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No, but I'm pretty sure no one is allowed to replicate the rules in VG form. by MM 03/21/2023, 5:36am PDT
One thing I do know about the tabletop game is it involves ruler measurements, not squares or hexes.

Also that it's a hobby more expensive than an extra child.
I give up on WH40K Battlesector. Never gonna be as good as Sanctus Reach. by Mischief Maker 03/16/2023, 2:55pm PDT NEW
    Black Lab should have just kept remaking BSG. by pinback 03/16/2023, 6:03pm PDT NEW
        The dumbest part of Battlesector: by Mischief Maker 03/16/2023, 6:23pm PDT NEW
    Warhammer by Judge Barry 03/21/2023, 5:16am PDT NEW
        No, but I'm pretty sure no one is allowed to replicate the rules in VG form. by MM 03/21/2023, 5:36am PDT NEW
            I am childless. NT by Judge Barry 03/21/2023, 8:42pm PDT NEW
                Starting a WH40K hobby will not change that. NT by MM 03/21/2023, 9:10pm PDT NEW
    Either the last patch pushed it over the BSG hump, or it finally clicked for me. by Mischief Maker 06/14/2023, 7:32pm PDT NEW
        Bleh! Back to hating it. Lategame unlocks just intensify the earlygame flaws. NT by Mischief Maker 07/02/2023, 9:53am PDT NEW
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