Forum Overview :: Wall Street Kid
Re: Should have pre-ordered customers! by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/18/2025, 10:10am PST
I wonder if they have ever had any kind of retrospective when stores close.

Because it seems they would rather:

1. Make life miserable for the clerks (COVID, et al)
2. Push the add-ons, magazines, gamer club nonsense to customers
3. Berate the clerks when they don't sell enough add-on garbage, forgetting that these people are not professional salespeople and they sure as fuck aren't paying them to be that
4. Not hire enough staff
5. Create a culture where they won't sell games to people walking into the store to give them money if they didn't reserve the game

I lurk the gamestop reddit and none of those things changed at all when the dipshit crypto bro took over. He didn't shake things up at all. He didn't change anything. What spectacular incompetence. "Hey, how about NFTs??" was as radical as it got, which was a stupid fucking idea. They would rather adhere to principles that existed 25 years ago and close stores than dare question why going into one of their stores was a miserable experience. They'd rather die than ask why.
God bless r/WallStreetBets NT by Gamestop employee 01/26/2021, 2:18pm PST NEW
    THEY DID IT by Gamestop employee 01/26/2021, 2:53pm PST NEW
        I was just reading about this today also. Craziness NT by laudablepuss 01/26/2021, 3:14pm PST NEW
            Good recap of what's happened since Friday here by Mysterio 01/26/2021, 5:34pm PST NEW
                Gamestop is just such a shitty company, I don't see how it won't backfire NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/26/2021, 9:03pm PST NEW
                    The value is being created by the short squeeze. Options expire on 1/29. NT by They're holding till then 01/26/2021, 9:36pm PST NEW
                        Got it. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/26/2021, 9:46pm PST NEW
                            In hindsight I should have listened to myself but those dumb retards on WSB by made me hold 'till Monday. Oh well 02/04/2021, 2:47pm PST NEW
                Counter Argument: by Mischief Maker 01/27/2021, 7:21am PST NEW
                    Mischief Maker: How do you sleep at night? NT by WSB: On top of a pile of money 01/27/2021, 8:18am PST NEW
                        WSB fucks Wall Street out of more money than the DSA ever dreamed of and he's by jealous with impotent rage 01/27/2021, 8:19am PST NEW
                        You didn't read the thread, did you? NT by Citadel: On top of a pile of money 01/27/2021, 8:31am PST NEW
                            Here's a thread reader link: by Citadel: On top of a pile of money 01/27/2021, 8:34am PST NEW
                            Citadel just gave Melvin 2.75 billion to go bankrupt. by That seems counterproductive. 01/27/2021, 8:37am PST NEW
                                Sorry I spoiled your meme. NT by Mischief Stinky Gay Hippie in SF 01/27/2021, 8:47am PST NEW
                                    The idea that poor people shouldn't stand to profit from two whales by screwing each other is peak MM 01/27/2021, 10:08am PST NEW
                                        Watching the hedge fund thieves cry like cunts about regulation is great. NT by Kirahu Nagasawa 01/27/2021, 10:37am PST NEW
                                Re: Citadel just gave Melvin 2.75 billion to go bankrupt. by laudablepuss 01/27/2021, 10:04am PST NEW
                                    That wasn't the start of the thread and what misinformation? by MM 01/27/2021, 11:10am PST NEW
                                        Re: misinformation? by laudablepuss 01/27/2021, 12:44pm PST NEW
                                            He isn't SAYING the redditors are in the wrong. NT by MM 01/27/2021, 2:24pm PST NEW
                                                ...I shouldn't have used the term "Counter Argument," it implied the wrong thing NT by MMy bad. 01/27/2021, 3:03pm PST NEW
                                        Also by laudablepuss 01/27/2021, 1:00pm PST NEW
                                            Re: Also by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/27/2021, 3:48pm PST NEW
                                        Martha Stewart went to jail because she lied to the feds, you moron NT by MM - scored 499th in class of 500 01/28/2021, 1:44pm PST NEW
                                            "for less" does not mean "identical crime" professor genius. NT by MM 01/28/2021, 1:47pm PST NEW
                                                I'm afraid there's no way to shoehorn that into making sense by laudablepuss 01/28/2021, 1:55pm PST NEW
                                                    Murder CAN'T be worse than jaywalking THEY'RE UNCONNECTED NT by what it's like to be laudable 01/28/2021, 7:51pm PST NEW
                                                        finished the beer, reread the post, realized I make no sense by what it's like to be laudable 01/28/2021, 7:56pm PST NEW
    WSB Discord was shut down by Invested Id 01/27/2021, 2:48pm PST NEW
        It's like the Borg if they were all morons NT by laudablepuss 01/27/2021, 7:44pm PST NEW
    Uh oh! Oh no!! by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/27/2021, 7:45pm PST NEW
        You're still a valued member of our community. NT by 01/28/2021, 6:44am PST NEW
        lmao by Mysterio 01/28/2021, 9:31am PST NEW
            Hoooooollly shit by hot stock tip 01/28/2021, 10:22am PST NEW
    Massively depressed trading volumes in the legacy stonks today by Mysterio 01/28/2021, 9:46am PST NEW
        Mysterio is correct. by The Sheriff of Nottingham 01/28/2021, 10:30am PST NEW
