/2023, 7:04pm PDT NEW
                                I call my opponents cultists every chance I get but am confused by their 'church by references 05/27/2023, 6:58am PDT NEW
                                    I call my opponents cultists every chance I get but am confused by their 'church by Dereriooiop 05/27/2023, 9:48am PDT NEW
                                        Hahah holy crap I can picture the little tears running down your face as by you pounded this out 05/27/2023, 1:34pm PDT NEW
                                            You got more coherent! Good job! I knew you could do it. by Dereriooiop 05/27/2023, 1:49pm PDT NEW
                    Can we get something more interesting on this site than batting around this NT by retard? 05/27/2023, 6:54pm PDT NEW
        Re: Him and Musk combining forces yesterday was hilarious. by E. Bike Koba 05/28/2023, 1:47pm PDT NEW
    Babylon Bee endorses Meatball Ron with an iron fist! by Mischief Maker 05/28/2023, 5:18am PDT NEW
        hahaha "THE BEE" hahaha by lolololol 05/28/2023, 1:38pm PDT NEW
    Meatball Ron rewards Musk's endorsement with the right to explode astronauts. by Mischief Maker 05/28/2023, 5:26am PDT NEW

Dominion suit against Fox by laudablepuss 04/18/2023, 10:43am PDT NEW
    What or who is Dominion? NT by Gaige Grosskreutz 04/18/2023, 11:03am PDT NEW
        The voting machine company who Fox kept saying rigged the election. NT by Mischief Maker 04/18/2023, 11:16am PDT NEW
    $787.5 million NT by laudablepuss 04/18/2023, 2:41pm PDT NEW
        unreal by Mysterio 04/18/2023, 4:10pm PDT NEW
            Unlike, uh, unlike... unlike... NT by More than 50 former intelligence of 04/18/2023, 4:36pm PDT NEW
                Like I said. You guys are the dumbest people on earth NT by Mysterio 04/18/2023, 6:49pm PDT NEW
                    Can we not? Site's been very readable without the politics BS lately NT by Kenji Carter 04/18/2023, 7:29pm PDT NEW
                        Can we not? Can we nooot? Can we noootttttttt? Shut up idiot NT by Mysterio 04/18/2023, 7:42pm PDT NEW
                        Speaking as someone who hasn't agreed with KC in at least a decade NT by I agree with KC 04/18/2023, 7:44pm PDT NEW
                        This is literally the politics subforum by laudablepuss 04/19/2023, 12:19am PDT NEW
                            Nobody likes them, liberals most of all. NT by A FRIEND 04/19/2023, 7:09am PDT NEW

Hunter Biden's wealth. It's a problem. by Mysterio 04/18/2023, 4:09pm PDT NEW
    Oh hey Gasoline glad you didn't leave us! NT by I'm do glad you hung around! :) 04/18/2023, 7:42pm PDT NEW

Phew! NT by Mischief Maker 04/04/2023, 10:09pm PDT NEW
    Short bets: The Wisconsin Republican super majority will impeach a Dem supreme NT by court judge this year 04/07/2023, 9:27pm PDT NEW

Biden and Trump debate Kingdom Hearts by H1-Beta 03/08/2023, 11:21am PST NEW

Dr. Oz, awkward snake oil bitch, got his ass beat by hahahhahaha 11/09/2022, 5:41am PST NEW
    Re: Dr. Oz, awkward snake oil bitch, got his ass beat by laudablepuss 11/09/2022, 3:14pm PST NEW
    No Red Wave, the Democrats were loyal and voted in dead people, brain damaged NT by and of course mentally retarded 11/09/2022, 6:25pm PST NEW
        differently abled, please NT by differently abled 11/10/2022, 5:40am PST NEW
        Republicans missing their expected red flow right after banning abortions. D'oh! by Mischief Maker 11/10/2022, 6:28am PST NEW
            It was an absolute disaster for the bleach swilling shits. by Mysteriooooooooooooo dont ban me 11/10/2022, 9:50am PST NEW
                Let the chink-head-stabbing continue NT by Big Brains of Old Tech 11/10/2022, 11:07am PST NEW
                    Shitty posts are between the poster, their doctor and NT by LOCAL POLITICAL LEADERS 11/10/2022, 11:34am PST NEW
                        The new family unit NT by Big Brains of Old Tech 11/10/2022, 11:41am PST NEW
                "Same constant childish victim whining" by Don't ban Laudable 11/10/2022, 11:54am PST NEW

