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This is my site now NT by PICKLES 02/07/2025, 12:54pm PST NEW
    *munching on my dill pickle potato chips* I'm onboard NT by laudablepuss 02/07/2025, 1:13pm PST NEW
        ur my lieutenant NT by PICKLES 02/07/2025, 10:37pm PST NEW
            kick ass by laudablepuss 02/07/2025, 11:24pm PST NEW
                Vomit? by PICKLES 02/08/2025, 10:38pm PST NEW
                    And then the Ring fell into the hands of the creature, "Vomit" by laudablepuss 02/09/2025, 11:24am PST NEW

The CRPG Book is finished. by Ice Cream Jonsey 02/05/2018, 1:42pm PST NEW
    This is awesome NT by laudablepuss 02/05/2018, 3:47pm PST NEW
    Updated and Revised, and you can get it in print by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/04/2024, 8:24pm PDT NEW
        Jonsey, I bought it. Did you? NT by Khan 02/03/2025, 8:22pm PST NEW

Is "Detroit: Become Human" a visual novel? If not, what is it? NT by Mischief Maker 01/20/2025, 8:43pm PST NEW
    A David Cage game NT by zing! 01/21/2025, 6:03am PST NEW

I presume everyone has seen this now by laudablepuss 01/11/2025, 8:37pm PST NEW
    Laud! NT by What's yer steam handle? 01/11/2025, 11:06pm PST NEW
        There is a Caltrops Steam group. NT by Karmaboi 01/17/2025, 8:40am PST NEW
            Most Steam names not the same as caltrops handle NT by no clue who 01/17/2025, 1:08pm PST NEW
                You're right. NT by Karmaboi 01/17/2025, 9:14pm PST NEW
    That's like paying someone to eat ice cream for you, then telling people "yum!" NT by Mischief Maker 01/15/2025, 2:10pm PST NEW

Songs of Silence vs Songs of Conquest by Mischief Shai-hulud 11/27/2024, 9:00pm PST NEW
    Picked up both of these on the steam sale because this post. Will report back NT by E. L. Koba 12/06/2024, 3:41pm PST NEW
        I was in a bad mood when I wrote that, I was probably too hard on Conquest... by Mischief Maker 12/06/2024, 4:15pm PST NEW
            Caveat: I never played any HOMM so I have no nostalgia for it by E. L. Koba 01/16/2025, 4:06pm PST NEW
                Did you get the names mixed up? Because if so I agree. NT by Mischief Maker 01/16/2025, 4:13pm PST NEW
                    Oops, yes I did (edit button when?) NT by E. L. Koba 01/16/2025, 4:22pm PST NEW
                        Is there drama behind how they both ended up with such similar names? NT by I want to pick a side. 01/16/2025, 5:02pm PST NEW
                            Dunno. Probably convergent thinking. by Mischief Maker 01/16/2025, 7:20pm PST NEW

Ok, what PS2 games did I miss? by Fullofkittens 11/13/2007, 10:02pm PST NEW
    there is someone who exists that didn't totally love GTA:VC? NT by diet Coke/Grumah forever 11/13/2007, 10:23pm PST NEW
    The Red Star, Zone of the Enders 2, S.L.A.I., Ace Combat Zero, Taito Legends 2 NT by Belbo Jacopo 11/13/2007, 10:24pm PST NEW
        Ace Wombat Zero has the best final boss music ever. NT by Jhoh Clbbl O_____O 11/14/2007, 3:38am PST NEW
    Re: Ok, what PS2 games did I miss? by Lizard_King 11/13/2007, 10:29pm PST NEW
        Somehow I'm going to put Persona 3 above that Disney shit. by Worm 11/14/2007, 9:52am PST NEW
    Also did you mean Ape Escape 2 or 3? by Lizard_King 11/13/2007, 10:30pm PST NEW
    Resident Evil 4, Beyond Good & Evil, and Viewtiful Joe are all good choices. NT by (Unless you also have a GC or Wii) 11/14/2007, 1:34am PST NEW
        I forgot to list RE4 and BG&E. I'll look up VJ, though! NT by Fullofkittens 11/14/2007, 5:52am PST NEW
    Re: Ok(ami), what PS2 games did I miss? by Worm 11/14/2007, 9:56am PST NEW
        The 2d sections broke the game for me by Lizard_King 11/14/2007, 5:07pm PST NEW
    Horror? by FABIO 11/14/2007, 3:38pm PST NEW
    Re: Ok, what PS2 games did I miss? by Ice Cream Jonsey 11/15/2007, 12:56pm PST NEW
        I forgot Ico, too! I have that and RE4 and the other one I forgot (twice) NT by Fullofkittens 11/15/2007, 4:07pm PST NEW
        Warriors by Last 11/16/2007, 7:53am PST NEW
            Re: Warriors by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/14/2025, 8:19pm PST NEW
    Here's my collection, maybe you should try and copy it exactly? by Jerry Whorebach 11/25/2007, 5:12am PST NEW
        I finished Twisted Metal Black about 10 times. NT by Jhoh Clbbl O_____O 11/25/2007, 10:28am PST NEW
            Battle of the emotionally stunted shut-ins! NT by Mysterio 11/25/2007, 11:31am PST NEW
                I've never played a Twisted Metal game ever, due to crippling clown fear. by Ethan Steele 11/25/2007, 11:52am PST NEW
                    Re: I've never played a Twisted Metal game ever, due to crippling clown fear. by Mysterio 11/25/2007, 12:31pm PST NEW
                        That could possibly be it. I never could watch the Crystal Maze after that by Ethan Steele 11/25/2007, 3:14pm PST NEW
                        Still less gay than Tom Cruise in "Legend." NT by motherfuckerfoodeater 11/25/2007, 3:44pm PST NEW
            Do you have any TIPS? NT by Jerry Whorebach 11/25/2007, 5:40pm PST NEW

