Forum Overview :: Rants
Holy shit by I need clarification 05/17/2003, 8:49pm PDT
Lizard_King wrote:

Don't know who the french slut is. But the "werewolf" characters (ie the guys who take silver bullets to kill and are the Frenchie's lackeys), are definitely described as older programs, who "cause more problems than they solve", but are kept around regardless by the Frenchie because they show a remarkable ability to survive (except for silver bullets and Neo, apparently). Then there are the twins, who are clearly "upgraded" versions of some more freak programs, discussed earlier in that seemingly irrelevant aside from the Oracle, when she says that all the appearances of UFO's, vampires, werewolves etc are just the attempts of the Matrix to integrate anomalous programs. The Oracle herself (and the keymaker) would be an example of such an anomalous program, as she is also given a mythical name and is kept in seclusion (she says the anomalous programs have the choice of deletion or exile).

You made it through that fucking scene? That scene alone may be the single worst bit of "writing" and "acting" I've ever witnessed. Thank god the woman playing The Oracle had a lot of black bumps and stuff on her skin so I could amuse myself by trying to make constellations.

Honestly, I don't know a single person who paid attention during that scene, or why anyone would bother to. At that point the Wachnovlaksky brothers had made it absolutely clear they had nothing but disdain for their audience and were hellbent on boring us all to tears. The best way to protect yourself as an audience member in a movie like this is to make sure you have something else to think about when the the writers don't provide you with anything, and then perk up when you hear the porn music start and hope that maybe whatever fight scene is about to begin can hold your interest for more than a minute. Most of the ones in Reloaded can't, really.
Zion: Loaded! by Fussbett 05/15/2003, 1:47am PDT NEW
    To see a preview of the last movie, stay till after the credits and... by mrs. johnson 05/15/2003, 2:01am PDT NEW
    Re: Zion: Loaded! by Forensic 05/15/2003, 3:23am PDT NEW
        Re: Zion: Loaded! by Jhoh Creexul 05/15/2003, 2:36pm PDT NEW
            Re: Zion: Loaded! (Major Spoilers included below spoiler buffer) by Rightbug 05/15/2003, 11:06pm PDT NEW
                Explanation (spoiler) by Mischief Shai-hulud 05/15/2003, 11:32pm PDT NEW
                    Re: Explanation (spoiler) by Jhoh Creexul 05/15/2003, 11:43pm PDT NEW
                    Re: Explanation (spoiler) by Rightbug 05/16/2003, 12:11am PDT NEW
                    Corrections(?) (more spoilers!) by Entropy Stew 05/16/2003, 12:13am PDT NEW
                        WTF!?!? by Chairman Mao 05/16/2003, 12:15am PDT NEW
                            Because I saw the 2:45 showing with my boss/partner/friend-type-person NT by Entropy Stew 05/16/2003, 12:17am PDT NEW
                                I'm retarded. nevermind. NT by Chairman Mao 05/16/2003, 12:21am PDT NEW
                            Re: WTF!?!? by laudablepuss 05/16/2003, 12:24pm PDT NEW
                        Re: Corrections(?) (more spoilers!) by Rightbug 05/16/2003, 12:34am PDT NEW
                            Ooh, nasty. NT by Senor Barborito 05/17/2003, 5:40pm PDT NEW
                        Also by Entropy Stew 05/16/2003, 1:18am PDT NEW
                            A plea for balls by Mischief Shai-hulud 05/16/2003, 2:33pm PDT NEW
                                Re: A plea for balls by ydrt 05/17/2003, 2:26am PDT NEW
                                    Re: A plea for balls by Mischief Shai-hulud 05/17/2003, 10:32am PDT NEW
                                        Re: A plea for balls by Entropy Stew 05/17/2003, 2:17pm PDT NEW
                            The best review I've read so far by I need clarification 05/17/2003, 8:41pm PDT NEW
                    More Questions (and more spoilers) by Semi-Drunk-Ranting Cyrris 05/16/2003, 12:25am PDT NEW
                        Some answers (and more spoilers) by Rightbug 05/16/2003, 1:21am PDT NEW
                        Things the other dude didn't answer. by Fussbett 05/16/2003, 1:38am PDT NEW
                            Re: Things the other dude didn't answer. by that guy 05/17/2003, 12:42pm PDT NEW
                            Re: Things the other dude didn't answer. by I need clarification 05/17/2003, 8:44pm PDT NEW
                                I'm the BIGGEST MATRIX FANBOY IN THE WORLD (of Zion) by Fussbett 05/17/2003, 9:57pm PDT NEW
                                    Re: I'm the BIGGEST MATRIX FANBOY IN THE WORLD (of Zion) by Semi-Drunk-Ranting Cyrris 05/18/2003, 2:55am PDT NEW
