Forum Overview :: Tansin A. Darcos's Alter Ego
Re: It's kind of interesting what people can make themselves believe. by Roop 03/02/2017, 10:51pm PST
blackwater wrote:

We saw this whole movie play out before with leaded gasoline, asbestos, cigarettes, and evolution.

In each case, there was a little bit of science saying that X was true, then there was more, and finally there was a huge honking pile of evidence. But there was a huge opposition to accepting the implications of the evidence. And we saw the same old tactics used each time. Appeals to "common sense," sample sizes of 1, allegations of conspiracies, deliberately misinterpreting scientific discussions. "Well that guy was a smoker for 40 years and he looks fine!" "That guy worked with asbestos for years in the Navy and never was sick a day." "I don't see how a monkey could by MY uncle!" "Even SCIENTISTS don't agree on how evolution works!" Etc. etc.

Being a skeptic is about more than just distrusting authority and replaying the same old discredited arguments ad naseum.

BUT ten years ago the thing was, all over the media, how Katrina is heralding a new era of superstorm hurricanes that shall destroy us all (even though Katrian was quite typical), and how England would never see snow ever again.

Crazzyass claims require crazzyass evidence.

I think the problem is we have reporters who have absolutely no idea how the scientific method works reporting on science.
Climate Change and Scientific Consensus by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 02/23/2017, 8:28am PST NEW
    I believe this will answer your question. by Science 02/23/2017, 10:18am PST NEW
    You dismiss the consensus of scientists as "hogwash", but then seek answers on a NT by bbs where people call you autistic? 02/23/2017, 1:55pm PST NEW
        Well, they DO seem to know what they're talking about. NT by SCIENCE GODDAMMIT!!!! 02/23/2017, 4:30pm PST NEW
        Why do you distoet what I say? by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 02/23/2017, 7:36pm PST NEW
            Scientific consensus isn't a by fan club 02/24/2017, 12:10pm PST NEW
    Tell us about your new book and WhenHub NT by Tansin A. Dilberito 02/23/2017, 5:03pm PST NEW
    What exactly are you asking for? by blackwater 02/23/2017, 5:31pm PST NEW
        Everyone is more interested in being right than getting the answer, as with pret NT by ty much everything else. 02/23/2017, 6:42pm PST NEW
            It's kind of interesting what people can make themselves believe. by blackwater 03/01/2017, 3:19pm PST NEW
                Well, I'll be a NT by Monkey's Uncle 03/01/2017, 3:44pm PST NEW
                Re: It's kind of interesting what people can make themselves believe. by Roop 03/02/2017, 10:51pm PST NEW
                    Yeah, the media coverage has been really annoying by blackwater 03/04/2017, 12:11pm PST NEW
                        The mental divide humans have between "nature" and "us" is the crucial flaw. by pinback 03/04/2017, 4:30pm PST NEW
                            you're crazy NT by Eurotrash 03/06/2017, 12:29am PST NEW
                                Thank you. NT by pinback 03/06/2017, 12:33pm PST NEW
    I preferred you when you were all about by food poisoning 02/23/2017, 7:16pm PST NEW
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