Homeworld II
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Homeworld 3 feels like it was directed by JJ Abrams. NT by THEY FLY NOW?! 05/13/2024, 6:59pm PDT NEW
    Yeah it's pretty bad by Mandalore 06/07/2024, 12:32pm PDT NEW
        I don't get the opening joke NT by homeworld fags plz explain 06/07/2024, 8:46pm PDT NEW
            They're who you play in Homeworld: Cataclysm/Emergence. The horror-themed one. by MM 06/07/2024, 8:49pm PDT NEW
                the best one NT by homeworld fag 06/07/2024, 9:11pm PDT NEW

The HW3 demo was a really unimpressive piece of slow moving junk NT by hope they fix it 04/10/2024, 6:52am PDT NEW

Hardspace: Shipbreaker works to recapture the Homeworld feel with a genre swich by saltlord 06/23/2020, 10:53pm PDT NEW
    did jonesy beg you to post here NT by i give you 2 months 06/24/2020, 7:23am PDT NEW
        I came here in 2007 for MM's system shock review and have posted for years by saltlord 06/24/2020, 2:33pm PDT NEW
            *gasp* that's FABIO'S SS review! by laudablepuss 06/24/2020, 2:50pm PDT NEW
                The crazy thing is, I was the one warning him on OMM that SS2's disappointing. by Mischief Maker 06/24/2020, 3:30pm PDT NEW
                    Re: The crazy thing is, I was the one warning him on OMM that SS2's disappoi by laudablepuss 06/24/2020, 5:25pm PDT NEW
                        sorry, I can't keep you assholes straight anymore. MM still writes reviews so my by brain said they're all his work now 06/24/2020, 8:46pm PDT NEW
                            FABIO quit around 2018. NT by I Hate Epic 06/25/2020, 7:09am PDT NEW
                                bring him back so I can hear more reductionism about 4x games NT by saltlord 06/25/2020, 10:28am PDT NEW
                                    MENS ROOM! PENIS! TWO PENISES!!! NT by saltlord 06/25/2020, 3:16pm PDT NEW
                                        I'm absolutely in favor of this being a free service to boost my postcount by and search results 06/25/2020, 4:02pm PDT NEW
                                        FABIO quit penis in 2018. NT by I Hate Epic 06/25/2020, 8:37pm PDT NEW
        Shaddap by I Hate Epic 06/24/2020, 4:26pm PDT NEW
    Did anyone play this? by Mischief Maker 11/29/2023, 12:28pm PST NEW
        Dumb story, fun gameplay 8/10 NT by Mysterio 11/29/2023, 4:11pm PST NEW

Anyone here playing Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak? NT by Welcome to Omsk 06/15/2016, 8:03pm PDT NEW
    Played it for a bit. Fun throwback RTS. by Oom Shnibble 06/16/2016, 3:24am PDT NEW
        Thanks. 7/10 means I'm pouring hours into it cause nostalgia & franchise loyalty NT by Welcome to Omsk 06/16/2016, 12:21pm PDT NEW
    The day after I broke down and got this they finally patched in Tactical Pause. by Can't get no satisfaction. NEGATIVE 11/23/2017, 3:31pm PST NEW

Thread for all the shit they fucked up in Homeworld Remastered by bitter fanboy 02/25/2015, 7:42am PST NEW
    Re: Thread for all the shit they fucked up in Homeworld Remastered by WITTGENSTEIN 02/25/2015, 6:16pm PST NEW
        Re: Thread for all the shit they fucked up in Homeworld Remastered by WITTGENSTEIN 02/26/2015, 8:24am PST NEW
    Barely a week after launch until a classic balance mod for a 'faithful' remake by serial malcontent 03/04/2015, 8:09am PST NEW
        Gearbox totally fucked up that launch trailer. It won't attract many new fans. by serial malcontent 03/04/2015, 8:16am PST NEW
            Good god, are you guys all that old now? by WITTGENSTEIN 03/04/2015, 10:51am PST NEW
    Just hit GOG. Did they fix the fuckups with patches? NT by Mischief Maker 06/07/2016, 6:12am PDT NEW
        No. The problem is HW1 was ported to the HW2 engine. So instead of physics by based attacks you get die rolls. 06/07/2016, 8:03pm PDT NEW
            Happily, they included the originals with support for new OSes. I think. by Welcome to Omsk 06/07/2016, 11:00pm PDT NEW
                Well nevermind, Battlezone just hit GOG and that's the superor game! NT by Mischief Maker 06/08/2016, 6:22am PDT NEW

