it's official, japanese games are dead by irony 12/16/2012, 9:04pm PST
It wasn't that bad by Shredder 12/17/2012, 9:32am PST
It was that bad by WITTGENSTEIN 12/17/2012, 7:00pm PST
NDD plays FF13: the first hour and a half. by Noi Dau Don 03/10/2010, 9:32am PST
Black people telling them it's ok to call out fictitious black people as cliches NT by Stuff White People Like 03/10/2010, 10:49am PST
Yeah, no matter what I'm wrong. by Noi Dau Don 03/10/2010, 11:11am PST
Save all your component loot. Also - Positive! by Fortinbras 03/10/2010, 11:27pm PST
LOL Milli Vanilli NT by Morons everywhere 03/11/2010, 4:00am PST
Hour 9 by Noi Dau Don 03/12/2010, 11:58am PST
A bishounen appears. by Noi Dau Don 03/13/2010, 11:10am PST
Sorry, I can't shut up about this. The bishounen SPOILERS by Noi Dau Don 03/13/2010, 3:34pm PST
I knew it. by Fortinbras 03/13/2010, 3:38pm PST
Oh, did you want to have a discussion about bishounen technicalities? by Noi Dau Don 03/13/2010, 4:14pm PST
I...I guess? NT by Fortinbras, terribly confused 03/13/2010, 5:01pm PST
Re: A bishounen appears. by motherfuckerfoodeater 03/13/2010, 4:53pm PST
Hour 28: we finally get to play the fucking game by Noi Dau Don 03/30/2010, 12:10pm PDT
Did it ever get better? by Lizard_King 04/07/2010, 9:40am PDT
Depends on what you mean by better. by Noi Dau Don 04/07/2010, 2:35pm PDT
RIPLEY NT by Noi Dau Don 04/07/2010, 2:36pm PDT
Ah, thanks. by Lizard_King 04/07/2010, 2:48pm PDT
fanart that ISN'T gay? what is going on here? NT by Sword of Justice 04/07/2010, 5:50pm PDT
A Brief Explanation Of A Seconary Foundation Of Yaoi by Noi Dau Don 04/07/2010, 6:15pm PDT
Fat, unattractive, single woman who lost only man fantasizes about dreamy boys NT by The summary 04/08/2010, 10:49pm PDT
I want you to know: this brings me no joy. But you asked for it. by Noi Dau Don 04/09/2010, 12:16am PDT
Isn't this the plot to Naruto? NT by Entropy Stew 04/09/2010, 10:01am PDT
That's not fair. That's not fair at all. NT by Souffle of Pain 04/11/2010, 1:00am PDT
we recently caused some people on this site to lose their shit NT by Sword of Justice 04/12/2010, 1:41am PDT
Re: we recently caused some people on this site to lose their shit by Noi Dau Don 04/12/2010, 3:31am PDT
Spinster still struck with incurable craving for cock, won't kill herself NT by the summary 04/16/2010, 1:57pm PDT
Winning, verdict: not unless you already like this kinda shit by Noi Dau Don 04/16/2010, 1:09pm PDT
Alternatives by Lizard_King 04/17/2010, 5:01am PDT
I DON'T HAVE A DS OR A PS3 THERE I SAID IT by Noi Dau Don 04/21/2010, 11:47am PDT
I will mail you a DS lite by Lizard_King 04/21/2010, 4:40pm PDT
let's play some tin pin NT by Sword of Justice 04/21/2010, 5:56pm PDT
JUST SEND ME YOUR ADDRESS NT by Charity Man 04/21/2010, 6:14pm PDT
I forgot about this shit NT by Lizard_King 04/21/2010, 6:21pm PDT
O-oh my god LK thanks but by Noi Dau Don 04/21/2010, 7:56pm PDT
Spoony covers FF13. by Jhoh Cause..... 2 04/06/2010, 4:50pm PDT
Final Fantasy 13? More like Final Time I Buy It! by Bioware 03/17/2010, 4:20pm PDT
gamespot busts out an honest to goodness faggy review. by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 03/07/2010, 1:50pm PST
I think hes saying in code that this game implanted an alien embryo in his chest NT by Mischief Maker 03/07/2010, 11:40pm PST
Spoony's apparently final part of his FF8 review? by Creexuls, a monster >:3 07/18/2009, 2:59am PDT
Another unfortunate thing about Cuntfused Madthew's latest review by Jerry Whorebach 07/18/2009, 7:02am PDT
Re: Spoony's apparently final part of his FF8 review? by FABIO 07/18/2009, 7:45am PDT
their skits are pretty good but they should also discourage others from doing it NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 07/18/2009, 6:29pm PDT