Forum Overview :: The Zionist Media Conspiracy
Future attractions. by casual observer 11/23/2005, 4:22pm PST
Coming to a DVD-player near you! Though it isn't because this is eminently the Mother of all stupid movies, but because the breasts in this one are simply no match for what the public expects and DEMANDS from japanese fighting games. What's more, BRUTAL fight scenes? Nope, this movie is rated EVERYONE, no ultra-violence here. Which means you can discount a nice cunt-rubbing-against-the-camera shot, the style of which our asian friends have taught us to love, from being eminently featured as well.

As if Doom without Hell wasn't enough, now we have DoA without the explicit border-line porn. Next project for this band of unfuckable sluts: Halo! Except, you know, without the Halo, or the Flood, or the Warthog.

In truth, this movie was originally slated to be released in 2004, but the sterling quality it displays from the trailer seems to have pushed it down into a mire from which it should have never escaped. Some asshole went looking for easy money on desperate teenagers, and this is what he fished out.
Future attractions. by casual observer 11/23/2005, 4:22pm PST NEW
    hey look, bombmexico is back NT by hooray 11/23/2005, 4:32pm PST NEW
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