Steam store page approved. by Ice Cream Jonsey 09/03/2024, 9:58am PDT
Congrats! NT by Mischief Maker 09/03/2024, 10:25am PDT
Thank you! NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 09/03/2024, 2:59pm PDT
Awesome, congratulations NT by Mr. EO 09/03/2024, 11:32am PDT
Thank you very much NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 09/03/2024, 2:59pm PDT
Feel free to start topics here by Ice Cream Jonsey 09/25/2024, 10:05am PDT
I did that for your other game and you got mad at me. :( by pinback 09/25/2024, 11:16am PDT
I'm sorry. I think I still believed in an optimistic vision of the future back t NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 09/25/2024, 12:22pm PDT
Also, mischief has already been made by Ice Cream Jonsey 09/25/2024, 12:22pm PDT
;) NT by Mischief Maker 09/25/2024, 5:26pm PDT
Anyone here running a horizontal resolution under 2560? by Ice Cream Jonsey 03/05/2023, 10:46am PST
I've only ever use a 1080p single screen since Covid remote work started. by Fullofkittens 03/05/2023, 10:55am PST
I opted framerate over sharpness. 1920x1080 240 fps. Everything runs like butter NT by Mischief Maker 03/05/2023, 11:24am PST
I feel the same, only at 1440p NT by SKO Aristocrat 03/05/2023, 5:47pm PST
My (worthless) cyberganked early alpha feedback by Mischief Maker 10/22/2021, 8:32am PDT
Re: My (worthless) cyberganked early alpha feedback by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/22/2021, 10:34am PDT
One question, did you use the "Prebuild" command or did you make six character? NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/22/2021, 4:02pm PDT
Prebuild. NT by Mischief Maker 10/22/2021, 4:49pm PDT
Re: Prebuild. by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/22/2021, 6:35pm PDT
I need pictures of the following items if you can take a picture by Ice Cream Jonsey 11/06/2018, 9:18pm PST
How's this been going for you? by Mysterio Lollerson 11/07/2018, 6:51pm PST
You too can legally steal copyrighted images. Here's how in 5 easy steps! by Roop 11/07/2018, 7:09pm PST
you earn good money as a software tester, pony up for stock photos,they're cheap NT by you cheap fuck 11/07/2018, 7:48pm PST
Shut the fuck up. by Ice Cream Jonsey 11/07/2018, 8:39pm PST
Anyone feel like running through this for a half hour? by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/17/2018, 8:49am PST
Who's got 4 colors, one of them green(lit)? by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/02/2016, 11:18am PDT
Congratulations! I made you a controversial, Deus Ex-style marketing tagline: NT by #greenlightsmatter 08/02/2016, 4:46pm PDT
Congrats! NT by Vested Id 08/02/2016, 5:27pm PDT
Congratulations faggot NT by A Message From Caltrops Cares 08/03/2016, 9:10pm PDT
That's awesome! Finally a proper workout for my gtx 1070 NT by Eurotrash 08/04/2016, 3:41am PDT
How could Cyberganked possibly live up to the hype?!! by Kotaku 08/04/2016, 5:46pm PDT
Congrats! Don't forget us on your rise to stardom. NT by skip 08/05/2016, 11:06am PDT
Help me make spells by Ice Cream Jonsey 02/04/2013, 10:33pm PST
Re: Help me make spells by Mischief Maker 02/04/2013, 11:08pm PST
Re: Help me make spells by Ice Cream Jonsey 02/05/2013, 9:08am PST
Does failing to get the bitcoin discharge a monitor capacitor across your heart? NT by Entropy Stew 02/05/2013, 6:03pm PST
This is so cool. I don't have any good ideas now, but I'll think about it. by Jerry Whorebach 02/05/2013, 1:04am PST
Re: This is so cool. I don't have any good ideas now, but I'll think about it. by Ice Cream Jonsey 02/05/2013, 9:12am PST
Or at least it's a more accessible joke. NT by motherfuckerfoodeater 02/05/2013, 9:39am PST
More inside jokes. by Jerry Whorebach 02/05/2013, 3:05pm PST
Hahaha! OK, I will put these in. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 02/05/2013, 3:44pm PST
Re: More inside jokes. by Ice Cream Jonsey 02/23/2016, 12:44pm PST
FarmVille 2 Request NT by makes enemy kick your fucking ass 02/05/2013, 11:29am PST
Towers of Hanoi - swap enemy's stats around. by Last 02/05/2013, 1:52pm PST
Re: Towers of Hanoi - swap enemy's stats around. by Ice Cream Jonsey 02/05/2013, 3:43pm PST
Re: Help me make spells by Fullofkittens 02/05/2013, 3:34pm PST
Re: Help me make spells by Ice Cream Jonsey 02/05/2013, 3:48pm PST
Re: Help me make spells by Rafiki 02/05/2013, 6:55pm PST
Re: Help me make spells by Entropy Stew 02/05/2013, 7:17pm PST
Thanks, Rafiki, ES by Ice Cream Jonsey 02/15/2013, 8:57pm PST
I forgot one by Entropy Stew 03/16/2016, 9:55am PDT
Store To Accumulator B NT by FSBT 02/15/2013, 9:53pm PST
I put this in. by Ice Cream Jonsey 03/16/2016, 9:07am PDT
Just read the thread, and am glad this game is getting made. by Welcome to Omsk 03/17/2016, 11:21am PDT
Re: Help me make spells by mogumbo 04/02/2016, 11:47pm PDT
Re: Help me make spells by Ice Cream Jonsey 04/04/2016, 10:34am PDT
I suggest fucking yourself. by Spaz McTard 04/04/2016, 11:29am PDT
Re: Help me make spells by mogumbo 04/07/2016, 10:39am PDT
TDARCOS, I need a portrait of you for the game's credits. by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/29/2015, 1:09pm PST
Started the Greenlight campaign. by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/26/2015, 12:00pm PDT
