Forum Overview :: Beyond Good & Evil
Re: OK great! I'll report back my findings. by motherfuckerfoodeater 05/15/2008, 8:26pm PDT
The Thief lock picking puzzle depended heavily on controller vibration to be cool. I have played some of the PC version of BG&E on Gametap and can report that it's a good port.
BGE on Steam - worth buying? NT by Hans Clastorp 05/15/2008, 3:32pm PDT NEW
    if you dont already have it yes NT by Grumah 05/15/2008, 4:25pm PDT NEW
        Seconded, provided the port is good. by Jerry Whorebach 05/15/2008, 7:15pm PDT NEW
            OK great! I'll report back my findings. by Hans Clastorp 05/15/2008, 7:51pm PDT NEW
                It's a 100% Bullshit-free game. It's great. It's too short. NT by Mischief Queller 05/15/2008, 8:12pm PDT NEW
                    STEALTH BULLSHIT NT by Grumah 05/15/2008, 9:07pm PDT NEW
                        Bullshit-Free Stealth, fag. NT by Mischief Queller 05/15/2008, 9:46pm PDT NEW
                            checkpoints everywhere NT by Grumah 05/15/2008, 10:55pm PDT NEW
                Re: OK great! I'll report back my findings. by motherfuckerfoodeater 05/15/2008, 8:26pm PDT NEW
                Thief 3? Fuck Thief 3 by Lizard_King 05/15/2008, 8:38pm PDT NEW
                    Hovercraft was awesome by FABIO 05/16/2008, 2:04am PDT NEW
                    Re: Thief 3? Fuck Thief 3 by Hans Clastorp 05/16/2008, 11:41am PDT NEW
                        I wouldn't call it a platformer because you can't jump. NT by Fullofkittens 05/16/2008, 4:30pm PDT NEW
                            Yes you can. It's not a platformer because you can't instadie by falling. NT by Mischief Queller 05/16/2008, 4:48pm PDT NEW
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