Forum Overview :: Balance of Power
This is the primaries. This is as left as either of them are going to get. by skip 04/26/2016, 8:00pm PDT
Obama and Clinton were in a rhetorical arms race in 2008 and look how that turned out. I haven't seen any of her platforms change, just her talking points. Plus, it doesn't answer my question. Why accept money for a doomed campaign if he's concerned about how broken the system is? I don't even know why you have such strong feelings about either of them. Their positions on climate change are basically the same except Sanders is terrified of nuclear power (which supplies 20% of our energy already) so has no bridge power sources.
Trump takes CT, DE, MD, PA, RI NT by stupordelegate 04/26/2016, 6:03pm PDT NEW
    Sanders unable to broaden his support beyond white leftists by skip 04/26/2016, 7:32pm PDT NEW
        Damn Sanders supporters pirating money that's rightfully Hillary's NT by MM 04/26/2016, 7:37pm PDT NEW
            Well, it's either used on him or their student loans. I'm sure they're making NT by the right decision 04/26/2016, 7:40pm PDT NEW
                The more delegate Sanders collects, the more leverage to move the party left. NT by MM 04/26/2016, 7:44pm PDT NEW
                    This is the primaries. This is as left as either of them are going to get. by skip 04/26/2016, 8:00pm PDT NEW
                        I'm talking the Democratic Party itself. by MM 04/26/2016, 8:36pm PDT NEW
                            Didn't you recount how the party learned exactly the opposite lesson after the 2 NT by 000 election? 04/26/2016, 9:19pm PDT NEW
                                Money talks. Nader wasn't matching Gore. Also this is not the general, pussy. by MM 04/27/2016, 3:31am PDT NEW
                                    you exhibit learning behaviour but not the right kind by Ray of Light 04/27/2016, 5:55am PDT NEW
                                        His tax plan would be disastrous and he'd gut the EPA. Fuck him. by Mischief Maker 04/27/2016, 6:39am PDT NEW
                                            the year that this election most closely parallels is 44 by Ray of Light 04/27/2016, 10:08am PDT NEW
                                                Trump speaks his mind from the beginning! No, I haven't watched the news NT by latel-BWAAAA??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! 04/27/2016, 10:27am PDT NEW
                                                Re: the year that this election most closely parallels is 44 by MultiPost Condenser 04/27/2016, 11:34am PDT NEW
                                                    I'm exaggerating a little by Ray of Light 04/27/2016, 12:30pm PDT NEW
                                                        Right, that's all I'm saying by don't bother 04/27/2016, 2:57pm PDT NEW
                                                        Also Bernie Sanders is a communist by genius 04/27/2016, 4:04pm PDT NEW
                                        Also: by Mischief Maker 04/27/2016, 6:42am PDT NEW
                                            In fact I pity him. by Mischief Maker 04/27/2016, 8:13am PDT NEW
                                        Re: you exhibit learning behaviour but not the right kind by Mysterio 04/27/2016, 6:57am PDT NEW
                                            Re: you exhibit learning behaviour but not the right kind by don't bother 04/27/2016, 7:03am PDT NEW
                                            we're talking about secretaries of state here by Ray of Light 04/27/2016, 9:32am PDT NEW
                                                I might need the acts of treason defined. :( by don't bother 04/27/2016, 9:39am PDT NEW
                                                    committing two would make him worse (than Hillary's one) NT by a penis-shaped flowchart 04/27/2016, 10:09am PDT NEW
                                                Re: we're talking about secretaries of state here by Mischief Maker 04/28/2016, 8:38am PDT NEW
                                    She got pilloried for the PUMA bullshit. Rightfully. by skip 04/27/2016, 4:50pm PDT NEW
                                        What do you want from me, man? by Mischief Maker 04/27/2016, 6:28pm PDT NEW
                                            I just don't see the great candidate that you do, I guess by skip 04/27/2016, 7:15pm PDT NEW
                                                Re: I just don't see the great candidate that you do, I guess by Mischief Maker 04/27/2016, 7:55pm PDT NEW
                                                    Hope you weren't one of those laid off from the campaign by Bye Bye Bernie 04/27/2016, 9:13pm PDT NEW
                                                    Probably not the best example since Edwards was a cheating asshole by skip 04/27/2016, 9:38pm PDT NEW
                                                        Hey, what do I know about negotiation? by Mischief Maker 04/28/2016, 3:06am PDT NEW
                                                            Clinton should have resigned by Mysterio 04/28/2016, 6:49am PDT NEW
                                                                okay this has to be jsoh NT by just curious 04/28/2016, 7:01am PDT NEW
                                                            If most Dems don't want a political revolution, you think Repubs do? by skip 04/28/2016, 6:53am PDT NEW
                                                                Again, what the hell do you want from me? by Mischief Maker 04/28/2016, 8:27am PDT NEW
                                                            You're seriously claiming no improvements have been made in 8 years? by just curious 04/28/2016, 7:11am PDT NEW
                                                                You Hillarybots really have the Anita Sarkeesian feigned outrage down cold. NT by Mischief Maker 04/28/2016, 8:28am PDT NEW
                                                                    I love that we do this every four years by laudablepuss 04/28/2016, 8:57am PDT NEW
                                                                        Fine. I'm done talking about everything except Turbo Kid for the time being. NT by Mischief Maker 04/28/2016, 9:33am PDT NEW
                                                                            Check out the first paragraph of this article by laudablepuss 04/28/2016, 12:18pm PDT NEW
                                                Yup by just curious 04/27/2016, 10:40pm PDT NEW
                            This will be be seen as a failure of the old left, long live the Clinton left by Roop 04/27/2016, 3:06am PDT NEW
                                btw she cheated by Roop 04/27/2016, 3:14am PDT NEW
                Bernie should stop collecting donations well before it's over, but Hillary by Mysterio 04/26/2016, 8:25pm PDT NEW
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