Intentionally provocative Hot Takes thread NT by Mischief Maker 03/21/2021, 9:22am PDT 
Re: Intentionally provocative Hot Takes thread by Mischief Maker 03/21/2021, 9:25am PDT 
I guess we'll find out if they ever make a movie that's just like Aliens NT by but without the themes. 03/21/2021, 9:43am PDT 
That's true... ish. by Blackwater 03/21/2021, 10:02pm PDT 
Re: That's true... ish. by E. L. Koba 03/22/2021, 5:22pm PDT 
I see your point, but consider this... by Olive Kalamata 03/23/2021, 7:09am PDT 
Steak is overrated. NT by Mysterio 03/21/2021, 11:17pm PDT 
people who get angry at others for ordering well done should be put to death NT by fuck off, foodies 03/22/2021, 10:45am PDT 
Burn in the same hellfire that wrought your carbon steak by Entropy Stew 04/19/2021, 10:39pm PDT 
Agreed. Well done steak guy somehow finding this place is weird. NT by Ichabod 04/20/2021, 7:42am PDT 
And yet he's 100% right so NT by laudablepuss 04/20/2021, 8:50am PDT 
It's like watching a woman get punched in the teeth by her boyfriend by Entropy Stew 04/20/2021, 12:00pm PDT 
Peter Davison doesn't care how you eat him, he's just glad you're interested. by laudablepuss 04/20/2021, 2:10pm PDT 
of course the most disgreeable guy on Caltrops would be enraged by of course 04/20/2021, 4:40pm PDT 
A room you're in doesn't count as occupied, bud NT by Entropy Stew 04/21/2021, 3:14am PDT 
What is your reaction to people eating jerky? NT by omgwtfbbq?!!! 05/20/2021, 4:37pm PDT 
"Oh, you think raw beef should be cooked competently? Well what about PRESERVED NT by MEAT?! Ho ho I am a logic colossus" 05/27/2024, 6:55am PDT 
ES wanting jerky to be well prepared would make you crazy I'm sure by Mysterio 05/27/2024, 7:01pm PDT 
Cooked competently = rare. Maybe medium rare if you're eyeballing it NT by Mysterio 05/28/2024, 11:53am PDT 
Lol I love steak cultists NT by laudablepuss 05/28/2024, 12:18pm PDT 
A charitable reading would interpret that as the obvious bait not having been ta by Entropy Stew 10/28/2024, 2:07pm PDT 
What covid-era 2-D Flatland did you extrude from to think you had me cornered? by Entropy Stew 10/28/2024, 2:18pm PDT 
Bill Hicks wasn't funny NT by Rafiki 03/22/2021, 6:33pm PDT 
I agree with this :( NT by laudablepuss 03/22/2021, 6:43pm PDT 
Patrice O'Neal was funnier than Pryor, Murphey, AND Carlin by James "Stephanie" Sterling 03/23/2021, 11:53am PDT 
Re: Patrice O'Neal was funnier than Pryor, Murphey, AND Carlin by laudablepuss 03/23/2021, 12:43pm PDT 
If Bill Hicks wasn't funny, what the fuck was Denis Leary? NT by Droz 03/28/2021, 12:23pm PDT 
mostly louder NT by laudablepuss 03/29/2021, 1:18pm PDT 
yes he was NT by Berg 04/24/2024, 5:14pm PDT 
Windows Vista was a huge improvement over XP NT by laudablepuss 03/23/2021, 10:58am PDT 
Ducktales NES was only good comparative to other licensed games NT by LJN garbage 03/23/2021, 11:24am PDT 
Daydream Nation is overrated by Rafiki 03/27/2021, 11:51am PDT 
Zelda and Mario games are boring and trite. NT by Mysterio 03/29/2021, 2:04am PDT 
Even SMB? NT by Horus Truthteller 03/29/2021, 11:46am PDT 
Thought so. Shaddap about Mario. NT by Horus Truthteller 04/20/2021, 9:10pm PDT 
Adventure of Link was the best Zelda game. NT by Fuck BotW and its SS2 weapon breaks 04/20/2021, 10:26pm PDT 
Open World games are just mediocre action games with a commute between levels. NT by MM 04/19/2021, 3:19pm PDT 
All Metroidvanias would be better off as tightly designed linear levels by git gud Souls 04/21/2021, 1:05pm PDT 
True, the best Castlevanias are the linear ones. NT by MM 04/21/2021, 11:35pm PDT 
Caltrops triggers ES: the thread NT by Entropy Stew 04/22/2021, 12:21am PDT 
I agree by cant tell if you're sarcastic thoug 04/22/2021, 1:28pm PDT 
I think Breath of the Wild actually got this right by Rafiki 04/23/2021, 12:00am PDT 
The problem with 40k is all the non-imperals 'r boring Saturday cartoon villains NT by Mischief Limited Character Count 04/19/2021, 5:32pm PDT 
Boss fights are terrible and shouldn't be in most games NT by E. L. Koba 04/22/2021, 2:46pm PDT 
First no prayer in school, now no life lessons of any kind by Vested Id 04/22/2021, 4:31pm PDT 
Re: First no prayer in school, now no life lessons of any kind by E. L. Koba 04/23/2021, 3:00pm PDT 
What about bosses that become normal enemies in later levels? NT by MM 04/23/2021, 4:38pm PDT 
Acceptable! by E. L. Koba 04/25/2021, 1:38pm PDT 
Office chair reviews should let you filter by weight by Rafiki 04/25/2021, 1:34pm PDT 
Neither NT by Cheap ASS! 04/25/2021, 5:45pm PDT 
Opera sucks dick. by Droz 04/29/2021, 7:22pm PDT 
I don't like music from 200 years ago, just music from 100 years ago NT by Rock music is as dead as opera 04/30/2021, 6:34am PDT 
Yeah but it's better. It rocks harder. Just like me. NT by Droz 04/30/2021, 10:50am PDT 