5-4... 5-4... 5-4... 5-4... 5-4... by Anthony Kennedy 06/27/2018, 11:22am PDT NEW
    Retiring with plenty of time before midterms for a confirmation vote NT by to own the libs 06/27/2018, 11:41am PDT NEW
    Well SCOTUS is lost for a generation. I guess the lesser evil is LESS evil! NT by Mischief Maker 06/27/2018, 11:43am PDT NEW
        Also: by Mischief Maker 06/27/2018, 11:54am PDT NEW
            Yeah, why CAN'T Democrats filibuster nominees anymore? (huge thinking emoji) NT by Cocaine Mitch 06/27/2018, 4:08pm PDT NEW
                Time to buy coathanger futures! NT by Mischief Maker 06/27/2018, 5:17pm PDT NEW
                    Re: Time to buy coathanger futures! by Cocaine Mitch 06/27/2018, 6:03pm PDT NEW
                    Can you even buy (metal) coathangers anymore? by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 06/27/2018, 9:23pm PDT NEW
                        Tdarcos has the best posts in this thread. He should be the only one NT by allowed to comment in this forum. 06/27/2018, 10:01pm PDT NEW
                            COCAINE MITCH is COMEDY GOLD, PAL NT by Cocaine Mitch 06/28/2018, 7:51am PDT NEW
    I wouldn't mind a Roe v Wade repeal by Vested Id 06/27/2018, 6:54pm PDT NEW
        Also it's not gonna happen so back off NT by Vested Id 06/27/2018, 6:56pm PDT NEW
        Re: I wouldn't mind a Roe v Wade repeal by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 06/27/2018, 9:10pm PDT NEW
            Re: I wouldn't mind a Roe v Wade repeal by Vested Id 06/27/2018, 9:46pm PDT NEW
                Ban all non-therapeutic abortions NT by The Space Pope 06/28/2018, 2:21pm PDT NEW
    As the uninformed, what does this mean? NT by Too embarrassed to say 06/27/2018, 9:11pm PDT NEW
        Re: As the uninformed, what does this mean? by Mischief Maker 06/27/2018, 9:51pm PDT NEW
            Terrible effects! There go the public dilation stations. by The Laughing Ghost of Jerry Falwell 06/27/2018, 10:10pm PDT NEW
                I have to wonder what's running through your head when you see photos like these by Injustice 06/27/2018, 11:47pm PDT NEW
                    Wait are we talking Michelle's cock here? by The Laughing Ghost of Jerry Falwell 06/27/2018, 11:51pm PDT NEW
                        No, I was talking about the redhead's big rack. by Injustice 06/28/2018, 12:07am PDT NEW
                            You see a stag? Appropriate much? by The Laughing Ghost of Jerry Falwell 06/28/2018, 9:50am PDT NEW
                Thank you for that post. by Mischief Maker 06/28/2018, 6:18am PDT NEW
                    Kennedy & Gorsuch are why evangelicals dropped all pretense of honor to vote for by this guy 06/28/2018, 7:57am PDT NEW
                        Happy... Holidays! MWAHAHAHAHA!!! NT by Mischief Maker 06/28/2018, 8:00am PDT NEW
                    "The Obamas were black so any derision is racist." by The Laughing Ghost of Jerry Falwell 06/28/2018, 9:03am PDT NEW
                        The quotes indicate sarcasm NT by yet they contain truth 06/28/2018, 3:05pm PDT NEW
                            Watch how this will come back and bite you upon your dumb ass. NT by The Patient Ghost of Jerry Falwell 06/28/2018, 5:36pm PDT NEW
                                It's the most bland, factual criticism you can level at by the Obama era 06/28/2018, 8:10pm PDT NEW
                                Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. by Mischief Maker 06/28/2018, 8:11pm PDT NEW
                                    Oh, I agree. She's a danish shy of being a middle linebacker. by I won't stumble into that trap 06/28/2018, 8:38pm PDT NEW
                                    LARPing WW2 Nazi fighters NT by to own the cons 06/28/2018, 9:31pm PDT NEW
        Trump gets to pick another justice by Vested Id 06/27/2018, 10:02pm PDT NEW
    8) NT by Vested Id 05/02/2022, 9:49pm PDT NEW
        Re: 8) by Mischief Maker 05/03/2022, 4:13pm PDT NEW
    6-3 by Amy Coney Barrett 06/24/2022, 7:55am PDT NEW