Fuck! Unreleased mod that enhances graphics / shaders in HWII. NT by RetroRomper 01/28/2014, 4:53pm PST NEW
    Just wait until Gearbox releases the HD re-release of HW/HW2 by WITTGENSTEIN 01/28/2014, 8:38pm PST NEW
        Re: Just wait until Gearbox releases the HD re-release of HW/HW2 by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/28/2014, 9:56pm PST NEW
            And I love quite a few classic games (and am tired of paying 3 times for the NT by same title). --RetroRomper 02/08/2014, 7:34am PST NEW
                Seriously, fuck Chrono Trigger and their re-releases for every platform. NT by Retro 02/11/2014, 2:10pm PST NEW

Hardware: Shipbreakers by WITTGENSTEIN 05/08/2013, 4:55pm PDT NEW
    Looks pretty awesome by laudablepuss 05/08/2013, 5:30pm PDT NEW
        It's supposed to be some sort of massively multiplayer planetary/social RTS. by WITTGENSTEIN 05/08/2013, 5:42pm PDT NEW
            So far it's looking like Ground Control 3. I hope there's more to it than that. by WITTGENSTEIN 06/01/2013, 10:32am PDT NEW
                This game is now an official Homeworld sequel by WITTGENSTEIN 09/01/2013, 10:58pm PDT NEW
                    Word on the street however is that this thing's in development Hell NT by WITTGENSTEIN 09/01/2013, 11:03pm PDT NEW
                        We'll see if changing it to the HW Universe helps them drum up pre-orders. NT by RetroRomper 09/05/2013, 1:14am PDT NEW
                        They have taken down / refunded all pre-orders. Something is brewing NT by RetroRomper 09/15/2013, 3:28pm PDT NEW
                            Best case scenario: They decided "fuck this" and are doubling down on a real HW3 NT by WITTGENSTEIN 09/15/2013, 8:33pm PDT NEW
                                Game as is fits well as a prequel. SQUEE! New Homeworld! NT by RetroRomper 01/28/2014, 4:52pm PST NEW
                                Guess no news is good news... Likely will have to wait till the release of the NT by HW remakes. --RetroRomper 02/08/2014, 7:36am PST NEW