Droz is right. Opera is stupid. NT by Kirahu Nagasawa 04/30/2021, 11:15am PDT 
What about Rock Opera? NT by Mischief Maker 04/30/2021, 11:41am PDT 
That's fine NT by Kirahu Nagasawa 04/30/2021, 1:06pm PDT 
The best classical stuff is from the early period. by blackwater 05/07/2021, 1:51am PDT 
Carmina Burana is 20th century and it fucking SLAPS! by Mischief Maker 05/07/2021, 6:54am PDT 
Mars is down there with Flight of the Valkyries in terms of songs I never want by Droz 05/07/2021, 5:20pm PDT 
Think of your favourite science-fiction movie. by Droz 05/07/2021, 7:36pm PDT 
Fuck it I would take PIL NT by Droz 05/07/2021, 7:52pm PDT 
Worse! How are you going to convey the vast emptiness of space w/ Sex Pistols? by Mischief Maker 05/07/2021, 8:01pm PDT 
Sex Pistols: apparently strangers to emptyness? by Droz 05/07/2021, 8:15pm PDT 
I've listened to more opera in the last two years than you have in you entire li by Droz 05/07/2021, 6:08pm PDT 
OK, now I'm curious. Why do you listen to all these operas you hate? by blackwater 05/08/2021, 12:43am PDT 
Re: OK, now I'm curious. Why do you listen to all these operas you hate? by laudablepuss 05/08/2021, 1:49am PDT 
You hit the nail on the head. by Droz 05/11/2021, 9:24pm PDT 
Not liking something is the 2nd most boring opinion you can have about it. by Fullofkittens 05/12/2021, 8:36am PDT 
Tomorrow I'm visiting the Opera Hall of Fame, it's in that cave from The Descent NT by Droz 05/12/2021, 8:49am PDT 
The most boring thing is not liking peoples' opinions of not liking things NT by soul of wit 05/12/2021, 11:14am PDT 
haha! got im! by Vidinfox 05/12/2021, 2:30pm PDT 
This response is worse though :gnaws apple: NT by Otis Ferguson 05/12/2021, 2:33pm PDT 
Dont try to out snark me. You wont win. NT by Vidinfox 05/12/2021, 3:23pm PDT 
Hmm "snark" :pats yawn: that one really takes me back NT by Otis Ferguson 05/12/2021, 3:29pm PDT 
Stop it. NT by Vidinfox 05/12/2021, 4:16pm PDT 
*taps thread* you can fit so many snarks in this NT by Fullofkittens 05/13/2021, 6:16am PDT 
I don't like this reply NT by Are you on the edge of your seat ye 05/12/2021, 4:11pm PDT 
hmm, seems like the hot take thread couldn't take the hot of my take take NT by Fullofkittens 05/19/2021, 10:16am PDT 
Die Fledermaus sucks dick. by Droz 06/24/2021, 7:46pm PDT 
I think you might be right by Roop 06/24/2021, 7:58pm PDT 
why do you keep watching operas if you don't like them NT by not watching them is right there 06/25/2021, 7:00am PDT 
His name in that was by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/25/2021, 8:43pm PDT 
Simulator games where you pay for your own repairs and supplies were never fun. by Mischief Maker 06/01/2021, 9:52am PDT 
Me, MM, and ICJ are the only decent posters on this website. NT by pinback 06/08/2021, 2:37pm PDT 
Just insanely untrue (ICJ excepted) by Otis Ferguson 06/08/2021, 3:11pm PDT 
90% of pinback caltrops content is whining about steam reviews and caltrops NT by respect Jerry and Rafiki, you SHIT 06/08/2021, 4:45pm PDT 
The former is untrue and the latter is impossible. NT by pinback 06/08/2021, 7:00pm PDT 
Hey that reminds me by laudablepuss 06/08/2021, 8:42pm PDT 
You are upset by my intentionally provocative hot take. NT by pinback 06/08/2021, 8:54pm PDT 
Sure by laudablepuss 06/08/2021, 9:41pm PDT 
Re: Sure by Tim Sweeney 06/08/2021, 11:08pm PDT 
spicy thread but then you played the “it’s just a hot take” card by blackwater 06/24/2021, 9:24pm PDT 
But who does the best gaming streams? by Roop 06/08/2021, 8:54pm PDT 
Nah, my posts suck. NT by MM 06/08/2021, 10:02pm PDT 
The Lord of the Rings was an allegory for the failure of communism. by Droz 06/13/2021, 9:31pm PDT 
Re: The Lord of the Rings was an allegory for the failure of communism. by laudablepuss 06/14/2021, 7:23am PDT 
Ouch, terrible take by blackwater 06/28/2021, 1:50pm PDT 
LOST is a good show from beginning to end. by Fullofkittens 06/14/2021, 11:33am PDT 
Re: LOST is a good show from beginning to end. by ;= 06/14/2021, 11:49am PDT 
Anyone that uses the phrase "my students" by I Hate Epic 06/24/2021, 6:34am PDT 
Schitt's Creek wasn't a "gay show" until it got popular. NT by pinback 06/25/2021, 11:30am PDT 
I'm a gay show when I got big NT by Tim Sweeney 06/25/2021, 8:44pm PDT 
Card-mediated RPGs are superior to dice-mediated ones. Especially on computer. NT by Mischief Maker 06/28/2021, 12:02pm PDT 
examples? NT by laudablepuss 06/28/2021, 1:16pm PDT 
Slay the Spire, Tainted Grail, The Magister, Thea, hell even Steamworld Quest. NT by MM 01/12/2022, 10:54pm PST 
How is that possible? NT by Kirahu Nagasawa 06/29/2021, 8:23am PDT 
This has been bothering me for three years by Entropy Stew 10/28/2024, 2:45pm PDT 
I think we should have another Iraq war, but this time we should win. NT by Jerry Whorebach 01/12/2022, 8:44pm PST 
I won that wR by Cliff Jumper 01/13/2022, 10:27pm PST 