Did anyone watch the hearing? by laudablepuss 06/09/2022, 7:23pm PDT NEW
    They won't because Fox News told them not to watch it. NT by Mischief Maker 06/09/2022, 7:24pm PDT NEW
        Multiple members of Congress were seeking pardons for their role in attempting NT by to overturn the election 06/09/2022, 8:04pm PDT NEW
    This part was great. Bill Barr. by Mysterio 06/09/2022, 8:08pm PDT NEW
        Not gonna beat up on anyone here. But man, this is rough. by Mysterio 06/09/2022, 8:21pm PDT NEW
    Powerful by h0 06/09/2022, 8:43pm PDT NEW
        I genuinely pity you. by Mysterio 06/09/2022, 8:54pm PDT NEW
        Nobody stupider than a guy who thinks that Tucker Carlson cares about NT by gas prices. Wow. 06/09/2022, 8:58pm PDT NEW
            Everyone cares about higher gas prices, lol by h0 06/09/2022, 9:35pm PDT NEW
                Re: Everyone cares about higher gas prices, lol by laudablepuss 06/09/2022, 10:04pm PDT NEW
                    He won't take that glance, Tucker told him not to. NT by Mischief Maker 06/09/2022, 10:06pm PDT NEW
                    Why is anyone conversing with this creature? What is the point of this? NT by pinback 06/11/2022, 8:23am PDT NEW
                        People say the same about you constantly NT by and yet here we are 06/11/2022, 11:31pm PDT NEW
                            No they don't. by Diskkkord Kkkrew 06/12/2022, 11:47am PDT NEW
                "Lies." NT by Yaris 06/09/2022, 10:20pm PDT NEW
                Re: Everyone cares about higher gas prices, lol by Mysterio 06/09/2022, 10:25pm PDT NEW
                    Of course they want this to be about gas prices by Gaige Grosskreutz 06/09/2022, 10:29pm PDT NEW
                    Tucker is rich, therefore gas prices are just fine by Ideology über alles 06/10/2022, 8:19pm PDT NEW
                        Re: Tucker is rich, therefore gas prices are just fine by Mysterio 06/10/2022, 9:23pm PDT NEW
                            "You're deflecting!" he sobbed by while deflecting 06/10/2022, 10:18pm PDT NEW
                                GAS PRICES!!!!!!! by Mysterio 06/10/2022, 10:49pm PDT NEW
                                    And that's why the 2nd amendment by is so important 06/11/2022, 12:09am PDT NEW
                                        Re: And that's why the 2nd amendment is so important by laudablepuss 06/11/2022, 5:14am PDT NEW
                                            Re: And that's why the 2nd amendment is so important by Execute the Proud Boys 06/11/2022, 5:38am PDT NEW
                                Weird that school shootings didn't make your list of crocodile tears NT by Execute the Proud Boys 06/11/2022, 12:05am PDT NEW
                                    If you wanted a 100% guarantee of your child's safety, you should've by aborted them 06/11/2022, 12:21am PDT NEW
                                        "oh no blowjobs are getting too good, we'd better put the brakes on" by you 06/11/2022, 9:52am PDT NEW
                                            Extraordinary NT by hO 06/11/2022, 11:31am PDT NEW
                                                Shut the fuck up. NT by Fat Autistic Fuck 06/11/2022, 12:20pm PDT NEW
                                                    Smart guy, guess I don't get the rage, *hmmm* by hO 06/11/2022, 1:05pm PDT NEW
                                                        Shut the fuck up. NT by Fat Autistic Fuck 06/11/2022, 1:44pm PDT NEW
                                                        I would rather get a blowjob from Patricia Arquette, but I'm willing to settle by for (14+ years old) children. 06/11/2022, 7:22pm PDT NEW
                                Cite? NT by laudablepuss 06/11/2022, 5:30am PDT NEW
                Wow my inbox is blowing up NT by h0 06/09/2022, 10:38pm PDT NEW
                    ur brainwashed NT by ur brainwashed 06/09/2022, 11:42pm PDT NEW
        Re: Powerful by Mischief Maker 06/09/2022, 10:03pm PDT NEW
    Crazy by hO 06/10/2022, 10:02am PDT NEW
        Hey man, how many cartons of eggs did Tucker buy this week? NT by Gaige Grosskreutz 06/10/2022, 10:26am PDT NEW
            I never eat.................................................. eggs NT by Count Tucker 06/10/2022, 10:51am PDT NEW
                Tucker took no commercials to stop guys like h0 from flipping over NT by lololololol 06/10/2022, 5:43pm PDT NEW
    Headlines thanks to these traitors by Mysterio 06/10/2022, 6:26pm PDT NEW
        How many consecutive times did you jizz your pants when you first heard who was by on the Jan6 committee 06/10/2022, 8:23pm PDT NEW
            it's truly insane that you think this is about ideology by laudablepuss 06/10/2022, 8:53pm PDT NEW
                It's about milking an overblown event for political capital NT by Sorry 06/10/2022, 9:40pm PDT NEW
                    It's overblown now that it's not Antifa BTW NT by Mysterio 06/10/2022, 10:51pm PDT NEW
                Revere the constitution you fascists! by Just not the parts I hate 06/10/2022, 10:22pm PDT NEW
    I'm gonna vote for the party that wants to hang their VP by fucking moron 06/17/2022, 9:23am PDT NEW