Games you quit early on and why by fabio 06/17/2016, 8:08am PDT NEW
    Civ V by mark 06/17/2016, 9:39am PDT NEW
    Metroid Other M by Mysterio 06/17/2016, 12:06pm PDT NEW
    The Shadowgate remake. by Mischief Maker 06/17/2016, 5:40pm PDT NEW
        I think I quit just before that by fabio 06/18/2016, 3:13am PDT NEW
    Fallout 4 by Oom Shnibble 06/18/2016, 6:23am PDT NEW
    Crazy Taxi for the PC by Worm 06/18/2016, 11:58am PDT NEW
    Resident Evil 4 by Sly Marbo 06/18/2016, 8:06pm PDT NEW
        WHAT ARE YA BOIEN NT by Mysterio 06/18/2016, 9:34pm PDT NEW
        Sly Marbo, YOU'RE small time! NT by zing 06/18/2016, 10:20pm PDT NEW
    Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri by blackwater 06/19/2016, 2:03am PDT NEW
    Crypt of the Necrodancer by Mischief Maker 06/20/2016, 10:35am PDT NEW
        Are you doing All-Zones or the Story Mode? by Lurker 234523 06/20/2016, 11:38am PDT NEW
    Planescape: Torment by laudablepuss 06/20/2016, 12:04pm PDT NEW
        You monster NT by Entropy Stew 06/20/2016, 10:08pm PDT NEW
            It's a wordy game too by laudablepuss 06/21/2016, 10:11am PDT NEW
                That part was probably the biggest knife in the gut by Entropy Stew 06/21/2016, 8:35pm PDT NEW
                    Re: That part was probably the biggest knife in the gut by laudablepuss 06/22/2016, 8:00am PDT NEW
                        GOG has it, but the infinity engine has not aged well at all NT by Rafiki 06/22/2016, 8:25am PDT NEW
                            That was a particularly clunky incarnation of the infinity engine, too NT by Entropy Stew 06/29/2016, 6:01pm PDT NEW
                        Re: That part was probably the biggest knife in the gut by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/22/2016, 11:47am PDT NEW
                            It's a floating skull, which is why it has a floating skull character image by Welcome to Omsk 06/22/2016, 2:47pm PDT NEW
                                What frigging part of modern RPGs has outdone Planescape at narrative? NT by The omnisexual dating sims? 06/22/2016, 3:11pm PDT NEW
                                    Planescape is...a game that doesn't thrive under even cursory reductive analysis by Welcome to Omsk 06/29/2016, 10:28pm PDT NEW
                                        My experience with Torment. by Dream Cast 06/29/2016, 11:59pm PDT NEW
                                            The awful quality of '97-2001 scifi dramas are one reason their leads consid by lending their time/voices to gaming 06/30/2016, 6:31am PDT NEW
                                                Watched Jeffrey last night, spent the whole thing wishing it was Tim Daly in the NT by Michael T. Weiss role :( 07/05/2016, 10:10pm PDT NEW
                                        You could give this reductive devil's advocate treatment to any game by fabio 06/30/2016, 1:09am PDT NEW
                                            Everyone has a Dragonfall to slot into such statements by Welcome to Omsk 06/30/2016, 6:05am PDT NEW
                                                I feel like this whole thing just comes back to voice acting by Worm 07/01/2016, 12:54pm PDT NEW
                                                    fully voiced choice simulators are in a different genre than old school cRPGs by Welcome to Omsk 07/02/2016, 12:27am PDT NEW
                                        What part of "at narrative" don't you understand? by The omnisexual dating sims? 06/30/2016, 6:41am PDT NEW
                                            It's inextricable from the overall presentation. And the fan patches for typos. by BELIEVE IN YOURSELF 06/30/2016, 7:05am PDT NEW
                                                So give me an example of a modern CRPG that did narrative better. NT by The omnisexual dating sims? 06/30/2016, 7:44am PDT NEW
                                                    What I told Fabio, basically. There are no modern CRPGs, current RPGs are by different animals 06/30/2016, 9:54am PDT NEW
                                                        This is the worst internet analogy I've ever read by and that includes Qt3 07/06/2016, 11:17pm PDT NEW
                                Re: It's a floating skull, which is why it has a floating skull character image by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/30/2016, 12:56am PDT NEW
                                    might be confusing it with eyeball in the 'eye' slot on equip/inventory screen by Welcome to Omsk 06/30/2016, 1:53pm PDT NEW
                                        Well, since there's no screenshots in this thread, I suppose we agreed to disagr by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/30/2016, 4:10pm PDT NEW
                                            I don't know if I'm George Burns or Gracie Allen in this thread anymore NT by Welcome to Omsk 06/30/2016, 6:17pm PDT NEW
    Victoria: An Empire Under the Sun by Welcome to Omsk 06/20/2016, 4:29pm PDT NEW
    Dead Space on PC. Only thing I've ever encountered that gave me motion sickness NT by Rafiki 06/20/2016, 8:53pm PDT NEW
        Let's talk about games we bought and never even installed once by laudablepuss 06/21/2016, 8:58am PDT NEW
            Oh you guys. NT by artist formerly known as Eurotrash 06/21/2016, 1:54pm PDT NEW
                I heard it was FER PEDOFULLLLLS NT by laudablepuss 06/22/2016, 2:19pm PDT NEW
    Mass Effect and Assassin's Creed by artist formerly known as Eurotrash 06/21/2016, 2:00pm PDT NEW
        Mass Effect NT by Slash fiction: the game 06/21/2016, 2:43pm PDT NEW
        Seconding Assassin's Creed. Also: Mirror's Edge by Rafiki 06/21/2016, 3:22pm PDT NEW
            It was not good in that it was fucking awful NT by Entropy Stew 06/21/2016, 8:19pm PDT NEW