Bitcoins were a smart investment. NT by Jerry Whorebach 01/12/2022, 8:51pm PST 
Now is a great time to buy the dip NT by Rafiki 06/18/2022, 1:14pm PDT 
Everyone needs to get COVID-19 sooner or later, might as well get it over with. NT by Jerry Whorebach 01/12/2022, 8:51pm PST 
This is, unfortunately, the mainstream orthodox take now. NT by Fullofkittens 01/13/2022, 6:30am PST 
It didn't have to be this way by E. L. Koba 01/13/2022, 2:16pm PST 
Actually, it did have to be this way. by blackwater 01/15/2022, 8:49pm PST 
Every single sentence here was dumber than the last. God you're a stupid NT by fucking moron 02/20/2024, 11:21am PST 
We should be spraying COVID out of firehoses onto the streets by fuck anti-vaxxers 01/14/2022, 4:47am PST 
Except vaccinated people can still get long covid. :( by Fullofkittens 01/14/2022, 6:04am PST 
Fun Fact: Joe Rogan's alt-medicine store Onnit sold for $100 million last May. by Mischief Maker 01/14/2022, 6:44am PST 
Re: Fun Fact: Joe Rogan's alt-medicine store Onnit sold for $100 million las by GoblAm 01/14/2022, 11:07am PST 
Shareblue is apparently putting Joe Rogan on blast now, FYI. by blackwater 01/15/2022, 8:54pm PST 
The problem with Rogan is he's liberal, never voted for a Republican president by Roop 01/16/2022, 11:18am PST 
Ivermectin is a de-wormer. Covid-19 is not a worm. by MM 01/16/2022, 1:26pm PST 
Who cares what he takes. The vaccines aren't stopping Omicron anyway. by GoblAm 01/16/2022, 2:47pm PST 
Re: Who cares what he takes. The vaccines aren't stopping Omicron anyway. by lololoololol 01/16/2022, 6:47pm PST 
Hi Jhoh NT by GoblAm 01/16/2022, 10:09pm PST 
Do not take what your doctor prescribes by Roop 01/16/2022, 4:36pm PST 
Roop the dumb rube by lololoololol 01/16/2022, 6:48pm PST 
I suppose next you'll be mocking urine NT by chugging piss to own the libs 01/16/2022, 6:41pm PST 
Nah, I'm skipping straight to them taking T-blockers as the new miracle cure! NT by Trans-ing myself to own the libs. 01/16/2022, 7:25pm PST 
Shadow of the Colossus on a struggling PS2 looked way cooler than the HD remakes NT by Mischief Maker 02/16/2022, 7:45pm PST 
"Bro" and "babe" are not gendered insults. by Super Mario 02/20/2022, 2:42pm PST 
The Holocaust probably did happen, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. NT by Final word on the subject. 03/19/2022, 7:11pm PDT 
The prejudice against gluten requires an entire generation who have never baked NT by their own bread. 03/20/2022, 1:51pm PDT 
based NT by blackwater 03/21/2022, 10:11pm PDT 
"You realize there's porn on the internet?" people are tedious faggots by truth 04/13/2022, 9:59am PDT 
All Unity games are starting to look and play the same. by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/24/2022, 7:32am PDT 
Time for layoffs then by blackwater 06/29/2022, 8:40pm PDT 
Re: All Unity games are starting to look and play the same. by Yaris 09/03/2024, 10:50pm PDT 
fabio couldn't handle the heat here so he left. by THE FART MASTER 06/24/2022, 8:57pm PDT 
'Sup fahbs NT by Mysterio 06/25/2022, 6:04pm PDT 
Re: 'Sup fahbs by THE FART MASTER 06/25/2022, 6:45pm PDT 
The Midjourney and Dall-E shit is so masturbatory by Patrick Johnson 06/27/2022, 6:39am PDT 
This take was ahead of its time. NT by Fullofkittens 02/22/2023, 6:02am PST 
Like it or not, you are bisexual. by Happy Pride Month 06/27/2022, 8:27am PDT 
Re: Like it or not, you are bisexual. by KC Louie 06/27/2022, 8:30am PDT 
There needs to be a word for people who are only into AFABs or AMABs. by Happy Pride Month 06/27/2022, 9:58am PDT 
No offense but that sounds like some fucking commie gobbledygook by KC Louie 06/27/2022, 10:10am PDT 
We get more parades than a Vietnam vet, and all we gotta do is be willing to by fuck a girl in a tuxedo. 06/27/2022, 11:13am PDT 
Re: Like it or not, you are bisexual. by Gaige Grosskreutz 06/27/2022, 8:37am PDT 
I feel like we should have months for the other deadly sins by blackwater 06/27/2022, 3:42pm PDT 
More Peterson memes! by Mischief Maker 06/27/2022, 5:33pm PDT 
Conservatives should be upset about the repeal of Roe V Wade because they evil by Roop 06/27/2022, 9:05pm PDT 
aw look how smug and happy he is. It's adorable! NT by laudablepuss 06/27/2022, 10:01pm PDT 
But I'm pro-choice by Roop 06/27/2022, 11:19pm PDT 
You realize that Medi-Cal exists and covers illegal immigrants? by blackwater 06/27/2022, 10:17pm PDT 
Keep breaking those ceilings blackwater! NT by Roop 06/27/2022, 11:20pm PDT 
You're not... being especially coherent here by blackwater 06/28/2022, 10:47pm PDT 
This post made me think of tdarcos for some reason by apropos of nuthin i'm sure 06/29/2022, 12:32am PDT 
Re: This post made me think of tdarcos for some reason by Mysteriobama 06/30/2022, 6:49pm PDT 