Do Soviet nukes even work? NT by I doubt it 05/03/2022, 4:37pm PDT NEW
    Only one way to find out... NT by Mischief Maker 05/03/2022, 4:38pm PDT NEW
    Probably not at this point but they only need one by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/03/2022, 4:43pm PDT NEW

IMF Director: Maybe We Printed Too Much Money by blackwater 04/28/2022, 4:29pm PDT NEW

DeSantis makes Florida taxes go up 25%. Way to go, bleachers NT by Hysterical Losers 04/22/2022, 3:40pm PDT NEW
    Oh no NT by He's great 04/22/2022, 3:44pm PDT NEW
    My goodness, they must be getting up near 40, 45% of CA tax rates by You're a very srs person I can tell 04/22/2022, 6:39pm PDT NEW
        Do you even know what the words "homophobia" and "racism" mean? by Mischief Maker 04/22/2022, 7:17pm PDT NEW
            MischiefMaker says college-educated black man too stupid to know what TERF means NT by but sure he'd hate them if he did 04/23/2022, 2:58pm PDT NEW
                So you don't know what those words mean. Well go and drink your bleach, then! NT by MM 04/23/2022, 3:27pm PDT NEW
                    So you don't know what those words mean. Well go and drink your bleach, then! by You're a very srs person I can tell 04/23/2022, 3:34pm PDT NEW
                        Racist homophobe! NT by MM 04/23/2022, 9:43pm PDT NEW
        I got someone to argue that increased taxes are ok? by Hysterical Losers 04/23/2022, 10:34am PDT NEW
            We talkin bout taxice NT by Good post 04/24/2022, 9:00am PDT NEW
            "Just let us prey on kids and we'll keep your taxes down!" by WHY ISN'T THIS WORKING? 04/24/2022, 11:28pm PDT NEW
        Re: My goodness, they must be getting up near 40, 45% of CA tax rates by Mysterio 04/24/2022, 11:56am PDT NEW
            I love that lefties have twisted themselves into the position of defending multi by billion dollar corporations 04/24/2022, 2:22pm PDT NEW
                Re: I love that lefties have twisted themselves into the position of defendin by Mysterio 04/24/2022, 2:34pm PDT NEW
                    "anti-gay" by lol 04/24/2022, 3:03pm PDT NEW
                Cultist BAFFLED that libs took the side of Star Wars, Marvel and anti-hate by Whaaaaaaaaa????! 04/24/2022, 2:41pm PDT NEW
                    Each day I think they can't get any dumber, but they do, they always do NT by Hysterical Losers 04/24/2022, 2:51pm PDT NEW
                Delete this immediately by Reasonable Republican 04/24/2022, 2:56pm PDT NEW
                    try to time your desperate cries for attention a little more tactically by "how do yo do fellow repugnicans?" 04/24/2022, 3:08pm PDT NEW
                        Republicans draining the word "groomer" of any meaning is a big boon to pedos! by MM 04/24/2022, 5:39pm PDT NEW
                            Today's a big anniversary for the bleachers by Mysterioioio 04/24/2022, 6:06pm PDT NEW
                            Sez the guy whose side has spent years systematically diluting 'racism,' 'rape,' by 'homophobia,' 'Nazism,' 'fascism,' 04/24/2022, 7:45pm PDT NEW
                                Sez the guy whose side has spent years systematically diluting 'racism,' 'rape,' by 'homophobia,' 'Nazism,' 'fascism,' 04/24/2022, 8:00pm PDT NEW
                                    Indeed. by MM 04/24/2022, 10:09pm PDT NEW
                                        Ugh by Ugh 04/24/2022, 10:33pm PDT NEW
                                        And yet here you are arguing to make this sort of thing easier by puzzling! 04/24/2022, 11:26pm PDT NEW
                                            So are you just gonna keep making claims without any receipts? by Mischief Maker 04/25/2022, 4:39am PDT NEW
                                                Right behind you by with more receipts 04/25/2022, 8:44am PDT NEW
                                                I'm just saying... by puzzling 04/25/2022, 9:05am PDT NEW
                                                    Re: I'm just saying... by puzzling 04/25/2022, 9:51am PDT NEW
                                                    Re: I'm just saying... by MM 04/25/2022, 10:24am PDT NEW
                                                        Re: I'm just saying... by Mysterio 04/25/2022, 5:51pm PDT NEW
                                                            I don't even get that one. More Republican pedos! by MM 04/25/2022, 6:08pm PDT NEW
                                                                Of course you don't, lefties aren't big on self-awareness by or reflection 04/25/2022, 9:38pm PDT NEW
                                                                    Do you have a source for any of these claims besides "dude, trust me"? by Mischief Maker 04/25/2022, 9:43pm PDT NEW
                                                                        A source for claims that...non-parents shouldn't be talking to 5 year olds abt by sexual topics? 04/25/2022, 11:01pm PDT NEW
                                                                            "Girls can play with trucks, too" or "Danny has two mommies" is sexual to you? by Mischief Maker 04/26/2022, 5:53am PDT NEW
                                                                            Re: A source for claims that...non-parents shouldn't be talking to 5 year by laudablepuss 04/26/2022, 8:52am PDT NEW
                                                                                Related by laudablepuss 04/26/2022, 7:39pm PDT NEW
                                                                                    Cracked NT by After Hours 04/26/2022, 7:58pm PDT NEW
                                                                                    The former Cracked editor is by far the worst person on Seanbaby's podcat NT by Jason Pargin sucks 04/26/2022, 8:32pm PDT NEW
                                                                                    They found the four least likable people on the face of the earth for this NT by John Smith 04/26/2022, 9:15pm PDT NEW
                                                                                        Daniel is the most likable creature in the universe, I would know NT by God Himself 04/27/2022, 5:20pm PDT NEW
                                                                            Not sure where your confusion is. by Plague Rat 04/26/2022, 10:27am PDT NEW