        Oh yeah, me too on AC. NT by Mischief Maker 06/21/2016, 3:31pm PDT NEW
            O shit I wasn't even playing and I think we've won NT by Roop 06/22/2016, 1:18pm PDT NEW
    If anybody doesn't have one, Limbo is free on Steam right now. NT by Dream Cast 06/21/2016, 2:39pm PDT NEW
    Jagged Alliance - Back in Action by artist formerly known as Eurotrash 06/22/2016, 3:26pm PDT NEW
    Bioshock by artist formerly known as Eurotrash 06/22/2016, 3:30pm PDT NEW
    Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead by artist formerly known as Eurotrash 06/22/2016, 3:40pm PDT NEW
    Battlefleet Gothic by fabio 06/22/2016, 7:11pm PDT NEW
    Eveything by Entropy Stew 07/02/2016, 7:09am PDT NEW
        Same. by Fullofkittens 07/02/2016, 8:40am PDT NEW
            Re: Same. by Rafiki 09/23/2016, 4:39pm PDT NEW
    The world ends with you by Mischief Maker 09/23/2016, 12:41pm PDT NEW
        I set the top to auto and focused on stomping ass lower screen. by Might not be your cuppa 09/23/2016, 3:49pm PDT NEW
    Oxenfree by fabio 10/24/2016, 2:57am PDT NEW
    Space Rangers by Mischief Maker 10/24/2016, 6:29am PDT NEW
    Re: Games you quit early on and why by moar pleeze 12/16/2024, 8:50pm PST NEW
    Super Mario Odyssey by Respiv 12/17/2024, 9:28am PST NEW
    Factorio by blackwater 12/17/2024, 10:01am PST NEW
    Endless Space 2 by Mischief Maker 12/17/2024, 11:08pm PST NEW
        Your mistake was buying the Awakening DLC, regarded as the 2nd worst NT by Mysterio 12/20/2024, 9:18pm PST NEW
            No, this is base game with all DLCs disabled. by Mischief Maker 01/09/2025, 7:09am PST NEW
        Amplitude just isn't good at making 4X games. by Told ya 01/08/2025, 9:53pm PST NEW
            Crybaby shitlicker is back by ignore this baby 01/08/2025, 10:32pm PST NEW
                The worthless posters are waddling back by Just ban them 01/08/2025, 10:46pm PST NEW
                    Ban anyone who thinks Cyberpunk and Amplitude games are imperfect by Do you hear yourself? 01/09/2025, 11:53am PST NEW
                    Try some preparation H you butthurt loser NT by Not Geryk 01/09/2025, 2:29pm PST NEW
                        Trying to "guess" who wrote something is the worst post possible. by Hangman 01/09/2025, 3:12pm PST NEW
                            I think making a dumb post with no content is the worst post possible by Not Geryk 01/10/2025, 11:54am PST NEW
                                Again, leave the site. Nobody wants you here. by Hangman 01/10/2025, 12:20pm PST NEW
                                    Let's try again. What do you object to about the criticism of Amplitude? NT by not geryk 01/10/2025, 3:00pm PST NEW
                                        Your name is "not geryk"? Really? That is what you're going with? by Start over 01/10/2025, 9:20pm PST NEW
                                            I am the alpha here. NT by Start over 01/11/2025, 8:53am PST NEW
                                        70,000 players a day on Steam for Cyberpunk by Hangman 01/13/2025, 3:58pm PST NEW
                                            No Mans Sky has 10k. GOTY? Stop pretending to be retarded. NT by Its good but its not the best 01/13/2025, 4:08pm PST NEW
                                                Why would you post that? NMS has nothing to do with anything. by Hangman 01/13/2025, 5:39pm PST NEW
                                                    He won't pick a nick because he would get so much more abuse by fucking moron 01/13/2025, 6:37pm PST NEW
                                                    The category is...GAMES THAT WERE SHIT ON LAUNCH FOR 500 NT by you dumb fyck 01/13/2025, 9:23pm PST NEW
                                                        It wasn't "SHIT ON LAUNCH" you screaming autistic retard. by Hangman 01/14/2025, 9:01am PST NEW
                                                            It was though. Why dies everyone keep trying to revise history? NT by COVID related memory loss? 01/14/2025, 10:20am PST NEW
                                                                Let's look at the reviews. Then I give up. by Hangman 01/14/2025, 10:36am PST NEW
                                                                    Why don't you be nicer to him? He is at least contributing posts. by LurkerDan 01/14/2025, 11:01am PST NEW
                                                                        Nobody needs you white knighting for them "Dan" NT by Creepy and Concerning 01/14/2025, 11:37am PST NEW
                                                                    Oh man how could I forget the 100% review from.....GamesRadar. You got me by Just one question 01/14/2025, 12:53pm PST NEW
                                                                        For what it's worth, I loved Cyberpunk 2077 when I played it recently. by blackwater 01/14/2025, 4:19pm PST NEW
                                                                            Re: For what it's worth, I loved Cyberpunk 2077 when I played it recently. by PC version was 01/14/2025, 4:54pm PST NEW
                                                                        The PS4 version wasn't ready. already been said. by PC version was 01/14/2025, 4:53pm PST NEW
                        You think talking about a game not being perfect is "Geryk posting" by Are you having a stroke? 01/10/2025, 1:12am PST NEW
                            Remember when we used to talk about talking about games? NT by Hank Hill 01/14/2025, 12:36pm PST NEW
                                Not really. No. NT by LurkerDan 01/14/2025, 12:40pm PST NEW
            Thanks for ruining another thread, you miserable NT by Fuckwad 01/09/2025, 7:47am PST NEW
    Threads you quit early on and why by This one 01/14/2025, 12:46pm PST NEW