Can anyone recommend a purveyor of fine monocles? by motherfuckerfoodeater 07/15/2009, 5:15pm PDT NEW
    I hate these threads. by Quétinbec 07/15/2009, 5:45pm PDT NEW
        Re: I hate these threads. by Devil Dinosaur 07/15/2009, 5:53pm PDT NEW
            Re: I hate these threads. by Quétinbec 07/15/2009, 8:17pm PDT NEW
                Re: I hate these threads. by Devil Dinosaur 07/15/2009, 8:47pm PDT NEW
                    Re: I hate these threads. by Quétinbec 07/16/2009, 1:48am PDT NEW
                    None of this is surprising by I need clarification 07/16/2009, 6:36pm PDT NEW
                        Or, you could look at it as he was halving it. NT by Fullofkittens 07/16/2009, 7:21pm PDT NEW
                        Re: None of this is surprising by Quétinbec 07/16/2009, 10:29pm PDT NEW
                            Re: None of this is surprising by I need clarification 07/16/2009, 11:50pm PDT NEW
        I hate successful people. NT by Quétinbec translator 07/15/2009, 5:55pm PDT NEW
        I will tell you the shit out of whether this kid has webbed feet by Last 07/15/2009, 6:12pm PDT NEW
            Do they not have ultrasounds where you live? NT by Doctor Fortinbras 07/15/2009, 6:17pm PDT NEW
                Those things are like Rorshach drawings. Who the hell knows what you're even lo by Fullofkittens 07/15/2009, 6:40pm PDT NEW
                    Re: Those things are like Rorshach drawings. Who the hell knows what you're ev by up with pod people 07/15/2009, 7:21pm PDT NEW
                        Re: Those things are like Rorshach drawings. Who the hell knows what you're ev by Ice Cream Jonsey 07/15/2009, 8:49pm PDT NEW
                            I see your Hector Hammond and raise you. . . by motherfuckerfoodeater 07/15/2009, 9:03pm PDT NEW
                                What's more discomfiting than MODOK? by Horrible Gelatinous Blob 07/19/2009, 12:18am PDT NEW
                                    =( NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 07/19/2009, 12:28am PDT NEW
                            I was feeling bad that pod people left, and then I read the above post. by Ice Cream Jonsey 04/29/2012, 7:26pm PDT NEW
        It's a good thing you love sour grapes so much by motherfuckerfoodeater 07/15/2009, 7:58pm PDT NEW
    where are you buying and what kind of place by up with pod people 07/15/2009, 7:25pm PDT NEW
        He won't say shit and if he does, it'll only be to spite me. by Quétinbec 07/15/2009, 8:19pm PDT NEW
            Good job replying to this and not to my post, pussy. by motherfuckerfoodeater 07/15/2009, 8:29pm PDT NEW
                *CHOO-CHOO* ALL ABOARD THE PORTLAND MALL'S SCENIC MOCK RAILWAY!! NT by mffe 07/15/2009, 8:35pm PDT NEW
                        Hahahahaha oh my god NT by Fortinbras 07/15/2009, 8:57pm PDT NEW
                            Hmm, everyone's on the sour grapes diet tonight. NT by motherfuckerfoodeater 07/15/2009, 9:01pm PDT NEW
                                Look, I didn't WANT to laugh at you at your expense over QB, it was a tough choi NT by Fortinbras 07/15/2009, 9:04pm PDT NEW
                Gross. Go to Arleta Bakery for breakfast. Enjoy the Hipster Grifter-lookin NT by waitress. -Zsenitan 07/15/2009, 8:57pm PDT NEW
                Re: Good job replying to this and not to my post, pussy. by Quétinbec 07/16/2009, 1:44am PDT NEW
                    and yet... AND YET... He's an engineer and you're not. WILD, man. NT by Dennis Hopper 07/16/2009, 6:55am PDT NEW
                    Your petulant sobbing has not compelled me to re-evaluate my life. NT by motherfuckerfoodeater 07/16/2009, 7:58am PDT NEW
                        he's sko Marquis de Sad NT by Entropy Stew (Baudrillard) 07/16/2009, 9:08am PDT NEW
                            Sadder-Masoch NT by Zsenitan 07/16/2009, 9:54am PDT NEW
                                LGBT (lies/gypsies/bathos/tears) NT by Entropy Stew (Baudrillard) 07/16/2009, 11:44am PDT NEW
                    Re: Good job replying to this and not to my post, pussy. by I need clarification 07/16/2009, 6:41pm PDT NEW
                        MFFE was a chef living in NY. Tell this dipshit, MFFE. NT by Quétinbec 07/16/2009, 10:29pm PDT NEW
                            Only if you make another comment about NT by dignity. 07/19/2009, 7:02am PDT NEW
                                I was just kidding man, I'm sure you have a lot of dignity we don't know about. NT by Jerry Whorebach 07/19/2009, 8:38am PDT NEW
                                    That's it! I'm waiting for you, Jerry! NT by OUTSIDE! 07/19/2009, 11:22am PDT NEW
                                        You're going to be waiting a long time 8) by Jerry Whorebach 07/19/2009, 12:26pm PDT NEW

For a species decended from monkeys by motherfuckerfoodeater 08/09/2009, 8:48am PDT NEW
    Apes. NT by Mischief Maker 08/09/2009, 8:52am PDT NEW
        lock thread, delete poster NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 08/09/2009, 9:09am PDT NEW
        mark all as read, minimize NT by quality posts 08/09/2009, 10:16am PDT NEW
        sob NT by cryality posts 08/09/2009, 10:28am PDT NEW
            I can't help but shed a tear when I see such quality NT by quality posts 08/09/2009, 5:20pm PDT NEW
    Only black people are descended from monkeys, white people are from Adam & Eve NT by Your Friendly Neighborhood Klansman 08/09/2009, 11:15am PDT NEW

