Forum Overview :: Balance of Power
Liberal fantasy shitshow - Re: Bernie and Warren KICKED ASS together tonight! by Independents and Moderates 07/31/2019, 3:03pm PDT
Mischief Maker wrote:

Also holy shit, CNN was more hostile to Bernie in this debate than Fox news.
I'm a democrat but ugg, what a shitshow of liberal pie in the sky proposals. Make selling of new ICE based cars ILLEGAL within 20 years? That'll go over "great" with everyone not far left thinking. Get rid of private insurance companies? It'll never happen in this country, too late for that, and will only serve to turn people off. Guarantee everyone a government job if they want one? Socialist bullshit. Pay off Millineals' student debt? I'm sure that sounds great to most people who have already paid theirs off or at least a significant part of that - it's simply not fair.

Dems need to nominate someone who is moderate and can appeal to more than the far left base because this election needs to be about kicking trump to the curb and fixing his mess.

Prediction: it'll be Biden vs Trump

Prediction 2: if Dems don't start impeachment proceedings then we can lose to Trump again. Many independents swung to trump not necessarily because he's a racist piece of shit (only about 35% of the voters did that) but because they perceived him as STRONG. People think the Dems are weak and failing to hold him to account will solidify that perspective with a lot of regular folks.
Bernie and Warren KICKED ASS together tonight! by Mischief Maker 07/30/2019, 9:46pm PDT NEW
    Liberal fantasy shitshow - Re: Bernie and Warren KICKED ASS together tonight! by Independents and Moderates 07/31/2019, 3:03pm PDT NEW
        Clinton lost, Kerry lost, Gore lost. The chud-flipping miracle won't happen. by Mischief Independent 07/31/2019, 4:40pm PDT NEW
            Speaking of Clinton's '16 loss, Biden just doubled-down on the TPP. NT by Mischief Loony Leftist 07/31/2019, 7:08pm PDT NEW
                He just lost my vote. by Mysterio Prime 08/02/2019, 7:42am PDT NEW
        Liberal fantasy shitshow - Re: Bernie and Warren KICKED ASS together tonight! by Ice Cream Jonsey 07/31/2019, 4:47pm PDT NEW
    Also tonight by Vested Id 07/31/2019, 6:56pm PDT NEW
        BOOKERMANIA (my community) by Vested Id 07/31/2019, 6:59pm PDT NEW
            Re: BOOKERMANIA (my community) by Mysterio Prime 07/31/2019, 7:04pm PDT NEW
                No, I just enjoy Booker, as a sane person does by Vested Id 07/31/2019, 7:12pm PDT NEW
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