RIP, PCInvasion by "Disable your ad-blocker" 01/14/2025, 12:51pm PST NEW

Bombermania by Souffle of Pain 08/11/2004, 12:06pm PDT NEW
    People play single-player Bomberman? by Siskel and Ebert 08/11/2004, 12:17pm PDT NEW
        Re: People play single-player Bomberman? by lol 07/19/2005, 7:47am PDT NEW
            Did your parents have any children that lived? NT by R. Lee Ermey 07/19/2005, 12:37pm PDT NEW
        People play Bomberman period? NT by Creexul :( 07/19/2005, 12:21pm PDT NEW
            Bomberman Period was the best one! by Fussbett 07/19/2005, 6:00pm PDT NEW
                I played the Bomberman game for the N64. NT by Creexul :( 07/19/2005, 6:53pm PDT NEW
            People with friends, yeah. NT by Kirahu Nagasawa 01/08/2025, 8:52pm PST NEW
    Nightmare Grotto by Jeckson223 01/03/2025, 10:10pm PST NEW

A guy ripped me off on my Jag 20 years ago by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/13/2019, 8:12am PDT NEW
    Re: A guy ripped me off on my Jag 20 years ago by kyrie derbingle 08/13/2019, 11:05am PDT NEW
        Re: A guy ripped me off on my Jag 20 years ago by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/13/2019, 1:56pm PDT NEW
    The best thing about the Jaguar is that you can call it “the Jag” NT by The Angry Video Game Turd 12/13/2019, 11:46pm PST NEW
        Let's make this a video game site again. NT by Dick Clownshoes 12/19/2019, 12:44pm PST NEW
            Homophobic Dogwhistles, -15 demerits NT by Bradley Svedka 12/19/2019, 9:25pm PST NEW
    Some homegrown games now available as paid downloads by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/15/2024, 6:51am PST NEW
        Homebrew. Not homegrown. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/15/2024, 6:52am PST NEW

Mouthwashing by Ronan Farrow 12/15/2024, 4:12am PST NEW

"Video game awards" by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/13/2024, 9:24am PST NEW
    They do it before Christmas so you know what games to buy your children. by Dream Cast 12/13/2024, 12:28pm PST NEW
        This actually made me laugh hard. by Mysteriobama 12/13/2024, 6:12pm PST NEW
    my son was SO MAD by Fullofkittens 12/14/2024, 9:22am PST NEW
    The best indie game is a fucking poker game?????? by Fullofkittens 12/14/2024, 9:54am PST NEW

Funk, creator of landfill garbage, took down by Wayne Nicholson 12/09/2024, 9:38am PST NEW
    Re: Funk, creator of landfill garbage, took down by Richard Linklater 12/09/2024, 9:40am PST NEW
        It's "Funko" also. by Richard Linklater 12/09/2024, 9:41am PST NEW
            Thank you for your dedication to forum quality, Richard. NT by I Hate Epic 12/09/2024, 10:01am PST NEW

Anyone able to recommend an unfinished game with no monsters? by lololololololololol 12/03/2024, 8:30am PST NEW
    "It's the OTHER people who are toxic!" NT by go away 12/03/2024, 11:21am PST NEW
        *shaves head, does Instagram bubble dance* NT by beerut beyyrut 12/03/2024, 11:22am PST NEW
        nope, nobody ever said that. try again bitch hahaha NT by lololololololololol 12/03/2024, 1:04pm PST NEW
            "It's the other guy who's toxic, not me" NT by 'kay 12/04/2024, 6:05pm PST NEW
    Backrooms: Last Room by blackwater 12/04/2024, 4:36pm PST NEW

Pym's Daily Word Square Puzzle by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/02/2024, 9:03pm PST NEW

Marvel Rivals is an abomination by Yaris 11/30/2024, 6:55pm PST NEW

jus putting together may best of list in novembr by Doritos and Dew 11/20/2024, 6:54am PST NEW
    I see. I lurk this site, only to be insulted. by Geoff 11/20/2024, 8:56am PST NEW

A treasure trove of new old stock PCjr joysticks by Ice Cream Jonsey 11/09/2024, 9:03am PST NEW
    Re: A treasure trove of new old stock PCjr joysticks by Nostromo 11/09/2024, 11:07am PST NEW
    Do you have to connect these through a serial to USB converter these days? NT by blackwater 11/10/2024, 9:50am PST NEW
        I was assuming ICJ has correspondingly old computers to plug them into NT by Fullofkittens 11/11/2024, 7:26am PST NEW
            True! by Ice Cream Jonsey 11/14/2024, 10:08am PST NEW

Some upcoming games by Zeke Pabski 10/31/2024, 2:14pm PDT NEW
    Cool games :) NT by I am the Modern Man 11/04/2024, 7:59am PST NEW
    Best thread on Caltrops right now. by Games, I guess 11/07/2024, 5:31am PST NEW
    Tetris Forever has 3 versions of fucking Hattris but no Welltris? NT by Mischief Maker 11/12/2024, 10:22am PST NEW
        "It's not a collection, it's an interactive documentary." - Official line by pinback 11/12/2024, 11:34am PST NEW
            PASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS NT by agreed 11/12/2024, 11:36am PST NEW