I say free abortions for the illegal foreigners as well as the normal foreigners NT by Roop 06/29/2022, 5:21am PDT 
You can't fault this take for not being hot. NT by i_hate_goons.vbs 06/30/2022, 9:02am PDT 
Someone starts a hot take thread, you cant be mad when the takes are hot NT by Yaris 06/30/2022, 9:47am PDT 
Re: Conservatives should be upset about the repeal of Roe V Wade because they by Mysterio 07/02/2022, 7:43pm PDT 
Re: Conservatives should be upset about the repeal of Roe V Wade because they by Roop 07/02/2022, 8:38pm PDT 
LOL. So it took less than a week for the greasy edgelord pushing 50 to break NT by character 07/03/2022, 4:03pm PDT 
You changed my mind about the sanctity of life NT by Roop 07/04/2022, 12:19am PDT 
Re: Conservatives should be upset about the repeal of Roe V Wade because they by lenin's linens 07/03/2022, 2:53am PDT 
There's a bunch of states working on making it illegal to cross state lines to NT by do this kind of thing-Fullofkittens 07/03/2022, 2:52pm PDT 
COVID-19 vaccines were developed using cell lines derived from aborted children NT by Clarence Thomas 06/30/2022, 8:56pm PDT 
Hot take NT by or fake quote??? 06/30/2022, 10:51pm PDT 
Webshits that say "shareholder value" only do so because they think people won't by argue with them 07/01/2022, 11:50am PDT 
Pink telling fascists to not listen to her music is so brave, so daring by Mysterio 07/04/2022, 10:56am PDT 
"Beyond Meat" jerky is better than any major meat-based jerky on the market. NT by And I ain't no faggy vegetarian 08/21/2022, 10:35am PDT 
This was in the wrong thread. NT by WRONG THREAD FAIRY 08/21/2022, 12:23pm PDT 
No it wasn't. Man this BBS software bites it. NT by And I ain't no faggy vegetarian 08/21/2022, 1:29pm PDT 
Re: "Beyond Meat" jerky is better than any major meat-based jerky on the market. by Mysteriobama 08/21/2022, 6:24pm PDT 
Sell me on it? NT by John Smith, Wise Man 08/21/2022, 8:37pm PDT 
Okay. by And I ain't no faggy vegetarian 08/22/2022, 6:16am PDT 
I am ;) NT by Dr. Oz 11/05/2022, 5:51pm PDT 
This is some tasty jerky by Rafiki 11/05/2022, 11:40am PDT 
All jocks are mildly autistic. Oh I'll just do this exercise and play over and o NT by ver again 11/05/2022, 5:34pm PDT 
Call me old fashioned, but in my mind ATM still stands for "ass to mouth." NT by Injustice 02/10/2023, 11:06am PST 
Speed Racer 2008 is objectively superior to 300 in every way. by Mischief Maker 02/21/2023, 8:18am PST 
Speed Racer was Pretty er NT by Ms. Chief Maker 02/21/2023, 10:07am PST 
Maker-Outer NT by FUCK 02/21/2023, 10:13am PST 
PLEASE try to make the argument that 300 was a cerebral film! NT by Mischief Maker 02/21/2023, 10:34am PST 
Re: PLEASE try to make the argument that 300 was a cerebral film! by laudablepuss 02/21/2023, 11:18am PST 
It is a historical film, and history lives in the brain by B, it wasn't gay at all, 02/21/2023, 11:30am PST 
Look, you can just say you don't like 300. by blackwater 03/08/2023, 2:04pm PST 
Yoga is for lazy people who want to pass off napping as exercise NT by stretching is not a workout 03/13/2023, 2:19am PDT 
I thought it was to trick chicks into wearing those pants by telling them it's NT by "spiritual". 03/13/2023, 4:25am PDT 
That is the only reason men do it, yes NT by Women? Laziness as spirituality 03/13/2023, 4:49am PDT 
Hot take, but I agree with it. Mmmm yoga pants NT by Dr. Foughtrough 03/13/2023, 9:25am PDT 
Pansexuals deserve credit for beating bisexuals at their own game. NT by Injustice 04/03/2023, 12:12pm PDT 
500 Miles by Droz 06/25/2023, 3:48pm PDT 
Also less The Shining creep effect NT by I Hate Epic 06/25/2023, 5:02pm PDT 
Henry Fonda was wrong in 12 Angry Men NT by beyond REASONABLE doubt 07/06/2023, 11:28am PDT 
I'm all for marijuana legalization but wow does it make cities SMELL LIKE SHIT by Fuck off stoners 07/10/2023, 12:17pm PDT 
This is a great point. by pinback 07/10/2023, 2:22pm PDT 
Abortions should be legal on the basis of Stand Your Ground laws NT by George Zimmerfetus 07/12/2023, 1:29pm PDT 
Only if we give them babies firearms jammed straight up a woman's CUNT NT by to make things fair 11/05/2023, 12:00pm PST 
Charisma should be the divine casting stat. by Dream Cast 08/03/2023, 6:03pm PDT 
Wisdom being a stat in a game people learn in their teen years was odd NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/03/2023, 9:04pm PDT 
they're literally called "wandering charismatics" by laudablepuss 08/04/2023, 8:24am PDT 
Willpower can pick up the slack from Constitution. by Dream Cast 08/04/2023, 9:09am PDT 
Re: Willpower can pick up the slack from Constitution. by laudablepuss 08/04/2023, 10:09am PDT 
Re: Charisma should be the divine casting stat. by laudablepuss 08/04/2023, 8:27am PDT 
"People" delivered by C-section don't deserve rights. by Injustice 09/28/2023, 10:28pm PDT 
So you're pro-abortion? NT by Mischief Maker 09/28/2023, 11:04pm PDT 
