Forum Overview :: Balance of Power
"Let's stop confusing free speech with a free press" by Mysterio 12/05/2016, 7:52pm PST
Outstanding article by Julie Anne Pattee

We need to be extremely vigilant about protecting our right to a free press. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms defines our right to a free press, as the right to the free flow of information. Yet the state tries to interfere with this all the time.

When we raise our voices to defend our free press, however, we need to take special care not to confuse a free press with freedom of expression.

Freedom of the press and freedom of expression are different rights.

We need to be careful not to confuse these rights and their meanings because a lot of people are hollering about freedom of expression these days.

What a disgusting fucking cunt.
"Let's stop confusing free speech with a free press" by Mysterio 12/05/2016, 7:52pm PST NEW
    Well, I am certainly confused. by blackwater 12/05/2016, 8:39pm PST NEW
        Thinking is maybe giving it too much credit? by The Ingrid Bergman of Caltrops 12/05/2016, 10:10pm PST NEW
            What kind of journalism is that? Journalism fan fic? NT by Eurotrash 12/06/2016, 10:29am PST NEW
                It's the hyperbole of an adolescent by never forced to research, or cite 12/06/2016, 11:04pm PST NEW
                    You can't really complain about adolescents AND tell dead people to Rest in Piss by The Judd Hirsch of Caltrops 12/07/2016, 12:10am PST NEW
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