Well. NT by Games, I guess 11/06/2024, 12:32pm PST NEW
    Has anyone played this one? by Peanut the Squirrel 11/06/2024, 5:14pm PST NEW
        So it's Monopoly with a Vaporwave aesthetic? NT by Mischief Maker 11/06/2024, 6:19pm PST NEW
            it's wealthpunk NT by very alex keatonatic 11/06/2024, 7:14pm PST NEW
    You're my favorite poster atm by Genuine LOL 11/06/2024, 7:37pm PST NEW

Your SAG-AFTRA voice actor update by Caltrops News Network? 10/23/2024, 12:15pm PDT NEW
    How do these two things even relate? Do you just seek out things to get angry at NT by Mischief FUCKING PRONOUNS!!! 10/23/2024, 3:53pm PDT NEW
        yeah NT by Caltrops News Network? 10/23/2024, 3:56pm PDT NEW

Analogue 3D is real. N64 FPGA. $250 NT by Feris 10/16/2024, 1:43pm PDT NEW
    This ad was so bad I'm out by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/18/2024, 5:40am PDT NEW

It's shocking how bad most of you are at posting. by Geryk 10/08/2024, 6:31am PDT NEW
    Perhaps this isn't the site for you. NT by pinback 10/08/2024, 6:54am PDT NEW
        Re: Perhaps this isn't the site for you. by Dr. Foughtrough 10/08/2024, 8:24am PDT NEW
            I mean, the site isn't for me either, but where the hell else am I gonna go. NT by pinback 10/08/2024, 8:53am PDT NEW
                I feel the same. Thank you. That is all I wished to say. by Geryk 10/08/2024, 10:02am PDT NEW
    So post better and show us how it's done! NT by Mischief Maker 10/08/2024, 10:26am PDT NEW
        He can't! He's never made a good post here! by O'Mickey Mash 10/08/2024, 3:11pm PDT NEW
            Re: He can't! He's never made a good post here! by Understatement Man 10/08/2024, 7:56pm PDT NEW

I want to see 3 new topics about games or I will mow you all down like by daffo dills 09/16/2024, 3:51pm PDT NEW
    Download modrinth right now by laudablepuss 09/16/2024, 4:18pm PDT NEW
        Thank you. I mow down one less gamer NT by daffo dills 09/16/2024, 4:21pm PDT NEW
            The Everspace 2 Titans expansion just came out. NT by Mischief Maker 09/16/2024, 4:30pm PDT NEW
                You just saved the life and spine of one 1 young gamer NT by daffo dills 09/16/2024, 6:38pm PDT NEW
                    In that order? NT by Mischief Maker 09/16/2024, 6:54pm PDT NEW
                        Yes NT by daffo dills 09/17/2024, 9:33am PDT NEW
    Microprose is really pushing to reclaim the old war nerd market NT by more milsims than an Intellivision 09/17/2024, 7:23am PDT NEW
        than a London crosswalk NT by h0 09/17/2024, 8:11am PDT NEW
    Godot hired retards for community management by Feris 09/30/2024, 11:11am PDT NEW
        still waiting... NT by for competent hires 09/30/2024, 7:24pm PDT NEW

$700 for the new PS5 "Pro". No disc drive. NT by GenX Gamer here 09/10/2024, 5:40pm PDT NEW
    And no purchase. From me. NT by Eury 09/14/2024, 7:36pm PDT NEW

Has Unity jumped the shark? by blackwater 09/12/2023, 2:34pm PDT NEW
    Yes. Epic Games dramatically reduced royalty costs when they noticed Unity by eating their lunch. 09/12/2023, 2:51pm PDT NEW
    Yes. They are run by stupid people. by I Hate Epic 09/12/2023, 5:00pm PDT NEW
    It died today. NT by Mechapaw 09/12/2023, 9:32pm PDT NEW
    I saw somewhere that they backed down a little, but the trust is gone. by Ice Cream Jonsey 09/13/2023, 7:01pm PDT NEW
    "per install" fee didn't mean what I thought it meant by laudablepuss 09/13/2023, 9:07pm PDT NEW
        Re: "per install" fee didn't mean what I thought it meant by laudablepuss 09/13/2023, 9:10pm PDT NEW
        They have destroyed their company. by Kenji Carter 09/14/2023, 5:43am PDT NEW
    Just found the worst take on all of this. by blackwater 09/14/2023, 10:34am PDT NEW
        Also by blackwater 09/14/2023, 10:45am PDT NEW
    Now devs are turning off Unity ads. NT by MM 09/15/2023, 6:16am PDT NEW
        What was the benefit of having them on to begin with? NT by Mechapaw 09/16/2023, 12:33am PDT NEW
            It was mobile garbage and app cloners. NT by Mysterio3 09/21/2023, 8:56am PDT NEW
    technofeudalism by laudablepuss 09/21/2023, 6:17am PDT NEW
        Re: technofeudalism by Mysterio3 09/21/2023, 7:43am PDT NEW
            Re: technofeudalism by laudablepuss 09/21/2023, 8:01am PDT NEW
                Re: technofeudalism by Mysterio3 09/21/2023, 8:26am PDT NEW
                    Re: technofeudalism by Mysterio3 09/21/2023, 8:49am PDT NEW
                        You had it right the first time, his conclusions are terrible by Horus Truthteller 09/21/2023, 11:17am PDT NEW
                            wrong NT by Slew? Slewed? 09/21/2023, 11:40am PDT NEW
                            so it's just one bad apple then by laudablepuss 09/21/2023, 1:32pm PDT NEW
                                Horus is wrong. by Slew? Slewed? 09/21/2023, 2:18pm PDT NEW
                yet again mancarryingthings is correct by Breadtube is brain cancer 09/21/2023, 8:50am PDT NEW
                    Re: yet again mancarryingthings is correct by laudablepuss 09/21/2023, 9:37am PDT NEW
                        BRILLIANT! I have absolutely no idea what's going on. NT by Laudable Homer Simpson 09/21/2023, 10:24am PDT NEW
                            It doesn't connect in any way to what I posted NT by laudablepuss 09/21/2023, 10:43am PDT NEW
                    The CIA isn't "cancer" NT by It gives the cancer 09/21/2023, 9:43am PDT NEW
                        It's so much more than that. It's that. But more than that. NT by Horus Truthteller 09/21/2023, 2:03pm PDT NEW
    Were these choads just going to ask developers how many copies they sold? by Mechapaw 09/23/2023, 8:44pm PDT NEW
        They have some kind of phone-home thing. by blackwater 09/24/2023, 10:47pm PDT NEW
    LOL Riccitiello got shit canned ERM UM "stepped down" NT by Mechapaw 10/09/2023, 7:24pm PDT NEW
        Yes he "retired" or whatever by laudablepuss 10/10/2023, 9:51am PDT NEW
            He's already got an offer from Sony Interactive Entertainment. by Dream Cast 10/11/2023, 12:29am PDT NEW
                They only fail upwards NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/11/2023, 5:42am PDT NEW
                    They give him a job now so he can give them a job later. Connected fuckups unite NT by Mischief Maker 10/11/2023, 11:10am PDT NEW
        Re: LOL Riccitiello got shit canned ERM UM "stepped down" by Mechapaw 07/02/2024, 9:32pm PDT NEW
    Unity is messing with pricing again by Blackwater 09/12/2024, 12:07pm PDT NEW
        And there's no evidence yet that Riccitiello has taken up extreme submarining NT by Mysterio 09/13/2024, 2:48pm PDT NEW