                                                                        So I guess you feel that showing us predators will prove that there's no need by to worry about predators? 04/26/2022, 10:39pm PDT NEW
                                                                            Guy actually posted Libs of TikTok NT by lolololololololol 04/27/2022, 5:25am PDT NEW
                                                                                How DARE he post libs' own unedited words doesn't he realize that it MAKES US by LOOK BAD??? 04/27/2022, 8:45am PDT NEW
                                                                                    It was used to harass and send death threats to the people featured. by Oh 04/27/2022, 12:26pm PDT NEW
                                                                                        Who sends the most credible death threats? It's gotta be radiologists, right? NT by Kirby Super Star 04/27/2022, 12:43pm PDT NEW
                                                                                            hahah NT by Yaris 04/27/2022, 3:10pm PDT NEW
                                                                                        'Oh no I posted something that made people angry, let's blame ne1 who reposts' by lol 04/27/2022, 4:28pm PDT NEW
                                                                                            'Oh no I posted something that made people angry, let's blame ne1 who reposts' by Respiv 04/27/2022, 5:04pm PDT NEW
                                                                                    Re: How DARE he post libs' own unedited words doesn't he realize that it MAKES by I Care About Groomers OOPS 04/27/2022, 12:40pm PDT NEW
                                                                            I'm impressed you held out this long before busing out the Libs of Tik Tok! by Mischief Maker 04/27/2022, 6:33am PDT NEW
                                                                                "busting out" by Mischief Maker 04/27/2022, 6:35am PDT NEW
                                                                                Oh boy, making anecdotal info cool again! by LOOK BAD??? 04/27/2022, 9:09am PDT NEW
                                                                            Re: So I guess you feel that showing us predators will prove that there's no by John Smith, Wise Man 04/27/2022, 6:35am PDT NEW
                                                                                Re: So I guess you feel that showing us predators will prove that there's no by LOOK BAD??? 04/27/2022, 10:05am PDT NEW
                                                                                    Oh no, the lying filth is back ;) by John Smith, Wise Man 04/27/2022, 11:45am PDT NEW
                                                                                        oh shut up, god NT by Mysterio 04/27/2022, 12:13pm PDT NEW
                                                                                        "oh hey I don't know what you're talking about on a bunch of these things so by i know im better informed than u" 04/27/2022, 2:58pm PDT NEW
                                                                                            "oh hey I fell for disinformation about the Mueller report" by John Smith, Wise Man 04/27/2022, 3:02pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                Can we have a middle ground here between you two? NT by Elite 04/27/2022, 3:56pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                This is my new favorite Caltrops poster by lol 04/27/2022, 4:30pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                BLOCKED! WELCOME TO MY BLOCK LIST! NT by BLOCKED! 04/27/2022, 5:32pm PDT NEW
                                                                                    holeeeeeeeeeeeeee fuck lololololol by lololololol 04/27/2022, 11:56am PDT NEW
                                                                                    CHARACTER BREAK!!!!! by A Semi Common BoP Poster 04/27/2022, 12:16pm PDT NEW
                                                                                        Well, thanks man. Def a tough gig, but I've honestly got the best job of by anyone here 04/27/2022, 5:50pm PDT NEW
                                                                                            Re: Well, thanks man. Def a tough gig, but I've honestly got the best job of by MM 04/27/2022, 7:36pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                See? We both agree this shit should be outlawed by common ground:achieved 04/27/2022, 8:01pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                    I think people hating on a 9-yr-old for playing dress-up should eat a dick, yes. NT by Mischief Maker 04/27/2022, 8:44pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                        What controversy are you talking about NT by Not one going on anywhere 04/27/2022, 9:16pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                        hahah just a sweet li'l tranny, unlike those pageant WHORES who're clearly NT by ASKING FOR IT 04/28/2022, 12:28am PDT NEW
                                                                                                            Drag queens are not trans, you hick. NT by Mischief Ce-ment Pond 04/28/2022, 6:10am PDT NEW
                                                                                                                confirming Zsenis' theory you're a troon NT by some hick 04/28/2022, 9:07am PDT NEW
                                                                                        Re: CHARACTER BREAK!!!!! by Heh, it's a pretty nutty job 04/28/2022, 9:21am PDT NEW
                                                                                    Hey man by Elite 04/27/2022, 4:24pm PDT NEW
                                                                            Re: The GayBCs by Kirby Super Star 04/27/2022, 10:10am PDT NEW
                                                                            *sigh* okay, let's dredge through this... by Mischief Maker 04/27/2022, 8:36pm PDT NEW
                                                                                MM destroys off the shelf bleacher talking points by John Smith, Wise Man 04/28/2022, 9:47am PDT NEW

