Forum Overview :: Doom III
Duke 4 switched to the Doom 3 engine by MC Such and Such 09/10/2004, 12:37am PDT
How long can this go on for? And how much did they con out of Take-2?
Duke 4 switched to the Doom 3 engine by MC Such and Such 09/10/2004, 12:37am PDT NEW
    Re: Duke 4 switched to the Doom 3 engine by Creexul :( 09/10/2004, 1:35am PDT NEW
        Oops! Just a little minor error there during the investor meeting! eheh! by sectoid 09/10/2004, 1:47am PDT NEW
            Re: Oops! Just a little minor error there during the investor meeting! eheh! by Bill Dungsroman 09/10/2004, 12:18pm PDT NEW
            Unlikd BDR, I want you to fuck off and die! by Fussbett 09/10/2004, 2:54pm PDT NEW
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