I think those are different procedures? by Injustice 09/29/2023, 7:36pm PDT 
Re: I think those are different procedures? by Yaris 09/29/2023, 8:08pm PDT 
The only great Television track is Marquee Moon. by Injustice 10/12/2023, 11:44pm PDT 
Does "Blank Generation" count? by Mysterio 10/13/2023, 6:42am PDT 
"Deckbuilding Roguelike"s are to Indie Games what "Call of Shooty clones" are to NT by AAA games 10/14/2023, 7:31pm PDT 
This was a good post. by pinback 11/05/2023, 2:31pm PST 
Re: "Deckbuilding Roguelike"s are to Indie Games what "Call of Shooty clones" by Ice Cream Jonsey 11/06/2023, 8:01am PST 
Star Fox 2 was a tech demo with an unsatisfying easy gameplay loop, ran NT by like shit and deserved cancellation 11/05/2023, 11:59am PST 
Tears of the Kingdom is overrated and Breath of the Wild is the better game by Rafiki 11/06/2023, 8:40pm PST 
The Jeffersons was a ripoff of The Jetsons. by Injustice 11/20/2023, 11:00pm PST 
Sonic 3 Ice Cap Zone was a ripoff of the Jetzons! by Mysterio 06/13/2024, 10:27am PDT 
There is no such thing as a good "turn your brain off" movie by duuurrrrrrr 01/05/2024, 7:28pm PST 
I don't care for the expression, either, but the sentiment is usually just by "don't get hung up on the plot." 01/05/2024, 10:01pm PST 
I think Cinema Sins is just a shitty content mill that doesn't care. by MM 01/05/2024, 10:03pm PST 
No they really are that proudly nitpicky and stupid by duuurrrrrrr 01/06/2024, 9:04am PST 
Re: No they really are that proudly nitpicky and stupid by Feris 01/08/2024, 1:39pm PST 
I have a "hot take" about the future of humanity. by Injustice 01/05/2024, 11:12pm PST 
We don't use only 10% of our brains. That's a myth spread by pseudo-scientists NT by to make psychics sound plausible. 01/06/2024, 6:58am PST 
On the contrary, I disagree. NT by Injustice 01/07/2024, 8:26pm PST 
Japanese is a nationality, not a race. by Injustice 01/07/2024, 8:25pm PST 
For completeness: by Injustice 01/07/2024, 8:52pm PST 
"There are only three races recognized by sociology" glad they settled that by Mrs. Johnson's 5th Grade Science 01/08/2024, 7:13am PST 
What is this, phrenology? by Injustice 01/08/2024, 9:46am PST 
"Japs colonized Japan" Jesus how far back does this grievance mongering go NT by you're making me sympathize with a 01/08/2024, 1:06pm PST 
For the Ainu and Okinawans? About 150 years. NT by Injustice 01/08/2024, 2:13pm PST 
Thank god we fixed that, now that guy you know from high school rapes their NT by 12 year olds and gets shipped home 01/09/2024, 9:25am PST 
Maybe simple facts and history aren't "for you." NT by retards everywhere 01/09/2024, 7:27am PST 
What's the problem here? NT by Vested Id 01/09/2024, 10:07am PST 
Same. I don't understand this. NT by Feris 01/09/2024, 11:04am PST 
The solution to trannies in women's sports is to make all sports coed by Glen or Glenda Davis 01/10/2024, 8:40pm PST 
Re: The solution to trannies in women's sports is to make all sports coed by Mischief Maker 01/10/2024, 10:44pm PST 
She is also insufferable. by Jesus Christ 01/11/2024, 10:03am PST 
No one measures in cubits anymore, old man NT by Rafiki 01/11/2024, 8:09pm PST 
ok by I watched it again 01/11/2024, 8:39pm PST 
Let him have his anecdotes NT by It's fine 01/11/2024, 10:16am PST 
The solution is to stop telling kids that sports are important or interesting. NT by who gives a shit who plays what gam 01/11/2024, 5:40am PST 
No, dude, they really care about women's sports. It's not a cover for bigotry! by Mischief Maker 01/11/2024, 9:36am PST 
Re: No, dude, they really care about women's sports. It's not a cover for bigotr by It's fine 01/11/2024, 10:26am PST 
If hearing a classmate has 2 dads makes you fantasize about sucking cock NT by you're just gay. 01/11/2024, 10:30am PST 
What year is it? NT by Checks OP, oh it's 2001 01/11/2024, 11:21am PST 
I can't read can you link a 4 hour long youtube essay breaking this down NT by Mysterio 01/11/2024, 1:25pm PST 
*whisper* No. NT by Rorschach 01/11/2024, 1:29pm PST 
No doubt that it is by LamerGate 01/25/2024, 12:17pm PST 
Do sportsball types know they are insufferable? NT by Do you? 01/11/2024, 10:00am PST 
only as insufferable as people that pretend they're on football teams NT by they're not on 01/11/2024, 11:02am PST 
I think Wisconsinites who own Packers stock have that right. NT by Mischief Maker 01/11/2024, 11:18am PST 
fair NT by they are the good ones 01/11/2024, 12:14pm PST 
Since nobody does this or has ever done this NT by your post is shit 01/11/2024, 8:39pm PST 
Tolkien should not have followed up LOTR with a prequel trilogy. NT by Injustice 01/14/2024, 12:35am PST 
Regular Car Reviews no longer reviews regular cars and has descended into NT by generic jalopnik crap 01/22/2024, 6:36am PST 
They did a Dodge Cummins 3 weeks ago NT by regular enough for 'Murica! 01/22/2024, 6:45am PST 
