Forum Overview :: Motherfucking News
Nothing that can save that face but man he needed to just shave it off by Mysterio 02/10/2024, 7:49pm PST
So is the Xbox dying or what. by Blackwater 02/10/2024, 8:48am PST NEW
    It was dying when they went all-in on connect. It was dead when they announced NT by the Xbone (TV! TV! TV!). 02/10/2024, 10:03am PST NEW
    I dont understand the point of it. No exclusives. NT by Geryk 02/10/2024, 3:47pm PST NEW
    Only Ballmer's retard energy could sustain the Ecksbawks. by Without Ballmer IT'S DEAD 02/10/2024, 7:30pm PST NEW
        Nothing that can save that face but man he needed to just shave it off NT by Mysterio 02/10/2024, 7:49pm PST NEW
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