Thumbs upped NT by Vested Id 05/26/2015, 1:27pm PDT
Thank you for your kindness. I won't let you down. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/26/2015, 3:08pm PDT
I, too, have yessed the yes/no NT by Entropy Stew 05/26/2015, 4:05pm PDT
Just throw in achievements and trading cards NT by fabio 05/26/2015, 10:18pm PDT
I live for the day where someone trades one of my game's trading cards for the by Tropico guy and broken SS2 wrench 05/26/2015, 11:03pm PDT
Keep calm and NT by chieve on 05/26/2015, 11:35pm PDT
Comments over there are already turning into a cesspool! NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/27/2015, 7:11pm PDT
So has pinback's HELPFUL REPLIES ruined your friendship with him? by WITTGENSTEIN 05/27/2015, 8:20pm PDT
Re: So has pinback's HELPFUL REPLIES ruined your friendship with him? by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/27/2015, 10:16pm PDT
Re: So has pinback's HELPFUL REPLIES ruined your friendship with him? by Ashamed Dev 05/27/2015, 10:33pm PDT
Smells like an article by Entropy Stew 05/28/2015, 9:37am PDT
How do I friend pinback NT by he seems like a funny guy 05/28/2015, 2:23am PDT
Plumbers Don't Wear Ties?? NT by tell me this an in-joke 05/27/2015, 8:25pm PDT NT by pinback 05/28/2015, 5:36am PDT
Just puzzled by the comparison by No, I recognize it 05/28/2015, 8:35pm PDT NT by pinback 05/30/2015, 5:44am PDT
Don't follow. Dumb it down. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/30/2015, 7:54am PDT
"...the other classes have a bit of an ***AVERSION*** to going outside..." NT by Mysterio 05/28/2015, 11:39am PDT
I hope we get to beat up grammer nazis too. NT by Mysterio 05/28/2015, 11:42am PDT
Thanks by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/28/2015, 4:06pm PDT
Stats so far by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/04/2015, 11:29pm PDT
Have a wallpaper. Starring Creexul. by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/19/2015, 3:58pm PDT
Updated stats by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/10/2015, 10:31am PST
Here's the trailer. Here's what I am doing with my life. by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/02/2015, 7:05pm PDT
Re: Here's the trailer. Here's what I am doing with my life. by Roop 05/02/2015, 10:45pm PDT
Re: Here's the trailer. Here's what I am doing with my life. by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/03/2015, 9:33am PDT
IBM PC Jr. detained for questioning NT by Sexy CGA Mysteries 05/02/2015, 11:21pm PDT
haha NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/03/2015, 9:34am PDT
Is that Creexul at the end? NT by Souffle of Pain 05/09/2015, 11:22pm PDT
I think it's Jsoh NT by Cable Spotter 05/10/2015, 3:51am PDT
CONFIRMED: It's Jsoh. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/11/2015, 10:45am PDT
That wasn't terrible -nt- NT by Oom Shnibble 05/10/2015, 7:36am PDT
Nice, love the art style by blackwater 05/12/2015, 12:44am PDT
Re: Nice, love the art style by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/12/2015, 8:23am PDT
Continuous integration for a text adventure by Ice Cream Jonsey 03/14/2015, 9:46am PDT
Is TDARCOS writing it? The Hugo interpreter, I mean NT by Entropy Stew 03/14/2015, 9:45pm PDT
Re: Is TDARCOS writing it? The Hugo interpreter, I mean by Ice Cream Jonsey 03/17/2015, 9:54am PDT
Re: Is TDARCOS writing it? The Hugo interpreter, I mean by The Locust 03/17/2015, 4:45pm PDT
Good indie game websites for inspiration by Ice Cream Jonsey 09/19/2013, 7:50am PDT
Stop going for your audience's heads and go for their groins. by MM 09/19/2013, 8:22am PDT
Re: Stop going for your audience's heads and go for their groins. by gruman 09/19/2013, 9:12am PDT
Re: Stop going for your audience's heads and go for their groins. by Ice Cream Jonsey 09/24/2013, 8:29am PDT
Re: Stop going for your audience's heads and go for their groins. by Mysterio 09/24/2013, 10:13am PDT
That was me. NT by MMysterio 09/24/2013, 9:38pm PDT
Re: That was me. by Ice Cream Jonsey 09/25/2013, 12:34pm PDT
Did you ever get my email on this, Mischief Maker? NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 11/13/2013, 1:06pm PST
Oh shit, yeah. by Mischief Maker 11/13/2013, 3:13pm PST
Re: Oh shit, yeah. by Ice Cream Jonsey 11/13/2013, 6:37pm PST by Entropy Stew 09/19/2013, 9:52am PDT
Wonderful site. And you're right. Thanks, ES. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 09/23/2013, 12:08pm PDT
One of the classes is "Lawyer." I am trying to come up with fun lawyer perks by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/08/2013, 12:29pm PDT
Support class, lawful-alignment restriction by Entropy Stew 10/08/2013, 1:03pm PDT
All my ideas are terrible, and also I am drunk. by The Happiness Engine 10/08/2013, 6:48pm PDT
Re: All my ideas are terrible, and also I am drunk. by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/09/2013, 11:49am PDT
Like this a lot. by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/09/2013, 11:47am PDT
No no, thank YOU ICJ by Entropy Stew 10/09/2013, 2:37pm PDT
You could have them take people's kids away. NT by Fullofkittens 10/08/2013, 5:41pm PDT
Haha, awesome. Implementing that; thanks FoK. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/08/2013, 6:53pm PDT