                                        Re: I'm the BIGGEST MATRIX FANBOY IN THE WORLD (of Zion) by Zebco Fuckface 05/18/2003, 3:49pm PDT NEW
                        Re: More Questions (and more spoilers)-AND MORE SPOILERS by Lizard_King 05/16/2003, 1:41am PDT NEW
                            Re: More Questions (and more spoilers)-AND MORE SPOILERS by Lizard_King 05/16/2003, 1:43am PDT NEW
                            Holy shit by I need clarification 05/17/2003, 8:49pm PDT NEW
                                I didn't think the Oracle was that much worse than average. NT by Lizard_King 05/17/2003, 10:01pm PDT NEW
                                I gambled on that scene being the perfect time for a bathroom break. I was right by FABIO 06/08/2003, 11:40pm PDT NEW
                    Re: Explanation (spoiler) by Fussbett 05/16/2003, 1:48am PDT NEW
                        I'm glad to see the film turned out to be enjoyable after all NT by Joel Silver 05/16/2003, 2:53am PDT NEW
                        Re: Explanation (spoiler) by laudablepuss 05/16/2003, 10:31am PDT NEW
                            Re: Explanation (spoiler) by Entropy Stew 05/17/2003, 2:21pm PDT NEW
                        Re: Explanation (spoiler) by Rightbug 05/16/2003, 11:01am PDT NEW
                            Re: Explanation (spoiler) by Forensic 05/16/2003, 11:24am PDT NEW
                                Wait, wait... by Forensic 05/16/2003, 11:38am PDT NEW
                                    Tank was killed in the first one, wasn't he? What's this site doing still up? NT by mrs. johnson 05/18/2003, 9:23pm PDT NEW
                                        I think it was Dozer that got whacked, not NT by Lizard_King 05/18/2003, 9:27pm PDT NEW
                                            either way the remaining darkie was fired for stealing NT by ydrt 05/18/2003, 11:44pm PDT NEW
                                                Stealing what? NT by mrs. johnson 05/18/2003, 11:49pm PDT NEW
                                                    some props from the set; i think he also wanted more $$$ NT by ydrt 05/19/2003, 12:31am PDT NEW
                                                        I'm all in favor of boycotting this and every Matrix movie for any reason NT by I need clarification 05/19/2003, 12:36am PDT NEW
                                                            You didn't even like the first one? NT by mrs. johnson 05/19/2003, 1:32am PDT NEW
                                                                No. Not even a little bit. Okay, maybe a little bit. by I need clarification 05/19/2003, 2:15am PDT NEW
                                                                    Re: No. Not even a little bit. Okay, maybe a little bit. by Lizard_King 05/19/2003, 4:18am PDT NEW
                                                                        What? by I need clarification 05/19/2003, 5:34am PDT NEW
                                                                            I guess that makes sense. by Lizard_King 05/19/2003, 10:14am PDT NEW
                                                                                What are those? by I need clarification 05/19/2003, 11:59am PDT NEW
                                                                                    Re: What are those? by Lizard_King 05/19/2003, 12:07pm PDT NEW
                                                                            Re: What? by Rightbug 05/19/2003, 5:39pm PDT NEW
                                                                                Agreed by Senor Barborito 05/19/2003, 5:45pm PDT NEW
                                                                                That was a worthless post by I need clarification 05/19/2003, 5:54pm PDT NEW
                                                                                    Re: That was a worthless post by Rightbug 05/19/2003, 6:34pm PDT NEW
                                                                                        on Predator by Fullofkittens 05/19/2003, 7:29pm PDT NEW
                                                                                            Re: on Predator by Lufteufel 05/31/2003, 12:24am PDT NEW
                                                                                    This guy was kind of mean NT by Wrongbug 06/04/2017, 3:50pm PDT NEW
                                                                                        AND a Jew NT by Caltrops' Alt-Right Invasion 06/04/2017, 3:51pm PDT NEW
                                        Thank god it's still up by I need clarification 05/19/2003, 2:03am PDT NEW
                    I explain the Architect by mrs. johnson 05/16/2003, 12:42pm PDT NEW
