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Re: The Bitcoin thread, or are we all still terrible at monetizing everything? by Dr. Foughtrough 03/23/2023, 7:00am PDT
"Hackers drained millions of dollars in digital coins from cryptocurrency ATMs by exploiting a zero-day vulnerability, leaving customers on the hook for losses that can't be reversed, the kiosk manufacturer has revealed."

Bitcoin is simply not ready for prime time.
The Bitcoin thread, or are we all still terrible at monetizing everything? by Saltlord 12/11/2017, 2:17pm PST NEW
    I mean some poor trash won Powerball last week, I'm not jealous of them. They NT by probably reinvested it in shitcoin 12/11/2017, 2:31pm PST NEW
    Honestly, what is there to say that hasn't been said already? by blackwater 12/11/2017, 5:00pm PST NEW
    It's pushing 20k/BTC now. Printing money. NT by Saltlord 12/17/2017, 7:53am PST NEW
        Its 12k now. Hope you sold. NT by Shitcoin miners hangjng themselves 12/22/2017, 9:22am PST NEW
            Buy high and sell low! NT by laudablepuss 12/22/2017, 10:13am PST NEW
                You know there's such a thing as a short sale, right? Options, swaps, all that? by Saltlord 12/22/2017, 2:44pm PST NEW
                    I waa buying shitcoins IRONICALLY and working our unfair capitalist system! NT by Saltlord, "Thought Leader" 12/22/2017, 4:06pm PST NEW
                        Please jettison this cunt (again) NT by as a Christmas present to us all 12/22/2017, 7:57pm PST NEW
                            No, his ignant bullshit is satisfying. Keep him around as the resident tard. by Saltlord 12/23/2017, 7:41am PST NEW
                                gruman posts contribute more NT by caltrops make a wish foundation 12/23/2017, 12:10pm PST NEW
                                Yes ,but how many cooking vids has he made? NT by blackwater 12/23/2017, 6:17pm PST NEW
                                    No more bannings NT by Nostromo 12/26/2017, 11:23am PST NEW
                    Shit, playa, we been minining bitcoin fo yrs bro, we just cashed in NT by JP Morgan + Assoc. 12/22/2017, 6:12pm PST NEW
                    BTC at 16K up from 12K. Anyone could have made a 25% profit there. by Saltlord 12/23/2017, 7:43am PST NEW
                        Look man. We know you didn't get in on this because you're posting here on X-mas NT by Warren Buffett you ain't 12/23/2017, 2:44pm PST NEW
                            Let's find the wealthiest man or woman in Caltrops history. by Jack Bauer 12/23/2017, 3:03pm PST NEW
                                I've seen Jonseys house, lets not get ahead of ourselves here NT by Stew post your mcmansion 12/23/2017, 4:02pm PST NEW
                                    My house is a tiny pile of fuck by Entropy Stew 12/27/2017, 7:24pm PST NEW
                                MM's a lawyer, he might make actual money. NT by Saltlord 12/23/2017, 9:40pm PST NEW
                                    He moved into mediation after public interest work paid fuck-all NT by Didn't he? 12/23/2017, 9:50pm PST NEW
                                HGB is a white presenting black that went to UCLA law so he probably crushed OCI by Mysterio 12/24/2017, 8:51am PST NEW
                                INC married an executive and is now rich as shit NT by Mysterio 12/24/2017, 8:51am PST NEW
                                INC married an executive and he is probably worth $3 mil just on his house NT by Mysterio 12/24/2017, 8:52am PST NEW
                        I don't want to get caught holding the tulips when the manipulators cash in by Entropy Stew 12/27/2017, 7:36pm PST NEW
                            Judgment Day NT by Bitcoin worth 7k 02/06/2018, 8:00am PST NEW
                    You must be one of them geniuses NT by laudablepuss 12/23/2017, 9:15am PST NEW
                        There's no genius involved in financial trading, it's just typical hackery. NT by Saltlord 12/24/2017, 7:16am PST NEW
                            gruman NT by gruman 12/25/2017, 5:15pm PST NEW
    I've made $55! by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/17/2017, 11:34am PST NEW
    (throws self out 20 story window) NT by Saltlord 01/16/2018, 2:13pm PST NEW
        Aww, you were thinking of me. Caltrops really does care! NT by Saltlord 01/16/2018, 9:46pm PST NEW
        Hopefully I can actually get a decent-priced GPU now. NT by Mischief Maker 01/16/2018, 10:17pm PST NEW
    Prodeum makes ICO, runs off with everyones money, leaves "PENIS" on site NT by Rey Mysterio Jr. 01/29/2018, 11:41am PST NEW
        Plot twist: PENIS was what the investors really wanted all along. by blackwater 02/01/2018, 8:35pm PST NEW
    Re: The Bitcoin thread, or are we all still terrible at monetizing everything? by Dr. Foughtrough 03/23/2023, 7:00am PDT NEW
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