Forum Overview :: Gamerasutra
Request for suggestions... by pinback 08/08/2024, 7:10am PDT
Looking for a region-based (as opposed to hexes/squares) low-ish fantasy strategy game. Dominions is the correct answer, but it is too convoluted and inscrutable. Something like Dominions, but that an old, confused man can handle.
Request for suggestions... by pinback 08/08/2024, 7:10am PDT NEW
    Battle Brothers for low fantasy, Age of Wonders 4 for region-based. by Mischief Maker 08/08/2024, 7:48am PDT NEW
    Oh! "King Arthur The Roleplaying Wargame" is both low fantasy & regional by Mischief Maker 08/08/2024, 3:41pm PDT NEW
        Thank you for these suggestions. NT by pinback 08/08/2024, 5:52pm PDT NEW
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