Hydroxychloroquine worked the whole time by Vested Id 07/03/2020, 9:37am PDT NEW
    We changed the previous studies with a Sharpie by 130,000 people came back to life 07/03/2020, 10:23am PDT NEW
        Europe destroyed by per capitalism by Vested Id 07/03/2020, 11:03am PDT NEW
            Media and Europe are to blame. Got it. NT by 130,000 people came back to life 07/03/2020, 11:27am PDT NEW
    Re: Hydroxychloroquine worked the whole time by Now it's just sad. 07/03/2020, 4:45pm PDT NEW
    ITT Vested, CNN prescribe aquarium cleaner for covid patients NT by WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE 07/03/2020, 6:12pm PDT NEW
    WHO stops trials of Hydroxychloroquine because it doesn't help against covid by You're in a cult 07/04/2020, 2:54pm PDT NEW
        This is from April NT by Vested Id 07/04/2020, 8:29pm PDT NEW
            It has a European date format you dumb cultist fuck NT by Ukraine Reference 07/04/2020, 9:22pm PDT NEW
                Predictable turn from the WHO NT by Vested Id 07/05/2020, 9:07am PDT NEW
                    haha NT by Horus Truthteller 07/05/2020, 11:17am PDT NEW
                    Buy Remdesivir by Gilead Sciences, Inc. 07/05/2020, 12:01pm PDT NEW
                        Trust us by The World Health Organization 07/05/2020, 12:14pm PDT NEW
                        Ok NT by Donald Trump 07/05/2020, 1:51pm PDT NEW
    Re: Hydroxychloroquine worked the whole time by Good news here 07/27/2020, 6:41pm PDT NEW
        It's a working therapeutic by Not Vested Id 07/27/2020, 6:54pm PDT NEW
        That link is from 1101 A.D. NT by Vested id 07/29/2020, 12:46pm PDT NEW
            Not me NT by Vested Id (real) 07/29/2020, 9:48pm PDT NEW
    Bumping this classic thread. by TRUMP'S WARP SPEED 08/06/2021, 10:34am PDT NEW
        This also worked. by Jerker Gamer 08/06/2021, 11:31am PDT NEW
            Germ theory denialism is a thing now also by laudablepuss 08/07/2021, 9:20am PDT NEW
                Re: Germ theory denialism is a thing now also by laudablepuss 08/07/2021, 9:24am PDT NEW
        350 million Americans have already been vaccinated NT by They're doing fine 08/06/2021, 11:33am PDT NEW
        Out of patent drugs are for stupid people NT by OBEY OBEY OBEY 08/06/2021, 1:38pm PDT NEW
            Your comment is too stupid for anyone to understand. by TRUMP'S WARP SPEED 08/07/2021, 12:03pm PDT NEW
                My mask has pretty flowers! NT by OBEY OBEY OBEY 08/08/2021, 1:16am PDT NEW
                    You can't make me follow basic pandemic hygiene, sheeple! NT by GASP GASP GASP 08/08/2021, 4:52am PDT NEW
                        The SCIENCE is IN! NT by the scientistisis all voted for it 08/08/2021, 10:34am PDT NEW
                            Are you TRIGGERED by all the parasites in my body, libs?!! NT by Tapeworms, the miracle diet cure! 08/08/2021, 11:17am PDT NEW
                                Remember when Bill seemed smart or at least clever NT by Anyone checked in on Fussbett latel 08/08/2021, 4:34pm PDT NEW
                                    The guy that kept pushing aquarium cleaner doesn't get to criticize by others 08/08/2021, 6:42pm PDT NEW
                                        He/they get to criticize another board personality for being pathetic by Say thank you 08/08/2021, 7:02pm PDT NEW
    Re: Hydroxychloroquine worked the whole time by JPG Man 04/25/2022, 9:53am PDT NEW
    Turns out I was wrong about this by Vested Id 04/26/2022, 4:19pm PDT NEW
        Kudos to you for admitting you were wrong. by blackwater 04/27/2022, 10:08pm PDT NEW
            Remember when you realized the quality of your information was poor? NT by Doing it again, dear 04/27/2022, 10:56pm PDT NEW

