Forum Overview :: Wall Street Kid
The one at the mall I go to closed. by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/17/2025, 12:56pm PST

God bless r/WallStreetBets NT by Gamestop employee 01/26/2021, 2:18pm PST NEW
    THEY DID IT by Gamestop employee 01/26/2021, 2:53pm PST NEW
        I was just reading about this today also. Craziness NT by laudablepuss 01/26/2021, 3:14pm PST NEW
            Good recap of what's happened since Friday here by Mysterio 01/26/2021, 5:34pm PST NEW
                Gamestop is just such a shitty company, I don't see how it won't backfire NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/26/2021, 9:03pm PST NEW
                    The value is being created by the short squeeze. Options expire on 1/29. NT by They're holding till then 01/26/2021, 9:36pm PST NEW
                        Got it. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/26/2021, 9:46pm PST NEW
                            In hindsight I should have listened to myself but those dumb retards on WSB by made me hold 'till Monday. Oh well 02/04/2021, 2:47pm PST NEW
                Counter Argument: by Mischief Maker 01/27/2021, 7:21am PST NEW
                    Mischief Maker: How do you sleep at night? NT by WSB: On top of a pile of money 01/27/2021, 8:18am PST NEW
                        WSB fucks Wall Street out of more money than the DSA ever dreamed of and he's by jealous with impotent rage 01/27/2021, 8:19am PST NEW
                        You didn't read the thread, did you? NT by Citadel: On top of a pile of money 01/27/2021, 8:31am PST NEW
                            Here's a thread reader link: by Citadel: On top of a pile of money 01/27/2021, 8:34am PST NEW
                            Citadel just gave Melvin 2.75 billion to go bankrupt. by That seems counterproductive. 01/27/2021, 8:37am PST NEW
                                Sorry I spoiled your meme. NT by Mischief Stinky Gay Hippie in SF 01/27/2021, 8:47am PST NEW
                                    The idea that poor people shouldn't stand to profit from two whales by screwing each other is peak MM 01/27/2021, 10:08am PST NEW
                                        Watching the hedge fund thieves cry like cunts about regulation is great. NT by Kirahu Nagasawa 01/27/2021, 10:37am PST NEW
                                Re: Citadel just gave Melvin 2.75 billion to go bankrupt. by laudablepuss 01/27/2021, 10:04am PST NEW
                                    That wasn't the start of the thread and what misinformation? by MM 01/27/2021, 11:10am PST NEW
                                        Re: misinformation? by laudablepuss 01/27/2021, 12:44pm PST NEW
                                            He isn't SAYING the redditors are in the wrong. NT by MM 01/27/2021, 2:24pm PST NEW
                                                ...I shouldn't have used the term "Counter Argument," it implied the wrong thing NT by MMy bad. 01/27/2021, 3:03pm PST NEW
                                        Also by laudablepuss 01/27/2021, 1:00pm PST NEW
                                            Re: Also by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/27/2021, 3:48pm PST NEW
                                        Martha Stewart went to jail because she lied to the feds, you moron NT by MM - scored 499th in class of 500 01/28/2021, 1:44pm PST NEW
                                            "for less" does not mean "identical crime" professor genius. NT by MM 01/28/2021, 1:47pm PST NEW
                                                I'm afraid there's no way to shoehorn that into making sense by laudablepuss 01/28/2021, 1:55pm PST NEW
                                                    Murder CAN'T be worse than jaywalking THEY'RE UNCONNECTED NT by what it's like to be laudable 01/28/2021, 7:51pm PST NEW
                                                        finished the beer, reread the post, realized I make no sense by what it's like to be laudable 01/28/2021, 7:56pm PST NEW
    WSB Discord was shut down by Invested Id 01/27/2021, 2:48pm PST NEW
        It's like the Borg if they were all morons NT by laudablepuss 01/27/2021, 7:44pm PST NEW
    Uh oh! Oh no!! by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/27/2021, 7:45pm PST NEW
        You're still a valued member of our community. NT by 01/28/2021, 6:44am PST NEW
        lmao by Mysterio 01/28/2021, 9:31am PST NEW
            Hoooooollly shit by hot stock tip 01/28/2021, 10:22am PST NEW
    Massively depressed trading volumes in the legacy stonks today by Mysterio 01/28/2021, 9:46am PST NEW
        Mysterio is correct. by The Sheriff of Nottingham 01/28/2021, 10:30am PST NEW
            We'll put them in that jail we built for rich people who plunder the poor. NT by It's called Buckingham Palace v_v 01/28/2021, 4:55pm PST NEW
                Who do you think invented Dogecoin by John Tamny 01/28/2021, 5:38pm PST NEW
                    lol Forbes by dr. no 01/29/2021, 12:31pm PST NEW
            I got out narrowly before it crashed. between AMC, GSE, and BB I got a 15% RI NT by Mysterio 02/02/2021, 5:11pm PST NEW
    Re: God bless r/WallStreetBets by The Sheriff of Nottingham 01/28/2021, 10:33am PST NEW
    GET SHORTY by Elon Musk 01/28/2021, 1:04pm PST NEW