Need thoughts on 2 cities by E. L. Koba 06/29/2009, 1:05pm PDT NEW
    A long time ago I lived in Reston, VA by Fortinbras 06/29/2009, 1:11pm PDT NEW
    UM THEY'RE GAY? by Creexuls, a monster >:3 06/29/2009, 1:28pm PDT NEW
    I lived in Arlington back in 1999 by Horrible Gelatinous Blob 06/29/2009, 1:49pm PDT NEW
        First tend to your virtual house. Post the first Sims episode. by Quétinbec 06/29/2009, 3:46pm PDT NEW
            Re: First tend to your virtual house. Post the first Sims episode. by E. L. Koba 06/29/2009, 8:11pm PDT NEW
                Re: First tend to your virtual house. Post the first Sims episode. by Weyon Voidbringer 06/30/2009, 5:21pm PDT NEW
                    we met before worm, but if I were as drunk as you I wouldn't have been able to s NT by irony 06/30/2009, 11:29pm PDT NEW
        Full Gamertag Disclosure by Fussbett 06/29/2009, 11:50pm PDT NEW
    Charlotte is ok, only 1 race based threat and it was minor by bombMexico 06/29/2009, 5:42pm PDT NEW
        What does "1 race based threat mean?" That you're of a different race?! by Quétinbec 06/29/2009, 7:01pm PDT NEW
            Allegedly he's Mexicoian. NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 06/29/2009, 7:15pm PDT NEW
            ALLEGEDLY - because of all the posers trying to be cool like mexicans by bombMexico 06/29/2009, 8:39pm PDT NEW
                wait. if you're hispanic, why would you bomb mexico? by col.schickn 06/29/2009, 9:03pm PDT NEW
                    why not? by bombMexico 06/29/2009, 11:11pm PDT NEW
                        White washing by Fussbett 06/29/2009, 11:44pm PDT NEW
                            DAYWALKER (FUCK ME NO YOU FUCK THIS *GUN*) NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 06/30/2009, 12:05am PDT NEW
                            Some of us are still celebrating the release of L4D :( by bombMexico 06/30/2009, 12:20am PDT NEW
                            That's a reference to the Day of the Dead NT by bombMexico Interpreter Machine 06/30/2009, 8:57am PDT NEW
                See Chosen? A Mexican comes clean faster than you. Such shame! NT by Quétinbec 06/29/2009, 9:13pm PDT NEW
                    Hiding your Asianess, step 1: Don't use the name "Choson" NT by Wikihow 06/29/2009, 11:30pm PDT NEW

Moving by Entropy Stew 04/29/2009, 8:14pm PDT NEW
    Sony's slogan: "You're paying for potential." NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 04/29/2009, 8:18pm PDT NEW
    Found: Odium (PC game) by Entropy Stew 04/29/2009, 8:41pm PDT NEW
        That was summoner by FABIO 04/29/2009, 10:30pm PDT NEW
            Man, FUCK Septerra Core NT by Fortinbras 04/29/2009, 10:40pm PDT NEW
                "It's like a console RPG!" by Entropy Stew 04/29/2009, 10:50pm PDT NEW
                    7 hours in, combat still just choosing FIGHT with worlds slowest animation NT by FABIO 05/03/2009, 11:21pm PDT NEW
                        So it's like a JRPG? NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 05/04/2009, 12:21am PDT NEW
    Found: DB9 to RJ11 cable by Entropy Stew 04/29/2009, 9:01pm PDT NEW
    Giving me 8 grand because I bought a house is the best idea the government has e NT by Entropy Stew 04/29/2009, 10:53pm PDT NEW
    You bought it for NFL2K5. by Ice Cream Jonsey 04/29/2009, 10:53pm PDT NEW
    Found: PS1-era Mega Memory Card - 20x storage, 3% chance 4d6 memory pages corrup NT by Entropy Stew 04/30/2009, 8:34pm PDT NEW
    Update: moving is horrible. Stay in one place. NT by Entropy Stew 05/03/2009, 9:36pm PDT NEW
    Found: $207.87 in loose change NT by Entropy Stew 05/04/2009, 3:49pm PDT NEW
        protip by up with pod people 05/04/2009, 3:53pm PDT NEW
            Women don't understand wearing pants or having money. by A MAN 05/04/2009, 5:50pm PDT NEW
        There's your joystick. NT by Worm 05/04/2009, 8:01pm PDT NEW
            I would already have one if people sold them by Entropy Stew 05/04/2009, 8:14pm PDT NEW

DIY Safety tip by Fullofkittens 10/28/2007, 2:56pm PDT NEW
    ok good tip NT by diet Coke/Grumah forever 10/28/2007, 3:35pm PDT NEW

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