Black Myth Wuhan something something NT by I'm sure it SUCKS 08/27/2024, 5:23pm PDT NEW

Concord is a failure. This gamepad will be discounted. by Mysterio 08/26/2024, 8:56pm PDT NEW

Goat Simulator Remastered – Announcement Trailer by John Caltrop 08/21/2024, 1:07pm PDT NEW
    The grand daddy of games for streamers instead of gamers. NT by Billy the kiddie 08/26/2024, 2:54pm PDT NEW

RPG Codex's Top 70 Role Playing Games by Zeke Pabski 08/26/2024, 7:06am PDT NEW
    Why does it stop at #10? NT by Mischief Maker 08/26/2024, 10:55am PDT NEW
        It does not for me, it goes to 50 and then there are by Zeke Pabski 08/26/2024, 11:10am PDT NEW
            This one is more my tempO. by Doctor Harvey Killdozer 08/26/2024, 1:05pm PDT NEW

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle by Richard Linklater 01/20/2024, 8:08am PST NEW
    That is a game I am looking forward to. NT by Lars 01/27/2024, 8:58am PST NEW
        That is a game NT by The Reductionist 01/28/2024, 2:10am PST NEW
            Xbox "exclusive" by Mysterio 08/20/2024, 7:10am PDT NEW

Nintendo didn't save gaming in 1984. NT by Mechapaw 08/19/2024, 9:26pm PDT NEW

You guys SAY you like video games by laudablepuss 08/17/2024, 5:40am PDT NEW
    Who has the most connected in theor homes of people here NT by Mechapaw 08/17/2024, 10:11am PDT NEW
        I was going to say zero by laudablepuss 08/17/2024, 1:46pm PDT NEW

Request for suggestions... by pinback 08/08/2024, 7:10am PDT NEW
    Battle Brothers for low fantasy, Age of Wonders 4 for region-based. by Mischief Maker 08/08/2024, 7:48am PDT NEW
    Oh! "King Arthur The Roleplaying Wargame" is both low fantasy & regional by Mischief Maker 08/08/2024, 3:41pm PDT NEW
        Thank you for these suggestions. NT by pinback 08/08/2024, 5:52pm PDT NEW

Russian Train Simulator. by blackwater 08/06/2024, 4:02pm PDT NEW

ChronoTrigger vs Mother 3 vs other JRPGs by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/07/2024, 7:11am PDT NEW
    Chrono Trigger, easy. NT by MM 06/07/2024, 7:57am PDT NEW
        CT was a labor of love by industry vets. Mother is a weird hipster cult classic. NT by MM 06/07/2024, 8:27am PDT NEW
            Thank you and CH and everyone kindly. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/07/2024, 10:52am PDT NEW
        Seconded NT by CattleHumper 06/07/2024, 9:05am PDT NEW
    Crono Trigger NT by if you had said Earthbound,maybe... 06/07/2024, 9:29am PDT NEW
        Looking up Earthbound! I had confused it with Gunbound I guess. Thanks! NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/07/2024, 10:52am PDT NEW
    Earthbound and chrono trigger are both worth a playthrough NT by Mysterio 08/06/2024, 11:51am PDT NEW
    Earthbound is a great JRPG for people who don't like JRPGs by Positive! 08/06/2024, 2:59pm PDT NEW

How WASD became the PC standard. by Thonk 08/03/2024, 3:17pm PDT NEW
    ok, I'll bite. what's bad about it? by blackwater 08/04/2024, 11:46pm PDT NEW
    Re: How WASD became the PC standard. by Not One Of Us 08/05/2024, 2:53am PDT NEW
        Words hurt Thonk. by Thonk 08/05/2024, 5:34am PDT NEW

The Braid Remaster “sold like dogshit” by Professor Caltrops 08/03/2024, 8:54pm PDT NEW
    Re: The Braid Remaster “sold like dogshit” by Gaige Grosskreutz 08/03/2024, 9:12pm PDT NEW

Does the little fucker's nose get bigger in LIES OF P NT by Donkey Dikk 07/22/2024, 4:10pm PDT NEW
    Little fucker? NT by Gaige Grosskreutz 08/03/2024, 6:18pm PDT NEW