He's said he's sick of domestic cars and is mostly doing exotics now. by Thats fine but Doug DeMuro does too 01/22/2024, 8:09am PST 
Mr Regular is funny and clever when he talks in his regular voice by he talks less and less in regular v 01/25/2024, 1:14am PST 
Re: Mr Regular is funny and clever when he talks in his regular voice by regular enough for 'Murica! 01/25/2024, 7:28am PST 
Think he means Roman NT by Mysterio 01/25/2024, 9:14am PST 
Shin Godzilla is a better movie than Minus One but Minus One is more relatable NT by to American audiences so got nommed 01/29/2024, 7:51am PST 
Each version of Dune so far has had something the other ones lack by Mysterio 02/20/2024, 10:28am PST 
I agree completely. NT by Geryk 02/20/2024, 10:42am PST 
Larian is an AAA RPG developer, Owlcat is an indie RPG developer NT by Tencent owns 30% for fucks sake! 03/21/2024, 8:22am PDT 
Shh! Non-indie-ID'ed games with gay stuff get "Go Woke Go Broke" review-bombed. NT by Mischief Maker 03/21/2024, 3:16pm PDT 
Good for Tencent. NT by Tiananmen Square 4/15/1989 03/21/2024, 4:27pm PDT 
Western CRPG 'romances' are mostly just sexual harassment simulators now by Mysterio 03/28/2024, 1:08pm PDT 
Counterpoint: Devs don't give a shit bout reddit/tumblr complaints. They're just NT by maximizing market demo appeal. 03/28/2024, 2:11pm PDT 
I'll cede the lesser point of market appeal while retaining the greater point NT by that it makes the characters vapid 03/28/2024, 2:32pm PDT 
Hard to make deep characters when everything is mediated by a d20 CHA roll. NT by Ebert was Right. 03/28/2024, 3:00pm PDT 
Connery was the 4th best Bond. NT by Plenty O'Pussy 04/02/2024, 12:07am PDT 
"A computer is just a rock we tricked into thinking" is the pinnacleof stupidity by Niles 04/02/2024, 7:40am PDT 
By that logic, we're just a pond that also got struck by lightning. by Injustice 04/02/2024, 10:18am PDT 
wat by laudablepuss 04/02/2024, 10:22am PDT 
Re: wat by Niles 04/02/2024, 2:38pm PDT 
Larian appointg themselves "defender of industry integrity" is going to be funny NT by when they pull a CP RED eating shit 04/06/2024, 10:18pm PDT 
CP Red "eating shit"? What? by Mysterio 05/09/2024, 9:54am PDT 
Projekt RED having to go out and beg forgiveness to every media outlet was all by over the internet, dude. 06/09/2024, 6:14pm PDT 
??? by Mysterio 06/09/2024, 7:53pm PDT 
"Didn't apologize to anybody" by Remember this? 06/10/2024, 10:56am PDT 
Chris Avellone is a highly talented writer who desperately needs an editor to by keep him on track 04/24/2024, 7:18am PDT 
They're all just retreads of me by Old crone witch from Planescape 04/24/2024, 9:34am PDT 
The worst Mr. Bean is better than the best Black Adder. NT by sorry 04/27/2024, 5:07am PDT 
People keep mentioning Stanislav Petrov & Vasily Arkhipov because US Air force by got fake Soviet launch alarms daily 05/04/2024, 3:22pm PDT 
Interest in celebrities is evidence of a worthless mind and life by DURRR DRAKE AN AN AN AN 05/09/2024, 9:53am PDT 
If you care about celebrity gossip, you just might be an NPC NT by J'eff Foxwierthie 05/14/2024, 3:03pm PDT 
OpenAI is a company staffed by over dramatic children. by Mysterio 05/15/2024, 5:05am PDT 
I'm quitting again for the second time in 3 months by this hysterical dickwad 05/15/2024, 5:54am PDT 
You're just jealous because no one wants you to quit your job. NT by Doctors, all. 05/15/2024, 8:46am PDT 
Imaging improving the WORLD every time you speak. A reverse by Black Bolt 05/15/2024, 9:36am PDT 
More of these idiots quitting over Twitter today NT by Geryk 05/15/2024, 1:19pm PDT 
The way these guys suck each others dicks is pure cringe, too by this hysterical dickwad 05/15/2024, 7:16pm PDT 
Where is the original "doctors, all" post/article? NT by archivist 05/15/2024, 10:35am PDT 
I think Qt3 NT by nobody goes there 05/15/2024, 11:22am PDT 
Also Ravenholm NT by laudablepuss 05/15/2024, 12:59pm PDT 
Brett Beattie is not an actor, and he sure as shit does not deserve by double billing as Gimli 05/21/2024, 8:21pm PDT 
Josh Sawyer insisting on Caesar with a hard K in New Vegas shows he knows just by enough to embarrass himself 05/27/2024, 6:08am PDT 
Caesar wasn't an ancient Roman, he was a man who knew just enough to be dangerou by That was his character. 05/27/2024, 9:55am PDT 
Icycalm? NT by Feris 05/27/2024, 9:59am PDT 
but Arcade, Sawyers self-insert gay Gary Stu also said Caesar with a hard k NT by despite knowing better 05/27/2024, 7:57pm PDT 
he was saying the guy's taken name the way the guy said it by pronounced MISTER-e-Oh 05/27/2024, 8:47pm PDT 
Arcade Gannon, hater of the Legion, still respects Caesars pronouns NT by Mysterio 05/27/2024, 9:17pm PDT 
I'm dead certain everyone across the breadth of the roman empire pronounced it by exactly the same 05/27/2024, 7:14pm PDT 
