I lost my job, so now I'm voting for Trump NT by laudablepuss 09/06/2024, 9:58am PDT
Understandable! NT by Mysterio 09/06/2024, 12:25pm PDT
Hey man I'm genuinely sorry to hear that by Find yoself a sugardaddy? 09/06/2024, 7:49pm PDT
Wait, what? I thought he was referring to poor people crying about the $100mil+ NT by capital gains tax! 09/06/2024, 8:21pm PDT
Oh he's been gone for at least a couple months lol by laudablepuss 09/06/2024, 8:21pm PDT
How NT by What happened 09/06/2024, 9:08pm PDT
Excellent question by laudablepuss 09/07/2024, 11:03am PDT
A bunch of companies are doing a cost-cutting thing now. by Blackwater 09/07/2024, 5:36pm PDT
The autists at Hacker Noose discussing some of Google’s recent layoffs. by Blackwater 09/07/2024, 5:54pm PDT
Good god, those guys NT by laudablepuss 09/08/2024, 5:47pm PDT