Formula 1 by GenX Gamer here 07/09/2024, 7:58am PDT NEW
    Is that the one where you drive a car really fast? NT by Mysterioso 07/09/2024, 8:53am PDT NEW

Offensive (1996) for DOS. Keeping this here. by GenX Gamer here 07/04/2024, 10:23am PDT NEW
    Feels like Cannon Fodder. Positive? NT by "Feels Like" Guy 07/04/2024, 10:37am PDT NEW

pleez come back laudablepuss please by I'll post better I promise 06/27/2024, 10:09pm PDT NEW
    Did he leave the site? NT by Mechapaw 07/03/2024, 8:42am PDT NEW
        No no, he's still around, he just mostly posts under his "Geryk" alt NT by these days 07/03/2024, 11:32am PDT NEW
            That would be the greatest face/heel turn in Caltrops history but I don't buy it NT by Bobby the Brain Heenan 07/03/2024, 11:50am PDT NEW
            Shitlicker having a long weekend to whine like a bitch by amazing 07/03/2024, 12:54pm PDT NEW
            Please leave. by Kenji Carter 07/03/2024, 12:57pm PDT NEW
            You are so fucking boring, shut up and stop posting by The OG 07/03/2024, 1:11pm PDT NEW
                Nothing screams I don't care like bragging you were on PTO after hiding out NT by I'm on PTO don't @ me 07/03/2024, 1:28pm PDT NEW
                    Re: Nothing screams I don't care like bragging you were on PTO after hiding out by The OG 07/03/2024, 1:29pm PDT NEW
    I'm still around by laudablepuss 07/03/2024, 2:35pm PDT NEW
        Sorry you're going through some shit, but I'm relieved you're still around. NT by Mischief Maker 07/03/2024, 2:44pm PDT NEW
            See? NT by Caltrops Demographic Research 07/03/2024, 2:53pm PDT NEW
                Tough crowd NT by I lol'd 07/03/2024, 8:23pm PDT NEW
        You don't know me but I like your posts. by Mechapaw 07/03/2024, 3:21pm PDT NEW
            Thanks! NT by laudablepuss 07/03/2024, 3:51pm PDT NEW
        Sorry, a lot going on but mostly GOOD stuff by laudablepuss 07/03/2024, 3:51pm PDT NEW
            Well now I'm even more relieved! Have fun! NT by Mischief Maker 07/03/2024, 5:41pm PDT NEW

Karl Jobst NT by Reactions? 12/03/2021, 5:23am PST NEW
    Sounds like he'll have to get a real jobst now! by punchline guy 12/03/2021, 10:31pm PST NEW
    Wata games - corrupt as shit by Mysterio 12/04/2021, 9:49am PST NEW
        It is incredible that they can be completely found out by a dude in Oceania by Kirahu Nagasawa 12/04/2021, 2:18pm PST NEW
            Trial date in Australia set. by Kirahu Nagasawa 05/31/2024, 12:38pm PDT NEW
                If I were the judge I would sentence both men to a live-action DK re-enactment by blackwater 06/28/2024, 12:08pm PDT NEW

A bunch of stolen PlayDate consoles were dropped off at a restaurant by I Hate Epic 05/30/2024, 2:26pm PDT NEW

The Last Stand: Aftermath by Mysterio 05/27/2024, 9:46am PDT NEW

What? Warhammer 40K is WOKE now? Did they finally realize it's satire? NT by Mischief Maker 05/23/2024, 12:36pm PDT NEW
    ew girls NT by Cootie Patrol 05/23/2024, 1:23pm PDT NEW
    That post NT by 05/23/2024, 1:48pm PDT NEW
    I'd like to admit that I didn't realize it was satire either :( NT by laudablepuss 05/23/2024, 2:44pm PDT NEW
    I hope the new Custodes are identical to the old. Just different pronouns. NT by The God Emperor 05/23/2024, 4:38pm PDT NEW

This is the thread for bashing GAMER DAD critics by as a parent...HAUGUAHAGUA 05/13/2024, 3:35am PDT NEW
    Was there ever a furry who shouldnt be loaded into a cannon and shot in2 the sun by blackwater 05/13/2024, 5:10pm PDT NEW
        Teenagers that got into the mouse suit at Chuckey Cheese are fine by me. by Patrick Johnson 05/17/2024, 7:42am PDT NEW
            Great, now you've reminded me of this again. by Mischief Maker 05/17/2024, 9:00am PDT NEW
            That Showbiz Pizza cheerleader hit different in the 90s. by CattleHumper 05/17/2024, 9:13am PDT NEW
                I like the look of pretty women in cheerleader outfits. by Alpha 05/17/2024, 3:05pm PDT NEW