The first program in Tron that dies in the videogames deserved it. NT by He was a Savings & Loan program. 06/06/2024, 11:43pm PDT 
He went out like a real one, though. by Fullofkittens 06/07/2024, 6:18am PDT 
No, not Clu, this one: by MM 06/07/2024, 6:36am PDT 
Yeah that guy would have killed Flynn in a heartbeat, he got what he deserved NT by Fullofkittens 06/09/2024, 8:24am PDT 
He took over the entire Centauri Republic so maybe your threat anal by ysis is off? 06/09/2024, 8:38pm PDT 
Oh wow, that WAS Peter Jurasik. Holy shit! NT by Mysterio 06/10/2024, 11:12am PDT 
Just like an S&L mortgage program to use mass drivers on the Narn homeworld. NT by MM 06/10/2024, 11:56am PDT 
People who complain that books/shelves are too expensive and they prefer Tablets NT by are just coping poor mfers 06/13/2024, 10:07am PDT 
Counterpoint: not being this fucking guy by Mischief Maker 06/13/2024, 10:45am PDT 
Non-fiction I will definitely tablet but if you don't have a book of fiction by read or unread then you are boring 06/14/2024, 8:24am PDT 
Good thing nobody complains about that. by Geryk 06/13/2024, 11:27am PDT 
....k NT by Jeez. 06/13/2024, 6:26pm PDT 
Please stay. NT by Karmaboi 06/13/2024, 8:17pm PDT 
Please stay. Thank you for contributing. NT by Modberg 06/14/2024, 8:48am PDT 
People who say real sex isn't like porn are just out of shape NT by fatty fatty fatty xtra cheese 06/13/2024, 4:23pm PDT 
Re: People who say real sex isn't like porn are just out of shape by Geryk 06/19/2024, 5:18pm PDT 
Fatty detected! NT by Deploy ham net! 06/20/2024, 1:13am PDT 
It is shrieking out of control NT by is it the lack of gravy? 06/20/2024, 12:43pm PDT 
Re: It is shrieking out of control by Mysterio 06/20/2024, 1:55pm PDT 
sorry that was me I was shit-posting and forgot to turn it back to my name NT by Geryk 06/20/2024, 1:56pm PDT 
Hark! The herald fatty sings! NT by Gravy to the newborn king 06/20/2024, 4:00pm PDT 
Scan visors have been a shit feature in every game they've ever been in by Rafiki 06/18/2024, 3:04pm PDT 
Trap beats are so lazy and over-used that I don't hear them anymore NT by Just white noise 06/25/2024, 7:54pm PDT 
Not a hot take. A stupid post though. by Mysterio 06/26/2024, 11:21am PDT 
I honestly laughed when I saw it. by Mike "US Gamer" Lindell 06/26/2024, 11:32am PDT 
Can I get an invite to the Discord? NT by Respiv 06/26/2024, 12:19pm PDT 
Sent NT by Nostromo 06/26/2024, 12:24pm PDT 
You wouldn't know a trap beat if you got run over by a car with an aftermarket NT by trunk subwoofer cranked to 11 06/26/2024, 12:35pm PDT 
Misa ruined Deathnote NT by ^_______^ 06/28/2024, 12:21am PDT 
Is that provocative? I thought everyone said that. NT by Mischief Maker 06/28/2024, 11:36am PDT 
The people who are most against logins are the biggest reason for needing them NT by ^THIS 06/29/2024, 5:45pm PDT 
Trump's Secret Service Fatty did nothing wrong! by Roop 07/19/2024, 11:16am PDT 
If he wanted to make a difference, he should've shot a supreme court guy. by Injustice 07/29/2024, 11:10pm PDT 
Jurassic Park III is the second-best Jurassic Park movie. by Brody Wilder 08/13/2024, 2:38pm PDT 
If you mean better than Lost World, no. by Davo Arid 08/13/2024, 4:10pm PDT 
Those question marks are supposed to be checkmarks, worked in the preview NT by Davo Arid (forum software) 08/13/2024, 4:36pm PDT 
People who complain about media injecting politics really mean they lack subtext NT by but are too stupid to articulate it 08/17/2024, 2:12pm PDT 
Shut the fuck up, blackwater. Don't double down on your dumb shit. by Quit fucking posting 08/18/2024, 8:05am PDT 
Re: Shut the fuck up, blackwater. Don't double down on your dumb shit. by Feris 08/18/2024, 8:37am PDT 
I'm seriously laughing that blackwater tried to sneak that one in. NT by Horus Truthteller 08/18/2024, 9:09am PDT 
not NEWS MEDIA you halfwits. MEDIA. Games, books, movies NT by god you are MENTAL CHILDREN 08/18/2024, 12:02pm PDT 
No? We understood it. It's just you being petulant. NT by Mysterio Collective 08/20/2024, 12:51pm PDT 
Well you were WRONG. NT by god you are MENTAL CHILDREN 08/20/2024, 4:17pm PDT 
Who would think that was a blackwater comment? by False flag? 08/20/2024, 2:31pm PDT 
I wonder who by Gasoline 08/20/2024, 2:45pm PDT 
It was not I who took a shit in your cornflakes while you were eating breakfast by blackwater 08/21/2024, 12:43pm PDT 
/chugs bottle of JD's cum by SKIM MILK IS SICK!!!!!! 08/21/2024, 2:11pm PDT 
Re: It was not I who took a shit in your cornflakes while you eating breakfast by Earlier guy 08/21/2024, 6:43pm PDT 
The DOOM regular shotgun was superior to the super shotgun NT by the HOTTEST take! 08/20/2024, 9:54am PDT 
Re: The DOOM regular shotgun was superior to the super shotgun by laudablepuss 08/20/2024, 10:49am PDT 