            We'll put them in that jail we built for rich people who plunder the poor. NT by It's called Buckingham Palace v_v 01/28/2021, 4:55pm PST NEW
                Who do you think invented Dogecoin by John Tamny 01/28/2021, 5:38pm PST NEW
                    lol Forbes by dr. no 01/29/2021, 12:31pm PST NEW
            I got out narrowly before it crashed. between AMC, GSE, and BB I got a 15% RI NT by Mysterio 02/02/2021, 5:11pm PST NEW
    Re: God bless r/WallStreetBets by The Sheriff of Nottingham 01/28/2021, 10:33am PST NEW
    GET SHORTY by Elon Musk 01/28/2021, 1:04pm PST NEW
    AOC, Ted Cruz, Elizabeth Warren, AND Donald Trump Jr all against Robinhood NT by holy shit 01/28/2021, 2:31pm PST NEW
        Re: AOC, Ted Cruz, Elizabeth Warren, AND Donald Trump Jr all against Robinhood by MM 01/29/2021, 6:09am PST NEW
            She's not wrong. Cruz and Hawley are traitors to the USA. by Kirahu Nagasawa 01/29/2021, 6:48am PST NEW
    Robinhood pays off angry employees with $40 DoorDash coupons. by MM 01/30/2021, 6:13am PST NEW
    Look at this CRYBABY HEDGE FUND BITCH by Mysterio 01/30/2021, 10:59am PST NEW
    POINT: GameStop is actually a good long term hold! by Dumbshit Redditor 02/03/2021, 11:47am PST NEW
        COUNTERPOINT: They made their employees deal with the public face to face during NT by a fucking pandemic. 02/03/2021, 11:49am PST NEW
        Re: POINT: GameStop is actually a good long term hold! by Jesus 02/03/2021, 11:56am PST NEW
            Well, they have flipped their mgmt and their priorities... $20-50 seems fair? NT by The Happiness Engine 02/03/2021, 4:46pm PST NEW
                Well, they have flipped their mgmt and their priorities... $20-50 seems fair? by I Hate Epic 02/04/2021, 9:28am PST NEW
                    Earnings tomorrow by I Hate Epic 05/31/2022, 6:31pm PDT NEW
                        Re: Earnings tomorrow by Mischief Maker 05/31/2022, 6:56pm PDT NEW
                            Fuck the Chewy retard by I Hate Epic 05/10/2023, 3:59pm PDT NEW
            How's it going for Gamestop employees? The "Chewy" guys are really gonna turn it by around!!! 11/25/2021, 7:44pm PST NEW
                They fixed the issue with treating their frontline workers like shit! by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/07/2022, 8:55am PST NEW
                    They've always been pioneers in this space by blackwater 01/07/2022, 11:47am PST NEW
                    NFTs and Gamestop (I was right about every thing) by I Hate Epic 07/23/2022, 9:46am PDT NEW
                    The one at the mall I go to closed. by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/17/2025, 12:56pm PST NEW
                        Should have pre-ordered customers! NT by rest in piss 01/17/2025, 1:05pm PST NEW
                            Re: Should have pre-ordered customers! by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/18/2025, 10:10am PST NEW
                                Also, the register jockeys are not blameless. by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/18/2025, 10:19am PST NEW
                                    From what I read, Gamestop had a shitty Christmas by blackwater 01/18/2025, 11:55am PST NEW
        We have a great microbrew scene by Mayor of Gamestop 02/03/2021, 2:29pm PST NEW
        GameStop is this decade's Radio Shack by blackwater 02/04/2021, 3:02pm PST NEW
            But I have a galaxy brain. NT by New Character: Galaxy Brain 02/04/2021, 4:44pm PST NEW
            How do I download 60GB of game in Wyoming with an ADSL and a BW cap? NT by The Happiness Engine 02/04/2021, 7:05pm PST NEW
                Blu-Ray was designed solely to stall the conversion from physical to streaming by real conspiracy talk 02/05/2021, 1:50pm PST NEW
                "We'll serve the parts of the country without internet" is a bad business model by blackwater 02/10/2021, 8:33am PST NEW
                    Which is why that's not their business model by The Happiness Engine 02/10/2021, 5:22pm PST NEW
                        Where are we on this? by blackwater 01/18/2025, 12:05pm PST NEW
            GameStop should become 1970's Radio Shack by Roop 02/04/2021, 11:02pm PST NEW
                Sounds nice in theory by BUT... 02/05/2021, 1:44pm PST NEW
                    Re: Sounds nice in theory by Vested Id 02/05/2021, 2:25pm PST NEW
                        Saw it a little at Best Buy today. by New Character: Galaxy Brain 02/06/2021, 9:31pm PST NEW
                That old guy is now hundreds of NT by Youtube tutorials 02/07/2021, 7:03pm PST NEW
                This was a beautiful post NT by Ichabod 02/07/2021, 10:37pm PST NEW
                I would unironically like to see you try to turn around GameStop. by blackwater 02/10/2021, 8:46am PST NEW
                    Re: I would unironically like to see you try to turn around GameStop. by Vested Id 02/10/2021, 10:07am PST NEW
                        Nah, we're all going to get hired by hedge funds and let GameStop burn. by blackwater 02/10/2021, 3:41pm PST NEW
                            You don't understand, I was being dead siris by Vested Id 02/10/2021, 4:36pm PST NEW
        Guys, it's a solid fucking footprint. NT by Dumbshit Redditor 11/02/2023, 10:31am PDT NEW
    DIAMOND HANDS NT by Caltrops News Network 02/08/2021, 11:03am PST NEW
        I hate the meme leaders almost as much as the hedge funds by I've got balls of diamond 02/11/2021, 5:21am PST NEW
            You're right by Ice Cream Jonsey 02/11/2021, 6:42am PST NEW
        It's going from terrible to more terrible. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 11/02/2023, 10:01am PDT NEW
        So these wanks all drove the price up again to fuck short sellers. NT by Patrick Johnson 05/17/2024, 9:29am PDT NEW
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