                        Re: I explain the Architect by Rightbug 05/16/2003, 4:22pm PDT NEW
                            Re: I explain the Architect by laudablepuss 05/16/2003, 4:30pm PDT NEW
                                Re: I explain the Architect by Lizard_King 05/16/2003, 5:11pm PDT NEW
                                    Re: I explain the Architect by Mischief Shai-hulud 05/17/2003, 10:29am PDT NEW
                        Re: I explain the Architect by Bitter 05/17/2003, 8:00pm PDT NEW
                            Re: I explain the Architect by Bob Violence 05/17/2003, 8:28pm PDT NEW
                                Re: I explain the Architect by I need clarification 05/17/2003, 8:54pm PDT NEW
                                Re: I explain the Architect by Lizard_King 05/18/2003, 4:54pm PDT NEW
                                    Re: I explain the Architect by laudablepuss 05/19/2003, 1:00pm PDT NEW
                                        Cornel West by Lizard_King 05/19/2003, 1:17pm PDT NEW
                    Re: Explanation (spoiler) by sfg 06/14/2003, 6:16pm PDT NEW
    Okay, NOW I got it (Get yer spoilerz on) by Mischief Shai-hulud 05/17/2003, 10:21am PDT NEW
        Re: Okay, NOW I got it (Get yer spoilerz on) by Rightbug 05/17/2003, 3:28pm PDT NEW
            Re: Okay, NOW I got it (Get yer spoilerz on) by Jhoh Creexul 05/17/2003, 5:18pm PDT NEW
            Re: Okay, NOW I got it (Get yer spoilerz on) by MM 05/17/2003, 7:23pm PDT NEW
                Caltrops reviews The Matrix article anyone? NT by Entropy Stew 05/17/2003, 8:06pm PDT NEW
                    actually by ydrt 05/17/2003, 9:42pm PDT NEW
            Re: Okay, NOW I got it (Get yer spoilerz on) by Bob Violence 05/17/2003, 8:29pm PDT NEW
                Re: Okay, NOW I got it (Get yer spoilerz on) by Zebco Fuckface 05/18/2003, 2:32am PDT NEW
                Re: Okay, NOW I got it (Get yer spoilerz on) by Rightbug 05/19/2003, 4:30pm PDT NEW
            alternate door #2 theory. by FABIO 06/13/2003, 12:18am PDT NEW
        Much Gayness by Bitter 05/17/2003, 8:51pm PDT NEW
            Slightly more gayness by Bob Violence 05/18/2003, 12:26am PDT NEW
                Re: Slightly more gayness by Jhoh Creexul 05/18/2003, 12:51am PDT NEW
                    PERSEPHONE = MOTHER OF MATRIX (spoiler) (nt) NT by Binroi l'heretique 05/18/2003, 8:44pm PDT NEW
                        Speech of Architect (spoilerama) by Binroi l'heretique 05/18/2003, 9:04pm PDT NEW
                            stating the obvious for those who need it by ydrt 05/18/2003, 9:11pm PDT NEW
                                Re: stating the obvious for those who need it by Fullofkittens 05/18/2003, 10:23pm PDT NEW
                                    Re: stating the obvious for those who need it by Jhoh Creexul 05/18/2003, 10:28pm PDT NEW
                            Re: Speech of Architect (spoilerama) MINUS SPELLING/GRAMMAR ERRORS by Some Grammar Fag 05/18/2003, 9:19pm PDT NEW
                                Jesus God you're a faggot NT by Hans Gruber 05/19/2003, 8:35pm PDT NEW
            Re: Much Gayness by junior allen 05/27/2003, 12:44pm PDT NEW
        Only bit I'm having trouble with now by Bunyip 05/19/2003, 4:10pm PDT NEW
            holy shit by Lizard_King 05/19/2003, 4:15pm PDT NEW
                Because your type has trouble looking into the mirror, dumbass. by The Obvious Response 05/19/2003, 4:22pm PDT NEW
                    Looks in the mirror. Cries. Realizes crying is effeminate. Cries some more.NT by Lizard_King 05/27/2003, 3:28am PDT NEW
            uh oh by FABIO 06/09/2003, 12:36am PDT NEW
    Revolutions dialog revealed. by Fussbett 05/23/2003, 9:41am PDT NEW
        Re: Revolutions dialog revealed. by foogla 05/23/2003, 11:38am PDT NEW
            Re: Revolutions dialog revealed. by Choson 05/23/2003, 1:32pm PDT NEW
        Re: Revolutions dialog revealed. by Bitter 05/23/2003, 8:17pm PDT NEW
            I'm handing out props. by Fussbett 05/23/2003, 9:40pm PDT NEW
                Re: I'm handing out props. by Chairman Mao 05/23/2003, 9:47pm PDT NEW
                    Re: I'm handing out props. by Lufteufel 05/23/2003, 10:10pm PDT NEW
                    Re: I'm handing out props. by Jhoh Creexul 05/27/2003, 12:07pm PDT NEW
                        Re: I'm handing out props. by sfg 06/14/2003, 6:20pm PDT NEW
                            YOU CUNT! YOU'RE A CUNT! NT by Larry David 06/14/2003, 8:35pm PDT NEW
        Re: Revolutions dialog revealed. by Jhoh Creexul 05/27/2003, 7:28am PDT NEW
    Anyone who said anything nice about this is movie is fired NT by fabio 06/04/2017, 7:57pm PDT NEW
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