Games you skipped for dumb/idiosyncratic reasons by Jerry Whorebach 10/02/2013, 10:45pm PDT NEW
    The Baldur's Gate series still makes me writhe in ambivalence. by fucking newbie 10/03/2013, 12:02am PDT NEW
        The reading was always the worst part of Baldur's Gate. by Jerry Whorebach 10/03/2013, 1:10am PDT NEW
            My problem was I got ahold of Torment first, and that skewed expectations foreve by fucking newbie 10/03/2013, 4:03am PDT NEW
            Re: The reading was always the worst part of Baldur's Gate. by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/03/2013, 9:12am PDT NEW
                You know you can use mods to play BG1 in the BG2 engine, right? In case it helps by fucking newbie 10/03/2013, 10:54am PDT NEW
                    You know you can use mods to play BG1 in the BG2 engine, right? In case it helps by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/03/2013, 11:59am PDT NEW
                        Torment by Cannibal Dave 10/04/2013, 5:30pm PDT NEW
                    Whatever happened to fucking newbie? NT by Eury 05/12/2024, 9:37pm PDT NEW
                        Got sick of your whining and left NT by back to sucking my cock! 05/13/2024, 2:40am PDT NEW
                            Nobody here whines. You seem sad and lonely, tbh NT by Eury 05/13/2024, 11:54am PDT NEW
                        He transitioned from newbie to oldfag by blackwater 05/13/2024, 10:35am PDT NEW
                            only in that I used more swearing per post than a 4chan user by fucking newbie 05/13/2024, 11:31pm PDT NEW
                                You are a valuable member of this forum. Thank you for reading. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/14/2024, 8:01am PDT NEW
                Arguably the dialogue writing in New Vegas rendered F3 unplayable. Not that it NT by was the only thing - fucking newbie 10/03/2013, 11:05am PDT NEW
                I was disappointed by the shift towards polished linearity in Baldur's Gate II. by Jerry Whorebach 10/04/2013, 3:58am PDT NEW
                    I was disappointed by the shift towards polished linearity in Baldur's Gate II. by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/08/2013, 3:43pm PDT NEW
    I didn't give Unreal a chance because I was a Quake Man. by Fussbett 10/03/2013, 6:42am PDT NEW
        Hey Paul, what do you think about the Civilization series of games? NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/03/2013, 9:23am PDT NEW
            Brian, DON'T! NT by Stewie 10/03/2013, 9:24am PDT NEW
            I don't think about the Civilization series of games. I have never played them. NT by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 10/08/2013, 5:49pm PDT NEW
            And unlike Peter Griffin, I don't think 'bird' is the word. Grease is the word. NT by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 10/09/2013, 8:47pm PDT NEW
        As a fellow Quake partisan, I can confirm you made the right choice. by (Especially w/r/t Civilization.) 10/04/2013, 4:08am PDT NEW
    Anything Link / Zelda by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/03/2013, 9:22am PDT NEW
        Well, I fucked that up right quick. Delete my post above in response to yours pl NT by fucking newbie 10/03/2013, 10:59am PDT NEW
            edit function please! by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/03/2013, 12:09pm PDT NEW
                Make sure they're not talking about Enhanced Edition, which takes away the old f by eel & replaces it with a goatfuck. 10/03/2013, 3:09pm PDT NEW
                    So that's what happened to my goat while you guys had it. Sick fucks. NT by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 10/09/2013, 8:49pm PDT NEW
                        Quit trying to be funny, fatso. NT by Mysterio 10/09/2013, 10:43pm PDT NEW
    My AC reluctance reason by fabio 10/03/2013, 1:31pm PDT NEW
    Re: Games you skipped for dumb/idiosyncratic reasons by Entropy Stew 10/04/2013, 12:19pm PDT NEW
        I wasn't even aware of the virtual reality thing before playing the game by Eurotrash 10/04/2013, 9:15pm PDT NEW
            Re: I wasn't even aware of the virtual reality thing before playing the game by fabio 10/04/2013, 11:16pm PDT NEW
                I forgot there were that many. Plus loading. *cries a little* by Eurotrash 10/05/2013, 2:16am PDT NEW
                    Re: I forgot there were that many. Plus loading. *cries a little* by Souffle of Pain 10/06/2013, 10:57am PDT NEW
                        Another problem I had: did AC sequels improve the combat any? by Entropy Stew 10/07/2013, 11:17am PDT NEW
                            Re: Another problem I had: did AC sequels improve the combat any? by fabio 10/07/2013, 9:44pm PDT NEW

The reason the 3DO failed by Flavio 11/22/2006, 7:14pm PST NEW
    For some reason, this reminded me of Hell: A Cyberpunk Thriller by stoorat 11/23/2006, 2:52am PST NEW
    That was like watching a train crash in 6 dimensions NT by Entropy Stew 11/23/2006, 10:33pm PST NEW
        more like a drugged out pyromaniac making a 7 minute Old Navy commercial NT by Flavio 11/24/2006, 12:51am PST NEW
            No NT by Entropy Stew 11/24/2006, 2:58pm PST NEW
                you're wrong, so yes NT by Flavio 11/24/2006, 3:07pm PST NEW
    Re: The reason the 3DO failed by Ice Cream Jonsey 11/23/2006, 11:36pm PST NEW
        Wired Story about it by Ray of Light 11/24/2006, 1:15am PST NEW
            Awesome. by Fussbett 11/24/2006, 8:55am PST NEW
                Re: Awesome. by Jerry Whorebach 11/24/2006, 9:47am PST NEW
                Re: Awesome. by Mr. 3000 and his blob 11/26/2006, 1:05pm PST NEW NT by A ROBOT 12/01/2006, 2:30pm PST NEW
    That's David Yow and Steve Albini as the pilots, if anyone cares (FoK). NT by Fussbett 11/24/2006, 8:56am PST NEW
        R.I.P. Steve Albini NT by ghost of 2006 05/08/2024, 6:06pm PDT NEW
            Re: R.I.P. Steve Albini by Mysterio 05/09/2024, 11:27am PDT NEW
    The city at night is a thing of beauty! NT by & it makes me want to move my booty 05/08/2024, 8:32pm PDT NEW

Pentium computer build by Ice Cream Jonsey 04/24/2024, 10:08am PDT NEW
    Re: Pentium computer build by laudablepuss 04/24/2024, 10:50am PDT NEW
        Yes! One of the fun things I learned in doing this. Or relearned. by Ice Cream Jonsey 04/24/2024, 11:27am PDT NEW
    Related rant I recently watched about game copyprotection rot and its effect on by playing with era-accurate hardware 04/24/2024, 12:35pm PDT NEW

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