Trump confesses to firing Comey. This is a crime. NT by Ulrachi 12/07/2021, 7:49am PST NEW
    WaPo confesses to lying about Trump and Russia NT by This is legal 12/07/2021, 10:37am PST NEW
        The only lies are from Caltrops bleachers. As usual. NT by Chug Chug 12/07/2021, 10:40am PST NEW
        Fascinating reply. by DEFLECT! WHAT ABOUT REEEEEEEE!!!!!! 12/07/2021, 10:50am PST NEW

JOE BIDEN WINS THE PRESIDENCY!!! by Mischief Maker 09/24/2021, 10:56am PDT NEW
    From the geniuses who use division and multiplication to tally votes by Namely, Maricopa County Officials 11/14/2021, 10:11pm PST NEW

Jesse Lecraft got fired from Blizzard by fucking moron 08/12/2021, 5:48pm PDT NEW
    Why is this in Balance of Power NT by Back to my Legos 08/12/2021, 7:32pm PDT NEW
        ikr tRump doesn't even play wow NT by He runs a pve caldari out of jita 08/12/2021, 9:54pm PDT NEW
        Re: Why is this in Balance of Power NT by Because it's a retarded post. 08/13/2021, 5:32am PDT NEW
            Today's the day you stupid assholes think he's President again, rignht? NT by lololololol 08/13/2021, 7:35am PDT NEW

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