Forum Overview :: Balance of Power
What example? by Washington Post 03/09/2017, 9:59pm PST
It was a question about everyone's experience regarding the ratio of amazing workers kept low vs David Brents being promoted.

Jesus christ of course there are men in both groups. Did you really just pat yourself on the back for pointing that out?

I'm asking about the ratio for each gender. In my personal experience, men were about evenly split 1:1, lots of bumbling brownosers and friends of CEOs in upper positions and lots of performers who lost promotions to them simply because they weren't good at politics and didn't have the connections. Women? There were competent ones in leadership positions, and there were glorified secretaries in Vice President roles who were banging the CEO. I honestly can't recall any that made me ask, "Why isn't she running the department?" as she was smooshed under the ceiling.

I'm open to hearing contrary experiences. I suspect that most of it would happen in tech sector startups, because they're all Randians and Randians are horrible pieces of shit.

But don't go pulling your usual outliers prove the rule bullshit.

They fucking went with Perez. Are they TRYING to make Trump a 2-termer? NT by MM 02/25/2017, 1:39pm PST NEW
    Addicted to Unhappiness NT by Martha Heineman Pieper, PhD 02/25/2017, 1:54pm PST NEW
    Yeah we could have chipped away at Trumps white supremacist support by going by with Keith Ellison 02/25/2017, 2:12pm PST NEW
        Thanks, David Brock. NT by MM 02/25/2017, 2:21pm PST NEW
            Glad that you're willing to overlook Jew hatred to get your UBI check NT by you principle-less fuck 02/25/2017, 3:24pm PST NEW
                Hi jsoh! NT by MM 02/25/2017, 3:56pm PST NEW
    house calls. NT by lol 02/25/2017, 3:04pm PST NEW
    So who's it gonna be in 2020? Cory "tits" Booker? Or... by Mischief Maker 02/26/2017, 4:36pm PST NEW
        The left's version of McCain (they might actually run McCain), banking on a NT by charismatic "outsider" in 2024. 02/26/2017, 5:04pm PST NEW
        How does Chelsea not perfectly fit the ideals of BrandNewCongress? NT by your beloved Bernie's child 02/26/2017, 7:31pm PST NEW
        Re: So who's it gonna be in 2020? Cory "tits" Booker? Or... by t. fox news 02/27/2017, 6:38am PST NEW
            Whoops I'm an idiot NT by t. fox news 02/27/2017, 10:31am PST NEW
    How to perfectly predict every political outcome: see what MoveOn supports NT by and bet the exact opposite 02/26/2017, 5:49pm PST NEW
        Ha ha! Speak of the devil by and bet the exact opposite 03/09/2017, 12:53am PST NEW
            Smashing success like Buy Nothing Day NT by haha oh wait 03/09/2017, 6:43pm PST NEW
            Even we're calling them fags by Washington Post 03/09/2017, 8:07pm PST NEW
                Your example applies equally to male coworkers. NT by MM 03/09/2017, 8:53pm PST NEW
                    What example? by Washington Post 03/09/2017, 9:59pm PST NEW
                    Duh, MM. The mockery is in limp, ineffectual protest tourism by Not gender 03/09/2017, 10:24pm PST NEW
                Let's have an honest poll of everyone's confirmation biases... by guy with axe to grind 03/10/2017, 8:32am PST NEW
                    It's hard to dismiss your answer when you don't give one by Washington Post 03/10/2017, 3:28pm PST NEW
                        So it WASN'T jsoh who was going around calling Keith Ellison an anti-semite? NT by MM 03/10/2017, 3:44pm PST NEW
                            Twasnt me either by Washington Post 03/10/2017, 3:46pm PST NEW
                                No wonder you disagree with me so much. Your logic's faulty! NT by MM 03/10/2017, 4:21pm PST NEW
                        Mostly male field. Avg woman here is 1.3x as good as her avg male colleague by because she has to be? 03/14/2017, 11:10am PDT NEW
                Smiling is slavery! by Washington Post 03/11/2017, 9:31am PST NEW
                I have not personally seen sexism in Silicon Valley by blackwater 03/14/2017, 3:55pm PDT NEW
                    Finally a real answer! by Washington Post 03/14/2017, 5:27pm PDT NEW
                        I would've liked more recognition of the role blowjobs play in ladies getting by regular jobs. 03/14/2017, 6:39pm PDT NEW
                        During #gg's height I was considered Caltrops' resident misogynist. by Mischief Maker 03/14/2017, 7:39pm PDT NEW
                            Don't flatter yourself. Nobody's taking that title away from the Cables NT by Like anyone could 03/14/2017, 9:11pm PDT NEW
                            no, you weren't NT by citation needed 03/14/2017, 11:29pm PDT NEW
                    The last time I was involved in a hiring by A reg 03/14/2017, 8:13pm PDT NEW
                        Sounds about right-- game companies are known to be slave ships by blackwater 03/14/2017, 10:50pm PDT NEW
        How was your "day without women"? NT by Mine? Pretty damn good. 03/10/2017, 2:33pm PST NEW
            National Bros Without Hoes day NT by aka National Caltrops Day 03/11/2017, 11:29am PST NEW
        This works really well by skip 03/11/2017, 9:58am PST NEW
            What about the supposed Russian collusion at all levels, and leaks? by Beszos Blog 03/11/2017, 12:04pm PST NEW
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