Hydrostatic shock. NT by Mischief Maker 08/20/2024, 5:21pm PDT 
That plus the guys are made out of potroast NT by laudablepuss 08/20/2024, 7:08pm PDT 
Sneak up? Go back to Thief! NT by fag 08/20/2024, 8:32pm PDT 
I didn't even mean to! by laudablepuss 08/20/2024, 8:43pm PDT 
Piggybacking on your post to say the Doom 3 shotgun isn't so bad. by Dream Cast 08/20/2024, 9:07pm PDT 
As long as you reduce the shotgun to a melee weapon, it's great! NT by Doom 3 fucking sucked, guys 08/21/2024, 3:00pm PDT 
The guy who was Heywood Floyd in 2001 was the worst part of the movie by laudablepuss 08/21/2024, 1:49pm PDT 
I am fucking THROUGH omitting the hyphen from adverbs ending in -ly. by Injustice 08/23/2024, 4:26pm PDT 
I'm drunk and also old enough to remember the go-go '90s. by Injustice 08/23/2024, 6:10pm PDT 
If your game has a "sanity meter", you made a bad game. NT by pinback 09/01/2024, 7:24am PDT 
They're great in games where YOU play the bad guy! NT by Mischief Maker 09/01/2024, 7:27am PDT 
The "mind/ body problem" is silly nonsense NT by laudablepuss 09/01/2024, 10:47am PDT 
What is it and how did it happen NT by Math requester 09/02/2024, 9:15am PDT 
Re: What is it and how did it happen by laudablepuss 09/02/2024, 7:55pm PDT 
Imperial Stormtroopers didn't have hilariously bad aim until ROTJ. by Mischief Maker 09/01/2024, 10:00pm PDT 
Yeah but the armor was always useless. NT by pinback 09/02/2024, 10:27am PDT 
Can we split this off into its own subforum? NT by Dr. Foughtrough 09/02/2024, 4:00pm PDT 
It already kindof is lol by laudablepuss 09/02/2024, 7:57pm PDT 
SiN > Half Life NT by Came out first too! 09/03/2024, 4:41am PDT 
Hot take: this belongs in its own forum. by Ice Cream Jonsey 09/03/2024, 3:44pm PDT 
Always do forum changes when I'm super high by laudablepuss 09/03/2024, 9:30pm PDT 
The Batman villain movies are the new dumbest grossest movies by laudablepuss 09/11/2024, 9:49am PDT 
Yes, but Collin Farell is really great performing as by The Penguin 09/11/2024, 11:11am PDT 
Eh, the Joker movie wasn't dumb or gross. by Blackwater 09/25/2024, 11:37pm PDT 
I don't think Indians should attack at night. by Injustice 09/12/2024, 1:33pm PDT 
Mick's drumming is bad in "Little Lies" NT by Feris 09/25/2024, 4:26pm PDT 
Anyone over retirement age should not be allowed to vote. by Injustice 10/05/2024, 3:34pm PDT 
This is fine actually since retirement age is 130 -nt by laudablepuss 10/05/2024, 8:24pm PDT 
Hey relax comrade, no ice floes we got this NT by Jack Smith 10/05/2024, 9:21pm PDT 
Nobody is worse than children. NT by pinback 10/06/2024, 4:11am PDT 
Settle down. You're also rapidly aging NT by blackwater 10/07/2024, 4:20pm PDT 
States that went Trump twice, soon to be three times deserve what they get from by the hurricanes 10/07/2024, 7:44pm PDT 
Horrible. You are horrible. NT by Dr. Foughtrough 10/08/2024, 6:10am PDT 
Projekt RED reacting to Edgerunners popularity by cramming 2.0 full of easter NT by eggs is crass commercial pandering 10/11/2024, 1:26pm PDT 
You could argue the same thing about Edgerunners itself. NT by Mischief Maker 10/11/2024, 2:49pm PDT 
Edgerunners is 100% just an 8 episode ad for CP2077 NT by Pondsmith became what he despised 10/13/2024, 2:02pm PDT 
A guy who wants to sell his RPG to lots of people? NT by MM 10/13/2024, 5:22pm PDT 
Except nobody buys RED. They buy 2077 or watch Edgerunners NT by Except me 10/14/2024, 7:04pm PDT 
Dummies really think they caught Pondsmith being a hypocrite. by You CLAIM to be punk but SELL a RPG 10/14/2024, 8:11pm PDT 
Pondsmith doing Acquisitions Inc w/ bald guy from PA is like Dead Kennedies NT by playing Coachella 10/22/2024, 6:14am PDT 
Ok. Yes. You got me and you're right. by You CLAIM to be (etc) 10/27/2024, 11:23am PDT 
What did caltroyps think of Edgerunners by ? 10/15/2024, 2:30am PDT 
Re: What did caltroyps think of Edgerunners by MM 10/15/2024, 6:03am PDT 
This thing by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/12/2024, 11:34am PDT 
I don't know anything about this, but... by pinback 10/12/2024, 12:08pm PDT 
Re: I don't know anything about this, but... by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/12/2024, 6:52pm PDT 
Or when they try to disguise it by ? 10/15/2024, 2:34am PDT 
The Edming Fitzgerald guys could have swam to shore. It happened in a LAKE NT by Mysterio 10/12/2024, 12:14pm PDT 
Inflammable in two many ways NT by Exqualified 10/12/2024, 12:18pm PDT 
Stop trying to do contemporaneous MST3K! They pre-screen and write the jokes NT by ahead of time! -MM 10/21/2024, 10:31pm PDT 
Rule of thumb for who will say the C-word. by Injustice 10/29/2024, 8:52pm PDT 
How is it used? As a slur, or "serving cunt?" NT by Mischief Maker 10/29/2024, 8:55pm PDT 
No-Tanya treaties were dumb NT by git gud 11/21/2024, 7:10pm PST 
Any more hot takes, guys? NT by Khan 02/03/2025, 8:21pm PST 