    AOC, Ted Cruz, Elizabeth Warren, AND Donald Trump Jr all against Robinhood NT by holy shit 01/28/2021, 2:31pm PST NEW
        Re: AOC, Ted Cruz, Elizabeth Warren, AND Donald Trump Jr all against Robinhood by MM 01/29/2021, 6:09am PST NEW
            She's not wrong. Cruz and Hawley are traitors to the USA. by Kirahu Nagasawa 01/29/2021, 6:48am PST NEW
    Robinhood pays off angry employees with $40 DoorDash coupons. by MM 01/30/2021, 6:13am PST NEW
    Look at this CRYBABY HEDGE FUND BITCH by Mysterio 01/30/2021, 10:59am PST NEW
    POINT: GameStop is actually a good long term hold! by Dumbshit Redditor 02/03/2021, 11:47am PST NEW
        COUNTERPOINT: They made their employees deal with the public face to face during NT by a fucking pandemic. 02/03/2021, 11:49am PST NEW
        Re: POINT: GameStop is actually a good long term hold! by Jesus 02/03/2021, 11:56am PST NEW
            Well, they have flipped their mgmt and their priorities... $20-50 seems fair? NT by The Happiness Engine 02/03/2021, 4:46pm PST NEW
                Well, they have flipped their mgmt and their priorities... $20-50 seems fair? by I Hate Epic 02/04/2021, 9:28am PST NEW
                    Earnings tomorrow by I Hate Epic 05/31/2022, 6:31pm PDT NEW
                        Re: Earnings tomorrow by Mischief Maker 05/31/2022, 6:56pm PDT NEW
                            Fuck the Chewy retard by I Hate Epic 05/10/2023, 3:59pm PDT NEW
            How's it going for Gamestop employees? The "Chewy" guys are really gonna turn it by around!!! 11/25/2021, 7:44pm PST NEW
                They fixed the issue with treating their frontline workers like shit! by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/07/2022, 8:55am PST NEW
                    They've always been pioneers in this space by blackwater 01/07/2022, 11:47am PST NEW
                    NFTs and Gamestop (I was right about every thing) by I Hate Epic 07/23/2022, 9:46am PDT NEW
                    The one at the mall I go to closed. by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/17/2025, 12:56pm PST NEW
                        Should have pre-ordered customers! NT by rest in piss 01/17/2025, 1:05pm PST NEW
                            Re: Should have pre-ordered customers! by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/18/2025, 10:10am PST NEW
                                Also, the register jockeys are not blameless. by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/18/2025, 10:19am PST NEW
                                    From what I read, Gamestop had a shitty Christmas by blackwater 01/18/2025, 11:55am PST NEW
        We have a great microbrew scene by Mayor of Gamestop 02/03/2021, 2:29pm PST NEW
        GameStop is this decade's Radio Shack by blackwater 02/04/2021, 3:02pm PST NEW
            But I have a galaxy brain. NT by New Character: Galaxy Brain 02/04/2021, 4:44pm PST NEW
            How do I download 60GB of game in Wyoming with an ADSL and a BW cap? NT by The Happiness Engine 02/04/2021, 7:05pm PST NEW
                Blu-Ray was designed solely to stall the conversion from physical to streaming by real conspiracy talk 02/05/2021, 1:50pm PST NEW
                "We'll serve the parts of the country without internet" is a bad business model by blackwater 02/10/2021, 8:33am PST NEW
                    Which is why that's not their business model by The Happiness Engine 02/10/2021, 5:22pm PST NEW
                        Where are we on this? by blackwater 01/18/2025, 12:05pm PST NEW
            GameStop should become 1970's Radio Shack by Roop 02/04/2021, 11:02pm PST NEW
                Sounds nice in theory by BUT... 02/05/2021, 1:44pm PST NEW
                    Re: Sounds nice in theory by Vested Id 02/05/2021, 2:25pm PST NEW
                        Saw it a little at Best Buy today. by New Character: Galaxy Brain 02/06/2021, 9:31pm PST NEW
                That old guy is now hundreds of NT by Youtube tutorials 02/07/2021, 7:03pm PST NEW
                This was a beautiful post NT by Ichabod 02/07/2021, 10:37pm PST NEW
                I would unironically like to see you try to turn around GameStop. by blackwater 02/10/2021, 8:46am PST NEW
                    Re: I would unironically like to see you try to turn around GameStop. by Vested Id 02/10/2021, 10:07am PST NEW
                        Nah, we're all going to get hired by hedge funds and let GameStop burn. by blackwater 02/10/2021, 3:41pm PST NEW
                            You don't understand, I was being dead siris by Vested Id 02/10/2021, 4:36pm PST NEW
        Guys, it's a solid fucking footprint. NT by Dumbshit Redditor 11/02/2023, 10:31am PDT NEW
    DIAMOND HANDS NT by Caltrops News Network 02/08/2021, 11:03am PST NEW
        I hate the meme leaders almost as much as the hedge funds by I've got balls of diamond 02/11/2021, 5:21am PST NEW
            You're right by Ice Cream Jonsey 02/11/2021, 6:42am PST NEW
        It's going from terrible to more terrible. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 11/02/2023, 10:01am PDT NEW
        So these wanks all drove the price up again to fuck short sellers. NT by Patrick Johnson 05/17/2024, 9:29am PDT NEW
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